資料No. : NS141210
(1) TOEIC '1. In all parts of the airplane, including the lavatories, smoking is strictly -------. (A) prohibit (B) prohibited (C) prohibiting (D) prohibition '2. For ------- we know, the president could be planning to merge with TC Corp. before the end of the quarter. (A) all (B) ever (C) that (D) what '3. The author read an ------- from his latest work, then signed customers' books at a table in the back of the store. (A) excerpt (B) excess (C) expert (D) extent (2) 文法特急 1. The company awards substantial annual bonuses in order to enhance employee ---. (A) performing (B) performs (C) performance (D) performer 2. All mail is sorted by the shipping department and --- to the appropriate recipients each morning. (A) examined (B) received (C) stamped (D) delivered 3. Please visit our Web site for a detailed written --- of all our products and services. (A) describes (B) descriptive (C) description (D) describing 4. Due to a prior commitment, Ms. Carstairs will be leaving 30 minutes --- the meeting is scheduled to end. (A) before (B) within (C) during (D) from 5. The temple's garden is --- to the general public, but visitors must make a reservation in advance. (A) access (B) accessible (C) accessing (D) accessibly I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC '1. In all parts of the airplane, including the lavatories, smoking is strictly -------. (A) prohibit (B) prohibited (C) prohibiting (D) prohibition 訳;訳 機内では全席、化粧室も含め、喫煙は固く禁じられております。 ※正解(B)。解説 be strictly prohibitedで「固く禁止されている」の意味を表します。この句を成立させるprohibitedが正答です。unauthorized use(無断での使用)やreproduction(複製)などを主語にして使われることも多い言い回しです。 '2. For ------- we know, the president could be planning to merge with TC Corp. before the end of the quarter. (A) all (B) ever (C) that (D) what 訳 われわれの知る限りでは、社長は今四半期末までにTC社との合併を企んでいる可能性がある。 ※正解(A)。解説 熟語の問題。for all we knowで「われわれが知っている範囲では;おそらく」の意味を表します。この表現を成立させるallが正答です。 '3. The author read an ------- from his latest work, then signed customers' books at a table in the back of the store. (A) excerpt (B) excess (C) expert (D) extent 訳 著者は最新作の一部を読み、その後店舗の奥のテーブルで客の本にサインをした。 ※正解(A)。解説 冠詞と前置詞に挟まれているので、空所には名詞が必要です。excerpt(抜粋)を当てはめれば文意が通ります。expert(専門家)やextent(範囲)も名詞ですが、readの目的語になることはありません。 (2) 文法特急 1. The company awards substantial annual bonuses in order to enhance employee ---. (A) performing (B) performs (C) performance (D) performer 訳;その会社は従業員の業績を高めるために、相当額の年次ボーナスを支給している。 ※正解(C)。空欄には直前のemployeeとセットで使われる言葉が入ります! 2. All mail is sorted by the shipping department and --- to the appropriate recipients each morning. (A) examined (B) received (C) stamped (D) delivered 訳;すべての郵便物は発送部によって分類され、しかるべき受取人に毎朝配達される。 ※正解(D)。ヒントは空欄の前ではなく、うしろにあります! 3. Please visit our Web site for a detailed written --- of all our products and services. (A) describes (B) descriptive (C) description (D) describing 訳;弊社が提供させていただくすべての商品とサービスに関して詳細にわたって書かれた説明がご入り用でしたら、弊社のウェブサイトにアクセスしてください。 ※正解(C)。空欄前にあるdetailedやwrittenはどんな機能を果たしているのでしょうか? 4. Due to a prior commitment, Ms. Carstairs will be leaving 30 minutes --- the meeting is scheduled to end. (A) before (B) within (C) during (D) from 訳;先約があるので、Ms. Carstairsは会議終了予定時刻の30分前に退出する。 ※正解(A)。空欄は何をつなごうとしているのでしょうか? 5. The temple's garden is --- to the general public, but visitors must make a reservation in advance. (A) access (B) accessible (C) accessing (D) accessibly 訳;そのお寺の庭は一般公開されているが、来訪者は事前に予約をしなければならない。 ※正解(B)。空欄のうしろにtoがあることに注意。 II. 時事英文 Monday, December 1, 2014 Pro-China party loses in Taiwan local polls; premier steps down TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan's China-friendly ruling party lost a slew of traditional strongholds in local election on Saturday, triggering the resignation of the Island's premier and the Cabinet. Wednesday, December 3, 2014 Abenomics holds spotlight as campaign window opens The 12-day official campaign period for the House of Representatives election, on Dec. 14, kicked off on Tuesday. Thursday, December 4, 2014 Hayabusa-2 launched, will sample asteroid TANEGASHIMA, Kagoshima - H2A Rocket No. 26 successfully blasted off carrying asteroid explorer Hayabusa-2 from Tanegashima Space Center in Kagoshima Prefecture at 1:22 p.m. on Wednesday. Sunday, December 7, 2014 Ex-security chief Zhou arrested in China BEIJING (AP) - Chinese authorities arrested the once-feared former security chief Zhou Yongkang and launched a criminal investigation Saturday on charges ranging from adultery and bribery to leaking state secrets, after expelling him from the Communist Party overnight. III - a. Vocabulary 1. 「衆院選公示」関連 The persuasive strength of candidatesa and parties must be examined closely 論戦の説得力を吟味したい 政権交代 take over the reins of government 一致する be in agreement 財源不足 fiscal shortfall 財政健全化 ways to restore fiscal soundness 争点だ be at issue 切れ目のない対応 seamless responce 様変わりする undergo drastic changes 非自民票 non-LDP votes 有権者の選択の余地 room for voters' choice 判断材料 fodder in making decision 2. 「欠陥エアバッグ」関連 Takata must expand recall, taking severity of its air bag faults to heart タカタは甘い認識を改めよ 金属片 shrapnel (〜の)原因究明(する) determine the causes of 早めに well before it is too late (〜に)踏み切る enbark on ... 公聴会 public hearing 〜を隠蔽する cover up ... 〜を深刻に受け止める seriously take ... to heart 〜が後手に回る (be) too late in ... リコール対象の subject to product recalls (〜を)周知徹底(する) make ... fully known III -b. ABCニュースから ABCニュースは、先月オハイオ州クリーブランドで エアガンを持っていた12歳の少年が 警官に射殺された事件について伝えています。 His handgun performance was dismal. 「彼の拳銃の腕前は見るに堪えなかった」。 キーワードは、dismal「見るに堪えない」。「ぶざまな」。 才能や技量などを著しく欠いていること。 ABCニュースによると、少年を撃った警官は 以前、別の警察に勤めていた際 firearm training「銃の訓練」で loss of composure「冷静さの欠如」などを 指摘されていたにもかかわらず クリーブランド警察に採用されていたということです。 今回のキーワードは、dismal「見るに堪えない」です。 Tamir Rice, just 12 years old, laid to rest after being fatally shot by a police officer who mistakenly thought the boy had a deadly firearm. ある12歳の少年が埋葬された本物の銃を持っていると勘違いした警官に射殺されたのだ But tonight, there are disturbing questions about whether that officer should have ever been hired by the Cleveland police. だが彼に警官としての適性があったのか疑問が浮上している Officer Tim Loehmann had recently resigned from a nearby department that was already contemplating firing him. 以前 別の警察で解雇されそうになり自ら退職していた One supervisor writing, "his handgun performance was dismal," that he became "distracted and weepy" during firearms training, concluding that "due to this dangerous loss of composure during live training 当時の報告によると"銃の扱いが見るに堪えず 訓練中に涙ぐんでいた""訓練でさえ著しく平静さを失うため-" I do not believe Loehmann shows the maturity needed to work in our employment." "警察が求めている成熟さがあると思えない" But stunningly, Cleveland police admit they never checked Loehmann's personnel file before hiring him. だが現在の警察は人事情報を見ずに雇用したという He absolutely should not have been a police officer. 警官になるべき人ではありません IV. Jokes '1. A man was asleep at night, and he was dreaming. In his dream - "Ohhh, it's really cold today … Hm. What is that? There is an oval gold coin in the small puddle! Wow, I'm so lucky! … Ouch! … The water is frozen … I can't pick it up. What am I going to do? Ah-ha! I know! I can pee on it and melt the ice on the surface. Then I can pick it up!" So the man peed on the puddle and got the gold coin! Then he woke up. The gold coin was a dream, but the pee was real. '2. Three men drifted on a boat in a heavy storm, and arrived at a desert island. About a year later, they found a magic lamp on the beach. One of them picked it up and rubbed it. Then a big genie came out and said. Genie: I can make three wishes come true. Why don't you each make one wish? First guy: I'm sick of this place. I want to go home! The genie snapped his fingers and the guy disappeared. Second guy: I want to go home too! The genie snapped his fingers again ast. What do you want? The third ou are the last. What do you want? The third guy thought for a while, and said, Third guy: In fact, now that my friends are gone and I'm all alone here. I want my friends to come back! As the Genie snapped his fingers again, the two friends came back to the island and the Genie disappeared. '3. Patient: Doctor, it's strange. Every time I drink coffee, my right eye hurts. Doctor: Let's see how you drink coffee. Here you go … I see I know why. You should take the spoon out of the cup when you drink it. |