資料No. : NS141126
(1) TOEIC '1. The director didn't normally give newcomers leading role in his movies, but he made an ------- in his upcoming film. (A) acceptance (B) exception (C) experience (D) impression '2. Although the fans poured into the stadium with great enthusiasm, the game was ------- due to heavy rain. (A) extended (B) missed (C) postponed (D) withdrawn '3. The teacher tried to show her students how mathematics can be ------- to various real-world situations. (A) application (B) applied (C) apply (D) applying (2) 文法特急 1. Please inform us of your availability for next week so that --- can set up an interview as soon as possible. (A) we (B) our (C) us (D) ourselves 2. Cathcart College's library has been a --- resource for students for over 50 years. (A) trusting (B) trust (C) trusted (D) trustee 3. The expanded restaurant has several private function rooms --- the main dining area and bar. (A) further (B) in adding to (C) as well (D) next 4. Critics of the new corporate tax argue that it will make it --- than ever for small businesses to succeed. (A) harden (B) hard (C) hardly (D) harder 5. Employee productivity and morale have increased considerably under Mr. Okada's ---. (A) direct (B) direction (C) directing (D) directly I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. The director didn't normally give newcomers leading role in his movies, but he made an ------- in his upcoming film. (A) acceptance (B) exception (C) experience (D) impression 訳 その監督はふつう自分の映画の主役に新人を充てることはしなかったが、もうすぐ公開される映画では特例を設けた。 ※正解(B)。解説 make an exceptionで「例外とする」という意味を表します。この句を成立させるexceptionが正答となります。make an impressionは「印象を残す」の意味ですが、文意が通りません。 '2. Although the fans poured into the stadium with great enthusiasm, the game was ------- due to heavy rain. (A) extended (B) missed (C) postponed (D) withdrawn 訳 ファンが熱狂して球場に押し寄せたが、試合は豪雨のため延期された。 ※正解(C)。解説 動詞postpone(…を延期する)の過去分詞形である(C)のpostponedを選べば、the game was postponed(試合は延期された)という句が成立し、文意が通ります。extendedはextend(…を引き伸ばす)の、missedはmiss(…を逃がす)の、withdrawnはwithdraw(…を引っ込める)の過去分詞形です。 '3. The teacher tried to show her students how mathematics can be ------- to various real-world situations. (A) application (B) applied (C) apply (D) applying 訳 その教師が生徒に示そうとしたのは、数学というものが実社会のさまざまな場面でいかに利用されうるかということだった。 ※正解(B)。解説 how以降の部分が、動詞showの目的語となる節です。この節はmathematics(数学)が主語であることから、意味の上から、受動態を形成する(B)のappliedを選ぶのが妥当です。 (2) 文法特急 1. Please inform us of your availability for next week so that --- can set up an interview as soon as possible. (A) we (B) our (C) us (D) ourselves 訳;できるだけ早めに面接を設定できるようにするべく、来週ご都合のつく日時を私どもにお知らせください。 ※正解(A)。空欄部分で目を止めると視野が狭まって、正しい判断ができなくなる時がありますよ! 2. Cathcart College's library has been a --- resource for students for over 50 years. (A) trusting (B) trust (C) trusted (D) trustee 訳;Cathcart大学の図書館は50年以上にわたり学生たちから頼りにされている情報供給源だ。 ※正解(C)。空欄が冠詞aとresourceの間に位置していることに注目です! 3. The expanded restaurant has several private function rooms --- the main dining area and bar. (A) further (B) in adding to (C) as well (D) next 訳;広くなったレストランにはメインダイニングエリアとバーに加えて個室として利用できる宴会場が複数ある。 ※正解(B)。選択肢に並んでいる語句の形に注目です! 4. Critics of the new corporate tax argue that it will make it --- than ever for small businesses to succeed. (A) harden (B) hard (C) hardly (D) harder 訳;新しい法人税に関して、評論家たちはそれを導入することによって中小企業が成功するのをこれまでよりも困難にさせてしまうと主張している。 ※正解(D)。空欄のうしろにキラッと光るキーワードを探してみてください! 5. Employee productivity and morale have increased considerably under Mr. Okada's ---. (A) direct (B) direction (C) directing (D) directly 訳;Mr. Okadaの指導のもと、従業員の生産性や労働意欲がかなり上がってきている。 ※正解(B)。空欄の前にあるunderが鍵を握っています! II. 時事英文 Monday, November 17, 2014 Dempsey in Iraq to assess anti-Islamic State campaign BAGHDAD (AP) - The United States' top military leader arrived in Iraq on Saturday on a previously unannounced visit, his first since a U.S.-led coalition began launching airstrikes against the extremist Islamic State group. Tuesday, November 18, 2014 GDP falls 1.6% on annual basis; tax hike delay certain The nation's gross domestic product in the July - September period marked an unexpected negative growth of 1.6 percent on an annual basis, the Cabinet Office said Monday. Wednesday, November 19, 2014 Lower house to dissolve Fri.; Abenomics faces litmus test Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced Tuesday that he will dissolve the House of Representatives on Friday. Thursday, November 20, 2014 U.S. seeks nationwide recall of defective Takata air bags WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. auto safety regulator has told Japanese supplier Takata Corp and five automakers to expand nationwide a regional recall of potentially lethal air bags, increasing pressure on the industry to move faster in a growing scandal. III - a. Vocabulary 1. 「衆院解散検討」関連 Abe needs to clarify issues to be mulled if he chooses to dissolve lower house 課題を掲げて信任を求めよ 衆院解散 dissolution of the House of Representatives 最終判断 final decision 熟慮 mature consideration 原発再稼働 restart of idled nuclear power plant 臨時国会 extraordinary Diet session 支持率 approval rating 小選挙区 single-seat constituency 選挙協力 electorial cooperation 政治空白 political vacuum 廃案になる be scrapped 2. 「TPP首脳会合」関連 Japan, U.S. must work together to bring TPP talks to conclusion 日米主導で交渉の漂流回避を 成就できる achieve success 正念場 crucial stage 大筋合意 broad agreement 足踏み lack of progress 関税 tariff 強硬な hard-line 新興国 newly emerging nation 国有企業 state owned enterprise 〜と対立する at odds with ... 気がかりな worrying III -b. ABCニュースから ABCニュースは、アメリカ東部の大雪で積もった雪による被害を伝えています。 They expect roof collapses to increase exponentially. 「屋根が陥没する事故が急激に増えると予測している」。 キーワードは、exponentially「急激に」。 exponentは数学の「累乗指数」。 exponentialで「(増加率が)急激な」という意味になります。 ABCニュースは、週末には気温が上がって雨になることで積もった雪がさらに重くなり 屋根がcollapse「陥没する」被害が急激に増えるだろうと伝えています。 今回のキーワードは、exponentially「急激に」です。 Now a new storm moving in and these images this evening. Residents digging out, not on the sidewalk but on their rooftops. 新たな嵐が迫るなか人々は雪下ろしに追われている Elderly patients carried to safety by firefighters. The roof of their nursing home collapsing under the weight of the snow. 雪の重さで老人ホームの屋根が崩れお年寄りが救出された Experts say a foot of heavy wet snow on a 1,600 square-foot home weighs as much as 14 tons. 1,600平方フィートの家屋に1フィートの雪が積もると-14トンになることもある The plows literally wouldn't work. 除雪車では太刀打ちできず- So the only way to remove the snow is with these front-end loaders and dump trucks. 重機とダンプカーが必要な作業です You'll have people with thousands of pounds on their roof. 多くの家の雪を下さねばなりません And as temperatures begin warming up here, the concern right now is that roofs, just like this one, are going to be getting heavier as rain moves in. 気温が上がって雨になると雪が重くなりこのような家の屋根が心配だ In fact, officials telling us today, they expect roof collapses to increase exponentially, David. 当局は屋根の陥没が急激に増えると見ている IV. Jokes '1. Caught in a Lie When a woman called 911 complaining of difficulty breathing, my husband, Glenn, and his partner-both EMTs-rushed to her home. Glenn placed a sensor on her finger to measure her pulse and blood oxygen. Then he began to gather her information. "What's your age?" he asked. "Fifty-eight," answered the patient, eyeing the beeping device on her finger. "What does that do?" "It's a lie detector," said Glenn with a straight face. "Now, what did you say your age was?" "Sixty-seven," answered the woman sheepishly. '2. Dangerous Driver One day at the office of the orthopedic specialist I work for, we had to make arrangements for an elderly patient with spinal arthritis to have a special injection. We said we would phone him with the information. Two days later, the patient called us, concerned that he had missed our call because of his poor hearing. "I can barely hear, barely see and barely walk," he told me. Then he added cheerfully, "Things could be worse, though. At least I can still drive." '3. Different Easter Just before Easter I remarked to my husband that, with the children grown and away from home, this was the first year that we hadn't dyed eggs and had an Easter-egg hunt. "That's all right, honey," he said. "We can just hide each other's vitamin pills." |