資料No. : NS141112 

'1. After hours of consideration, Peter finally ------- up with a catchy name for the new product.
(A) came (B) looked (C) met (D) signed

'2. When Judy told Dan that she created the game software -------, he didn't quite believe her.
(A) her (B) her own (C) hers (D) herself

'3. Needing relief from the issues ------- heavily on her mind, Betty made an appointment for a massage at a local spa.
(A) weigh (B) weighing (C) weight (D) weighty

(2) 文法特急
1. Capron's promotional campaign for its new line of laptop computers was the most --- in the company's history.
(A) effect (B) effectively (C) effects (D) effective

2. The new city council is --- introducing many changes to Parkdale's controversial rules regarding building maintenance and repairs.
(A) already (B) overly (C) approximately (D) previously

3. Due to a change in her plans, Ms. Harmel called the hotel to request the --- of her room reservation for June 8.
(A) cancel (B) cancellation (C) canceling (D) cancels

4. --- her presentation is finished, Ms. Schaeffer will have to go to the airport to catch her flight home.
(A) In spite of (B) With (C) As soon as (D) Ever

5. To learn more --- the mission and history of Grasmere Dairy Products, please visit our Web site.
(A) among (B) into (C) until (D) about

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
'1. After hours of consideration, Peter finally ------- up with a catchy name for the new product.
(A) came (B) looked (C) met (D) signed
訳 何時間も熟考したあとで、ようやくピーターは人の注意を引きそうな新製品名を考え出した。
※正解(A)。解説 熟語の問題。come up with ...で「…を思い付く;…を考え出す」の意味を表します。この句を用いれば文意が通ります。look upは「(言葉などを)調べる;見上げる」、meet upは「会う」、sign upは「署名する;登録する」の意味です。ちなみにcatchyは「覚えやすい;人の心をとらえる」の意味です。

'2. When Judy told Dan that she created the game software -------, he didn't quite believe her.
(A) her (B) her own (C) hers (D) herself
訳 ジュディーから独力でゲームソフトを開発したと聞かされたとき、ダンは彼女の言うことをまったく信じなかった。
※正解(D)。解説 whenからコンマまでの節には文法的に足りない要素はありません。「自分自身で」と強調するときに用いられるherselfが正答です。her ownを空欄で使用するには、前置詞onを足してon her own(自力で)としなければなりません。

'3. Needing relief from the issues ------- heavily on her mind, Betty made an appointment for a massage at a local spa.
(A) weigh (B) weighing (C) weight (D) weighty
訳 心に重くのしかかる心配事から逃れたくて、ベティーは地元のスパでマッサージの予約を入れた。
※正解(B)。解説 空所からmindまでの部分がなくても文が成立するため、この部分はissuesを修飾するためのものだと考えられます。issues weighing heavily on her mind(心に重くのしかかる心配事)という分詞の後置修飾のかたちをつくるweighingが正答です。

(2) 文法特急
1. Capron's promotional campaign for its new line of laptop computers was the most --- in the company's history.
(A) effect (B) effectively (C) effects (D) effective

2. The new city council is --- introducing many changes to Parkdale's controversial rules regarding building maintenance and repairs.
(A) already (B) overly (C) approximately (D) previously

3. Due to a change in her plans, Ms. Harmel called the hotel to request the --- of her room reservation for June 8.
訳;旅行計画に変更が生じたため、Ms. Harmelはホテルに電話して6月8日に泊まる予定だった部屋の予約キャンセルを依頼した。
(A) cancel (B) cancellation (C) canceling (D) cancels

4. --- her presentation is finished, Ms. Schaeffer will have to go to the airport to catch her flight home.
(A) In spite of (B) With (C) As soon as (D) Ever
訳;自分のプレゼンが終わり次第、Ms. Schaefferは帰りの便に間に合うように空港へ向かわなければならない。

5. To learn more --- the mission and history of Grasmere Dairy Products, please visit our Web site.
(A) among (B) into (C) until (D) about
訳;Grasmere Dairy Products社の(社会的)使命や歴史に関してもっとお知りになりたい場合は、弊社のウェブサイトをご覧ください。

II. 時事英文
Monday, November 3, 2014
U.S. midterms: Republicans poised to seize Congress
WASHINGTON (AFP-Jiji) - The months-long, $4 billion U.S. midterm election battle comes to a head with Tuesday's vote, and President Barack Obama's bloodied Democrats face an uphill struggle to hold their ground in Congress.

Branson vows to learn crash's cause
MOJAVE, Calif. (AP) - Billionaire Virginia Galactic founder Richard Branson vowed Saturday to find out what caused the crash of his prototype space tourism craft that killed one of two test pilots, adding that while he remains committed to civilian space travel, "We are not going to push on blindly."

Friday, November 7, 2014
U.S. Republican victory could spur TPP negotiations
WASHINGTON - The victory achieved by U.S. Republicans in Tuesday's midterm election for both houses of Congress is expected to provide momentum for reaching a multilateral agreement in the ongoing Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade talks, according to observers.

III - a. Vocabulary
1. 「政治資金問題」関連
Auditing of political fund reports must be made more effective
国民の信頼を回復する regain the public's trust
法に抵触する constitute a violation of a law
資金管理団体 fund management organization
賀詞交歓会 New Year's greeting event
関係者からの事情聴取 questioning relevant parties
人ごと someone else's problem
税理士 certified tax accountant
支出の適正性 appropriateness of spending
能力向上 enhance competency
幅広く定着させる be widely put in place

2. 「新ODA大綱案」関連
ODA for peace-oriented activities by armed forces should be allowed
外交力 diplomatic power
非軍事的 nonmilitary
民生目的 civilian purpose
一律に categorically
法の支配 rule of law
普遍的価値 universal value
島しょう国 island country
外交カード dip;omatic option
相乗効果 synergistic effect
双方が利益を得る関係 win-win relation

III -b. ABCニュースから
Keyword 解説
The Berlin Wall was constructed to stop the flight of citizens from communism.

ABCニュースは、ベルリンの壁は東西冷戦時代のultimate talking point「究極の論点」だったと伝えています。


Berlin's Brandenburg Gate, obscured for decades by the Wall that divided East and West.

This weekend, a huge party marking the day 25 years ago when the Wall came down.

The Berlin Wall, first constructed in 1961 by the East German government to stop this: the flight of its own citizens from communism to get to the freedom represented by the city's west side.
1961年 東ドイツ政府がベルリンの壁を建設その目的は-共産主義から逃亡し西側を目指す市民を止めること

The Wall was the ultimate Cold War symbol, its ultimate talking point.
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this Wall.
ゴルバチョフ氏よ この壁を壊しなさい
Gorbachev was the Soviet leader, who ultimately let this happen that night 25 years ago when a crowd of East Germans surged for one of the Wall's crossing points and the guards let them through.
25年前 壁の崩壊への道を開いたのはゴルバチョフ氏だ

The Wall has suddenly become irrelevant.

IV. Jokes
'1. I was having lunch with my daughter Rachel, who's three, at our local mall and was feeling particularly macho for a 46-year-old. All morning, women had been smiling at me and giving me the eye.
Getting up to leave the table, I ran my fingers through my hair-and discovered two yellow-ducky barrettes that had been lovingly placed there hours before.

'2. Young Man
Visiting his parents' retirement village in Florida, my middle-aged friend, Tim, went for a swim in the community pool while his elderly father took a walk. Tim struck up a conversation with the only other person in the pool, a five-year-old boy. After a while, Tim's father returned from his walk and called out, "I'm ready to leave."
Tim then turned to his new friend and announced that he had to leave because his father was calling. Astonished, the wide-eyed little boy cried, "You're a kid?"

'3. Driving Drought
The insurance agency I work for draws business from a retirement community. Once, when applying for auto insurance for a client, I asked him how many miles he drives in a year. He said he didn't know.
"Well, do you drive 10,000 miles a year?" I asked, "or 5,000?"
He said the numbers sounded high. "What month is this?" he asked. I told him it was July.
"Maybe this will help," he said. "I filled the car with gas in February."
