資料No. : NS141105
(1) TOEIC '1. Ms. Schneider asked the kitchen supervisor how many lunches ------- for the students' field trip. (A) had been made (B) had made (C) were making (D) would make '2. In order to smooth the ------- into the new headquarters, a floor plan of the building was distributed to all employees. (A) transit (B) transiting (C) transition (D) transitional '3. Flint, Inc. was able to make products that were only ------- popular among domestic customers bestsellers overseas. (A) moderately (B) privately (C) seriously (D) supremely (2) TOEFL単語 1. settlement 2. colony 3. mercantism 4. diverse 5. Protestant 6. Puritan a. 植民、入植者、植民地 b. 定住、植民、移民、植民地、開拓地 c. 別段の、段々の、多様な d. 清教徒、ピューリタン e. プロテスタント(の)、新教徒(の) f. 重商主義、〈一般に〉商業本位[主義] I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC '1. Ms. Schneider asked the kitchen supervisor how many lunches ------- for the students' field trip. (A) had been made (B) had made (C) were making (D) would make 訳 シュナイダーさんが厨房責任者に尋ねたのは、生徒の遠足に用意した弁当の数だった。 ※正解(A)。解説 how manyで始まる節の主語がlunches(弁当;昼食)であると分かれば、選択肢の中で唯一の受動態であるhad been madeを正答に選ぶことができます。 '2. In order to smooth the ------- into the new headquarters, a floor plan of the building was distributed to all employees. (A) transit (B) transiting (C) transition (D) transitional 訳 新本社への移転を円滑に進めるために、建物内の配置図が全社員に配られた。 ※正解(C)。解説 冠詞theと前置詞intoに挟まれていることから、空所には名詞が入ると判断できます。smooth(…を容易にする)という動詞の目的語として適切なのは、「移行;推移」を表すtransitionです。smoothは形容詞としての印象が強いかもしれませんが、動詞としても使われます。 '3. Flint, Inc. was able to make products that were only ------- popular among domestic customers bestsellers overseas. (A) moderately (B) privately (C) seriously (D) supremely 訳 フリント社は、国内の顧客の間ではほどほどしか人気がない製品を、海外でベストセラーにした。 ※正解(A)。解説 核となるのはmake products bestseller(製品をベストセラーにする)というかたちで、thatから空所を含むcustomersまでの部分はproductsを修飾しています。「フリント社は、only ------ popularであった製品を海外でベストセラーにした」とあることから、国内ではそんなに人気はなかったと推測できます。「ほどほどに;控えめに」を意味するmoderatelyが適当です。空欄の前にonlyとあることから、seriously(著しく)やsupremely(最高に)といった語は意味的に適当ではありません。 (2) TOEFL単語 1. settlement 2. colony 3. mercantism 4. diverse 5. Protestant 6. Puritan a. 植民、入植者、植民地 b. 定住、植民、移民、植民地、開拓地 c. 別段の、段々の、多様な d. 清教徒、ピューリタン e. プロテスタント(の)、新教徒(の) f. 重商主義、〈一般に〉商業本位[主義] 1-b 2-a 3-f 4-c 5-e 6-d II. 時事英文 Monday, October 27, 2014 Nurse slams U.S. quarantine, raising concern about Ebola NEW YORK (AP) - The nurse who has been quarantined at a New Jersey hospital because she had contact with Ebola patients in West Africa is criticizing the way her case has been handled, raising concerns from humanitarian and human rights groups over unclear policies for the newly launched program. Tuesday, October 28, 2014 Pro-Europe parties secure big election win in Ukraine KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko hailed a sweeping victory for pro-Europe parties in an election on Sunday, saying the vote showed people backed his plan to end a separatist conflict, his pro-Western course and democratic reforms. Wednesday, October 29 2014 National Day of Turkey Turkey, true to founder's ideals, pursues 2023 Vision By Ahmet Bulent Meric Ambassador of Republic of Turkey It is a great pleasure for me to address the readers of The Japan News on the occasion of the 91st anniversary of the Republic of Turkey. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my warmest greetings to our Japanese friends and my congratulations to the Turkey community living in Japan. Friday, October 31, 2014 All about nothing, but still about Obama By John Dickerson Washington - Republicans are going to pick up seats in both houses of Congress. This may even take control of the Senate. Those victories will provide an unequivocal mandate for support of one proposition: widespread dislike of President Obama. They's it. More than $4 billion will be spent on the 2914 campaign, and when it's over, that will be the message on the little slip of paper that emerges from that huge machine of activity. III - a. Vocabulary 1. 「原発賠償条約」関連 Intl pact on N-damage compensation would help restoration in Fukushima 事故収束の加速にも有益だ 損害賠償 damages compensation 条約 convention; pact; treaty 意義は大きい have significant implications 批准 ratification 〜の要件を満たす requirement for ... will be met 条件を満たす condition will be met 賠償責任 liability for damages 廃炉作業 decommissioning 二の足を踏む leery of ... 〜でつまずく stumble over ... 2. 「イスラム国」関連 Don't be fooled by Islamic State propaganda; united front needed 過激派の勧誘に惑わされるな 悪循環 vicious circle 乱射する go on a shooting spree 〜に共鳴する be a sympathizer of ... 勢力を拡大する expand one's influence 過激思想 radical belief 国産テロ home-grown terrorism 〜が嫌で be fed up with ... 疎外感を抱く feel alienated 大量殺りく mass murder 戦術面で足並みの乱れ disattay over strategy III -b. ABCニュースから ABCニュースは、アメリカの民間企業によるロケット打ち上げ事業の今後に対する 懸念を伝えています。 Launching rockets is a high energy endeavor. 「ロケットの打ち上げは、大きな労力を要する試みだ」。 キーワードは、endeavor「試み」。 目標を達成するための努力、活動、企て。 high energyで「大きなエネルギーのかかる、大変な」 riskyは「危険な、冒険的な」。 ABCニュースは、先日の無人ロケットの爆発事故によって commercial space travel「商業宇宙旅行」への transition「移行」が後退するのではとの懸念を伝えています。 今回のキーワードは、endeavor「試み」です。 Questions tonight, not just about what caused this massive rocket to explode, fall back to earth and burn, but also about this country's move to commercial space travel. 疑問は このロケットが爆発・炎上した原因だけでなく- 宇宙旅行実現への動きにまで及んでいる The owner of that failed rocket, looking for answers in the rubble, and Elon Musk's Space X are the two companies contracted to carry supplies to the space station. 原因究明中のロケット提供企業とスペースX社が-ISSへの物資運搬を担う2社だ Launching rockets is a high energy endeavor. 打ち上げは大変な試みです A risky endeavor. But despite that, there are other private companies preparing to fly humans, tourists into space including Richard Branson and his Virgin Galactic. 危険な試みだが他社も宇宙旅行の開発に取り組んでいる ヴァージン・ギャラクティック社もそうだ Private enterprise can handle certain parts of space flight now. 民間が宇宙飛行で担う分野を広げることが重要です And I think it's important that we transition to that. A transition that comes with danger and is now seen as set back. それは危険を伴いつまずいたと見られている IV. Jokes 1. Majibar was trying to get into the United States legally through Immigration. The immigration officer said, "Mujibar, you have passed all the tests, except one. Make a sentence using the words, yellow, pink and green." Mujibar thought for a few minutes and said, "The telephone goes green, green, green, and I pink it up, and say, 'Yellow, this is Mujibar.' " アメリカの移民局でムヒバが入国審査を受けていました。移民局の審査官が「ではムヒバさん、これまでの試験はすべて合格しましたので、あと一つだけです。yellow, pink, greenの三つの単語を使って文章を作ってください」と言いました。ムヒバは少し考えるとこう答えました。「電話がgreen green green (ring ring ring)と鳴ったので、僕はpink it up (pick it up - 電話を取る)して「『Yellow (Hello)、ムヒバです』と言いました」。 2. シンガポールの英語でとても特徴的なのは、語尾にlahをつけるという点です。日本語でいうところの「でしょ」、「ね」に近い表現で、英語で話していても柔らかい印象を与えます。 An American tourist in Singapore told his local friend, "Wow! Everyone in Singapore is so clever, even your waitresses! I asked one of them what she had done before waiting table, and she said 'study law' (study lah)!" 語尾のlahがlawに聞こえたらしい。 |