資料No. : NS141029
(1) TOEIC '1. The signs posted in all of the cars discourage passengers from using ------- cell phones while riding the train. (A) its (B) our (C) their (D) your '2. The new employee, with his experience living abroad, provided valuable ------- to dealing with the international clients. (A) concentration (B) explanation (C) insight (D) offers '3. Each of the partners ------- a stake in the company, so it is essential that they stay on top of the ongoing investigation. (A) had (B) has (C) have (D) is having (2) TOEFL単語 1. aesthetic 2. mythic 3. literary 4. prose 5. poetry 6. epic a. 神話の、架空の b. 文学の、文学的な c. 審美的な、美学の、芸術的な、美学的原理、美的価値観 d. 韻文、詩、詩歌 e. 散文、散文体 f. 叙事詩、史詩、〈映画・小説などの〉大作 I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. The signs posted in all of the cars discourage passengers from using ------- cell phones while riding the train. (A) its (B) our (C) their (D) your ※正解(C)。訳 全車両に掲示されているお知らせは、列車乗車時は携帯電話を使用しないよう乗客に促している。 解説 passengersという複数形を受けるのに適切な代名詞はtheirです。discourage someone from -ingで「…〈人〉が〜するのをやめさせる[思いとどまらせる]」の意味を表します。 '2. The new employee, with his experience living abroad, provided valuable ------- to dealing with the international clients. (A) concentration (B) explanation (C) insight (D) offers 訳 その新入社員は海外在住経験を生かして、海外の顧客とのやりとりに関する貴重な見識をもたらした。 ※正解(C)。解説 熟語の問題。[provide+形容詞+insight to ...]で「…に関する〜な見識をもたらす」の意味を表します。この表現で使われる形容詞は通常、valuable(貴重な)やuseful(役に立つ)などの肯定的な意味を持つものです。またdeal with ...は「…に対応する;…を扱う」の意味です。 '3. Each of the partners ------- a stake in the company, so it is essential that they stay on top of the ongoing investigation. (A) had (B) has (C) have (D) is having 訳 共同経営者の一人ひとりが会社に出資しているため、各人が進行中の調査を完全に把握しておくのは当然のことだ。 ※正解(B)。解説 Each of the partnersに続く動詞は、partnersではなくeachに一致させる必要があるので、hasが正答になります。 (2) TOEFL単語 1. aesthetic 2. mythic 3. literary 4. prose 5. poetry 6. epic a. 神話の、架空の b. 文学の、文学的な c. 審美的な、美学の、芸術的な、美学的原理、美的価値観 d. 韻文、詩、詩歌 e. 散文、散文体 f. 叙事詩、史詩、〈映画・小説などの〉大作 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-e, 5-d, 6-f II. 時事英文 Monday, October 20, 2014 Obama: Americans 'can't give in to fear' over Ebola WASHINGTTON (Reuters) - With three cases of Ebola diagnosed in the United States and more than 100 people being monitored in case they are infected, President Barack Obama said Saturday that Americans "can't give in to hysteria or fear" about the spread of the virus. Tuesday, October 21, 2014 2 female ministers resign Political scandals deal serious blows to Abe Cabinet The administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was dealt a double blow Monday when two high profile Cabinet members - Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Yuko Obuchi and Justice Minister Midori Matsushima - announced their decisions to quit the Cabinet over separate scandals. Wednesday, October 22, 2014 Kerry urges more efforts versus Islamic State JAKARTA (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry urged Asia-Pacific leaders on Monday to do more to stem the flow of foreign fighters to Islamic State in the Middle East and choke off finance to the militants. Saturday, October 25, 2014 Govt approves bill on nuclear damages pact The government approves at a Cabinet meeting Friday a bill to ratify the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage, an international treaty on compensation for cross-border damage from nuclear accidents, as well as related bills. III - a. Vocabulary 1. 「女性2閣僚辞任」関連 Cabinet's standing must be restored after money-scandal resignations 早急に政権の体勢を立て直せ 〜への大きな打撃 a serious blow to ... 早急に〜する lose no time in ... 国政運営 management of national politics 差額を補填する cover the gap 〜に抵触する violate ... 〜の幕引きをする draw a curtain on ... 恵まれた環境 favorable circumstances 〜次第で depending on ... 刑事告発 criminal complaint 緊張感を持って with a sense of tension 2. 「子供のいじめ」関連 Parents, teachers must be sensitive to changes in children's behavior 様子の変化に敏感でありたい 依然として高い still remain high 過去最多 record high 悪ふざけ merely horsing around 〜に目を配る keep an eye on ... いじめの芽を摘む nip bullying in the bud 気絶させる force into a state of unconsciousness 無料通話アプリ free phone cell application 特定のグループ内で within a specific group 悩みを抱え込む keep one's problems all to oneself 隠ぺい体質 cover-up reflex III -b. ABCニュースから Keyword 解説 ABCニュースは、ハワイのキラウエア火山から流れ出ているlava「溶岩」が人家に迫っていると伝えています。 There is no way to successfully divert the lava. 「溶岩の流れを変える方法はない」。 キーワードは、lava「溶岩」。 river of lavaはlava flowと同じく「溶岩流」。 divertで「向きをそらす、流れを変える」。 let run its courseで「成り行きに任せる」。 ABCニュースは、近隣の住民はa moment's notice「わずかな時間しか猶予のない連絡」でも すぐにevacuate「避難する」ことができるよう、準備をしておく必要があると伝えています。 今回のキーワードは、lava「溶岩」です。 We turn to Hawaii and a river of lava creeping toward dozens of homes, you can see it right here on this wall behind me. ハワイでは ご覧のとおり溶岩流が民家の間近にまで迫り- Families living in that path ready to evacuate at a moment's notice. 住民は避難準備を進めている In the last 24 hours, the lava scorched a path three more football fields long, bearing closer to dozens of families now being told they may have to evacuate as early as Tuesday. 溶岩は24時間でフットボール場3つ分の距離を流れ-近隣の住民は早ければ火曜にも避難することになる Experts believe this river of fire will likely flow down one of these low-lying pathways. 専門家は溶岩流がこの低地に沿って流れると予測 Within days, it could cut right through entire neighborhoods, eventually burying Pahoa's main highway. 数日以内に住宅地に流れ込み-主要道路を覆うおそれがある There is no way to successfully divert the lava, officials say, the only thing now is to let nature run its sometimes destructive course. 溶岩の流れを変える方法はなく-時に破壊的な自然の成り行きに任せるほかない IV. Jokes '1. Generation Gap Her class assignment was to interview an "old person" about his life, so my niece asked me, "What was the biggest historical event that happened during your childhood?" "I'd have to say the moonwalk," I replied. She looked disappointed. "That dance was so important to you?" '2. Old in Some Ways One of my fourth graders asked my teacher's assistant, "How old are you, Mrs. Glass?" "You should never ask an adult's age," I broke in. "That's okay," Harriett said smiling. "I'm fifty." "Wow, you don't look that old," the boy said. I was breathing a sigh of relief when another child chimed in, "Parts of her do." '3. Unable to Drive After booking my 90-year-old mother on a flight from Florida to Nevada, I called the airline to go over her needs. The woman representative listened patiently as I requested a wheelchair and an attendant for my mother because of her arthritis and impaired vision. I also asked for a special meal and assistance in changing planes. My apprehension lightened a bit when the woman assured me everything would be taken care of. I thanked her profusely. "Why, you're welcome," she replied. I was about to hang up when she cheerfully asked, "And will your mother be needing a rental car?" |