資料No. : NS141001
(1) TOEIC '1. We will not be able to proceed with the investigation ------- the proper paperwork has been filed with your insurance provider. (A) by (B) since (C) until (D) yet '2. It's essential to measure the ingredients for this dish ------- in order to make it delicious. (A) precise (B) precisely (C) precision (D) precisionist '3. The president said that going ahead with this project could end up ------- the company's credibility. (A) undergoing (B) underlying (C) undermining (D) undertaking (2) TOEFL単語 1. archaeologist 2. symbolic 3. ethnic group 4. ethnocentrism 5. norm 6. ethnologist a. 考古学者、民俗学者 b. 文化、人類学者 c. 人種集団 d. 自民族中心主義 e. 象徴(主義)的な、表象的な f. 規範、<特定人間集団の>典型的行動様式 I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC '1. We will not be able to proceed with the investigation ------- the proper paperwork has been filed with your insurance provider. (A) by (B) since (C) until (D) yet 訳 保険会社に適切な書類が提出されるまでは、調査を進めることはできないだろう。 ※正解(C)。解説 空所の前後はどちらも節なので、それを結び付ける接続詞が必要です。「…するまで」を意味するuntilを入れると文意が通ります。 '2. It's essential to measure the ingredients for this dish ------- in order to make it delicious. (A) precise (B) precisely (C) precision (D) precisionist 訳 この料理をおいしく作るには、材料をきちんと量ることが肝心だ。 ※正解(B)。解説 空所がなくても文が成立しているので、空所には副詞が入ると判断できます。「正確に」の意味を表す副詞のpreciselyが正答になります。 '3. The president said that going ahead with this project could end up ------- the company's credibility. (A) undergoing (B) underlying (C) undermining (D) undertaking 訳 社長が言及したのは、この企画を進めると会社の信用に傷が付く可能性があるということだった。 ※正解(C)。解説 undermine someone's credibilityで「…〈人〉の信用を傷つける;…〈人〉の信ぴょう性を危うくする」の意味を表します。この表現を成立させるundermineが正答です。接頭辞under-には「下の;劣っている」という意味があります。undergoは「経験する;変化などをくぐりぬける」、underlieは「根底にある」、undertakeは「…を請け負う;…を保障する」の意味です。 (2) TOEFL単語 1. archaeologist 2. symbolic 3. ethnic group 4. ethnocentrism 5. norm 6. ethnologist a. 考古学者、民俗学者 b. 文化、人類学者 c. 人種集団 d. 自民族中心主義 e. 象徴(主義)的な、表象的な f. 規範、<特定人間集団の>典型的行動様式 1-a, 2-e, 3-c, 4-d, 5-f, 6-b II. 時事英文 Thursday, September 25, 2014 U.N. summit urges bold climate deal UNITED NATIONS (AFP-Jiji) - World leaders on Tuesday urged ambitious action to combat climate change, but pledges remained well short of goals, with a year to go for an accord. Saturday, September 27, 2014 Oil fields held by Islamic State struck BEIRUT (AP) - U.S.-led airstrikes targeted Syrian oil installations held by the extremist Islamic State group overnight and early Thursday, killing at least 19 people as more families of militants left their key stronghold, fearing further raids, activists said. Sunday, September 28, 2014 U.K. joins fight against Islamic State militants LONDON (AP) - Britain, Belgium and Denmark on Friday joined the U.S.-led coalition of nations that are launching airstrikes on the Islamic State group in Iraq, committing warplanes to the struggle against the extremists. Monday, September 29, 2014 31 feared dead on Mt. Ontake NAGANO (Jiji Press) - A total of 31 climbers are believed to have died near the peak of Mt. Ontake, which erupted Saturday, the Nagano prefectural police department said Sunday. III - a. Vocabulary 「日韓外相会談」関連 Have forign-minister talks generated genuine momentum for better Ties? 関係改善への機運は本物か 接点を探る seek common ground 常道 standard practice 意思疎通 communication 複雑化する complicate 傷を治癒する heal a wound 冷え込ませる chill 非公式協議 unoficial talks 駐韓大使 Japanese ambassodor to South Korea 外交圧力 diplomatic pressure 対外要員 external factors 「御嶽山噴火」関連 Eruption of Mt. Ontake demonstrates difficulty in predicting volcanic activities 見せつけられた予知の難しさ 火山の猛威 ferocity of volcanoes 〜に退避する take refuge in … 山頂付近 spot near the mountaintop 噴煙が高く舞う billow high into the sky 広範囲に飛散する be flung around extensively 噴火警戒レベル eruption alert level 地震動 volcanic tremor 〜の明確な前兆 clear precursor of 登山客でにぎわう be thronged with hikers (〜を)忘れてはならない should take to heart … III -b. ABCニュースから ABCニュースは、アメリカ軍がシリアで爆撃したアルカイダ系の過激派組織「ホラサン」が、アメリカ本土への攻撃を準備していたと伝えています。 The Khorasan group was nearing the execution phase of an attack either in Europe or the homeland. 「ホラサンによるヨーロッパあるいはアメリカ本土への攻撃が 実行段階に近づいていた」。 キーワードは、execution phase「実行段階」。 executeで「実施する、執行する」。 imminent plotで「差し迫った(攻撃の)たくらみ、計画」。 seasoned fighterで「経験豊富な戦闘員」。 今回のキーワードは、execution phase「実行段階」です。 [例文] The overnight airstrikes may well have stopped what was supposed to be al Qaeda's next 9/11 attack on the US. 今回の空爆でアルカイダの次の攻撃を阻止した可能性は高い Described by US officials today as a bold imminent plot that included American passenger jets by what was essentially the special forces of al Qaeda called the Khorasan Group. 米国の旅客機などを狙う攻撃を計画していたのは-ホラサンと呼ばれるアルカイダの特別部隊だ The concern was so great that the US dedicated 8 of its 22 airstrikes against the Syrian base of the Khorasan Group outside the city of Aleppo. We believe the Khorasan group was nearing the execution phase of an attack either in Europe or the homeland. 脅威を排除するため-シリアへの空爆22回中8回までがホラサンの拠点を目標にしていた It's made up of some 50 seasoned al Qaeda fighters. They were building bombs undetectable by the latest airport screening machines. アルカイダの戦闘員が約50人 彼らは空港で検知できない爆弾を製造し- ホラサンによる欧米への攻撃が実行段階に近づいていました And among their targets were passenger jets bound for the US. 米国行きの旅客機も標的にしていた IV. Jokes '1. Looking Good Even at age 88, my mother was vain about her looks. At a party, an old friend exclaimed, "Edith, you haven't changed in 20 years." "Oh," said Mom, horrified. "I hope I didn't look like this 20 years ago." '2. A Great Weight-Loss Tip The biggest loser at my weight-loss club was an elderly woman. "How'd you do it?" we asked. "Easy," she said. "Every night I take my teeth out at six o'clock." '3. Gary LeVox of Rascal Flatt's Favorite Joke John is out with his friends and stops by his grandmother's house for a visit. There's a bowl of peanuts on the coffee table, and John and his friends start snacking on them. When they're ready to leave, his friends say, "Nice to meet you, ma'am, and thank you for the peanuts." Grandma says, "You're welcome. Ever since I lost my dentures, all I can do is suck the chocolate off of them." |