資料No. : NS140917 

'1. After choosing Michael as team leader, the manager gave him a ------- overview of the project.
(A) comprehend  (B) comprehending  (C) comprehension  (D) comprehensive

'2. The senator has never held a press conference, and has ------- been asked to answer a question.
(A) always  (B) every  (C) seldom  (D) usually

'3. In ------- to your letter dated June 17, we're sorry that we cannot comply with your request.
(A) addition  (B) contrast  (C) order  (D) regard

(2) TOEFL単語
1. democracy
2. representative democracy
3. federal system
4. construction
5. totalitarian government
6. absolute monarch

a. 絶対[専制]君主
b. 全体主義政府
c. 民主主義、民主性、民主政治
d. 代表民主制
e. 憲法
f. 連邦制

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
'1. After choosing Michael as team leader, the manager gave him a ------- overview of the project.
(A) comprehend  (B) comprehending  (C) comprehension  (D) comprehensive
訳 マイケルをチームリーダーに選んでから、部長は彼に計画の包括的な大要を説明した。
※正解(D)。解説 冠詞aと名詞overview(概要;概観)に挟まれていることから、空所には形容詞が入ると判断できるので、(D)のcomprehensive(総合的な)が正答です。comprehensive overview(包括的な概観)のかたちはよく用いられるので覚えておきましょう。

'2. The senator has never held a press conference, and has ------- been asked to answer a question.
(A) always  (B) every  (C) seldom  (D) usually
訳 その上院議員が記者会見を開いたことはなく、質問に答えるよう求められたこともほとんどない。
※正解(C)。解説 前半に「記者会見を開いたことは一度もない」とあり、後半がandで続けられていることから、空所を含む後半を前半と順接の関係の内容にする必要があります。(C)のseldom(めったに…ない)を当てはめて、has seldom been asked to answer a question(質問に答えるよう求められることはほとんどなかった)とすれば文意が通ります。

'3. In ------- to your letter dated June 17, we're sorry that we cannot comply with your request.
(A) addition  (B) contrast  (C) order  (D) regard
訳 6月17日付けのお手紙の件ですが、申し訳ございませんがご要望にお応えすることはできません。
※正解(D)。解説 選択肢の語はどれもinとtoを前後に配したかたちの句になりますが、意味的に適切なのは、in regard to ...(…については)のかたちを成立させるregardです。in addition to ...は「…に加えて」、in contrast to ... は「…とは対照的に」の意味です。toのあとに名詞が続いていることから、in order to do(…するために)と動詞を導く必要のあるorderは不適切です。

(2) TOEFL単語
1. democracy
2. representative democracy
3. federal system
4. construction
5. totalitarian government
6. absolute monarch

a. 絶対[専制]君主
b. 全体主義政府
c. 民主主義、民主性、民主政治
d. 代表民主制
e. 憲法
f. 連邦制

1-c, 2-d, 3-f, 4-e, 5-b, 6-a

II. 時事英文
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Strong words on Fukushima N-crisis from TEPCO's manager on the ground
After the tsunami struck, Yoshida was shocked to face the unprecedented situation of a total power outage. The personal handy-phone system (PHS) at the plant had stopped working, and reports he received from within the plant were too confusing to grasp exactly what was happening. Yoshida regretted immediately not realizing that the isolation condenser (IC) at the No. 1 reactor had stopped working.

Thursday, September 11, 2014
Reactor safety OK'd; restart long way off
The Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) on Wednesday gave the green light on the of Nos. 1 and 2 reactors at the Sendai nuclear power plant in Kagoshima Prefecture, but it is highly likely that reactivation of the reactors could take until next year.

Friday, September 12, 2014
Fired up by Scotland, Catalans rally for Spain breakaway vote
BARCELONA (AFP Jiji) - Fired up by Scotland's looming independence referendum, nationalists in Catalonia have vowed to throng the streets on Thursday for noisy protests to demand their own vote on breaking away from Spain.

III - a. Vocabulary
1. 「原発事故調書」関連
Yoshida file contains harsh lesson about improving crisis management
危機管理 crisis management
物語る illustrate
検証する verify
視察 inspection
ものは回る things go smoothly
〜の認識の差 gap in the perception of ...
専門知識 experdise
水素爆発 hydrogen explosion
〜が機能不全に陥る render ... dy67sfunctional
残念なのは regretably

2. 「脇幹事長更迭」関連
Upper house electoral reform mustn't be hampered by LDP's internal discord
禁じ得ない unavoidable
一票の格差 vote-value disparity [gap]
是正する rectify; correct
根回し consensus-building spadework
対立 rift
中立的な impartial
〜されても仕方がない it cannot be helped if ...
不文律 unwritten rule
喫緊の課題 urgent matter that must be fixed
建設的な議論を行う hold a constructive debate

III -b. ABCニュースから
Keyword 解説
They feel that they are now finally in a confrontation with United States of America.
「イスラム国は、自分たちがいまやアメリカ合衆国と対決していると 感じている」。

For a group that seeks a return to the seventh century, ISIS has become a master of 21st century internet propaganda.
And tonight, the hunt is on for an American who may have helped to create some of the graphic videos
of battles, executions, even child recruits.
現在追跡中の米国人が-戦闘や処刑 少年兵士などの映像を作ったとされている
All rolled out on Twitter, Facebook and other sites like some slick American media campaign.
It has actually energized their base.
They feel that they are now finally in a confrontation with United States of America.
Which is why law enforcement officials now tell ABC News they are focusing on this former
college student from Boston, Ahmad Abousamra, believed to be one of the architects
of the ISIS social media strategy.

IV. Jokes
'1. Father: Doctor, doctor! My son fell off the roof! He can't move his leg!
Doctor: Let me see ... Oh no, it's broken.
Father: I know! Can you fix it?
Doctor: No, no. It's too late. It's already broken.
Father: What do you mean, it's too late? He just fell off. I brought him here right away.
Doctor: But it's completely broken! It's too late!
Father: Well, when was it not too late then?
Doctor: Ah ... before he fell off ...

'2. A woman went to a dentist. The dentist looked at her tooth and said, "OK, this one is really bad. I have to pull it out. It won't hurt much. It only takes few seconds."
Woman: OK, how much does it cost?
Doctor: $70.
Woman: $70 for only few seconds?!
Doctor: Well, I can pull it out very slowly ...

'3. Politicians are a lot like diapers. They should be changed frequently - and for the same reason. (政治家ってのはオムツのようなもの。しょっちゅう取り換えられるべきなんだーしかも同じ理由で。)

'4. Politics: "poli," a Latin word meaning "many" and "tics" means "bloodsucking creature." (ポリティクス<政治>の、「ポリ」はラテン語でたくさん、という意味。で、「ティクス」は血を吸う生物のことだよ。)
