資料No. : NS140820
(1) TOEIC '1. Ms. Schneider asked the kitchen supervisor how many lunches ------- for the students' field trip. (A) had been made (B) had made (C) were making (D) would make '2. In order to smooth the ------- into the new headquarters, a floor plan of the building was distributed to all employees. (A) transit (B) transiting (C) transition (D) transitional '3. Flint, Inc. was able to make products that were only ------- popular among domestic customers bestsellers overseas. (A) moderately (B) privately (C) seriously (D) supremely (2) TOEFL '1. The present-day gar is an example of fishes, much more common in Paleozoic and Mesozoic times, whose bodies ----- in an armor of thick enamel-like scales. (A) are encasing (B) do encase (C) encase (D) are encased '2. In the manufacture of advanced passenger aircraft, the cockpit and main wing are considered the most complex, difficult and costly -----. (A) to build (B) in building (C) for building (D) of to build '3. Paleobotany is the branch of botany exclusively concerned ----- fossil plants. (A) at (B) with (C) for (D) on '4. Scottish mathematician Colin Maclaurin was considered by some to be an equal of Newton, although many modern students of math are not aware of -----. (A) he was who (B) who he was (C) he who was (D) who was he '5. The depletion of whale stocks contributed to the decline of the American whaling industry, ----- the discovery of plentiful crude oil reserves in the state of Pennsylvania. (A) as did (B) like as (C) and so (D) same so '6. The Australian gold rush that began (A)around 1851 caused a massive shift toward gold production (B)that demanded (C)the more manpower from (D)nearly every other field of labor. '7. The distribution of soybean cultivation in (A)ancient Japan and China (B)was (C)far greater than (D)the West. '8. The faun, (A)which is the Italian (B)counterpart of the satyr of ancient Greek mythology, (C)are mythical creatures half man and half beast (D)closely associated with Dionysus. '9. The history of the game badminton begins in India, (A)where British soldiers (B)developed it in (C)the early 1870s, originally (D)called it "poona". '10. (A)The most distinctive (B)characteristic of limestone is that it (C)contain (D)at least 50% calcium carbonate. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC '1. Ms. Schneider asked the kitchen supervisor how many lunches ------- for the students' field trip. (A) had been made (B) had made (C) were making (D) would make 訳 シュナイダーさんが厨房責任者に尋ねたのは、生徒の遠足に用意した弁当の数だった。 ※正解(A)。解説 how manyで始まる節の主語がlunches(弁当;昼食)であると分かれば、選択肢の中で唯一の受動態であるhad been madeを正答に選ぶことができます。 '2. In order to smooth the ------- into the new headquarters, a floor plan of the building was distributed to all employees. (A) transit (B) transiting (C) transition (D) transitional 訳 新本社への移転を円滑に進めるために、建物内の配置図が全社員に配られた。 ※正解(C)。解説 冠詞theと前置詞intoに挟まれていることから、空所には名詞が入ると判断できます。smooth(…を容易にする)という動詞の目的語として適切なのは、「移行;推移」を表すtransitionです。smoothは形容詞としての印象が強いかもしれませんが、動詞としても使われます。 '3. Flint, Inc. was able to make products that were only ------- popular among domestic customers bestsellers overseas. (A) moderately (B) privately (C) seriously (D) supremely 訳 フリント社は、国内の顧客の間ではほどほどしか人気がない製品を、海外でベストセラーにした。 ※正解(A)。解説 核となるのはmake products bestseller(製品をベストセラーにする)というかたちで、thatから空所を含むcustomersまでの部分はproductsを修飾しています。「フリント社は、only ------ popularであった製品を海外でベストセラーにした」とあることから、国内ではそんなに人気はなかったと推測できます。「ほどほどに;控えめに」を意味するmoderatelyが適当です。空欄の前にonlyとあることから、seriously(著しく)やsupremely(最高に)といった語は意味的に適当ではありません。 (2) TOEFL '1. The present-day gar is an example of fishes, much more common in Paleozoic and Mesozoic times, whose bodies ----- in an armor of thick enamel-like scales. (A) are encasing (B) do encase (C) encase (D) are encased ※正解(D)。【解説】 動詞encase「(箱などに)入れる」をどう使えばいいか。受け身にすれば、whose bodies are encased in an armor of thick enamel-like scales.で「身体が厚いエナメルのような鱗の鎧に包まれている」の意味になる。gar「ガー、ガーパイク(魚)」。 '2. In the manufacture of advanced passenger aircraft, the cockpit and main wing are considered the most complex, difficult and costly -----. (A) to build (B) in building (C) for building (D) of to build ※正解(A)。【解説】 不定詞to buildを使えば、the cockpit and main wingがto buildの目的語になり、「コックピットと主翼は、造り上げるには最も複雑で、難しく、費用がかかる」という意味になる。 '3. Paleobotany is the branch of botany exclusively concerned ----- fossil plants. (A) at (B) with (C) for (D) on ※正解(B)。【解説】 concernedの後に来る前置詞は? be concerned with ... で「……関係する、係わる」の意味になる。botanyの後にthat/which isが省略されている。 '4. Scottish mathematician Colin Maclaurin was considered by some to be an equal of Newton, although many modern students of math are not aware of -----. (A) he was who (B) who he was (C) he who was (D) who was he ※正解(B)。【解説】 are not aware of .... で「……を知らない」の意味。「誰であったのか知らない」の意味にするには、ofの後に間接疑問文who he wasを続ける。 '5. The depletion of whale stocks contributed to the decline of the American whaling industry, ----- the discovery of plentiful crude oil reserves in the state of Pennsylvania. (A) as did (B) like as (C) and so (D) same so ※正解(A)。【解説】 空所を挟んで前後の文を並列している。選択肢からして、空所には「... (と同じ)ように」の意味を表す語句が入るはずである。正解はas didである。本来はas the discovery of plentiful crude oil reserves in the state of Pennsylvania didであった語順を、didに比して主語が長いのでas did ... と倒置したのである。ちなみにsameを使うなら、in the same way as ... のように言う。 '6. The Australian gold rush that began (A)around 1851 caused a massive shift toward gold production (B)that demanded (C)the more manpower from (D)nearly every other field of labor. ※正解(C)。【解説】 the more → more。aroundは前置詞で「……頃」の意味。接続詞thatの用法に問題はない。文脈から考えてmoreの前に冠詞theは必要ない。nearly「ほとんど」は副詞。 '7. The distribution of soybean cultivation in (A)ancient Japan and China (B)was (C)far greater than (D)the West. ※正解(D)。【解説】 the West → in the West。ancient Japanの前に冠詞はいらない。wasはこの文の主語The distributionに呼応している。farはgreaterを強調する副詞である。残るはthe Westである。the Westの前にinを入れなければならない。 '8. The faun, (A)which is the Italian (B)counterpart of the satyr of ancient Greek mythology, (C)are mythical creatures half man and half beast (D)closely associated with Dionysus. ※正解(C)。【解説】 are mythical creatures → is a mythical creature。関係代名詞which is、counterpart「似たもの、相当するもの」の用法に問題はない。mythical creaturesはこの文の主語faun「ファウヌス(ローマ神話)」を受けているので、areではなくis a mythical creatureと単数にしなければならない。be closely associated with ... は「深く関連している」の意味。 '9. The history of the game badminton begins in India, (A)where British soldiers (B)developed it in (C)the early 1870s, originally (D)called it "poona". ※正解(D)。【解説】 関係副詞where、動詞developedの用法に問題はない。in the early 1870sで「1870年代初期」の意味になる。過去形developedの後に、また、動詞の過去形calledを続けるのはおかしい。ここでは分詞callingを使う。 '10. (A)The most distinctive (B)characteristic of limestone is that it (C)contain (D)at least 50% calcium carbonate. ※正解(C)。【解説】 最上級の前に来る冠詞Theに問題はない。この場合のcharasteristic「特性、特徴」は名詞である。itの後に来るcontainは、当然、sを付けてcontainsにしなければならない。at leastは「少なくとも」の意味。 II. 時事英文 Tuesday, August 12, 2014 In Ebola's shadow Residents of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia often react by hiding when health workers say Ebola is suspected. JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - Even the word is chilling: Ebola. The virus stole into the girl's house in her small eastern Guinea town, invisible as death, and swiftly killed her grandmother and great-aunt. There were dark rumors everywhere that Ebola was witchcraft. Thursday, August 14, 2014 Iraq's next PM faces challenges ahead BAGHDAD (AP) - The choice of Haider al-Abadi to become Iraq's next prime minister, a move that would end Nouri al-Maliki's eight-year rule, came as a surprise to many Iraqis. He was not among the best-known members of the Baghdad political elite, nor an obvious choice to replace the embattled premier. III - a. Vocabulary 「特殊詐欺急増」関連 Don't be fooled by 'investment' schemes over the telephone 電話の儲け話に乗らないで 巧妙 ingenious 特殊詐欺 special fraud cases 架空の fictitious 儲け話 money-making scheme 迫る harry 解決金 settlement money 警告を流す play a warning message 現金自動預け払い機 automated teller machine (ATM) 預金小切手 bank check 送り先 destination 「ガザ情勢」関連 Israel, Hamas must compromise to achieve an enduring ceasefire 本格停戦へ双方が歩み寄れ (〜の)足がかり(となる) serve as an initial step toward … 停戦 ceasefire 歩み寄り mutual compromise 破壊 demolition 大きな犠牲 heavy toll 経済封鎖 economic blockage 生活物資 daily commodities 次善の策 the second best option 戦火で破壊された war-torn 応分の commensurate III -b. ABCニュースから Keyword 解説 ABCニュースは、ニュージャージー州の住宅街でbipedal「2足歩行する」熊がたびたび目撃されていると伝えています。 That is a bipedal bear! 「2足歩行する熊だ!」 キーワードは、bipedal「2足歩行する」。 bi-は「2」、pedalは「足」という意味。 quadrupedalで「4本の足の、4足歩行する」、 centipedeで「むかで(百足)」。 ABCニュースは、この熊はfront paws「前足」をけがしているためにhind legs「後ろ足」だけでwalk upright「直立歩行して」いるので、やがて傷が治ればon all fours「4本の足で」歩くようになるだろうと 伝えています。 今回のキーワードは、bipedal「2足歩行する」です。 [例文] See for yourself. They say it really is a bear standing on his hind legs and walking just as comfortably and smoothly as a person. 百聞は一見にしかずだ 熊が後ろ足で立ち-まるで人間のように歩いている He stuck his head up at first, and then he stood up fully. まず頭を上げてから完全に立ち歩き始めました And then he started to walk. The bear ambling down a residential street in suburban Oak Ridge, New Jersey. 熊は郊外の住宅街をのんびり歩いている That is a bipedal bear! 2足歩行してる! It's scary at first, but after you've seen it a couple of times, it just becomes weird. 何度か見ると単にヘンなだけですね Macgowen says local residents have nicknamed this bear Venny. 地元の人々はこの熊に名前を付けた It turns out State Wildlife officials have been monitoring Venny ever since he was first reported to them back in June. 州自然保護局にも6月に報告があり観察を続けている And he is walking upright because his two front paws are injured. 立って歩くのは前足をケガしているからだ We are told that eventually he will be back like any other bear around here roaming around on all fours. しばらくすれば4本の足で歩けるようになるという IV. Jokes A thief broke into a house. He really needed some money, but the house had nothing valuable. He was about to leave the house, and then the owner of the house came home. The owner said, "Oh no! There is a thief in my house! Somebody help!" Soon there was a crowd of people around the house, and thief could not get out of the house. The owner proposed, "There is a thief in my house! Somebody catch him! I'll pay whoever catches the thief, ¥10,000!" A man came out of the crowd and said, "I'll do it!" but the thief swung his sword and shouted "Don't come near me!" The man said, "Hey, that thief is crazy! I'm not going to go in there!" Then the owner again, said "Somebody, catch the thief! I'll pay ¥20,000!" Then another man came out of the crowd and said, "I'll do it!" but the thief swung his sword and shouted, "Don't come near me!" The man said, "Hey, that thief is crazy! I'm not going to go in there!" Then the owner again said "Somebody, please catch the thief in my house! I'll pay … well, ¥30,000!" Then the thief said, "Wait a minute. I'll come out bif you give me ¥30,000." |