資料No. : NS140723
(1) TOEIC '1. When Tom lost his job suddenly, he was worried that his ------- savings would not support him and his family for long. (A) collapsed (B) enough (C) small (D) stable '2. The president announced that Ms. Simms ------- the post of vice-president in charge of sales in three weeks. (A) assumes (B) had assumed (C) has assumed (D) would assume '3. According to the speaker, there was one reason people fail to achieve their goals, -------, lack of motivation. (A) hardly (B) likely (C) namely (D) possibly (2) TOEFL '1. Some modern-day lizards are capable ----- on their hind legs but only for brief runs, unlike their dinosaur ancestors, some of whom were entirely bipedal. (A) of walking (B) to walk (C) walk (D) walking '2. The city of Council Bluffs in southwestern Iowa ----- name from the fact that American explorers Lewis and Clark passed through the area in 1804, holding a council with the Indians of the area. (A) derived it (B) has been derived (C) derives its (D) is deriving '3. In an absolute democracy, important decisions must be made according to the majority opinion of the entire population, ----- representatives elected by specified segments of the population. (A) instead rather than (B) rather than by (C) by instead (D) the rather than '4. Maritime law, ----- as admiralty law, governs the shipping industry. (A) that is also known (B) which is also knowing (C) has also been known (D) also known '5. ----- of currency is a major factor contributing to inflation. (A) The persistent overproduction (B) Overproduction persistently (C) The overproduction is persistent (D) A persistent overproduced '6. The philosopher, (A)man of letters and proponent of science Francis Bacon was born (B)enough early to have lived (C)during the transition (D)between medieval and modern thought. '7. (A)One of Abraham Lincoln's earliest memories (B)was of watching a flood (C)to wash away a field of corn and pumpkin seeds he had planted (D)with his father. '8. The human gall bladder is (A)an hollow avocado-shaped organ (B)on the underside of the liver that stores (C)bile, the digestive juice (D)secreted by the liver. '9. Human societies have developed (A)a great many forms of (B)greeting, from the relatively primitive embrace (C)until sniffing or rubbing noses, weeping, kissing, kneeling, bowing, shaking hands and (D)exchanging words. '10. (A)Without systematic supervision, inspection and (B)controlling (C)during slaughter, meat can be (D)a serious source of infection. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC '1. When Tom lost his job suddenly, he was worried that his ------- savings would not support him and his family for long. (A) collapsed (B) enough (C) small (D) stable 訳 突然職を失ったときトムは、彼のわずかな貯金では自身と家族を長期にわたって養うことはできないのでは、と心配した。 ※正解(C)。解説 文脈からhis ------- saving(彼の貯金)は大きな額ではないことが伺えるため、正答は(C)のsmallになります。collapsed(崩壊した)やstable(安定した)では意味を成しません。 '2. The president announced that Ms. Simms ------- the post of vice-president in charge of sales in three weeks. (A) assumes (B) had assumed (C) has assumed (D) would assume 訳 社長の発表によると、シムズさんが販売担当の副社長の任に就くのは3週間後になるとのことだ。 ※正解(D)。解説 空欄を考えるさいにヒントとなるのが、文末のin three weeksです。[in+期間を表す語句]で「あと…〈期間〉したら」という意味を表し、未来を表すときに使われます。過去から見た未来を表すwould assumeが正答です。 '3. According to the speaker, there was one reason people fail to achieve their goals, -------, lack of motivation. (A) hardly (B) likely (C) namely (D) possibly 訳 その話者によると、人々が目標を達成できない理由がひとつあったという。すなわち動機づけの欠如だ。 ※正解(C)。解説 「目標を達成できない理由ひとつ」と「やる気の欠如」は、同じものを指す同格の関係にあることから、2つをつなぐことができるnamely(すなわち)が正答になります。 (2) TOEFL '1. Some modern-day lizards are capable ----- on their hind legs but only for brief runs, unlike their dinosaur ancestors, some of whom were entirely bipedal. (A) of walking (B) to walk (C) walk (D) walking ※正解(A)。【解説】 capableの後には前置詞ofが来る。これで「... ができる」の意味になる。正解はof walkingである。 '2. The city of Council Bluffs in southwestern Iowa ----- name from the fact that American explorers Lewis and Clark passed through the area in 1804, holding a council with the Indians of the area. (A) derived it (B) has been derived (C) derives its (D) is deriving ※正解(C)。【解説】 空所には「名前は ... に由来する」という意味の語句が入ることになる。derives its name from ... でその意味になる。nameの前にitsが必要であることがポイント。 '3. In an absolute democracy, important decisions must be made according to the majority opinion of the entire population, ----- representatives elected by specified segments of the population. (A) instead rather than (B) rather than by (C) by instead (D) the rather than ※正解(B)。【解説】 instead rather thanという語順はまずありえない。rather than by ... で「... によるよりもむしろ」の意味になる。副詞insteadの前に前置詞by、また、rather thanの前に冠詞theが来ることはない。 '4. Maritime law, ----- as admiralty law, governs the shipping industry. (A) that is also known (B) which is also knowing (C) has also been known (D) also known ※正解(D)。【解説】 関係代名詞thatの前にカンマ(,)は使えない。which is also knownならば空所に入れられる。したがって、このwhich isを省略したalso knownが正解となる。which is also knowingでは、knowingに問題がある。また、has also been knownでは後に来るgovernsと動詞がダブることになる。 '5. ----- of currency is a major factor contributing to inflation. (A) The persistent overproduction (B) Overproduction persistently (C) The overproduction is persistent (D) A persistent overproduced ※正解(A)。【解説】 この文の動詞はisである。したがって、空所にはこの文の主語となる名詞(句)が入るはずである。このことからThe overproduction is persistentとA persistent overproducedは除外できる。Overproduction persistentlyでは、次の前置詞ofと繋がらない。正解はThe persistent overproductionである。 '6. The philosopher, (A)man of letters and proponent of science Francis Bacon was born (B)enough early to have lived (C)during the transition (D)between medieval and modern thought. ※正解(B)。【解説】 enough early → early enough。文頭のTheがmanにもかかっている。enough earlyは、この場合、early enough to ... の語順にしなくてはいけない。前置詞duringとbetweenの用法に誤りはない。 '7. (A)One of Abraham Lincoln's earliest memories (B)was of watching a flood (C)to wash away a field of corn and pumpkin seeds he had planted (D)with his father. ※正解(C)。【解説】 to wash → wash。Oneとwasは呼応しているので問題はない。知覚動詞watchの後に来る動詞は原形か分詞形(ing)になるはずである。この場合はwashにすればいい。前置詞withに問題はない。 '8. The human gall bladder is (A)an hollow avocado-shaped organ (B)on the underside of the liver that stores (C)bile, the digestive juice (D)secreted by the liver. ※正解(A)。【解説】 an → a。冠詞の用法を問う基本問題である。hollowの発音は「ホロウ」である。したがって、冠詞はanではなくaである。 '9. Human societies have developed (A)a great many forms of (B)greeting, from the relatively primitive embrace (C)until sniffing or rubbing noses, weeping, kissing, kneeling, bowing, shaking hands and (D)exchanging words. ※正解(C)。【解説】 until → to。a great many forms of greetingで「相当な数の挨拶の形態」の意味になる。untilのままでは前のfromと繋がらない。ここはtoにしなければならい。動名詞exchangingに問題はない。 '10. (A)Without systematic supervision, inspection and (B)controlling (C)during slaughter, meat can be (D)a serious source of infection. ※正解(B)。【解説】 controlling → control。前置詞Withoutの用法に問題はない。controllingの前には名詞inspectionが使われている。ここでは動名詞ではなく名詞controlを使う。前置詞during、冠詞aに誤りはない。 II. 時事英文 Sunday, July 20, 2014 U.S. points to Russia links Obama: Plane downed by missile from Kremlin-backed area WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States began building a case linking pro-Russia separatissts to the doening of a passenger jet in Ukraine as a somber President Barack Obama declared the deaths of those on board, including at least one American, an "outrage of unspeakable proportions." Monday, July 21, 2014 Plane disaster cover-up claimed HRAVOVE/DONETSK (Reuters) - Ukraine accused Russia and pro-Moscow rebels on Saturday of destroying evidence to cover up their guilt in the shooting down of a Malaysian airliner that has intensified a showdown between the Kremlin and Western power. III - a. Vocabulary '1. 「大陸棚延長」関連 戦略的に海洋資源を開発せよ Tap Japan's extended continental shelf for strategic development of resources 日本最南端 southern extremity of the country 沿岸国 coastal state 海洋権益 oceanic interests 多額の費用を要する be extremely expensive 技術的な課題 technological challenge 〜の南方にある (be) located to the south of ... 基点 base point 強引な海洋進出 heavy-handed maritime advance 島嶼国(とうしょこく) island state 多角的に from a broad range of perspectives '2. 「エネルギー高騰」関連 価格交渉力の強化も急ぎたい Urgent measures needed to counter adverse effects of high energy prices 高止まりする hover at high levels 企業収益を圧迫する depress corporate profits 足を引っ張る scuttle efforts 家計 household finance 有機溶剤 organic solvent 運転を停止している idled 国富 national wealth 同時に simultaneously シェールガス革命 shale gas revolution 連動させる link up III -b. ABCニュースから ABCニュースは、パレスチナ暫定自治区のガザ地区でイスラエル軍が地上作戦を始めたと伝えています。 The ground incursion under way, what is the White House saying? 「地上侵攻が行われている中、ホワイトハウスの反応は?」 キーワードは、ground incursion「地上侵攻」。 incursionは「侵入」、特に「領域外への急襲」。 shellingで「砲撃」。 giveawayは「秘密を明らかにするもの、動かぬ証拠」。 ABCニュースは、ceasefire「停戦」がtake hold「定着する」ことに望みをかけていたアメリカ政府も、この地上侵攻にblindsided「虚をつかれた」ようだと伝えています。 今回のキーワードは、ground incursion「地上侵攻」です。 [例文] Israel launching a ground incursion in Gaza. ガザ地区でイスラエルの地上侵攻が始まった The evidence already being seen in the nighttime sky. The blazing night sky above Gaza was the giveaway. ガザの夜空に証拠が見られる After hours of heavy shelling, confirmation: Israel has begun the ground phase of its operations in Gaza. 長時間の激しい砲撃に続き-イスラエルがガザへの地上作戦を開始した The explosions, the ground incursion under way, what is the White House saying at all if anything? 地上侵攻についてホワイトハウスの反応は? Well, David, the White House seems to have been blindsided by the Israeli invasion. イスラエルの動きには虚をつかれたようだ Just yesterday the President came into the White House briefing room and before the cameras said that he was working with other world leaders to get a ceasefire. 昨日 大統領はホワイトハウスで報道陣に対して-停戦を各国と協議中だと発言 And just hours before what you are seeing there, just hours before the invasion, the spokesperson for the State Department expressed optimism that the ceasefire would take hold. 侵攻が始まる数時間ほど前には-国務省の報道官が停戦の定着に望みを持っていた IV. Jokes 'a. Birds of a Feather I knew that my husband's hearing had deteriorated after our friend-new to the city- asked where he could meet some singles. "Well," said my husband, "I see them in the Kmart parking lot diving for fries." "Dear," I intervened. "Singles, not seagulls." 'b. Keeping Up Appearances An elderly shopper at our supermarket used a check to buy such items as cotton balls, cotton swabs, powder, and cold cream. On the memo line, she'd written, "Repairs." 'c. High Hopes I've always been a disappointment. When I was five, I looked down at the crayons I was coloring with and sighed-when I was two, this is not what I saw myself doing at five. |