資料No. : NS140716
(1) TOEIC '1. According to Joanna, Mark Richards, the former sales chief, has been out of ------- for nearly three years. (A) order (B) service (C) time (D) touch '2. Lawmaker Wayne Jones has been criticized for his actions that are contrary ------- his campaign promises. (A) against (B) for (C) on (D) to '3. As he ------- his report last Friday, Andrew is able to help his colleagues this week. (A) already submitted (B) had already submitted (C) has already been submitting (D) has already submitted (2) TOEFL '1. The asexual multiplication of bacteria can be extremely rapid, with cells ----- every 18-20 minutes under some conditions. (A) divides (B) divide (C) and divide (D) dividing '2. The earliest Christians typically worshipped in the homes of the wealthier members of the congregation, and ----- until the time of Constantine that they began to develop a tradition of specifically religious architecture. (A) it wasn't (B) they weren't (C) they didn't (D) it didn't '3. Military aircraft fitted with armor and extensive weaponry are generally less maneuverable than ----. (A) minimal firepower (B) those with minimal firepower (C) minimal firepower are (D) those are minimal firepower '4. The element phosphorous was first isolated and purified by 17th century alchemists, who derived it ---- the residue of evaporated urine. (A) at (B) to (C) in (D) from '5. In the coming years, the building of a renewable, -----, society based on the concepts of recycling and zero-emissions will become a crucial issue. (A) the cyclical (B) it is cyclical (C) or cyclical (D) is cyclical '6. The (A)boundaries of the ancient kingdom of Macedonia were (B)in constant flux (C)due warfare and (D)political instability. '7. In (A)anatomy, the term "sinus" can refer (B)to just about any (C)kinds of cavity that is filled (D)with blood. '8. Salt, sugar, alcohol and carbon dioxide (A)that are all substances (B)that are (C)commonly consumed in solution (D)with water. '9. Structures built (A)according to traditional post-and-beam architecture (B)lack the (C)diagonally support that can be crucial to avoid collapse (D)during earthquakes. '10. The development of modern chemistry was the culmination of a (A)four-thousands-year process (B)that began with ancient (C)musing on the nature of (D)matter and the composition of the universe. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC '1. According to Joanna, Mark Richards, the former sales chief, has been out of ------- for nearly three years. (A) order (B) service (C) time (D) touch 訳 ジョアナの話では、元営業課長のマーク・リチャーズは3年近くも音信不通なのだという。 ※正解(D)。解説 out of ...に続く語として文意に合致するものを選びます。out of touchで「連絡が取れずに」の意味を表します。これが文意に合います。out of orderは「壊れて」、out of serviceは「使われていない」、out of timeは「時期はずれの」の意味です。 '2. Lawmaker Wayne Jones has been criticized for his actions that are contrary ------- his campaign promises. (A) against (B) for (C) on (D) to 訳 ウェーン・ジョーンズ議員が批判されているのは、行動が公約と正反対だからだ。 ※正解(D)。解説 形容詞contraryの語法が問われています。contraryは前置詞toを従え、contrary to ...のかたちを採って「…とは逆の」の意味を表します。 '3. As he ------- his report last Friday, Andrew is able to help his colleagues this week. (A) already submitted (B) had already submitted (C) has already been submitting (D) has already submitted 訳 すでに先週の金曜日に報告書を提出したので、アンドリューは今週、同僚を手伝うことができる。 ※正解(A)。解説 空所を含む前半の節の時制が問われています。last Fridayという過去の具体的な時を表す言葉があるので、過去形を選択するのが妥当です。現在完了形は現在の状態を、過去完了形は基準となる過去の時よりも前に起こった事柄を表すのに用いられます。 (2) TOEFL '1. The asexual multiplication of bacteria can be extremely rapid, with cells ----- every 18-20 minutes under some conditions. (A) divides (B) divide (C) and divide (D) dividing ※正解(D)。【解説】 cells divideで「細胞が分列する」の意味になる。この場合のdivideは自動詞である。cellsの前にwithがあるのでここでは分詞dividingを使うことになる。 '2. The earliest Christians typically worshipped in the homes of the wealthier members of the congregation, and ----- until the time of Constantine that they began to develop a tradition of specifically religious architecture. (A) it wasn't (B) they weren't (C) they didn't (D) it didn't ※正解(A)。【解説】 後半の文にunitlと接続詞thatが使われていることに注目。it wasn't until ... that 〜で「... になって初めて〜した」の意味になる。 '3. Military aircraft fitted with armor and extensive weaponry are generally less maneuverable than ----. (A) minimal firepower (B) those with minimal firepower (C) minimal firepower are (D) those are minimal firepower ※正解(B)。【解説】aircraftは単複同形である。areから分かるように、この場合は複数形である。ここはthose with minimal firepowerを空所に入れれば、この文の主語と「複数形+with」で形が一緒になる。 '4. The element phosphorous was first isolated and purified by 17th century alchemists, who derived it ---- the residue of evaporated urine. (A) at (B) to (C) in (D) from ※正解(D)。【解説】 動詞deriveの後で用いられる前置詞はfromである。derive ... from 〜で「〜から取り出す、抽出する」の意味になる。 '5. In the coming years, the building of a renewable, -----, society based on the concepts of recycling and zero-emissions will become a crucial issue. (A) the cyclical (B) it is cyclical (C) or cyclical (D) is cyclical ※正解(C)。【解説】 空所の前には形容詞renewable、後には名詞societyがある。このことから空所には形容詞が入ることが予想できる。したがって、余分なtheやisのないor cyclicalが正解となる。 '6. The (A)boundaries of the ancient kingdom of Macedonia were (B)in constant flux (C)due warfare and (D)political instability. ※正解(C)。【解説】 due → due to。boudaries「境界」は後のwereに呼応している。in constant fluxで「絶えず変動している」の意味。この場合のdueは理由を表すことになるので、前置詞toが必要となる。形容詞politicalに問題はない。 '7. In (A)anatomy, the term "sinus" can refer (B)to just about any (C)kinds of cavity that is filled (D)with blood. ※正解(C)。【解説】 kinds → kind。 In anatomyで「解剖学ではの意味」。referの後の前置詞toに誤りはない。thatの後にisが来ている。これに呼応させるにはkindと単数形にしなければならない。be filled with ... 「... でいっぱいの」。 '8. Salt, sugar, alcohol and carbon dioxide (A)that are all substances (B)that are (C)commonly consumed in solution (D)with water. ※正解(A)。【解説】 that are → are。carbon dioxideは不可算名詞である。2つのthat areに下線が引かれている。どちらかが間違っているに違いない。最初のthat areのthatを取れば文が成立する。副詞commonlyと前置詞withの用法に問題はない。 '9. Structures built (A)according to traditional post-and-beam architecture (B)lack the (C)diagonally support that can be crucial to avoid collapse (D)during earthquakes. ※正解(C)。【解説】 diagonally → diagonal。according to ... は「... にしたがって」の意。この文の主語はStructuresなので、lackにsを付ける必要はない。supportは動詞ではなく名詞である。diagonallyは形容詞diagonalにしなくてはいけない。前置詞duringに問題はない。 '10. The development of modern chemistry was the culmination of a (A)four-thousands-year process (B)that began with ancient (C)musing on the nature of (D)matter and the composition of the universe. ※正解(A)。【解説】 four-thousands-year → four-thousand-year。頻繁に出題される問題なので、下線部を見てすぐに誤りの箇所が分かったのではないか。数字を伴う語句をハイフンを付けて形容詞として用いる場合にはfour-thousand-yearのように複数形のsを取らなくてはいけない。関係代名詞thatの用法に誤りはない。musingは名詞で「沈思、熟考」の意味。この場合のmatter「物質、物体」は不可算名詞である。 II. 時事英文 Sunday, July 13, 2014 Subcontractor seen in Benesse leak A systems engineer at a subcontractor involved in managing the customer database for education service provider Benesse Corp. will be questioned by police over the leak of personal information of millions of Benesse customers, The Yomiuri Shimbun has learned. BRICS to launch bank; Shanghai HQ likely BRASILIA (AFP Jiji) - The BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) group emerging power will launch its own development bank at a summit this week, using its growing influence to establish a counterweight to Western-dominated financial organizations. III - a. Vocabulary '1. 日豪首脳会談関連 「特別な関係」築く安保協力を Japan-Australia partnership crucial to improve defense of Asia-Pacific 戦略的パートナー strategic partner 模範的な exemplary 防衛装備品 defense equipment 流体力学 fluid mechanics 経済関係 economic ties 共同訓練 joint exercise 経済連携協定 economic partnership agreement 市場開放(する) open up a market 島嶼国(とうしょこく) island nation 人材育成 human resources development '2. 県議政務活動費関連 泣かずに説明責任を果たせ Bawling Hyogo assemblyman should come clean on expenses 透明性 transparency 不明朗な dubious 収支報告書 income and expenditure report 特急列車 limited express train 号泣する sob and wail loudly 殺到する inundate 調査研究活動 research and study activities 証明書 certificate 注意喚起 bring attention to 第三者機関 third party body III -b. ABCニュースから ABCニュースは、ドイツ政府がベルリンのアメリカ大使館に勤務する情報局員に国外退去を命じたと伝えています。 A top CIA spy in hot water.「中央情報局の幹部が苦境に陥っている」。 キーワードは、in hot water「苦境に陥る」。 「熱湯につかる」ことから、比喩として「困ったことになる、不名誉なことになる」。 showdownは、カードゲームで勝負を決めるときに互いにカードを見せ合うことから、「暴露、勝負、対決の時」。 ABCニュースは、アメリカによるスパイ行為の疑惑が相次いでいることでドイツ政府がoutrage「憤り」を示していると伝えています。 今回のキーワードは、in hot water「苦境に陥る」です。 [例文] Spy scandal. A top CIA spy in hot water tonight for spying on one of America's key allies. 同盟国へのスパイ容疑でCIA幹部が苦境に陥っている A spy game showdown. スパイ行為が露見 The CIA's top officer in Berlin ordered to leave by the German government, allegations of espionage, a move both rare and harsh from what is ordinarily a close US ally. ベルリン駐在のCIA幹部がスパイの疑いで国外退去に 同盟国への対応としてはまれな厳しさだ The German government has ordered the CIA station chief in Germany to get out of the country, the kind of thing we almost never see with a close ally. 独政府は駐在中のCIA幹部に対して-国外退去を命じた極めて異例の対応だ But Germany is outraged by what it considers US spy games. 独政府は米国の行為に憤っている Last week, German police arrested a government employee, a German government employee, accused of spying for the US and just yesterday raided the apartment of a second alleged US spy. 先週は米国のためのスパイ容疑で独政府職員が逮捕された 昨日も別のスパイ容疑で家宅捜索があった IV. Jokes 'a. There was a long line at a funeral. A woman wondered about it and so she asked the chief mourner who was woman. "Excuse me, but whose funeral is this?" She replied, "Well, this is my mother-in-law's funeral. My dog killed her." The woman said, "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. But she must have been such a wonderful lady. There are so many people for her funeral ... By the way, could I borrow your dog for a day or two?" The mourner said, "Sure. Get in line." 'b. Man: Doctor. I quit smoking, I quit drinking, I stopped fooling around women. I'm doing everything I can to live longer. What else can I do?" Doctor: OK, but why do you want to live longer with life like that? |