資料No. : NS140618
(1) TOEIC '1. Though the injury healed more quickly than doctors expected, ------- three months Jim was still walking with a limp. (A) after (B) among (C) in (D) later '2. During the presentation, Jason avoided ------- to his notes since he wanted to impress the audience. (A) refer (B) reference (C) referral (D) referring '3. The company's new computers were all ------- by highly secure, anti-viral software. (A) installed (B) produced (C) programmed (D) protected (2) TOEFL '1. If a growing city depletes its own supply of groundwater, it must ----- for alternative sources while also finding ways to reduce water consumption. (A) searching (B) to be searched (C) to search (D) search '2. ----- was written beginning two centuries after the island was settled in the 9th century, and includes saga literature -- prose works ranging from fairly factual history writing to pure fiction. (A) It is the earliest Icelandic literature (B) Because earliest Icelandic literature (C) When earliest Icelandic literature (D) The earliest Icelandic literature '3. ----- has been associated since ancient times with the source of cosmic energy. (A) The sun (B) Suns (C) Sun (D) A sun '4. Many people who get the high-paying jobs they were looking for find that their schedules allow less ----- time than they expected. (A) of leisure (B) leisures (C) leisure (D) leisurely '5. If an erroneous name appears on a birth certificate, an explanatory affidavit from the parent must be presented ----- the correct name. (A) regard (B) regards (C) regarded (D) regarding '6. Before the discovery (A)of microscopic organisms had important biological (B)functions, many people believed (C)that illness was caused by climatic conditions (D)such as temperature and air quality. '7. The horn of the (A)narwhal, an aquatic mammal (B)with a long tapered horn, (C)having occasionally been offered (D)dishonestly as proof of the existence of the mythical unicorn. '8. (A)Although it does not cause permanent eye damage, flash blindness is a (B)temporarily loss of sight that occurs (C)when the eye's light receptors are overwhelmed (D)with a sudden concentration of light. '9. (A)A major portion of the water (B)supplies in an agricultural region usually (C)goes to (D)farming activity. '10. (A)Contrary to popular belief, (B)cholesterol is a nutrient the body needs, and only (C)become harmful (D)in certain forms and excessive concentrations. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC '1. Though the injury healed more quickly than doctors expected, ------- three months Jim was still walking with a limp. (A) after (B) among (C) in (D) later 訳 けがは医師の予想よりも早く治ったが、3カ月たっても、ジムはまだ足を引きずりながら歩いていた。 ※正解(A)。解説 three monthsという一定の期間を導く語として適切で、なおかつ文脈内で意味を成すのは、選択肢の中ではafter(…後に)だけです。[in+期間]も「…後に」の意味ですが、これは通常、「(現在から数えて)…後に」と述べる状況で用いられるもので、この問題文の場合には用いられません。また、laterを用いる場合は、three months later(3カ月後)のように、期間を表す語句のあとに置く必要があります。 '2. During the presentation, Jason avoided ------- to his notes since he wanted to impress the audience. (A) refer (B) reference (C) referral (D) referring 訳 発表の間、ジェーソンはメモを見るのを避けた。というのも聴衆に良い印象を与えたかったからだ。 ※正解(D)。解説 avoidの語法が問われています。avoidは動名詞を従えて、「…するのを避ける」という意味を表すので、(D)のreferringが正答となります。 '3. The company's new computers were all ------- by highly secure, anti-viral software. (A) installed (B) produced (C) programmed (D) protected 訳 会社の新しいコンピューターはすべて、安全性の高いウイルス対策ソフトによって保護されていた。 ※正解(D)。解説 選択肢はどれも動詞の過去・過去分詞です。protect(…を守る)の過去分詞形であるprotectedを選べば、「安全なウイルス対策ソフトによって保護されている」という受動態の文が成立し、文意が通ります。 (2) TOEFL '1. If a growing city depletes its own supply of groundwater, it must ----- for alternative sources while also finding ways to reduce water consumption. (A) searching (B) to be searched (C) to search (D) search ※正解(D)。【解説】 助動詞mustがあることから、その後には動詞searchが来ることはすぐに分かるはずである。 '2. ----- was written beginning two centuries after the island was settled in the 9th century, and includes saga literature -- prose works ranging from fairly factual history writing to pure fiction. (A) It is the earliest Icelandic literature (B) Because earliest Icelandic literature (C) When earliest Icelandic literature (D) The earliest Icelandic literature ※正解(D)。【解説】 空所の後にwasが来ていることに注目。また、andの後にも動詞includesがあ る。といことは空所にはこの文の主語に当たる語句が入るはずである。正解はThe earliest Icelandic literatureである。 '3. ----- has been associated since ancient times with the source of cosmic energy. (A) The sun (B) Suns (C) Sun (D) A sun ※正解(A)。【解説】 基本的な問題である。太陽のことが話題になっている。「太陽」は、勿論、 The sunである。 '4. Many people who get the high-paying jobs they were looking for find that their schedules allow less ----- time than they expected. (A) of leisure (B) leisures (C) leisure (D) leisurely ※正解(C)。【解説】 leisureとleisurelyで悩むところである。両者とも形容詞で、leisureは 「暇な」、leisurelyは「ゆっくりと、急がない」の意味。文意からしてleisureが正 解となる。 '5. If an erroneous name appears on a birth certificate, an explanatory affidavit from the parent must be presented ----- the correct name. (A) regard (B) regards (C) regarded (D) regarding ※正解(D)。【解説】 空所の前にはmust be presentedと動詞がある。その後にregarded(過去 形、過去分詞形)を続けるわけにはいかない。regardには名詞として「心遣い、配 慮」という意味があるが、それを空所に入れたとしても意味が通らない。前置詞 regarding「... に関して」を使えばいいのである。 '6. Before the discovery (A)of microscopic organisms had important biological (B)functions, many people believed (C)that illness was caused by climatic conditions (D)such as temperature and air quality. ※正解(A)。【解説】 of → that / of the fact that。 the discoveryの後には、microscopic organisms had ... と文が続いてい る。ここは前置詞ofではなく、接続詞thatを使わなくてはいけない。of the fact that ... としても文が成立する。function「機能」は可算名詞。次の接続詞thatと such asの用法に問題はない。 '7. The horn of the (A)narwhal, an aquatic mammal (B)with a long tapered horn, (C)having occasionally been offered (D)dishonestly as proof of the existence of the mythical unicorn. ※正解(C)。【解説】 having → has narwahlとは「イッカク(一角)」のことである。このwithは「... を持 つ」という意味を表す。The hornからhornまでがこの文の主語に当たる部分である。 したがって、havingをhasにしなければ文が成り立たない。dishonestlyは副詞で「ご まかして、不正に」の意味。 '8. (A)Although it does not cause permanent eye damage, flash blindness is a (B)temporarily loss of sight that occurs (C)when the eye's light receptors are overwhelmed (D)with a sudden concentration of light. ※正解(B)。【解説】 temporarily → temporary。 出だしの接続詞Althoughの用法に問題はない。loss「損失」は名詞である。 したがって、副詞temporarily「一時的に」は形容詞temporaryにしなくてはいけな い。接続詞whenと前置詞withに誤りはない。 '9. (A)A major portion of the water (B)supplies in an agricultural region usually (C)goes to (D)farming activity. ※正解(B)。【解説】 supplies → supply。 portion「部分」は可算名詞なので文頭の冠詞Aに問題はない。この場合の supplyは「供給」の意味で不可算名詞なので、suppliesではなくsupplyとしなければ ならない。goesとfarming「農業の」に誤りはない。 '10. (A)Contrary to popular belief, (B)cholesterol is a nutrient the body needs, and only (C)become harmful (D)in certain forms and excessive concentrations. ※正解(C)。【解説】 become → becomes。 Contrary to popular beliefで「一般に信じられていることとは反対に」の 意味。cholesterol「コレステロール」は不可算名詞である。becomeの主語は cholesterolである。したがって、becomeではなくbecomesにしなくてはならない。前 置詞inの用法に問題はない。 II. 時事英文 Tuesday, June 17, 2014 The government plans to use robots as a key measure in dealing with labor shortages and the nation's aging society, and will boost support for development in several priority areas. The Yomiuri Shimbun has learned. According to the government's robot strategy, which is aimed at achieving the widespread adoption of inexpensive, user-friendly robots before other countries, the government will focus on four fields - nursing care, agriculture, infrastructure inspection/disasters and factories. Through subsidies and 0thyer support measures, it aims to take the initiative in that field of robotics, where international competition is increasing fierce. III - a. Vocabulary '1. 「与党安保協議」関係 多国籍軍 multinational forces 後方支援 logistical support 武器・弾薬 arms and ammunition 日米同盟 Japan - U.S. alliance 戦力の再生産 recovering military capability 非戦闘地域 noncombat zone 国連平和維持活動 U.N. peacekeeping operations 権力を維持(する) maintain power 民間人 civilian 議論の質を高める improve the quality of discussions '2. 「天安門事件25年」関係 武力鎮圧 armed crackdown 反革命暴乱 counterrevolutionary riot 〜を前に In the run-up to ... 離反する bocome alienated 不都合な歴史 inconvenient history 民族感情 nationalistic sentiment 経済格差 economic disparity 腐敗 corruption 一党独裁 monolithic party rule 強権的な統治手法 high-handed governing style III -b. ABCニュースから ABCニュースは、イラク情勢についてオバマ大統領が重大な懸念を表明したと伝えています。 We do have a stake in making sure that these jihadists are not getting a permanent foothold. 「聖戦主義者が永続的な拠点を築かないようにすることが 我々の利害に関わる」。 キーワードは、have a stake「利害に関わる」。 stakeはもともと「賭け金」から、「利害」。 ABCニュースは、オバマ大統領がイラクへの支援についてあらゆる選択肢をrule out「排除」しないと述べたと伝えています。 今回のキーワードは、have a stake「利害に関わる」です。 [例文] Tonight Americans are being evacuated in Iraq as fierce militants once linked to al Qaeda storm toward to the capital Baghdad. アルカイダ系の勢力がバグダッドに迫り在イラク米国人が避難している After nine years of war and sacrifice, would US forces ever go back in? 9年間の戦争に次いで再び米軍の出番となるのか President Obama today resisting pleas from the Iraqi government for immediate US airstrikes to turn the tide, treads cautiously. 米軍の空爆を求めるイラク政府に対してオバマ大統領は-慎重な態度だ I don't rule out anything because we do have a stake in making sure that these jihadists are not getting a permanent foothold. どの選択肢も排除しない我々の利害に関わるのは- 聖戦主義者が足場を築くことだからです But here in Iraq many people fear it may be too late. イラクでは既に時遅しの声も There's a widespread sense that this country which has suffered so much for so many years has reached a turning point. 長年苦しみ続けたこの国に危機の感覚が広がっている It is about to disintegrate altogether. 国が分解するという危機だ IV. Jokes 'a. … in the emergency department Don't undersell yourself A few years ago, I went to the emergency department for abdominal pain. The desk where I checked in was called "triage unit" - not the most comforting name for a unit - and they asked me to rate my pain on a scale from one to ten, ten being worst. Trying not to brag (I was raised in Ohio, where we're taught to be modest about all things, including abdominal pain), I said six. The result of that: I was ignored for hours, while the emergency staff busied themselves with those liars who answered seven through ten. From now on, if I ever find myself in the emergency room, on line with phone company or arguing with my wife, and I'm asked to measure pain of any sort on a scale from one through ten, I'm answering 11. A squeaky wheel wheel never says six. |