資料No. : NS140611
(1) TOEIC '1. We will not be able to proceed with the investigation ------- the proper paperwork has been filed with your insurance provider. (A) by (B) since (C) until (D) yet '2. It's essential to measure the ingredients for this dish ------- in order to make it delicious. (A) precise (B) precisely (C) precision (D) precisionist '3. Thee president said that going ahead with this project could end up ------- the company's credibility. (A) undergoing (B) underlying (C) undermining (D) undertaking (2) TOEFL '1. Professors often administer surprise quizzes in order to get ----- the importance of remaining prepared throughout the semester. (A) students to realize (B) students realized (C) to be realized by students (D) the realization that students '2. Critics call state lotteries a form of taxation on the poor because the publicity lavished ------ misleads consumers into believing their chances are better than they are. (A) on lucky enough people to win (B) people on those lucky winners (C) on those lucky enough to win (D) those lucky to win enough on '3. In ordinary conversation, we often use the terms "nuclear" and "atomic" interchangeably, even though "nuclear" is not always ----- "atomic". (A) as (B) the same as (C) similar (D) alike '4. A British engineering firm and its Indonesian counterparts ------ this bridge with more than enough strength and stability to withstand current traffic loads. (A) designs (B) are designing (C) to design (D) designing '5. Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats in Congress ------ to recommend new initiatives on current controversies just before presidential primaries. (A) was able (B) has the ability (C) is able to (D) find it easy '6. The rate (A)which the keynote speaker (B)delivered his address was (C)so rapid that most of the people (D)listening could not understand what he was trying to say. '7. Do not (A)place this sample (B)in direct sunlight, or expose it (C)to (D)extremely heat or moisture. '8. One of the main (A)advantages of (B)shorter vehicles (C)are (D)their maneuverability. '9. (A)Depending on (B)its individual fire safety policies, some apartment building management companies may require fire extinguishers to be placed inside elevators, (C)while others may have them placed outside elevator entrances (D)on each floor. '10. A recent city council (A)vote approved the establishment (B)of a municipal fund to assist (C)on paying for renovation of the deteriorating (D)historic downtown area. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC '1. We will not be able to proceed with the investigation ------- the proper paperwork has been filed with your insurance provider. (A) by (B) since (C) until (D) yet 訳 保険会社に適切な書類が提出されるまでは、調査を進めることはできないだろう。 ※正解(C)。解説 空所の前後はどちらも節なので、それを結び付ける接続詞が必要です。「…するまで」を意味するuntilを入れると文意が通ります。 '2. It's essential to measure the ingredients for this dish ------- in order to make it delicious. (A) precise (B) precisely (C) precision (D) precisionist 訳 この料理をおいしく作るには、材料をきちんと量ることが肝心だ。 ※正解(B)。解説 空所がなくても文が成立しているので、空所には副詞が入ると判断できます。「正確に」の意味を表す副詞のpreciselyが正答になります。 '3. Thee president said that going ahead with this project could end up ------- the company's credibility. (A) undergoing (B) underlying (C) undermining (D) undertaking 訳 社長が言及したのは、この企画を進めると会社の信用に傷が付く可能性があるということだった。 ※正解(C)。解説 undermine someone's credibilityで「…〈人〉の信用を傷つける;…〈人〉の信ぴょう性を危うくする」の意味を表します。この表現を成立させるundermineが正答です。接頭辞under-には「下の;劣っている」という意味があります。undergoは「経験する;変化などをくぐりぬける」、underlieは「根底にある」、undertakeは「…を請け負う;…を保障する」の意味です。 (2) TOEFL '1. Professors often administer surprise quizzes in order to get ----- the importance of remaining prepared throughout the semester. (A) students to realize (B) students realized (C) to be realized by students (D) the realization that students ※正解(A)。【解説】 getには使役用法がある。その場合には、「get+人+to動詞」の形になる。これに該当するのはstudents to realizeである。students realizedではrealizedの働きが文法的でない。残りの選択肢ではstudentsの後に名詞the importanceが続くことになり文として成り立たない。 '2. Critics call state lotteries a form of taxation on the poor because the publicity lavished ------ misleads consumers into believing their chances are better than they are. (A) on lucky enough people to win (B) people on those lucky winners (C) on those lucky enough to win (D) those lucky to win enough on ※正解(C)。【解説】 the publicity lavishedとその後に続く空所の部分を合わせた意味は「幸運にも宝くじに当たった人に世間の注目が集まるので」になる。この意味になるのはon those (who were) lucky enough to winである。who wereが省略されている点に注意。publicity「世間の注目」。問題文では、lavish ... on〜「〜に ... を惜しまずに与える」が受け身で用いられている。 '3. In ordinary conversation, we often use the terms "nuclear" and "atomic" interchangeably, even though "nuclear" is not always ----- "atomic". (A) as (B) the same as (C) similar (D) alike ※正解(B)。【解説】 「同じ」という意味を表すにはどの語を使えばいいか。正解はthe same asである。similarの場合には、その後に前置詞toが必要となる。alikeは名詞の前には置けない。(例)Those two are much alike.「その2つはとても似ている」。 '4. A British engineering firm and its Indonesian counterparts ------ this bridge with more than enough strength and stability to withstand current traffic loads. (A) designs (B) are designing (C) to design (D) designing ※正解(B)。【解説】 andを挟んで名詞句が2つ並んでいる。それを動詞designsでは受けられない。空所には動詞が入ることになるので、to designとdesigningは不可。正解はare designingである。 '5. Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats in Congress ------ to recommend new initiatives on current controversies just before presidential primaries. (A) was able (B) has the ability (C) is able to (D) find it easy ※正解(D)。【解説】 the Republicans、the Democrats両者とも複数形になっていることがポイント。was able、has the ability、is able toはどれも複数形の主語の後には使えない。したがって、find it easyが正解となる。 '6. The rate (A)which the keynote speaker (B)delivered his address was (C)so rapid that most of the people (D)listening could not understand what he was trying to say. ※正解(A)。【解説】 which → at which。関係代名詞whichは前のThe rate「速度」にかかっているが、前置詞atを付け足して、at whichにしなければ修飾関係が成り立たない。deliver「(演説などを)する」。so rapid ... はso ... that構文である。listeningの前にはwho wereが略されている。 '7. Do not (A)place this sample (B)in direct sunlight, or expose it (C)to (D)extremely heat or moisture. ※正解(D)。【解説】 extremely → extreme。 placeは動詞で「置く」の意味。in direct sunlight「直射日光に」、expose ... to 〜「... を〜に晒す」。heat「熱」は名詞。したがって、extremelyは形容詞extreme「極度の」にしなくてはいけない。 '8. One of the main (A)advantages of (B)shorter vehicles (C)are (D)their maneuverability. ※正解(C)。【解説】 are → is。 呼応に関する基本問題である。areは文頭のoneを受けているのでisにしなければならない。maneuverability「操縦しやすさ」。 '9. (A)Depending on (B)its individual fire safety policies, some apartment building management companies may require fire extinguishers to be placed inside elevators, (C)while others may have them placed outside elevator entrances (D)on each floor. ※正解(B)。【解説】 its → their。 Depending on ... は「... によって、次第で(分詞構文)」の意味。itsは後に出てくるsome ... companiesとothersを受けている。したがって、itsではなくtheirになる。while「... の一方で」と前置詞onの用法に問題はない。 '10. A recent city council (A)vote approved the establishment (B)of a municipal fund to assist (C)on paying for renovation of the deteriorating (D)historic downtown area. ※正解(C)。【解説】 on → in。voteは名詞で「投票」の意味。前置詞ofに問題はない。assistの後に来る前置詞はonではなくinである。historic「歴史的に有名な」。 II. 時事英文 From The Japan News June 4, 2014 Heat wave bakes Hokkaido Jiji Press An unusually strong heat wave gripped Hokkaido Tuesday, with temperatures hitting a 90-year high. The mercury rose to 37.8 C in the town of Otofuke at around 2 p.m., matching Hokkaido's highest temperature, recorded in Obihiro on July 12, 1924, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. Temperatures exceeded 35 C for the first time this year at many observation points in the prefecture, due to a high-pressure system and hot air coming from China. From The Japan News June 4, 2014 Ferry disaster looms over ROK polls South Koreans elect new local representatives on Wednesday in elections widely seen as a barometer of President Park Geun-hye's response to a ferry disaster in April that killed more than 300 people, most of them children from the same school. The sinking of the Sewol has sidelined traditional campaign issues such as jobs, education and welfare, and instead focused voter attention on a fierce national debate over the government's failure to enforce oversight on safety. "The election is going to start with the Sewol and end with the Sewol," said a political science professor. "It'll be favorable to the opposition and considerably disadvantageous to the ruling party." Report: S. Korea ferry owner seeks asylum South Korean prosecutors investigating April's ferry disaster said Tuesday the fugitive head of the family that owns the vessel had indirectly approached a foreign embassy in Seoul over asylum, but was rejected. III - a. Vocabulary '1. 「日米韓防衛会議」関連 〜に効果的に対処する deal effectively with ... 情報分野 military intelligence field 安全保障上の脅威 security threat ミサイル防衛 missile defense (arrangements) ミサイル能力 missile capability 包括的に in a conprehensive manner 〜を置き去りにする leave ... unaddressed 進展する make headway 慎重姿勢を崩さない remain wary (of ...) 〜の仲介で through the offices of ... '2. 「エジプト選挙」関連 事実上の軍事クーデター de-facto military coup 暫定政府 provisional government 取り締まる crack down 倒す topple ムスリム同胞団 Muslim Brohtherhood 大統領在任中に during one's term as president 拘束される be detained 影響力 clout 正常化 normalize III -b. ABCニュースから ABCニュースは、GM=ゼネラル・モーターズが部品の欠陥によるリコールを遅らせたとされる問題で内部調査の結果を公表したと伝えています。 15 GM employees including senior executives fired. 「幹部を含む15人のGM社員が解雇された」。 キーワードは、fire「解雇する」。 disciplineは「叱責する」。 「叱る、注意する、懲戒する」など幅広い意味で使われます。 wrongdoingで「不正行為」。 faultyで「不具合、欠陥がある」。 flagは「旗を立てる」ことから、「問題を指摘する、注意を喚起する」。 今回のキーワードは、fire「解雇する」です。 [例文] General Motors back in the news this evening. 15 employees fired over those recalls. GMのリコール問題で15人が解雇された The fallout from those faulty ignition switches and lives lost. 部品の欠陥で死亡事故が起きている The moment of truth for GM CEO Mary Barra. GMのCEOバーラ氏に試練の時だ Today unveiling the results of an internal investigation into faulty ignition switches. 点火装置の欠陥に関する内部調査の結果を公表した Repeatedly, individuals failed to disclose critical pieces of information 重要な情報の共有を怠る人がいました that could have fundamentally changed the lives of those impacted by the faulty ignition switch. その結果 命の危険にもつながる事態となりました 15 GM employees including senior executives fired. Five others disciplined. 幹部を含む15人が解雇され5人が懲戒処分を受けた And evidence the ignition problems were flagged as early as 1999. But the investigation found no evidence of a cover-up and cleared Barra of any wrongdoing. 欠陥の指摘は1999年からあったとの証拠も示されたが- 事実の隠蔽やバーラ氏の不正はなかったという IV. Jokes 'a. Father and son were drinking at home and they started arguing. The father said, "Fine, I will never give you this house even after my death!" The son said, "I don't want this house. It's not even standing straight." 'b. A man was drunk walking home. Then he saw a gold coin in a water puddle. He tried to pick it up, but since it was a cold night, the water was frozen. He thought for a while, and came up with a good idea. He peed on the ice to melt it and get the coin … then he woke up. The gold coin was in his dream and the pee was real. |