資料No. : NS140507
(1) TOEIC '1. The director didn't normally give newcomers leading role in his movies, but he made an ------- in his upcoming film. (A) acceptance (B) exception (C) experience (D) impression '2. Although the fans poured into the stadium with great enthusiasm, the game was ------- due to heavy rain. (A) extended (B) missed (C) postponed (D) withdrawn '3. The teacher tried to show her students how mathematics can be ------- to various real-world situations. (A) application (B) applied (C) apply (D) applying (2) TOEFL '1. The oldest trophy in international sports is known as the America's Cup, which is ----- the name of the world's most prestigious sailboat competition. (A) also (B) too (C) addition (D) combining '2. The desperate effort to design and build aircraft of ----- kinds during World War II led to a number of advances in aviation technology. (A) their (B) each (C) any (D) all '3. ----- led by a more experienced commander, it very well may have succeeded in its mission of conquering England. (A) Had the second Spanish Armada been (B) The second Spanish Armada it had been (C) The second Spanish Armada had been (D) Had were the second Spanish Armada '4. Sir Henry Raeburn, who lived from 1756 to 1823, was recognized ----- his lifetime as the leading Scottish portrait artist. (A) during (B) while (C) through (D) when '5. Ruthenium is a rare element used mainly in jewelry in alloys with platinum and other relatively soft metals ----- of its silver-white appearance and hardness. (A) due to (B) because (C) therefore (D) since '6. The archerfish is capable (A)of "hunting" by shooting droplets of water from (B)their mouth (C)with speed and accuracy, striking and toppling insect prey from as far (D)away as three feet. '7. (A)Comparing with other bats, the (B)approximately 30 species known as big brown bats are (C)relatively slow, heavy fliers and are often (D)found in buildings and hollow trees. '8. Natural caves are (A)thinking to (B)have provided the shelter (C)that helped many small groups of Neanderthals (D)in what is now central Europe to survive. '9. Magicians specialize in (A)sleight of hand, the performance of tricks (B)designed to make (C)impossible seem (D)possible. '10. The anthrax vaccine is generally (A)regarded by the medical community as safe (B)despite of (C)lingering rumor that it (D)has harmful side effects. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC '1. The director didn't normally give newcomers leading role in his movies, but he made an ------- in his upcoming film. (A) acceptance (B) exception (C) experience (D) impression 訳 その監督はふつう自分の映画の主役に新人を充てることはしなかったが、もうすぐ公開される映画では特例を設けた。 ※正解(B)。解説 make an exceptionで「例外とする」という意味を表します。この句を成立させるexceptionが正答となります。make an impressionは「印象を残す」の意味ですが、文意が通りません。 '2. Although the fans poured into the stadium with great enthusiasm, the game was ------- due to heavy rain. (A) extended (B) missed (C) postponed (D) withdrawn 訳 ファンが熱狂して球場に押し寄せたが、試合は豪雨のため延期された。 ※正解(C)。解説 動詞postpone(…を延期する)の過去分詞形である(C)のpostponedを選べば、the game was postponed(試合は延期された)という句が成立し、文意が通ります。extendedはextend(…を引き伸ばす)の、missedはmiss(…を逃がす)の、withdrawnはwithdraw(…を引っ込める)の過去分詞形です。 '3. The teacher tried to show her students how mathematics can be ------- to various real-world situations. (A) application (B) applied (C) apply (D) applying 訳 その教師が生徒に示そうとしたのは、数学というものが実社会のさまざまな場面でいかに利用されうるかということだった。 ※正解(B)。解説 how以降の部分が、動詞showの目的語となる節です。この節はmathematics(数学)が主語であることから、意味の上から、受動態を形成する(B)のappliedを選ぶのが妥当です。 (2) TOEFL '1. The oldest trophy in international sports is known as the America's Cup, which is ----- the name of the world's most prestigious sailboat competition. (A) also (B) too (C) addition (D) combining ※正解(A)。【解説】 難しく考えることはない。is also the name of... で「……の名前でもある」の意味になる。prestigious「高名な」。 '2. The desperate effort to design and build aircraft of ----- kinds during World War II led to a number of advances in aviation technology. (A) their (B) each (C) any (D) all ※正解(D)。【解説】 theirとeachが使えないのはすぐに分かる。all kindsで「あらゆる種類の」という意味になる。 '3. ----- led by a more experienced commander, it very well may have succeeded in its mission of conquering England. (A) Had the second Spanish Armada been (B) The second Spanish Armada it had been (C) The second Spanish Armada had been (D) Had were the second Spanish Armada ※正解(A)。【解説】 仮定法過去完了の文である。Hadが文頭に倒置されたHad the second Spanish Armada beenはIf the second Spanish Armada had beenと同じ意味を表す。 '4. Sir Henry Raeburn, who lived from 1756 to 1823, was recognized ----- his lifetime as the leading Scottish portrait artist. (A) during (B) while (C) through (D) when ※正解(A)。【解説】 空所の後にhis lifetimeと名詞句が来ているので、whileとwhenは不可。duringを空所に入れるとduring his lifetimeで「生きている間」の意味になる。 '5. Ruthenium is a rare element used mainly in jewelry in alloys with platinum and other relatively soft metals ----- of its silver-white appearance and hardness. (A) due to (B) because (C) therefore (D) since ※正解(B)。【解説】 空所の後にある前置詞ofがヒントになる。because of... で「……のために、……のゆえに」の意。ruthenium「ルテニウム」。 '6. The archerfish is capable (A)of "hunting" by shooting droplets of water from (B)their mouth (C)with speed and accuracy, striking and toppling insect prey from as far (D)away as three feet. ※正解(B)。【解説】 their → its。be capable of... ingで「……することが可能である」の意。theirはThe archerfish「テッポウウオ」に呼応させてitsにしなくてはいけない。前置詞withとawayの用法に問題はない。 '7. (A)Comparing with other bats, the (B)approximately 30 species known as big brown bats are (C)relatively slow, heavy fliers and are often (D)found in buildings and hollow trees. ※正解(A)。【解説】 Comparing → Compared。Compared with... で「……と比べると」の意味になる。副詞approximately、relatively、過去分詞foundに誤りはない。 '8. Natural caves are (A)thinking to (B)have provided the shelter (C)that helped many small groups of Neanderthals (D)in what is now central Europe to survive. ※正解(A)。【解説】 thinking → thought。Natural caves「自然にできた洞窟」がthinkするはずがない。thinkingはthoughtにしなければ意味が通らない。 '9. Magicians specialize in (A)sleight of hand, the performance of tricks (B)designed to make (C)impossible seem (D)possible. ※正解(C)。【解説】 impossible → the impossible。sleigh of hand「手先の早業、手品」。designed toの前にはthat/which areが略されている。make the impossible seem possibleで「不可能な事を可能に見せる」の意味になる。 '10. The anthrax vaccine is generally (A)regarded by the medical community as safe (B)despite of (C)lingering rumor that it (D)has harmful side effects. ※正解(B)。【解説】 despite of → despite。うっかり見逃してしまいそうな間違いである。前置詞despite「……にもかかわらず」には前置詞ofは必要ない。 II. 時事英文 Watanabe must give solid, believable account of how ?800 million was used (その3:全7回シリーズ) Asked what he used the money for, Watanabe said it had been spent "for various purposes deemed necessary for a politician" and said some of the money had been used to finance conference and travel expenses. He spoke with no apparent awareness of the possible illegality of his behavior, even pointing out that he had repaid part of the loans. 使途の内訳は「政治家として生きていく上で必要なもろもろ」とし、会議費や旅費などに充てたと語った。違法性の認識はなく、一部は返済したとも弁明した。 It seems that Watanabe hopes to ride out the scandal by insisting that the loans were for his personal use. あくまで個人の借り入れだとして、切り抜けたいのだろう。 III - a. Vocabulary '1. 「核軍縮広島宣言」関係 核軍拡 nuclear arms buildup 多国間交渉 multinational negotiations 被爆者 atomic bomb survivor 名指しする name 核保有量 nuclear arsenal 団結する join hands 覚書 memorandum 背く renege 〜の流れを逆行させる reverse the tide of ... 核の傘 nuclear umbrella '2. 「竹富町の教科書」関係 ルールを逸脱する deviate from rules 明らかに違法行為である clearly violate the law 地方自治法 Local Government Law 教育行政 administration of education 国地方係争 national-local dispute 政府見解 government's perspective 〜の離脱を要望する seek independence from ... 〜の細分化を図る intend to fragment ... 小規模自治体 smaller municipality 利点がある have merit III -b. ABCニュースから ABCニュースは、航空手荷物の損傷や紛失についての苦情がこの1年で4割も増えていると伝えています。 Trying to get reimbursed is yet another headache.「賠償を求めるのもまた一苦労だ」。 キーワードは、reimburse「賠償する」、「弁償する、返済する」。 file the claimで「賠償を申請する」。 headacheは「頭痛の種」から「やっかいごと、一苦労」。 ABCニュースは、アメリカの国内線の場合、到着してから24時間以内にcomplaint「苦情」を 申し立てる必要があると伝えています。 今回のキーワードは、reimburse「賠償する」です。 [例文] We've all seen our bags come back banged and battered after an airplane trip. 空の旅で預けた手荷物が損傷した経験は? Well, tonight, we have some video shot by a kind of citizen patrol. ある乗客が撮影した映像を紹介しよう Take a look as the Air Canada handler hurls the bags right down a flight of stairs. This passenger caught them in the act, and now Air Canada is apologizing saying it's not the way they do business. 階段の上から荷物を投げ落とす係員の様子を-乗客が撮っていた。航空会社は"係員の規律違反だ"と謝罪した Each year more than 2 million bags are lost, damaged or destroyed. The number of complaints is up 40% from a year ago. 紛失・破損する手荷物の数は年間200万以上 苦情件数はこの1年で40%増えている And trying to get reimbursed is yet another headache. At best, domestic travelers will get no more than $3,000 for their lost or damaged luggage, and the clock is ticking. 賠償を求めるのも また一苦労だ国内線では 手荷物の紛失・損傷の賠償限度額は3,000ドル 時間の余裕もない Some airlines want you to inspect your bag before you even leave the airport, and if you don't file the claim within 24 hours, you're out of luck. 空港で確認を求める航空会社もある賠償を申請する期限は24時間以内だ IV. Jokes 'a. Cats Are Smarter Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get eight cats to pull a sled through snow. 'b. What's Brown and… Q: What's brown and sticky? A: A stick. 'c. How Lazy is He??? I tell ya, my dog is lazy. He don't chase cars. He sits on the curb and takes down license plate numbers. |