資料No. : NS140416
(1) TOEIC '1. After hours of consideration, Peter finally ------- up with a catchy name for the new product. (A) came (B) looked (C) met (D) signed '2. When Judy told Dan that she created the game software -------, he didn't quite believe her. (A) her (B) her own (C) hers (D) herself '3. Needing relief from the issues ------- heavily on her mind, Betty made an appointment for a massage at a local spa. (A) weigh (B) weighing (C) weight (D) weighty (2) TOEFL '1. Dorothea Lange was one of several photographers ----- most important work depicted the despair experienced by the poor during the Great Depression. (A) who (B) whose (C) whom (D) heir '2. The Whigs were political parties in England, Scotland and America named ----- the "whiggamores," a Scotch word once used to describe opponents of King Charles I of England. (A) after (B) on (C) to (D) with '3. Unlike the simple bellows, the dual-action bellows enables the operator ----- a continuous stream of gas or liquid from the device. (A) emit (B) emitted (C) emitting (D) to emit '4. The fuel in the core of a nuclear reactor produces heat that converts water to steam, which, -----, is used to drive electrical generators. (A) as turned (B) turning (C) it turns (D) in turn '5. Although mercury is still used in some glass thermometers, it has ----- been replaced by equally reliable non-toxic materials. (A) large (B) largely (C) larger (D) largest '6. Poison oak, poison ivy, and poison sumac, are three (A)related bushes and vines (B)that they contain sap capable (C)of causing severe irritation (D)to the skin. '7. (A)Conflict between speakers of the Dutch and French languages (B)have played (C)an important role in (D)the history of the Netherlands. '8. The need (A)to identify men of diverse ranks and specialties (B)amid the confusion of the battlefield has led to the development of (C)elaborately, ostentatious and decorative (D)regalia. '9. Magnetic compasses have a (A)built-in error resulting from the fact (B)that the (C)earth's geographical poles are not the same as (D)their magnetic poles. '10. (A)Whereas each zebra has (B)its own unique pattern of stripes, (C)some experts believe that the (D)animals use the patterns to identify each other. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC '1. After hours of consideration, Peter finally ------- up with a catchy name for the new product. (A) came (B) looked (C) met (D) signed 訳;何時間も熟考したあとで、ようやくピーターは人の注意を引きそうな新製品名を考え出した。 ※正解(A)。解説 熟語の問題。come up with ...で「…を思い付く;…を考え出す」の意味を表します。この句を用いれば文意が通ります。look upは「(言葉などを)調べる;見上げる」、meet upは「会う」、sign upは「署名する;登録する」の意味です。ちなみにcatchyは「覚えやすい;人の心をとらえる」の意味です。 '2. When Judy told Dan that she created the game software -------, he didn't quite believe her. (A) her (B) her own (C) hers (D) herself 訳; ジュディーから独力でゲームソフトを開発したと聞かされたとき、ダンは彼女の言うことをまったく信じなかった。 ※正解(D)。解説 whenからコンマまでの節には文法的に足りない要素はありません。「自分自身で」と強調するときに用いられるherselfが正答です。her ownを空欄で使用するには、前置詞onを足してon her own(自力で)としなければなりません。 '3. Needing relief from the issues ------- heavily on her mind, Betty made an appointment for a massage at a local spa. (A) weigh (B) weighing (C) weight (D) weighty 訳; 心に重くのしかかる心配事から逃れたくて、ベティーは地元のスパでマッサージの予約を入れた。 ※正解(B)。解説 空所からmindまでの部分がなくても文が成立するため、この部分はissuesを修飾するためのものだと考えられます。issues weighing heavily on her mind(心に重くのしかかる心配事)という分詞の後置修飾のかたちをつくるweighingが正答です。 (2) TOEFL '1. Dorothea Lange was one of several photographers ----- most important work depicted the despair experienced by the poor during the Great Depression. (A) who (B) whose (C) whom (D) heir ※正解(B)。【解説】 空所以下のの文は「主語+動詞+目的語」が揃っているので、who、whom、theirは使えない。正解は所有格whoseである。depict「描く」。 '2. The Whigs were political parties in England, Scotland and America named ----- the "whiggamores," a Scotch word once used to describe opponents of King Charles I of England. (A) after (B) on (C) to (D) with ※正解(A)。【解説】 「……の名を取って〜と名付けた」という意味を表すにはnamedの後にどのような前置詞を使えばいいか。正解は(A) afterである。 '3. Unlike the simple bellows, the dual-action bellows enables the operator ----- a continuous stream of gas or liquid from the device. (A) emit (B) emitted (C) emitting (D) to emit ※正解(D)。【解説】 enable+名詞の後に動詞を続ける場合には、to不定詞を用いる。bellows「ふいご」。 '4. The fuel in the core of a nuclear reactor produces heat that converts water to steam, which, -----, is used to drive electrical generators. (A) as turned (B) turning (C) it turns (D) in turn ※正解(D)。【解説】 as turnedでは意味が通らない。空所の後にis usedがあるので、turning、it turnsが使えないのは明か。正解は(D) in turn。 '5. Although mercury is still used in some glass thermometers, it has ----- been replaced by equally reliable non-toxic materials. (A) large (B) largely (C) larger (D) largest ※正解(B)。【解説】 hasとbeenの間に形容詞が入るはずがない。正解は副詞largely「大部分は」である。 '6. Poison oak, poison ivy, and poison sumac, are three (A)related bushes and vines (B)that they contain sap capable (C)of causing severe irritation (D)to the skin. ※正解(B)。【解説】 that they → that。relatedは「同族の、関連のある」という意味の形容詞。関係代名詞thatの後にtheyを続けては前後の文が繋がらない。このtheyは不要である。前置詞of、toの用法に問題はない。 '7. (A)Conflict between speakers of the Dutch and French languages (B)have played (C)an important role in (D)the history of the Netherlands. ※正解(B)。【解説】 have → has。この場合のconflict「戦い、争い」は不可算名詞。haveはconflictに呼応してhasにしなくてはいけない。冠詞an、theに問題はない。 '8. The need (A)to identify men of diverse ranks and specialties (B)amid the confusion of the battlefield has led to the development of (C)elaborately, ostentatious and decorative (D)regalia. ※正解(C)。【解説】 elaborately → elaborate。The needの後のto不定詞、前置詞amid「……の真っ最中に」の用法に問題はない。elaboratelyの後には形容詞ostentatious「人目を引く」、decorative「装飾の」が並んでいるので、それに合わせて副詞elaboratelyは形容詞elaborate「手の込んだ、精巧な」にする。regaliaは「記章、勲章」のこと。 '9. Magnetic compasses have a (A)built-in error resulting from the fact (B)that the (C)earth's geographical poles are not the same as (D)their magnetic poles. ※正解(D)。【解説】 their → its。built-in「(本来)備わった」、接続詞that、所有格earth'sに誤りは見あたらない。theirはearthのことを指すので、この場合はitsを用いる。 '10. (A)Whereas each zebra has (B)its own unique pattern of stripes, (C)some experts believe that the (D)animals use the patterns to identify each other. ※正解(A)。【解説】 Whereas → Since。Whereas「……に反して」では、some experts以下の文と意味的に繋がらない。Whereasの代わりにSince、あるいは、Becauseを使えばいい。 II. 時事英文 Watanabe must give solid, believable account of how ?800 million was used (その1:全7回シリーズ) 渡辺代表借入金 「もろもろ」で8億円が通るか(3月28日付・読売社説) The Yomiuri Shimbun What on earth did an opposition party leader use the ?800 million he borrowed for? Providing an answer to this question is his duty as the leader of a political party. 8億円もの借入金を一体何に使ったのか。公党の党首として国民の疑問に答えてもらいたい。 It has come to light that Yoshiaki Yoshida, chairman of the cosmetics company DHC Corp. and a supporter of Your Party leader Yoshimi Watanabe, loaned the politician ?300 million about two weeks before the 2010 House of Councillors election and another ?500 million a month before the 2012 vote for the House of Representatives. みんなの党の渡辺代表を支援していた化粧品販売会社ディーエイチシーの吉田嘉明会長が、2010年参院選の直前に3億円、12年衆院選の直前に5億円を渡辺氏に貸していたことが明らかになった。 III - a. Vocabulary '1. 「特養待機者急増」関係 特別養護老人ホーム special nursing care home(for the elderly) 需要増 rising demand 有料 fee-based 財政負担 financial burden 統廃合された学校 merged or abolished school 住み慣れた地域 an area where one has resided for many years 費用を抑える keep a lid on costs 民間企業 private-sector company 懸案 pending concern 厳しい労働条件 tough working conditions '2, 「温暖化報告書」関係 適応策 adaptation measure 議論の基 basis for discussion 温帯地域 temperate zone 主要穀物 staple crop 受けやすい be susceptible to 品種改良する improve a variety 高潮 high tide 河川堤防 river embankment 温室効果ガス greenhouse gas 現実的な蜜筋 realistic approach III -b. ABCニュースから ABCニュースは、ミシガン州で、巨額の商品のshoplifting「万引き」を繰り返していた組織が検挙された と伝えています。 Police said today they had broken up a shoplifting ring.「警察はきょう、万引き組織を摘発したと発表した」。 キーワードは、shoplifting「万引き」。 shopliftで「万引きをする」。 ringはここでは「徒党、一味」、crime ringで「犯罪組織」。lootは「略奪する」また「略奪品」。 ABCニュースは、この組織は万引きした香水やcold remedy「風邪薬」などの商品をbelow retail「小売値より安い価格で」インターネットで売り払っていたと伝えています。 今回のキーワードは、shoplifting「万引き」です。 [例文] Police said today they had broken up a shoplifting ring so big it became a multi-million dollar business. 警察が万引き団を摘発数百万ドルのビジネスになっていた This is the shocking discovery inside an Oakland, Michigan, warehouse. ミシンガン州の倉庫で衝撃の発見だ Police say shelf after shelf is piled high with stolen loot from Victoria's Secret perfumes to weight loss pills and cold remedies. 警察によると積み上げられているのは盗品香水からダイエットピル風邪薬もある We're talking up to $15,000 of goods stolen per day. 1日最大1万5,000ドル分の品物を盗んでいた Those steals then allegedly became online deals, sold to shoppers below retail on eBay and Amazon. 盗品は小売値以下の価格でネットを通じて売られていたという Police say the crooks were part of a sophisticated crime ring including a mother and daughter team. 警察によると犯人は犯罪組織の一部で親子もいたという And they get a shopping list, then come back with 9 to 15 thousand dollars worth of merchandise, and they'd be paid 2,500 in cash. リストに基づいて商品を盗み2,500ドルの報酬を得ていました IV. Jokes 'a. Overheard At A Zumba Class… First woman: Look at me-I have a muffin top. Second woman: You're complaining? I have the whole muffin! 'b. She Shoots, She Scores! Why should you never breakup with a goalie? Because he's a keeper. 'c. Tailor-Made Quips My husband and I couldn't decide which jacket to buy our granddaughter, so we asked the young salesman. "If you were buying a jacket for your girlfriend," I said, "what would you get?" "A bulletproof one," he said. "I'm married." 'd. The One About The Fishermen and The Angel Three guys are fishing when an angel appears. The first guy says, "I've suffered from back pain for years. Can you help me?" The angel touches the man's back, and he feels instant relief. The second guy points to his thick glasses and begs for a cure for his poor eyesight. When the angel tosses the lenses into the lake, the man gains 20/20 vision. As the angel turns to the third fellow, he instantly recoils and screams, "Don't touch me! I'm on disability!" |