資料No. : NS140212 

1. Though the injury healed more quickly than doctors expected, ------- three months Jim was still walking with a limp.
(A) after (B) among (C) in (D) later

2. During the presentation, Jason avoided ------- to his notes since he wanted to impress the audience.
(A) refer (B) reference (C) referral (D) referring

3. The company's new computers were all ------- by highly secure, anti-viral software.
(A) installed (B) produced (C) programmed (D) protected

1. Alexander Graham Bell, the Scottish-born inventor and educator ----- known for his invention of the telephone, was only 29 years old when he received his patent for that invention.
(A) main (B) most (C) primary (D) best

2. Cells reproduce by dividing ----- to generate a larger number of daughter cells through the processes of meiosis and mitosis.
(A) themselves (B) itself (C) herself (D) himself

3. In Greek mythology, the minotaur was a monster ----- half bull and half man.
(A) who was (B) who (C) was (D) was he

4. ----- October 5, 1960, South Africa voted to end its allegiance to the British Crown and become an independent republic.
(A) To (B) For (C) Of (D) On

5. News agencies are organizations that gather, write and ----- news to newspapers, periodicals, radio and television broadcasters rather than directly to the reading public.
(A) distribute (B) distributing (C) to distribute (D) distribution

6. The global economy grew (A)by less than 3 (B)percents in 1986 (C)despite lower interest rates (D)and sinking oil prices.

7. The national flag of Angola (A)includes a half of a cogwheel (B)as a symbol of industry, a machete (C)symbol agriculture, and the five-pointed star of (D)socialism.

8. Dwight Whitney Morrow was (A)a New York lawyer (B)who joined the banking firm of J. P. Morgan and Company in 1914, (C)of whose daughter (D)married the famous aviator Charles A. Lindbergh.

9. (A)In spite of (B)their reputations as mysterious, (C)filth and even demonic creatures, bats are actually harmless, clean and - (D)some believe -- cute animals.

10. River deltas (A)can be very successful agricultural areas (B)unless they are usually the areas (C)where fertile sediments transported downstream (D)are deposited.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
1. Though the injury healed more quickly than doctors expected, ------- three months Jim was still walking with a limp.
(A) after (B) among (C) in (D) later
訳; けがは医師の予想よりも早く治ったが、3カ月たっても、ジムはまだ足を引きずりながら歩いていた。
※正解(A)。解説 three monthsという一定の期間を導く語として適切で、なおかつ文脈内で意味を成すのは、選択肢の中ではafter(…後に)だけです。[in+期間]も「…後に」の意味ですが、これは通常、「(現在から数えて)…後に」と述べる状況で用いられるもので、この問題文の場合には用いられません。また、laterを用いる場合は、three months later(3カ月後)のように、期間を表す語句のあとに置く必要があります。

2. During the presentation, Jason avoided ------- to his notes since he wanted to impress the audience.
(A) refer (B) reference (C) referral (D) referring
訳; 発表の間、ジェーソンはメモを見るのを避けた。というのも聴衆に良い印象を与えたかったからだ。
※正解(D)。解説 avoidの語法が問われています。avoidは動名詞を従えて、「…するのを避ける」という意味を表すので、(D)のreferringが正答となります。

3. The company's new computers were all ------- by highly secure, anti-viral software.
(A) installed (B) produced (C) programmed (D) protected
訳; 会社の新しいコンピューターはすべて、安全性の高いウイルス対策ソフトによって保護されていた。
※正解(D)。解説 選択肢はどれも動詞の過去・過去分詞です。protect(…を守る)の過去分詞形であるprotectedを選べば、「安全なウイルス対策ソフトによって保護されている」という受動態の文が成立し、文意が通ります。

1. Alexander Graham Bell, the Scottish-born inventor and educator ----- known for his invention of the telephone, was only 29 years old when he received his patent for that invention.
(A) main (B) most (C) primary (D) best
※正解(D)。【解説】 過去分詞knownの前に形容詞main、primaryが来るはずがない。most knownでもよさそうだが、best known for... で「……でもっともよく知られている」の意味になる。patent「特許」。

2. Cells reproduce by dividing ----- to generate a larger number of daughter cells through the processes of meiosis and mitosis.
(A) themselves (B) itself (C) herself (D) himself
※正解(A)。【解説】 この文の主語はCells「細胞」なので、herselfとhimselfが使えないのはすぐにわかるだろう。Cellsと複数形になっているので、空所にはitselfではなくthemselvesが入る。reproduce oneself「繁殖する」、meiosis「減数分裂」、mitosis「有糸分裂」。

3. In Greek mythology, the minotaur was a monster ----- half bull and half man.
(A) who was (B) who (C) was (D) was he
※正解(A)。【解説】 was、was heではbe動詞がダブることになる。whoのままでは空所以降の文の動詞がないことになる。したがって、正解は(A)。mythology「神話」、minotaur「ミノタウロス(牛頭人身の怪物)」。

4. ----- October 5, 1960, South Africa voted to end its allegiance to the British Crown and become an independent republic.
(A) To (B) For (C) Of (D) On
※正解(D)。【解説】 空所の後にはOctober 5, 1960と特定の日が続いているので前置詞onを空所に入れればいい。allegiance「忠誠」。

5. News agencies are organizations that gather, write and ----- news to newspapers, periodicals, radio and television broadcasters rather than directly to the reading public.
(A) distribute (B) distributing (C) to distribute (D) distribution
※正解(A)。【解説】 前にある動詞gather、writeに合わせてdistributeを空所に入れればいい。periodical「定期刊行物」。

6. The global economy grew (A)by less than 3 (B)percents in 1986 (C)despite lower interest rates (D)and sinking oil prices.
※正解(B)。【解説】 percents → percent。前置詞by、despite「……にもかかわらず」、接続詞andの用法に問題はない。パーセントを表す場合にはpercentのあとにsを付ける必要はない。

7. The national flag of Angola (A)includes a half of a cogwheel (B)as a symbol of industry, a machete (C)symbol agriculture, and the five-pointed star of (D)socialism.
※正解(C)。【解説】 symbol → symbolizing 。includes「……を含む(3人称単数)」、as「……として」に問題はない。symbolのままでは次の語句と繋がらないので、symbolizing、あるいは、 to symbolizeを用いる。socialism「社会主義」、cogwheel「はめ歯歯車」、machete「なた」。

8. Dwight Whitney Morrow was (A)a New York lawyer (B)who joined the banking firm of J. P. Morgan and Company in 1914, (C)of whose daughter (D)married the famous aviator Charles A. Lindbergh.
※正解(C)。【解説】 of → and。冠詞a、関係代名詞whoの用法に誤りはない。ofのままでは次のwhose daughterと繋がらない。andを使えば文が成立する。marryは他動詞。

9. (A)In spite of (B)their reputations as mysterious, (C)filth and even demonic creatures, bats are actually harmless, clean and - (D)some believe -- cute animals.
※正解(C)。【解説】 filth → filthy。In spite of... で「……にもかかわらず」の意味。theirはbatsのことを指している。filth「不潔」は名詞。mysterious、demonicに合わせてfilthyと形容詞形にしなくてはいけない。some believeは「……だと思っている人もいる」の意味を表す挿入節。

10. River deltas (A)can be very successful agricultural areas (B)unless they are usually the areas (C)where fertile sediments transported downstream (D)are deposited.
※正解(B)。【解説】 unless → because。unlessに注目。このままでは意味が通らない。川の三角州(river delta)がvery successful agricultural areasになりうる理由がunless以下に書かれているので、unlessの代わりにbecauseを使う。

II. 時事英文
U.S. And Laos Combatting Illegal Drugs (その3:全5回シリーズ)
Col. Khamphonh said he appreciated support from the U.S. government in the counter-narcotics area. All such assistance takes place under formal agreements between the Lao PDR and the U.S. government.

Mr. Lacy Wright, Director of the Law Enforcement and Narcotics Section at the U.S. Embassy, noted that, since 1989, the United States has contributed over $45 million in anti-drug assistance to Laos:

III - a. 雑知識
1. " throw cold water on / 〜に水を差す "
日中両政府が予定していた交流事業が取りやめになった。安倍晋三首相による靖国神社参拝が影響したとみられる。Abe's visit to Yasukuni Shrine appears to have thrown cold water on plans to resume private-sector exchange programs between Japan and China.は、AJWの記事から。

2. " make a run for / 〜に出馬する "
Former Prime Minister Morihiro Hosokawa said on Jan. 14 that he will make a run for Tokyo governor election with the backing of former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.は、東京都知事選に元首相の細川護熙(もりひろ)氏が立候補したことを伝えたThe Asahi Shimbun AJWの記事から。

3. " at odds with / 〜との関係が悪化して "
東京都知事選で脱原発を明言した細川護熙元首相を支持した小泉純一郎元首相は、原発再稼働を推し進める安倍政権と対決姿勢を鮮明にした。The 72-year-old Koizumi, widely seen as Abe's mentor, now is openly at odds with his former protege over the nuclear issue.は、AJWの記事から。

4. " shave / 減らす "
消費増税によるトヨタ自動車の生産の減少は、年間で1万台ほどにとどまる見通し。The tax increase will likely shave Toyota's production by 10,000 vehicles or so in 2014. は、The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。

5. " be projected to / 〜すると予想される "
Traffic demand between Japan and Islamic countries is projected to increase, as the number of tourists to Japan increases. は、イスラム圏からの訪日外国人が増加していることに関する The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。

III -b. ABCニュースから
hindsight is 20/20は慣用句で「後になればよくわかる」。
The buck stops with me.「責任は私にある」と述べたと伝えています。

In Atlanta today, they started moving abandoned cars from the middle of the roads in the melting ice with their bare hands.
Georgia's governor and other state officials apologized today for not shutting the city down before the snow.
I'm the governor. The buck stops with me. .I accept the responsibility for it.
.We've certainly seen this happen in cities before.
Atlanta did not understand .that snow is the enemy unless you're on a ski slope.
Whatever was done was really done in response to the crisis, .not because there was a plan.
He says the governor could have encouraged schools to close by declaring a state of emergency earlier.
Even Atlanta's mayor admits that the city could have staggered the way residents were sent home.
Hindsight, of course, 20/20.

IV. Jokes
'a. In Memoriam
Seeing her friend Sally wearing a new locket, Meg asks if there is a memento of some sort inside.
"Yes," says Sally, "a lock of my husband's hair."
"But Larry's still alive."
"I know, but his hair is gone."

'b. Cat Appetites
They make cat food out of cow, fish, turkey, chicken & lamb meat-but not mouse meat, which is probably all cats want.

'c. A Penguin Walks Into…
A penguin walks into a bar, goes to the counter, and asks the bartender, "Have you seen my brother?" The bartender says, "I don't know. What does he look like?"
