資料No. : NS131127
I-1 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Monthly sales figures have remained unchanged ------- the year so far, and we expect no major changes in the next six months. (A) within (B) by (C) between (D) throughout 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Rachel was sorry ------- her brother's opening night performance, but there was no helping it. (A) being missed (B) missed (C) missing (D) to have missed 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 In case of emergency, break the glass and pull ------- the red handle. (A) at (B) down (C) off (D) toward 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Scientists were researching the possibility that ------- of the precious oil could be used to cure various illnesses. (A) extract (B) extracted (C) extraction (D) extractor 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 ------- some members raised objections, the chairman of the board went ahead with voting on the matter. (A) Because (B) Since (C) Though (D) Until (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 It is thought that there are thousands of as yet undiscovered shipwrecks ----- much about history if we could only locate and examine them. (A) could it tell us (B) it could tell us that (C) could tell that us (D) that could tell us 2. 空所補充問題 Police forces normally maintain teams of negotiators who are experts ----- with armed hostage takers. (A) dealt (B) to deal (C) in dealing (D) for to deal 3. 空所補充問題 Passengers aboard the Titanic must ----- by the belief that she was an unsinkable ship. (A) have been comforted (B) been comforting (C) comforting (D) comforted 4. 空所補充問題 'Ibis' is the common name for ----- of about 30 different long-legged aquatic birds of the same order as storks. (A) the (B) them (C) such (D) any 5. 空所補充問題 By 1945, most battleships ----- with sonar and radar, but these instruments were still in their early stages of development, and tended to be unreliable. (A) equipped (B) were equipped (C) had equipped (D) did equip 6. 正誤問題 The Utrecht School was (A)a trend (B)in visual art (C)advanced (D)primary by Dutch painters. 7. 正誤問題 Liberty Island, (A)off the southern tip of Manhattan, was officially (B)knowing (C)as Bedloe's Island (D)until 1956. 8. 正誤問題 (A)When the moist, starchy center of a popcorn kernel is (B)heated, the water inside turns to vapor, (C)creates (D)enough expansion pressure to burst the hard outer shell. 9. 正誤問題 (A)Thanks to the science of hydroponics, scientists now know (B)how to grow (C)wide range of (D)crops without the use of soil. 10. 正誤問題 Civil wars, fighting between groups (A)with a country, (B)have a tendency to expand (C)into international conflicts when neighboring countries have (D)a strong interest in the outcome. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Monthly sales figures have remained unchanged ------- the year so far, and we expect no major changes in the next six months. (A) within (B) by (C) between (D) throughout 訳;月間売上高は、今のところ1年を通じて変化がなく、次の6カ月も大きな変化は見込まれていない。 ※正解(D)。(A)〜以内に、(B)〜までに、(C)〜の間、(D)〜を通じて 解説 remain unchanged(変わらない状態が続いた)の意味から、「期間」を表す前置詞(D)throughoutを選ぶ。(C)betweenも期間を表せるが、始点と終点が必要。 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Rachel was sorry ------- her brother's opening night performance, but there was no helping it. (A) being missed (B) missed (C) missing (D) to have missed 訳;レーチェルは弟の初演を見逃して悲しかったが、どうすることもできなかった。 ※正解(D)。解説 語法の問題。sorryという形容詞はSorry to bother you.(お邪魔しました)のようにto不定詞を従え、動名詞は採らないため、to have missedが正答となります。 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 In case of emergency, break the glass and pull ------- the red handle. (A) at (B) down (C) off (D) toward 訳;非常時には、ガラスを割って赤いハンドルを下に引っ張ってください。 ※正解(B)。解説 pull -------に続く名詞がthe red handle(赤いハンドル)のため、downを選び、pull down ...(…を引き下ろす)とするのが正答です。pullのあとにたとえばそでや体の一部が来る場合にはpull at ...で「…〈そでや体の一部など〉を引っ張る」とします。pull offなら「…〈車など〉を脇に寄せる;うまくやる」、pull toward ...で「…の方へ引っ張る」を表します。in case of emergencyは熟語で「非常時に;緊急時に」の意味です。 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Scientists were researching the possibility that ------- of the precious oil could be used to cure various illnesses. (A) extract (B) extracted (C) extraction (D) extractor 訳 科学者たちは、その希少なオイルの抽出物がさまざまな病の治療に使えるのではないかと研究していた。 ※正解(A)。解説 語彙の問題。空欄には名詞が入ります。(A)のextract(抽出物)、(C)のextraction(抽出)、(D)のextractor(抽出する物・人)はすべて名詞ですが、前後関係からextractを選びます。extractは「…を抽出する」という意味の動詞としても使えることを覚えておきましょう。 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 ------- some members raised objections, the chairman of the board went ahead with voting on the matter. (A) Because (B) Since (C) Though (D) Until 訳;異議を唱える役員がいたが、役員会の議長はその議題についての投票を強行した。 ※正解(C)。解説 カンマの前と後ろに、主語と動詞を持った文がある。この2つをつなぐ接続詞が必要。ところが選択肢はすべて接続詞なので、後は意味を考えるしかない。「メンバーの数人が異議を唱えた」と「理事長は議題に関する投票を強行した」をつなぐのに適切なのは、Though(…にもかかわらず)だけ。Because や Since では「役員が異議を唱えたので」となり、文意が通らない。 (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 It is thought that there are thousands of as yet undiscovered shipwrecks ----- much about history if we could only locate and examine them. (A) could it tell us (B) it could tell us that (C) could tell that us (D) that could tell us ※正解(D)。【解説】 前にthere are... があるので空所にそのままcouldで始まる語句を入れることはできない。it could tell that us... ではitが何のことだか分からない。正解は関係代名詞を含む(D) that could tell usである。shipwreck「難破船」。 2. 空所補充問題 Police forces normally maintain teams of negotiators who are experts ----- with armed hostage takers. (A) dealt (B) to deal (C) in dealing (D) for to deal ※正解(C)。【解説】 expertの後に前置詞inと動名詞を続けて「……をする専門家」の意味になる。正解は(C)。hostage「人質」。 3. 空所補充問題 Passengers aboard the Titanic must ----- by the belief that she was an unsinkable ship. (A) have been comforted (B) been comforting (C) comforting (D) comforted ※正解(A)。【解説】 助動詞mustの後にbeen comforting、comforting、comfortedが使えないのは明らか。must have been comforted by ... で「……によりほっとしていた(安心していた)に違いなかった」の意味になる。unsinkable「沈没しない」。 4. 空所補充問題 'Ibis' is the common name for ----- of about 30 different long-legged aquatic birds of the same order as storks. (A) the (B) them (C) such (D) any ※正解(D)。【解説】 theが使えないのは明らか。them、suchでは次のofと繋がらない。正解はany of... である。ibis「トキ」、aquatic bird「水鳥」、order「(動物分類上の)目(もく)」、stork「コウノトリ」。 5. 空所補充問題 By 1945, most battleships ----- with sonar and radar, but these instruments were still in their early stages of development, and tended to be unreliable. (A) equipped (B) were equipped (C) had equipped (D) did equip ※正解(B)。【解説】 他動詞equipはbe equipped with ... で「……を装備している」の意味になる。正解は(B)。battleship「戦艦」、sonar「ソナー(水中音波探知機)」。 6. 正誤問題 The Utrecht School was (A)a trend (B)in visual art (C)advanced (D)primary by Dutch painters. ※正解(D)。【解説】 primary → primarily。trend「トレンド、流行」は可算名詞。前置詞inに問題はない。advancedの前にはthat/which wasが略されている。「主に」の意味にするにはprimarilyと副詞形を用いなくてはいけない。 7. 正誤問題 Liberty Island, (A)off the southern tip of Manhattan, was officially (B)knowing (C)as Bedloe's Island (D)until 1956. ※正解(B)。【解説】 knowing → known。offは「離れた」の意味。be known as... で「 ……として知られていた」の意味になるので、knowingが間違っている。前置詞untilに問題はない。 8. 正誤問題 (A)When the moist, starchy center of a popcorn kernel is (B)heated, the water inside turns to vapor, (C)creates (D)enough expansion pressure to burst the hard outer shell. ※正解(C)。【解説】 create → creating。接続詞when、受動態heatedの用法に誤りはない。the water inside turns to vapor, creates... と動詞が並列されているので、creating(分詞)にしなければ文が繋がらない。and creates... でもいい。enough「十分な」の位置に問題はない。 9. 正誤問題 (A)Thanks to the science of hydroponics, scientists now know (B)how to grow (C)wide range of (D)crops without the use of soil. ※正解(C)。【解説】 wide range → a wide range。Thanks to... 「……のお陰で」、how to... に問題はない。rangeは可算名詞なので、wideの前に冠詞aが必要になる。crops「作物」。 10. 正誤問題 Civil wars, fighting between groups (A)with a country, (B)have a tendency to expand (C)into international conflicts when neighboring countries have (D)a strong interest in the outcome. ※正解(A)。【解説】 with → within。Civil warsとは「(国における)内戦」のことなので、withではなくwithin「……の中で」にしなければ意味が通らない。conflict「紛争」。 II. 時事英文 Preserving Internet Freedom (その4:全5回シリーズ) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights does not limit the protection given for expression only to what is termed "ethical" expression. In contrast, some states seek to define "ethical standards" to suppress speech. The United States, said Mr. Painter, "stress(es) that human rights are universal, and do not vary from place to place, or from culture to culture." When states curtail freedom of expression online in the interests of social stability, they limit future development. Their young people miss out on conversations and debates elsewhere in the world, and they lack exposure to the free inquiry that spurs people to question old ways of doing business and invent new ones. III - a. 雑知識 01. " in sync with / 「〜と同調して、協調関係にあって」 " 安倍晋三首相は派閥長老らと距離があり、党内基盤が万全ではない。Abe's power base is far from rock-solid because he is not completely in sync with elders of intra-party factions. は、The Asahi Shimbun AJWの記事から。 02. " mortality rate / 特定の集団の「死亡率」 " 内視鏡を使った大腸がんの検査を受けた人は、受けなかった人より大腸がんによる死亡率が約7割低かったという調査結果が出た。Endoscopic screening for colon cancer dramatically reduces the mortality rate for the disease. は、The Asahi Shimbun AJWの記事から。 03. " call off / (計画・予定などを)中止する " U.S. President Barack Obama called off plans to visit Asia and attend two summits because of the U.S. government shutdown. は、米政府機関の一部が閉鎖された状況で、オバマ大統領が外遊を取りやめたことを伝えたReuters通信の記事から。 04. " IPO / 新規株式公開 " initial public offeringの略語。インターネット上に短文を投稿するサービスを運営する米ツイッター社は10月3日、新規株式公開に向けた申請書類を公開した。Twitter Inc. publicly filed its IPO documents. は、Reuters通信の記事から。 05. " lavatory / 飛行機のトイレ " モスクワ発成田行き日航機内のトイレなどが使えなくなり、モスクワに引き返した。Japan Airlines Co. was forced to turn around its Tokyo-bound flight from Moscow on Oct. 10 due to a problem in the Boeing 787 jet's lavatory. は、AP通信の記事から。 III -b. 英語でどう言う? 「切れる」を含んだ表現 問題 1 (電話が)切れる 話の最中になぜか突然携帯電話が切れてしまい、どのキーを押しても反応がなかった。 While we were talking, my cellphone suddenly went ( ) for no reason and was completely unresponsive. a. deceased b. slashed c. crossed d. dead 問題 2 (ガソリンが)切れる ガソリンが切れそうだ。高速道路に乗る前にガソリンスタンドに寄ろう。 We're ( ) out of gas. Let's stop by a gas station before entering the expressway. a. running b. downing c. drying d. stepping 問題 3 (釣り糸が)切れる 大きな魚がかかったけど、釣り糸が切れて逃げられてしまった。 I hooked a big fish, but the line ( ) and it got away. a. crashed b. snapped c. split d. banged 問題 4 (関係が)切れる 「タクヤとはまだ付き合っているの?」/「とんでもない。とっくの昔に別れたわよ。」 "Are you still going out with Takuya?"/"Oh, no. We ( ) up a long time ago." 問題 5 (頭が)切れる あの政治家は外見はパッとしないけど、頭が切れてユーモアのセンスも抜群だ。 That politician looks unimpressive, but he has a ( ) mind and a great sense of humor. a. jagged b. sharp c. bitter d. cutting 問題 6 (麻酔が)切れる 骨折した僕の腕の手術は成功し、麻酔が切れた後は何の痛みも感じなかった。 The surgery on my broken arm was done successfully and I felt no pain after the anesthesia ( ) off. a. wore b. dressed c. changed d. seasoned 回答 1-d 2-a 3-b 4-c 5-b 6-a III -c. Elementary Question Question: What is the name of the guitar-like musical instrument essential to Hawaiian music? Answer: Ukulele It was brought to Hawaii by Portuguese immigrants in the 19th century. The name ukulele is believed to be a Hawaiian word meaning "jumping flea" because of the way the player's fingers move on the strings. IV. Jokes a. The game they play in heaven Two 90-year-old men, Mike and Nicholas, have been friends all their lives. When it's clear that Nicholas is dying, Mike visits him every day. One day Mike says, "Nicholas, we both loved rugby and played thgether for so many years. Please do me one favor: when you get to heaven, somehow you must let me know if there's rugby there." Nicholas agrees, then shortly after, he passed away. A few nights later, Mike is awakened from a sound sleep by a blinding flash of white light and a voice calling out, "Mike - it's me, Nicholas." "Nicholas!" exclaimed Mike. "Where are you?" "I'm in heaven. I have some really good news, and a little bad news." "Tell me the good news first," says Mike. "The good news is that there IS rugby in heaven. Better yet, all our old friends are here, we're all young again, it's always springtime, it never rains and we never get tired." "That's fantastic!" says Mike. "So what's the bad news?" "You're rostered on for Saturday." b. Smart snacking Two great white sharks are swimming in the ocean when they spy surfers. The younger shark licks his lips and makes a beeline for them. "Just a minute!" says his father, stopping him. "First we swim around them with just the tip of our fins showing." And they do. "Now we swim around them a few times with all our fins showing." And they do. "Now we eat everybody." When they are both gorged, the son asks: "Dad, why didn't we just eat them when we first saw them?" "Because they taste better without all the poop inside." c. Oldie but a goodie A man storms into his manager's office and demands a raise. "And just so you know," he blusters, "three other companies are after me!" "Is that so?" the manager says. "Which companies in particular?" "The electricity company, the telephone company and the gas company." d. Field of Dreams A man is driving down a country road when he sees a farmer standing in the middle of a huge field. He pulls the car over to the side of the road and watches the farmer just standing there, doing nothing, looking at nothing. Intrigued, the man gets out od the car, walks to the farmer and asks, "What are you doing, mister?" The farmer replies, "I'm trying to win a Nobel Pize." "How?" asks the man, puzzled. "Well, I heard they give the Nobel Prize to people who are out standing in their field." |