資料No. : NS131120
(1) TOEIC 1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The doctor told Jeremy that doing strenuous exercise in the cold air could ------- his symptoms. (A) complicate (B) indicate (C) pursue (D) weaken 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The planning team was ready to make a final decision when Mr. Marley pointed ------- a mistake in the proposal. (A) around (B) in (C) out (D) up 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The complicated theory was easier for the students to understand after the teacher broke it ------- into several parts. (A) away (B) down (C) off (D) out 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 You can call this number for assistance from the security firm in case of -------. (A) bankruptcy (B) depression (C) emergency (D) satisfaction 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The new government is planning to ban companies ------- selling their products below cost. (A) for (B) from (C) of (D) over (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 Actor Walter Matthau, ----- lived from 1920 to 2000, was born Walter Matuschanskavasky. (A) that (B) him (C) he (D) who 2. 空所補充問題 Contributions to the origins of letter "i" can be traced ----- to an ancient Egyptian hieroglyph showing the shape of a hand. (A) up (B) back (C) out (D) in 3. 空所補充問題 ----- a playwright and self-declared genius known for his incisive social comedies and his witty aphorisms exposing the ironies of life and hypocrisies of Victorian society. (A) Oscar Wilde being (B) Oscar Wilde (C) Being Oscar Wilde (D) Oscar Wilde was 4. 空所補充問題 If it hadn't been for the invention of the internal-combustion engine, the need for fuel oil ----- such an important geopolitical factor. (A) would become (B) may not become (C) might not have become (D) didn't become 5. 空所補充問題 Exposure to sunlight causes minor damage to the skin, stimulates the production of protective pigment cells, and ----- the synthesis of certain vitamins. (A) to promote (B) promotes (C) promoting (D) promoted 6. 正誤問題 FM, (A)its frequency modulation makes possible broadcasts (B)with less static interference (C)than broadcasts using AM, (D)which stands for amplitude modulation. 7. 正誤問題 (A)Physical health is only one aspect of (B)a well-lived life, which also has social, (C)philosophically and emotional (D)components. 8. 正誤問題 (A)A first driver to reach (B)a speed of over 100 kilometers (C)did so in (D)an electric powered car in 1899. 9. 正誤問題 The printing technique (A)used to deposit conductive materials (B)on the ceramic surfaces of computer chips (C)are (D)not unlike those used in the graphic arts. 10. 正誤問題 In 1900, New York readers (A)could choose (B)between 15 major city newspapers, (C)compared (D)only a few today. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The doctor told Jeremy that doing strenuous exercise in the cold air could ------- his symptoms. (A) complicate (B) indicate (C) pursue (D) weaken 訳 医者がジェレミーに話したのは、冷たい空気の中で激しい運動をすると症状の悪化につながりかねないということだった。 ※正解(A)。解説 (A)の complicate は「複雑にする」という意味から発展し、「(病気・症状などを)悪化させる」の意味になる。後ろの symptoms(症状)に合せて (A)を選ぶわけだが、symptom も complicate も知らないのではお手上げ。indicate(…を意味する、…を述べる)、pursue(…を追求する)、weaken(…を弱める)も、すべて知っていて然るべき単語。知らないなら勉強不足以外の何物でもないので、とにかく勉強すべきだ。 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The planning team was ready to make a final decision when Mr. Marley pointed ------- a mistake in the proposal. (A) around (B) in (C) out (D) up 訳 計画チームが最終決定を出せる段階になったとき、マーレー氏が計画に間違いがあることを指摘した。 ※正解(C)。解説 いわゆる熟語の問題。空欄の後ろの a mistake と合うのは point out . . . (…を指摘する)。もともとこの熟語を知らなければ解きようがない。単語に劣らず、熟語の知識も必要。 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The complicated theory was easier for the students to understand after the teacher broke it ------- into several parts. (A) away (B) down (C) off (D) out 訳 その難解な学説が学生にも分かりやすくなったのは、教師が細かく分析したからだった。 ※正解(B)。解説 これも熟語の問題。break . . . down into parts[pieces]で「…を細かく分析[分類]する、…を細かく砕く」の意味を表す。into several parts につながるところから「何となく」推測できる人もいるかもしれないが、やはり最初から知っていなければ苦しいだろうし、時間もかかる。 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 You can call this number for assistance from the security firm in case of -------. (A) bankruptcy (B) depression (C) emergency (D) satisfaction 訳 この番号に電話すれば、緊急時に警備会社の対処を受けられる。 ※正解(C)。解説 in case of ...のかたちで「…の場合に」の意味を表します。これに続く語として文意に合致するものを選択します。security firm(警備会社)というフレーズがあることから、emergency(緊急事態)が適当です。 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The new government is planning to ban companies ------- selling their products below cost. (A) for (B) from (C) of (D) over 訳 新政府が禁止しようとしているのは、企業が原価を下回る価格で自社製品を販売することだ。 ※正解(B)。解説 他動詞banの語法が問われています。banはban X from Yのかたちを採り、「XがYすることを禁じる」という意味を表します。 (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 Actor Walter Matthau, ----- lived from 1920 to 2000, was born Walter Matuschanskavasky. (A) that (B) him (C) he (D) who ※正解(D)。【解説】 この文の動詞はwasである。このことから空所には関係代名詞whoが入ることが分かる。空所の前にカンマ(,)があるのでthatは使えない。 2. 空所補充問題 Contributions to the origins of letter "i" can be traced ----- to an ancient Egyptian hieroglyph showing the shape of a hand. (A) up (B) back (C) out (D) in ※正解(B)。【解説】 be traced back to... で「 ... にさかのぼる」の意味になるので正解は(B)。hieroglyph「象形文字」。 3. 空所補充問題 ----- a playwright and self-declared genius known for his incisive social comedies and his witty aphorisms exposing the ironies of life and hypocrisies of Victorian society. (A) Oscar Wilde being (B) Oscar Wilde (C) Being Oscar Wilde (D) Oscar Wilde was ※正解(D)。【解説】 この文の動詞は何か?空所以降には動詞は見あたらない。(D) Oscar Wilde wasのwasがこの文の動詞になる。aphorism「金言」、hypocrisy「偽善」。 4. 空所補充問題 If it hadn't been for the invention of the internal-combustion engine, the need for fuel oil ----- such an important geopolitical factor. (A) would become (B) may not become (C) might not have become (D) didn't become ※正解(C)。【解説】 If it hadn't been for... と仮定法の過去完了になっているので、might not have becomeを空所に入れれば「……がなかったら、〜にならなかったかも知れない」という意味になる。internal-combustion engine「内燃機関」。 5. 空所補充問題 Exposure to sunlight causes minor damage to the skin, stimulates the production of protective pigment cells, and ----- the synthesis of certain vitamins. (A) to promote (B) promotes (C) promoting (D) promoted ※正解(B)。【解説】 この文には動詞が3つある。causes、stimulates、さらにもう1つ空所に入るpromotesである。exposure「さらされること」、pigment「色素」、synthesis「合成」。 6. 正誤問題 FM, (A)its frequency modulation makes possible broadcasts (B)with less static interference (C)than broadcasts using AM, (D)which stands for amplitude modulation. ※正解(A)。【解説】 its → or。frequency modulationはFMのこと。したがって、itsではなくorを使う。前置詞with、less... than、関係代名詞whichの用法に問題はない。 7. 正誤問題 (A)Physical health is only one aspect of (B)a well-lived life, which also has social, (C)philosophically and emotional (D)components. ※正解(C)。【解説】 philosophically → philosophical。social, philosophically and emotionalに注目。philosophicallyだけが副詞になっている。ここでは他の2つの形容詞に形式を統一してphilosophicalにしなくてはいけない。 8. 正誤問題 (A)A first driver to reach (B)a speed of over 100 kilometers (C)did so in (D)an electric powered car in 1899. ※正解(A)。【解説】 A → The。文頭のA first driver to... は「……した最初のドライバー」の意味になる。冠詞AはTheにしなくてはいけない。 9. 正誤問題 The printing technique (A)used to deposit conductive materials (B)on the ceramic surfaces of computer chips (C)are (D)not unlike those used in the graphic arts. ※正解(C)。【解説】 are → is。used toの前にはthat/which isが略されている。前置詞onとnot unlike「変わりはない」に問題はない。この文の主語は単数The printing techniqueなので、areはそれに呼応してisになる。 10. 正誤問題 In 1900, New York readers (A)could choose (B)between 15 major city newspapers, (C)compared (D)only a few today. ※正解(C)。【解説】 compared → compared to。comparedに注目。compared to... とtoを付け足せば「……と比べて」の意味になる。 II. 時事英文 Preserving Internet Freedom (その3:全5回シリーズ) "The architects of the Internet," said U.S. Ambassador for Communications and Information Policy Daniel Sepulveda, "built it as an open, inclusive platform. As a result, the Internet today is no more one country's than another's; it is no more any one stakeholder's than another." Among the topics of discussion at the IGF was "cyber ethics". "Any discussion of cyber ethics," said U.S. Coordinator for Cyber Issues Christopher Painter, "must begin with the fundamental understanding that human rights apply equally online as they do offline." III - a. 雑知識 01. " lavatory / 飛行機のトイレ " モスクワ発成田行き日航機内のトイレなどが使えなくなり、モスクワに引き返した。Japan Airlines Co. was forced to turn around its Tokyo-bound flight from Moscow on Oct. 10 due to a problem in the Boeing 787 jet's lavatory. は、AP通信の記事から。 02. " lever / 目的達成の手段 " lever of power(権力のレバー)の形で使われる。Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev controls most levers of power and media outlets. は、アゼルバイジャン大統領選挙で3選を果たした、現職のイルハム・アリエフ大統領に関するReuters通信の記事から。 03. " drop / (疲れ切って)倒れる " 拉致被害者の救出を訴える「国民大集会」で、横田めぐみさんの母、早紀江さんは「あの子たちが元気に帰るまでは、倒れるまでがんばってあげなくてはならない」と語った。"We have to give it our all until we drop so that our children will return home alive and well." は、The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。 04. " government shutdown / 政府機能の一時停止 " 米国では2014会計年度の予算が成立せず、連邦政府の一部閉鎖によって約80万人の職員が自宅待機に入った。About 800,000 federal workers are being forced off the job in the first government shutdown in 17 years. は、AP 通信の記事から。 05. " throw into disarray / 〜を混乱させる " 堺市長選で大阪都構想に反対する現職の竹山修身(おさみ)氏が再選を果たした。大阪維新の会の橋下徹代表が主導しようと狙う野党再編の動きも失速が必至の情勢。Takeyama's victory threw into disarray Hashimoto's plans to amalgamate opposition forces. は、The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。 III -b. 英語でどう言う? 「思い出」に関連した表現 問題 1 同窓会 私たちは高校時代の同窓会を久しぶりに開いて、楽しかった当時をしのびました。 We had a high school class ( ) for the first time in years and remembered those happy times. a. renewal b. repeat c. reunion d. remix 問題 2 形見 これは祖父が亡くなる5年前に、私に形見としてくれた懐中時計です。 This is the pocket watch my grandfather gave me as a ( ) five years before he died. a. giveaway b. deadlock c. gravesite d. keepsake 問題 3 かすかに覚えている 東京五輪が開催された当時、私は6歳の少年でした。大会のことはかすかに覚えているだけです。 I was only 6 years old when the Olympics were held in Tokyo. I have only ( ) memories of thr Games. a. narrow b. dim c. thin d. soft 問題 4 記憶に刻まれる カリブ海クルーズをした際に見た美しい夕日が、はっきりと私の記憶に刻まれています。 The beautiful sunset I saw during a Caribbean cruise remains clearly ( ) in my memory. a. registered b. etched c. sliced d. chopped 問題 5 懐メロ 父は演歌の膨大なCDコレクションを持っていて、しばしばお気に入りの懐メロをウェブからダウンロードします。 My father has a huge CD collection of Japanese enka and he often downloads from the Web some of his favorite golden ( ) songs. a. moody b. oldie c. goody d. ancient 問題 6 回顧録 芸能界から引退するとすぐに、その女優は自身の波瀾万丈(はらんばんじょう)の人生を描いた回顧録の出版準備に取り掛かった。 As soon as she retired from show business, the actress started preparing to publish her ( ) to depict her checkered life. a. memoirs b. manuals c. memos d. memorials 回答 1-c 2-d 3-b 4-b 5-b 6-a III -c. Elementary Question Question: John Manjiro (1827-1898) played an active role as an interpreter from the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate to the Meiji Era (1868-1912). What kind of ship rescued him when he was shipwrecked? Answer: A U.S. whaler When John Manjiro went to sea to fish, he was shipwrecked. He was rescued by a U.S. whaler and brought to America to be educated in English. After returning to Japan, he worked as an interpreter During Japan-U.S. negotiations and taught at schools. IV. Jokes a. Nursing a grievance I was at a sporting event recently when a gentleman behind me gasped and fell over. I climbed over the seat and first established that he was breathing. As I checked the man's pulse, a woman stormed over and pushed me away. "Step aside! I'm a nurse!" she shouted. She then proceeded to examine the man. As I retreated to my seat, I announced, "When you get to the part about 'Call a doctor', I'll be here." b. Mechanical mystery My husband and I own an automotive dismantling and recycling business. One day a lady walked in asking if we had a "seven-hundred-and-ten cap" she could buy, as hers was broken. Needless to say, we were puzzled. Finally, my husband took her out to a car in our garage so that she could point out the part in question. Mystery solved: she'd been reading her "OIL" cap upside-down. c. Spell check Last week in my pre-primary school class, we were writing sentences about the events of the day when one of the girls approached me looking very concerned. "How do you spell 'haf'?" she said. A bit confused as to what she meant, I asked her to put it into a sentence. She replied: "I haf to go to the toilet." d. Just doing her duty I work in a hotel that sometimes houses potential jurors. One day, when checking out, a lady commented on the grilling she had received in court. "I don't think they should be able to ask personal questions like that," she complained. I replied that I imagined the lawyers had to ask personal questions in order to look for bias in potential jurors.. "Oh, I don't mean the lawyers," she replied. "I meant the guilty guy." |