資料No. : NS130828 

1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
1. 空所補充問題
The real estate agent has three apartments to show you _______ is very near your workplace.
(A) , one of them  (B) , one of which  (C) none of whom  (D) some of which

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
One of my colleagues is moving to the house _______ is opposite ours.
(A) who (B) whom (C) which (D) where

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Many of the problems _______ we will face in the next century will be environmental ones.
(A) that  (B) whom  (C) on which  (D) that are

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I doubt that anyone would _______ to work in such a stressful environment.
(A) admit  (B) choose  (C) consider  (D) appreciate

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I think you'll _______ here.
(A) enjoy working  (B) enjoy to work  (C) be enjoyed work  (D) enjoy quite working

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
In the modern world, people are still often imprisoned merely for _______ their opinions.
(A) speak  (B) spoken  (C) speaking  (D) to speak

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
It suddenly began to rain, causing all the people in the park _______ for cover.
(A) run  (B) ran  (C) to run  (D) was running

1. 空所補充問題
Cheetahs have been known to dash after prey at up to about 90 miles per hour, although they can only maintain such speeds for a few seconds -----.
(A) with time (B) in time (C) of the time (D) at a time  

2. 空所補充問題
----- in North Dakota, Fargo has a population of under 80,000.
(A) To be the largest city (B) The largest city (C) It is the largest city (D) Being it the largest city

3. 空所補充問題
Two British adventurers of the 19th century, Stanley and Livingstone, stimulated the curiosity and interest of the Western world ----- their exploration of Africa.
(A) for (B) in (C) with (D) from

4. 空所補充問題
The burrowing, ant-eating animal ----- the aardvark is found throughout much of the African continent.
(A) known as (B) knowing for (C) to be known to (D) to know

5. 空所補充問題
Danish Prime Minister Poul Shulter demanded parliamentary elections in 1990 ----- of his disagreements with the major opposition party.
(A) in results (B) to result (C) since the result (D) as a result

6. 正誤問題
(A)Since sterile crops (B)as such the navel orange (C)do not produce seeds, they cannot (D)reproduce naturally.

7. 正誤問題
American architect Charles Bullfinch (A)designs buildings in (B)a style (C)that was characterized (D)by monumental ornamentation.

8. 正誤問題
(A)Most the gold used in jewelry contains copper (B)for hardness because pure gold is too soft to keep (C)its shape (D)for very long.

9. 正誤問題
The (A)semiprecious stone turquoise (B)represents harmony, (C)beautiful and health (D)in the Navajo culture.

10. 正誤問題
The mystery of (A)London's Jack the Ripper, (B)was the notorious murderer of (C)nineteenth-century England, (D)has never been solved.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
1. 空所補充問題
The real estate agent has three apartments to show you _______ is very near your workplace.
(A) , one of them  (B) , one of which  (C) none of whom  (D) some of which
訳; その不動産屋にはあなたに見せるアパートの物件が3つあるが、そのうちの1つはあなたの職場にとても近い。
※正解(B)。【着眼点】whichやwhomがofを介して数[量]詞と結びつく'one [some, any, none, all, both, several, enough, many, few, etc.] of which [whom]'の形は非制限用法なので、コンマのない (C) , (D) は不可。加えて (C) は先行詞 (three apartments) が人でない点、(D) は関係詞節内の動詞が単数 (is) である点でも不可。コンマだけで節を結ぶ (A) も不可。

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
One of my colleagues is moving to the house _______ is opposite ours.
(B) who (B) whom (C) which (D) where
訳; 同僚の1人が我が家の向かいの家に引越してきます。
※正解(C)。 【着眼点】the houseを先行詞にとり、空所の後のisに対する主語として機能できるものを選ぶ。
【選択肢】(D) は関係副詞で主語になれない。

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Many of the problems _______ we will face in the next century will be environmental ones.
(A) that  (B) whom  (C) on which  (D) that are
訳; 来世紀に我々が直面する問題は、多くが環境問題となるであろう。
※正解(A)。 【着眼点】述語動詞が2つ(will face, will be)ある( → faceは法助動詞willがあるから当然動詞)。そこで前者は文中に埋め込まれた関係詞節に属し、後者はその関係詞節を包み込む主節に属すると考えてみる。そして関係詞節を導く関係代名詞を選択肢から選ぶわけだが、空所の左に人はないから (B) は不可。残りについては関係詞節(=空所からwill beの前まで)の内部構造が判断の決め手。we will face in the next centuryにproblemsをどう組み込むか。faceには主語 (we) はあるが目的語がない。したがってface the problems(= that)がはまる。face on the problems(= on which)のface on 〜 は「場所的に〜に面している」の意で用いないとおかしい。(D) は問題外。
are ---> is

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I doubt that anyone would _______ to work in such a stressful environment.
(A) admit  (B) choose  (C) consider  (D) appreciate
訳; そのようなストレスの多い環境ではだれも働きたがらないだろう。
※正解(B)。【着眼点】空所の後にto不定詞 (to work) が続いている点に注目。to不定詞を目的語にとれるのは (B) のchooseのみ。choose to 〜は「〜することに決める;〜したいと思う」の意。なお、chooseの場合、目的語に動名詞をとる形も不可能ではないが、まれなので「choose+to不定詞」として覚えておくほうが無難。doubt that ... は「…でないと思う」の意でthat節の内容に対する否定的判断が含意される。したがってanyoneにおけるany- の使用に問題はない。such a 〜にも注意。

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I think you'll _______ here.
(A) enjoy working  (B) enjoy to work  (C) be enjoyed work  (D) enjoy quite working
訳; ここで働くのは楽しいと思いますよ。
※正解(A)。 【着眼点】enjoyは目的語に動名詞 (working) はとるがto不定詞 (to work) はとらない。
【選択肢】enjoyを副詞のquiteで強調すること自体は可能だが、ただしこれには条件があって、enjoyが未来時制で用いられた場合は不自然とされる。また、enjoyを修飾するquiteは通例enjoyの前に置かれる点にも注意(I quite enjoyed it.)。したがって (D) はだめ。

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
In the modern world, people are still often imprisoned merely for _______ their opinions.
(A) speak  (B) spoken  (C) speaking  (D) to speak
訳; 現代の世界にあってもまだ、自らの思うところを口にしたというそれだけのことで投獄されるケースが多々ある。
※正解(C)。【着眼点】空所の前が前置詞 (for) である点に注意。前置詞の目的語になれるのは動名詞 (speaking) のほうであり、to不定詞 (to speak) は不可。be imprisoned for 〜は「〜のかどで投獄される」の意。

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
It suddenly began to rain, causing all the people in the park _______ for cover.
(A) run  (B) ran  (C) to run  (D) was running
訳; 突然雨が降ってきたものだから、公園にいた人たちはみんな大急ぎで雨宿りできる場所をさがした。
※正解(C)。 【着眼点】「cause+O」の後はto不定詞。「S+cause+O+to 〜」は「Sが原因となって結果的にOがto以下することになる」の意で、makeやhaveと違って偶発性・無意図性が含意される。
【文構造】「結果」を表す分詞構文で、「突然の雨で、それが原因でcause以下だった」と頭から訳し下ろしていける。causingの意味上の主語はIt ... rainで述べられた出来事全体。このような構文にも慣れておきたい(→類例:At times the moon comes between the earth and the sun, causing an eclipse [=日食].)。
【選択肢】(B)や (D)だと「cause+ (that)節」で変。

1. 空所補充問題
Cheetahs have been known to dash after prey at up to about 90 miles per hour, although they can only maintain such speeds for a few seconds -----.
(A) with time (B) in time (C) of the time (D) at a time  
※正解(D)。【解説】 at a timeで「一度に」の意味になる。これを空所に入れれば文意が通る。

2. 空所補充問題
----- in North Dakota, Fargo has a population of under 80,000.
(A) To be the largest city (B) The largest city (C) It is the largest city (D) Being it the largest city
※正解(B)。【解説】 文頭にTo不定詞が来ては意味が通らない。It is... ではhasと動詞がダブってしまう。Being it... の語順はどう見てもおかしい。正解は(B)。

3. 空所補充問題
Two British adventurers of the 19th century, Stanley and Livingstone, stimulated the curiosity and interest of the Western world ----- their exploration of Africa.
(A) for (B) in (C) with (D) from
※正解(C)。【解説】 stimulate「刺激する」の後に前置詞withを用いて、stimulate... with〜で「〜で……を刺激する」の意味になる。

4. 空所補充問題
The burrowing, ant-eating animal ----- the aardvark is found throughout much of the African continent.
(A) known as (B) knowing for (C) to be known to (D) to know
※正解(A)。【解説】 空所には「(ツチブタ)として知られる」という意味の句が入る。正解は(A)。known asの前にthat/which isを補って考える。burrow「穴を掘る」。

5. 空所補充問題
Danish Prime Minister Poul Shulter demanded parliamentary elections in 1990 ----- of his disagreements with the major opposition party.
(A) in results (B) to result (C) since the result (D) as a result
※正解(D)。【解説】 難しく考えることはない。as a result of... で「……の結果として」の意味になる。opposition party「野党」。

6. 正誤問題
(A)Since sterile crops (B)as such the navel orange (C)do not produce seeds, they cannot (D)reproduce naturally.
※正解(B)。【解説】 as such → such as。文頭のSinceは「……なので」の意味。as suchはsuch asにしなければ文が繋がらない。doとreproduce「繁殖する」に問題はない。

7. 正誤問題
American architect Charles Bullfinch (A)designs buildings in (B)a style (C)that was characterized (D)by monumental ornamentation.
※正解(A)。【解説】 designs → designed。that was characterized... からわかるように、この文は過去形の文である。したがって、designsをdesignedにしなければ文が成立しない。

8. 正誤問題
(A)Most the gold used in jewelry contains copper (B)for hardness because pure gold is too soft to keep (C)its shape (D)for very long.
※正解(A)。【解説】 Most → Most of。文頭のMostに注目。Mostの後にtheが来ているので、ここは前置詞ofを付け足してMost ofにしなければならない。

9. 正誤問題
The (A)semiprecious stone turquoise (B)represents harmony, (C)beautiful and health (D)in the Navajo culture.
※正解(C)。【解説】 beautifulの前後にはandを挟んで名詞harmonyとhealthが使われているので、形容詞beautifulはbeautyと名詞形にする。semiprecious stone「半宝石」

10. 正誤問題
The mystery of (A)London's Jack the Ripper, (B)was the notorious murderer of (C)nineteenth-century England, (D)has never been solved.
※正解(B)。【解説】 was the → the(wasをカット)。この文の動詞部はhas never been... である。was theのままでは動詞が2つになってしまう。wasが余分だったのである。

II. 時事英文
U.S. Sanctions Terrorists (その1:全6回シリーズ)
The U.S. Department of the Treasury this month designated Umar Siddique Kathio Azmarai, a senior Al-Qa'ida official, and Jamia Taleem-Ul-Quran-Wal-Hadith Madrassa, also known as the Ganj Madrassa, a school in Peshawar that serves as a training center and facilitates funding for al-Qa'ida, Lashkar-e Tayyiba, and the Taliban.

III - a. 雑知識
01. " hordes of / 多数の〜 "
騒がしい人々の群れについて使う。Hordes of sweating visitors packed a renowned temple in Tokyo's Asakusa district July 9 for this year's Hozuki-ichi, or Chinese lantern plant fair. は、東京・浅草の浅草寺で始まった「ほおずき市」に関する The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。

02. " noticeably / 目立って、著しく "
富士山の世界遺産登録が決まったのを受けて、富士山五合目に観光客が押し寄せた。The number of visitors to Mount Fuji's fifth station in Yamanashi Prefecture noticeably increased. は、The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。

03. " buck / 〜に頑固に抵抗する "
国際通貨基金 (IMF) は、ほとんどの先進国と新興・途上国の成長見通しを下方修正した一方で、日本については上方修正した。Japan bucked the downward trend. The IMF revised its 2013 growth forecast up to 2.0 percent from 1.5 percent in April. は、AP 通信の記事から。

04. " under the gun / (期待通りの成果を出すように)追いつめられて "
The Nuclear Regulation Authority is under the gun now that the new safety standards it calls the toughest in the world took effect July 8. は、原発再稼働の前提となる、原子力規制委員会の新規制基準が施行されたことを伝えた AJW の記事から。

05. " be spared / 被害を受けない "
ハリケーン「サンディ」で被害を受け、閉鎖されていた「自由の女神像」の一般公開が独立記念日に合わせて再開された。リバティ島は冠水したが、女神像自体に被害はなかった。The Statue of Liberty was spared in the October storm, but Liberty Island took a serious beating. は、AP 通信の記事から。

III -b. 英語でどう言う?
問題 1 頑固な
My boss is very ( ). Once he makes up his mind, he won't listen to anyone.
a. sticky b. stink c. stout d. stubborn

問題 2 おせっかい屋
My aunt is such a ( ). She loves to meddle in things that do not concern her.
a. chatterbox b. busybody c. tomboy d. wanton

問題 3 あっさりした
Mika is well-liked by her female colleagues because of her ( ) personality.
a. unashamed b. unassuming c. underhanded d. unearthly

問題 4 好みにうるさい
My father is very ( ) about clothes, but indifferent to his food and drink.
a. absent-minded b. levelhgeaded c. particular d. amenable

問題 5 社交的な
If you aren't ( ), you won't make it as a salesperson.
a. sociable b. socialistic c. societal d. social

問題 6 二重人格
My boyfriend has a ( ) personality - he can be the loveliest man in the world and then suddenly turn into the most selfish person imaginable.
a. forked b. divided c. biased d. split

回答 1-d 2-b 3-b 4-c 5-a 6-d

III -c. Elementary Question
Alexandria is the second largest city in Egypt. At one point it had the world's greatest public facility. What was it?
Answer: Library
The library was built by the king about 2,300 years ago. It is said to have had a collection from around the world of about 700,000 books on literature, geography, astronomy and many other subjects.

IV. Jokes
a. In Deep
A ship is sailing the seas when the call comes from the crow)s nest, "Enemy ship on the horizon!"
The captain hollers to his men, "Prepare for battle!"! He says to his deckhand, "Bring me my red shirt!" The deckhand asks why. "So that if I get injured my men won't see my blood and will keep on fighting," replies the hardy captain.
The men stand their ground and finally win out. They tend the wounded and carry on sailing. Sometime later, another cry comes from from the crow's nest: "TEN enemy ships on the horizon!" "Prepare for battle!" the captain hollers to his men, then says to his deckhand, "Bring me my brown pants!"

b. Brass Off
A man came home from work with a trombone. "Where did you get that?" asked his wife. "From our neighbour," he replied. "But you can't play the trombone," she said. "No," the man replied, "and now neither can he."

c. I wear glasses because I like to dramatically remove them to display anger. It was awkward doing that with contact lenses.

d. Childproof logic
A patient returns to his doctor after as month. "Doc, I still feel terrible," he says.
"Did you follow the instructions on the medicine bottles I gave you?" asks the doctor.
"Of course," says the patient. "See? It says right here: Keep bottle tightly closed."

e. Play to your strengths
A university rugby coach called out the new team member, saying: "Look, I'm not supposed to have you on this team because you failed your maths exams. But we really do need you, so I'll ask you one simple question and if you answer it correctly, I'll sign a slip to say you've passed maths, OK?" The player nodded.
"Right," said the coach. "What's four plus four?" The player wrinkled his forehead and thought for a while, then replied, "Eight!"
Immediately all the other team members shouted, "Aw, come on, coach. Give him another chance!"
