資料No. : NS130206 

1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
A man in a black coat _______ me of my wallet.
(A) attacked (B) stole (C) robbed (D) asked

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
_______ our opinion, it would be better to ship them by air.
(A) In  (B) For  (C) Of  (D) As

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Your prompt _______ to our proposal would be highly appreciated.
(A) respond  (B) response  (C) to respond  (D) responded

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Let them _______ as they like. They'll never listen to us.
(A) do  (B) to do  (C) to be doing  (D) to have done

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I was just about to leave home, _______ the phone rang.
(A) that  (B) why  (C) when  (D) at that time

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Your children have passed the age _______ they need to worry about such illnesses.
(A) why  (B) how  (C) when  (D) which

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The real estate agent has three apartments to show you _______ is very near your workplace.
(A) , one of them  (B) , one of which  (C) none of whom  (D) some of which

1. 空所補充問題
If a growing city depletes its own supply of groundwater, it must ----- for alternative sources while also finding ways to reduce water consumption.
(A) searching (B) to be searched (C) to search (D) search

2. 空所補充問題
----- was written beginning two centuries after the island was settled in the 9th century, and includes saga literature -- prose works ranging from fairly factual history writing to pure fiction.
(A) It is the earliest Icelandic literature (B) Because earliest Icelandic literature
(C) When earliest Icelandic literature (D) The earliest Icelandic literature

3. 空所補充問題
----- has been associated since ancient times with the source of cosmic energy.
(A) The sun (B) Suns (C) Sun (D) A sun

4. 空所補充問題
Many people who get the high-paying jobs they were looking for find that their schedules allow less ----- time than they expected.
(A) of leisure (B) leisures (C) leisure (D) leisurely

5. 空所補充問題
If an erroneous name appears on a birth certificate, an explanatory affidavit from the parent must be presented ----- the correct name.
(A) regard (B) regards (C) regarded (D) regarding

6. 正誤問題
Before the discovery (A)of microscopic organisms had important biological (B)functions, many people believed (C)that illness was caused by climatic conditions (D)such as temperature and air quality.

7. 正誤問題
The horn of the (A)narwhal, an aquatic mammal (B)with a long tapered horn, (C)having occasionally been offered (D)dishonestly as proof of the existence of the mythical unicorn.

8. 正誤問題
(A)Although it does not cause permanent eye damage, flash blindness is a (B)temporarily loss of sight that occurs (C)when the eye's light receptors are overwhelmed (D)with a sudden concentration of light.

9. 正誤問題
(A)A major portion of the water (B)supplies in an agricultural region usually (C)goes to (D)farming activity.

10. 正誤問題
(A)Contrary to popular belief, (B)cholesterol is a nutrient the body needs, and only (C)become harmful (D)in certain forms and excessive concentrations.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
A man in a black coat _______ me of my wallet.
(A) attacked (B) stole (C) robbed (D) asked
訳; 黒いコートを着た男が私の財布を奪いました。
※正解(C)。 「奪う、盗む」という意味の動詞が入るのではないかということは比較的容易に察しがつきます。だからといって、安易に(B)stole を選んではいけません。単語の用法が違うのです。動詞+人+ of +物の形をとる「奪う」でなければなりません。

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
_______ our opinion, it would be better to ship them by air.
(A) In  (B) For  (C) Of  (D) As
訳; 私たちの意見では、航空便で発送したほうがよいでしょう。
※正解(A)。 「私の意見では」という表現を、英語でそのまま覚えておくのが最も近道です。opinion に対しての前置詞が何になるのかを理屈で覚えようとしてもなかなか理解しきれるものではありません。

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Your prompt _______ to our proposal would be highly appreciated.
(A) respond  (B) response  (C) to respond  (D) responded
訳; 当社の提案に早急にお返事願えれば幸いです。
※正解(B)。 ビジネス・レターでよく使用される文です。Your の後ろには名詞があることが予想されますが、prompt の品詞を見極めることがまず大切です。これが「迅速な」の意味の形容詞であることが分かれば、その後ろに名詞がこなければいけないことが明らかになります。

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Let them _______ as they like. They'll never listen to us.
(A) do  (B) to do  (C) to be doing  (D) to have done
訳; 彼らのしたいようにさせよう。私たちの言うことなんて聞かないだろうから。
※正解(A)。 「…させてあげる」の意味の使役動詞 let は、let +目的語+原形動詞の形をとります。

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I was just about to leave home, _______ the phone rang.
(A) that  (B) why  (C) when  (D) at that time
訳; ちょうど家を出ようとしていたそのときに、電話が鳴った。
※正解(C)。【着眼点】選択肢のうちで、接続詞機能を有し、かつコンマを介して2つの節を連結できるのは非制限用法をもつ関係副詞のwhenのみである。なお、この場合のwhenは前の節全体を先行詞とする。be about to 〜 は「まさに[今にも]〜しようとしている」の意。

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Your children have passed the age _______ they need to worry about such illnesses.
(A) why  (B) how  (C) when  (D) which
訳; あなたのお子さんたちは、そういった病気を心配する年齢はもう過ぎました。
※正解(C)。【着眼点】選択肢はすべて関係詞だが、先行詞がthe ageという「時」を表す名詞句であるから (A) と (B) は消える。次に、このthe ageを受けてthey need to worry about such illnessesの節にどう結びつけていくかだが、the ageという名詞句のままではどこにも差し込む適当な場所はない。したがって、名詞句だけの代用となる関係代名詞 (which) は不可。whenであれば「その年齢において[その年齢のときに]they need to以下である」が成立するのでうまくつながることになる。

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The real estate agent has three apartments to show you _______ is very near your workplace.
(A) , one of them  (B) , one of which  (C) none of whom  (D) some of which
訳; その不動産屋にはあなたに見せるアパートの物件が3つあるが、そのうちの1つはあなたの職場にとても近い。
※正解(B)。 【着眼点】whichやwhomがofを介して数[量]詞と結びつく'one [some, any, none, all, both, several, enough, many, few, etc.] of which [whom]'の形は非制限用法なので、コンマのない (C) , (D) は不可。加えて (C) は先行詞 (three apartments) が人でない点、(D) は関係詞節内の動詞が単数 (is) である点でも不可。コンマだけで節を結ぶ (A) も不可。

1. 空所補充問題
If a growing city depletes its own supply of groundwater, it must ----- for alternative sources while also finding ways to reduce water consumption.
(A) searching (B) to be searched (C) to search (D) search
※正解(D)。【解説】 助動詞mustがあることから、その後には動詞searchが来ることはすぐに分かるはずである。

2. 空所補充問題
----- was written beginning two centuries after the island was settled in the 9th century, and includes saga literature -- prose works ranging from fairly factual history writing to pure fiction.
(A) It is the earliest Icelandic literature (B) Because earliest Icelandic literature
(C) When earliest Icelandic literature (D) The earliest Icelandic literature
※正解(D)。【解説】 空所の後にwasが来ていることに注目。また、andの後にも動詞includesがあ る。といことは空所にはこの文の主語に当たる語句が入るはずである。正解はThe earliest Icelandic literatureである。

3. 空所補充問題
----- has been associated since ancient times with the source of cosmic energy.
(A) The sun (B) Suns (C) Sun (D) A sun
※正解(A)。【解説】 基本的な問題である。太陽のことが話題になっている。「太陽」は、勿論、 The sunである。

4. 空所補充問題
Many people who get the high-paying jobs they were looking for find that their schedules allow less ----- time than they expected.
(A) of leisure (B) leisures (C) leisure (D) leisurely
※正解(C)。【解説】 leisureとleisurelyで悩むところである。両者とも形容詞で、leisureは 「暇な」、leisurelyは「ゆっくりと、急がない」の意味。文意からしてleisureが正 解となる。

5. 空所補充問題
If an erroneous name appears on a birth certificate, an explanatory affidavit from the parent must be presented ----- the correct name.
(A) regard (B) regards (C) regarded (D) regarding
※正解(D)。【解説】 空所の前にはmust be presentedと動詞がある。その後にregarded(過去 形、過去分詞形)を続けるわけにはいかない。regardには名詞として「心遣い、配 慮」という意味があるが、それを空所に入れたとしても意味が通らない。前置詞 regarding「... に関して」を使えばいいのである。

6. 正誤問題
Before the discovery (A)of microscopic organisms had important biological (B)functions, many people believed (C)that illness was caused by climatic conditions (D)such as temperature and air quality.
※正解(A)。【解説】 of → that / of the fact that。 the discoveryの後には、microscopic organisms had ... と文が続いてい る。ここは前置詞ofではなく、接続詞thatを使わなくてはいけない。of the fact that ... としても文が成立する。function「機能」は可算名詞。次の接続詞thatと such asの用法に問題はない。

7. 正誤問題
The horn of the (A)narwhal, an aquatic mammal (B)with a long tapered horn, (C)having occasionally been offered (D)dishonestly as proof of the existence of the mythical unicorn.
※正解(C)。【解説】 having → has narwahlとは「イッカク(一角)」のことである。このwithは「... を持 つ」という意味を表す。The hornからhornまでがこの文の主語に当たる部分である。 したがって、havingをhasにしなければ文が成り立たない。dishonestlyは副詞で「ご まかして、不正に」の意味。

8. 正誤問題
(A)Although it does not cause permanent eye damage, flash blindness is a (B)temporarily loss of sight that occurs (C)when the eye's light receptors are overwhelmed (D)with a sudden concentration of light.
※正解(B)。【解説】 temporarily → temporary。 出だしの接続詞Althoughの用法に問題はない。loss「損失」は名詞である。 したがって、副詞temporarily「一時的に」は形容詞temporaryにしなくてはいけな い。接続詞whenと前置詞withに誤りはない。

9. 正誤問題
(A)A major portion of the water (B)supplies in an agricultural region usually (C)goes to (D)farming activity.
※正解(B)。【解説】 supplies → supply。 portion「部分」は可算名詞なので文頭の冠詞Aに問題はない。この場合の supplyは「供給」の意味で不可算名詞なので、suppliesではなくsupplyとしなければ ならない。goesとfarming「農業の」に誤りはない。

10. 正誤問題
(A)Contrary to popular belief, (B)cholesterol is a nutrient the body needs, and only (C)become harmful (D)in certain forms and excessive concentrations.
※正解(C)。【解説】 become → becomes。 Contrary to popular beliefで「一般に信じられていることとは反対に」の 意味。cholesterol「コレステロール」は不可算名詞である。becomeの主語は cholesterolである。したがって、becomeではなくbecomesにしなくてはならない。前 置詞inの用法に問題はない。

II. 時事英文
Committing To Child Survival (その1:全6回シリーズ)
The African Leadership for Child Survival - A Promise Renewed conference, follows last year's Child Survival Call to Action, which was co-convened by the Governments of Ethiopia, India and the United States with UNICEF and launched a global roadmap to end preventable deaths of children under five.

III - a. 雑知識
01. frequent / 頻繁に出入りする
Chinese government vessels are frequenting the waters around the Senkakus.
昨年の夏以降、尖閣諸島周辺で中国船による領海侵犯が常態化していることに言及した The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。

02. highest-profile / 知名度が最も高い
Schmidt is the highest-profile American business executive to visit North Korea since leader Kim Jong Un took power a year ago.
リチャードソン前ニューメキシコ州知事と共に北朝鮮を訪問した米グーグルのシュミット会長に関する AP 通信の記事から。

03. news outlet / 報道機関
State news outlets in China cautiously welcome the imminent change of government in Japan that will be headed by Shinzo Abe.
日本の政権交代に関する中国メディアの反応を伝えた The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。期待が膨らむ一方、不信感も根強く慎重な姿勢を見せている。

04. cut the ribbon / (事業などの開始の)テープカットを行う
tape ではない点に注意。2012年9〜11月期にユニクロは、中国で30店、韓国でも11店の新規出店が計画通りに進んだ。
During the September-November period, Uniqlo cut the ribbon at 30 new outlets in China and 11 in South Korea. は、 The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。

05. well-wisher / 他人の幸福を祈る人、支援者
The emperor and other imperial family members appeared on a balcony at the Imperial Palace to greet well-wishers for the new year.
皇居で行われた一般参賀について伝えた The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。

06. status quo / 現状、そのままの状態
"I would like to maintain the status quo for the time being."は、この発言を伝えた The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。

III -b. 英語でどう言う?

問題 1 オットセイ
At this aquarium, visitors of all ages can enjoy performances by fur ( ).
a. surfs b. seals c. breams d. poachers

問題 2 シャチ
I looked up the life and habits of ( ) whales in this richly illustrated book.
a. attacker b. breaker c. driver d. killer

問題 3 ラッコ
While eating, ( ) float on their backs, using their chests as dinner table.
a. otters b. urchins c. koalas d. cows

問題 4 シロナガスクジラ
Our teacher told us that the ( ) whale is the largest mammals and possibly the largest animal known to have existed on Earth.
a. bull b. humpback c. deluxe d. blue

回答 1-b 2-d 3-a 4-d

III -c. News Glossary
bans on drinking at night
Following a string of offenses by U.S. service members in Japan, the Yokosuka Naval Base in Kanagawa Prefecture has banned all active-duty sailors from consuming alcohol between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m.

IV. Jokes
a. I'd noticed that my 60-year-old father seemed to be losing his hearing, so mentioned it to my mother.
"Things haven't changed that much," she said. "Only difference is, before, he didn't listen. Now he can't."

b. My ten-year-old cousin was listening attentively to his English teacher explain all about changing singular nouns to the plural.
When she started to explain the rule of adding an 's' to the end of a noun to make it plural, he raised his hand in confusion.
"But ma'am, I'm singular!" he exclaimed. "Does that mean My name should be 'Juliu' and not 'Julius'?"

c. On his birthday, my husband Loel was stuck driving our six children around. As usual, they were yelling, punching, and annoying one another. Joel had finally had enough.
"Kids," he said over the din, "if you would behave and be kind to each other, that would be very nice birthday present for me."
Our six-year-old shot back, "Too late. I already got you another present."

d. I took four tiers to a friend's garage sale and was asking $30 apiece. I needed to leave for a few minutes, so I asked him to watch them for me.
"If someone offers less, how low are you willing to go?" he asked.
"Try for more, but I will accept $15," I said.
When I returned, my tires were gone. "How much did you get for them?" I asked excitedly.
"$15 each."
"Who bought them?"
"I did!"

e. Says an English teacher to a boy: "'Hina doesn't talk to boys.' What is Hina in this sentence - subject or object?"
Boy's reply: "Neither. She's just shy."

f. John, a new staff member, is being shown around the office by his new boss. They head to the IT department where John sees a man using two keyboards at the same time.
John says, "Trust a geek to use two keyboards at once."
His boss replies, "Hey! That's stereotyping."
