資料No. : NS130130 

1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
One of my colleagues is moving to the house _______ is opposite ours.
(A) who  (B) whom  (C) which  (D) where

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Many of the problems _______ we will face in the next century will be environmental ones.
(A) that  (B) whom  (C) on which  (D) that are

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I doubt that anyone would _______ to work in such a stressful environment.
(A) admit  (B) choose  (C) consider  (D) appreciate

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I think you'll _______ here.
(A) enjoy working  (B) enjoy to work  (C) be enjoyed work  (D) enjoy quite working

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
In the modern world, people are still often imprisoned merely for _______ their opinions.
(A) speak  (B) spoken  (C) speaking  (D) to speak

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
It suddenly began to rain, causing all the people in the park _______ for cover.
(A) run  (B) ran  (C) to run  (D) was running

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I am currently studying French in the hope that my boss will _______ me to transfer to the Paris branch.
(A) let  (B) give  (C) make  (D) allow

1. 空所補充問題
The Internet has spread ----- the number of websites in existence already exceeds 2 billion.
(A) such rapidly (B) such rapidly as (C) so rapidly than (D) so rapidly that

2. 空所補充問題
After its construction in New York at the height of the Great Depression, the Empire State Building remained the world's ----- building for more than 40 years.
(A) tall (B) taller (C) tallest (D) most tall

3. 空所補充問題
Animism is the belief that ordinary objects or natural phenomena are invested with a supernatural essence often ----- to as the "soul".
(A) refer (B) referred (C) referring (D) to refer

4. 空所補充問題
It is an economic certainty that the lower the price of a government bond falls, -----.
(A) the higher its yield will be (B) its yield will be higher (C) rises higher its yield (D) higher is its yield

5. 空所補充問題
Cast iron -----cast from pig iron by long heating at high temperature and slow cooling is especially strong and malleable.
(A) which (B) is (C) that is (D) that will be

6. 正誤問題
The use of a metal spring to (A)storage and release energy made (B)it possible to make watches (C)that were more compact than (D)ever before.

7. 正誤問題
The Persian Empire, (A)ranging from the Indus River (B)to the western borders of Asia Minor and Egypt, reached (C)its peak (D)at more than 400 B.C.

8. 正誤問題
The nuclear family (A)consisting of parents and their children living in (B)a single household, (C)while the extended family may (D)include more than two generations.

9. 正誤問題
Although a (A)perfectly circular orbit is (B)a theoretical possibility, (C)most the planets and moons travel in orbits that are elliptical (D)to some degree.

10. 正誤問題
Shell and flower (A)motifs (B)did an important role (C)in the decorative elements of furniture design (D)during the reign of Louis XV of France.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
One of my colleagues is moving to the house _______ is opposite ours.
(A) who  (B) whom  (C) which  (D) where
訳; 同僚の1人が我が家の向かいの家に引越してきます。
※正解(C)。 【着眼点】the houseを先行詞にとり、空所の後のisに対する主語として機能できるものを選ぶ。
【選択肢】(D) は関係副詞で主語になれない。

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Many of the problems _______ we will face in the next century will be environmental ones.
(A) that  (B) whom  (C) on which  (D) that are
訳; 来世紀に我々が直面する問題は、多くが環境問題となるであろう。
※正解(A)。【着眼点】述語動詞が2つ(will face, will be)ある( → faceは法助動詞willがあるから当然動詞)。そこで前者は文中に埋め込まれた関係詞節に属し、後者はその関係詞節を包み込む主節に属すると考えてみる。そして関係詞節を導く関係代名詞を選択肢から選ぶわけだが、空所の左に人はないから (B) は不可。残りについては関係詞節(=空所からwill beの前まで)の内部構造が判断の決め手。we will face in the next centuryにproblemsをどう組み込むか。faceには主語 (we) はあるが目的語がない。したがってface the problems(= that)がはまる。face on the problems(= on which)のface on 〜 は「場所的に〜に面している」の意で用いないとおかしい。(D) は問題外。
are ---> is

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I doubt that anyone would _______ to work in such a stressful environment.
(A) admit  (B) choose  (C) consider  (D) appreciate
訳; そのようなストレスの多い環境ではだれも働きたがらないだろう。
※正解(B)。【着眼点】空所の後にto不定詞 (to work) が続いている点に注目。to不定詞を目的語にとれるのは (B) のchooseのみ。choose to 〜は「〜することに決める;〜したいと思う」の意。なお、chooseの場合、目的語に動名詞をとる形も不可能ではないが、まれなので「choose+to不定詞」として覚えておくほうが無難。doubt that ... は「…でないと思う」の意でthat節の内容に対する否定的判断が含意される。したがってanyoneにおけるany- の使用に問題はない。such a 〜にも注意。

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I think you'll _______ here.
(A) enjoy working  (B) enjoy to work  (C) be enjoyed work  (D) enjoy quite working
訳; ここで働くのは楽しいと思いますよ。
※正解(A)。【着眼点】enjoyは目的語に動名詞 (working) はとるがto不定詞 (to work) はとらない。
【選択肢】enjoyを副詞のquiteで強調すること自体は可能だが、ただしこれには条件があって、enjoyが未来時制で用いられた場合は不自然とされる。また、enjoyを修飾するquiteは通例enjoyの前に置かれる点にも注意(I quite enjoyed it.)。したがって (D) はだめ。

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
In the modern world, people are still often imprisoned merely for _______ their opinions.
(A) speak  (B) spoken  (C) speaking  (D) to speak
※正解(C)。【着眼点】空所の前が前置詞 (for) である点に注意。前置詞の目的語になれるのは動名詞 (speaking) のほうであり、to不定詞 (to speak) は不可。be imprisoned for 〜は「〜のかどで投獄される」の意。

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
It suddenly began to rain, causing all the people in the park _______ for cover.
(A) run  (B) ran  (C) to run  (D) was running
訳; 突然雨が降ってきたものだから、公園にいた人たちはみんな大急ぎで雨宿りできる場所をさがした。
※正解(C)。【着眼点】「cause+O」の後はto不定詞。「S+cause+O+to 〜」は「Sが原因となって結果的にOがto以下することになる」の意で、makeやhaveと違って偶発性・無意図性が含意される。
【文構造】「結果」を表す分詞構文で、「突然の雨で、それが原因でcause以下だった」と頭から訳し下ろしていける。causingの意味上の主語はIt ... rainで述べられた出来事全体。このような構文にも慣れておきたい(→類例:At times the moon comes between the earth and the sun, causing an eclipse [=日食].)。
【選択肢】(B)や (D)だと「cause+ (that)節」で変。

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I am currently studying French in the hope that my boss will _______ me to transfer to the Paris branch.
(A) let  (B) give  (C) make  (D) allow
訳; 上司からパリ支店への転勤許可が得られることを期待して、現在フランス語の勉強に取り組んでおります。
※正解(D)。【着眼点】空所の後が「me(目的格=目的語)+to transfer(to不定詞)」の形をとっている点に注意。letやmakeはOの後に原形不定詞を従える。(B)のgiveは問題外。「allow+O+〜」は〜にto不定詞をとり、「Oが〜するのを許可[了解]する」の意。なお、Oの後に -ingをとる形はない(allow him to go [×going] out)こともついでに押さえておこう。

1. 空所補充問題
The Internet has spread ----- the number of websites in existence already exceeds 2 billion.
(A) such rapidly (B) such rapidly as (C) so rapidly than (D) so rapidly that
※正解(D)。【解説】 suchの後には名詞句が来るはずである。副詞rapidlyをsoで強調し、その後 に接続詞thatを続ければso ... that構文になる。

2. 空所補充問題
After its construction in New York at the height of the Great Depression, the Empire State Building remained the world's ----- building for more than 40 years.
(A) tall (B) taller (C) tallest (D) most tall
※正解(C)。【解説】 難しく考えることはない。the world'sの後に来るのは最上級のtallestである。

3. 空所補充問題
Animism is the belief that ordinary objects or natural phenomena are invested with a supernatural essence often ----- to as the "soul".
(A) refer (B) referred (C) referring (D) to refer
※正解(B)。【解説】 be referred to as ... で「... と呼ばれている」の意味になる。空所に referredを入れればその前にthat/which isが省略されていることになるので、これが正解となる。

4. 空所補充問題
It is an economic certainty that the lower the price of a government bond falls, -----.
(A) the higher its yield will be (B) its yield will be higher (C) rises higher its yield (D) higher is its yield
※正解(A)。【解説】 the lower ... に対応するのは、the higher ...である。これで「... が下 がれば下がるほど、... はますます高くなる」の意味になる。

5. 空所補充問題
Cast iron -----cast from pig iron by long heating at high temperature and slow cooling is especially strong and malleable.
(A) which (B) is (C) that is (D) that will be
※正解(C)。【解説】 空所の後のcastは過去分詞で「... (から)鋳造される」という意味にな る。このことからisを含むthat isが正解となる。事実を述べているのでthat will beと未来形にする必要はない。

6. 正誤問題
The use of a metal spring to (A)storage and release energy made (B)it possible to make watches (C)that were more compact than (D)ever before.
※正解(A)。【解説】 storage → store。 toは前置詞ではなく不定詞である。その後には、当然、名詞storageではな く、動詞store「蓄える」が来ることになる。itはto以下の内容を指す。thatは関係 代名詞。everは強調の副詞である。

7. 正誤問題
The Persian Empire, (A)ranging from the Indus River (B)to the western borders of Asia Minor and Egypt, reached (C)its peak (D)at more than 400 B.C.
※正解(D)。【解説】 at more than → before。 ranging(分詞構文)及びfrom ... toの用法に問題はない。itsはThe Persian Empireを指す。at more thanではなくbeforeを使わなくては意味が通らな い。

8. 正誤問題
The nuclear family (A)consisting of parents and their children living in (B)a single household, (C)while the extended family may (D)include more than two generations.
※正解(A)。【解説】 consisting → consists。 consistingのままではこの文には動詞がないことになる。consistingを consistsにすればその問題が解決する。household「家族」は可算名詞。接続詞 whileと動詞include「含む」の用法に誤りはない。

9. 正誤問題
Although a (A)perfectly circular orbit is (B)a theoretical possibility, (C)most the planets and moons travel in orbits that are elliptical (D)to some degree.
※正解(C)。【解説】 most → most of。 perfectlyは形容詞circularを修飾する副詞。possibility「可能性」は可算 名詞である。most the planetsのままではどうも収まりが悪い。most of the planetsが正しい言い方である。to some degreeで「ある程度」の意味になる。

10. 正誤問題
Shell and flower (A)motifs (B)did an important role (C)in the decorative elements of furniture design (D)during the reign of Louis XV of France.
※正解(B)。【解説】 did → played。 motifs「モチーフ、基調」は可算名詞である。play an important role in ... で「... において重要な役割を果たす」の意味になる。したがって、didではな くplayedを使わなくてはならない。duringは期間を表す前置詞。

II. 時事英文
International Anti-Corruption Day 2012 (その7:全7回シリーズ)
"Corruption stunts economic growth, damages confidence in democracy, and fosters a culture of graft and impunity that undermines the ability to operate in our interconnected world. Every country has a role to play as we work to advance our collective anticorruption agenda and institutionalize the highest standards of transparency." said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. "Together, we can ensure the integrity of our markets, improve our government institutions, and increase opportunity and prosperity for all our citizens."

III - a. 雑知識
01. bow to / 〜に屈する
Shiga Governor Yukiko Kada has decided to resign as leader of the anti-nuclear Tomorrow Party of Japan, bowing to demands by the Shiga prefectural assembly.
The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。

02. bottleneck / (交通などの)障害
China still needs billions more in rail investment to remove bottlenecks in cargo transport, ease overcrowding in passenger transport and develop commuter lines in its sprawling megacities.
中国鉄道網の拡大・充実に言及した Reuters 通信の記事から。元々は「びんの首」の意味。

03. drag one's feet / 故意に長引かせる
Mitsubishi Motors Corp. has again incurred government wrath for dragging its feet on recalling defective vehicles.
三菱自動車によるリコールに関する The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。リコールに消極的で、国土交通省への報告もずさんだったとして厳重注意を受けた。

04. mute / 抑える
Unresolved euro zone crisis could mute demand for Chinese exports for months to come. は、中国の経済成長に関する Reuters 通信の記事から。長引くユーロ危機の影響で中国の輸出に悪影響が出ることが懸念されている。

05. hitch one's wagon to / 〜の成功に便乗しようとする
An aide to a defeated Democratic Party of Japan lawmaker is now desperately seeking to hitch his wagon to another lawmaker.
衆院選で当選した議員に、新たな仕事を求めて声をかける落選した民主党議員の秘書に関する The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。

06. benchmark / 指標銘柄(金融用語)
On Dec. 19, the Nikkei 225 index, the benchmark of the Tokyo Stock Exchange's First Section issues, closed above the 10,000-point level for the first time in more than eight months.
日経平均株価が8カ月半ぶりに1万円台を回復したことを伝えた The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。

07. backtrack / 逆戻りする
Beate Sirota Gordon said any backtracking on Article 9 would be a major loss for Japan.
日本国憲法の草案作成に直接携わった米国人女性、ベアテ・シロタ・ゴードンさんの死去を伝えた The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。亡くなる直前まで「平和」と「女性の権利」を気にかけていたという。

III -b. 英語でどう言う?

問題 1 足を延ばす
If you come to Aomori, why don't you ( ) your trip to Hokkaido?
a. extend b. jump c. launch d. skip

問題 2 足を引っ張る
During discussions at business meetings, they always quarrel and try to ( ) each other's ideas.
a. blind b. lobby c. surrogate d. sabotage

問題 3 足が出る
Because everyone ate and drank a lot at our boss' farewell party, we ( ) budget.
a. kicked out b. ran over c. took down d. went forward

問題 4 足を洗う
He washed his ( ) of politics and became a TV Commentator.
a. face b. arms c. hands c. feet

回答 1-a 2-d 3-b 4-c

III-c. News Glossary
Gaza Strip
Israel bombed Palestinian militant in the Gaza Strip from air and sea for a fifth straight day Nov. 18, preparing for a possible ground invasion through Egypt saw "some indications" of a truce ahead.

IV. Jokes
a. A man confronts another man in an alley and says to him, "Give me all your money or you're geography!"
The victim replies, "Don't you mean, 'Give me all your money or you're history'?"
The robber then says, "Don't change the subject!"

b. It's really difficult to find what you want on eBay. I was searching for cigarette lighters and guess what I found? More than 15,000 matches.

c. My friend Mae invited me for dinner at a local restaurant one evening. At the other table, two men who were having a conversation kept looking at Mae.
One of them was in his mid-20s, with a well-built body; the other was maybe in his late 40s.
Feeling uncomfortable with the situation, I asked, "Do you know that handsome young guy behind you?"
"Ah, he's my secret admirer," she replied.
I asked her again, "What about the man next to him?"
She turned around, looked at the man and said with a shrug, "Oh, that's just my stalker."

d. I accidentally my electric toothbrush on last night. I've never seen the bathroom so clean.

e. Doctors can be frustrating, can't they? You wait a month for an appointment and then they shake their heads and say, "I wish you'd come to me sooner."

f. A friend went to see his doctor for a problem with a persistent cough. After checking him over, the doctor declared, "I'm going to prescribe some laxatives."
My friend was shocked. "How will those help my cough?" he asked.
"Well," said the doctor, with a big grin on his face, "after taking a few, you'll be too scared to cough!"
He then wrote him a prescription for antibiotics.
