資料No. : NS120425  

1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Are you sure we ought _______ this on the air later tonight?
(A) to show (B) to be shown (C) have shown (D) show

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
He asked me to check all _______ major hotels while I was there.
(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) some

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Show me that report when he _______ out of the room.
(A) goes (B) will go (C) is gone (D) went

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
These _______ distributed at next week's meeting.
(A) were (B) have been (C) will (D) are being

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I'm sorry we were so late. The train was _______.
(A) been delayed (B) delay (C) delayed (D) delaying

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
You'd better hit the _______ if you want to pass that exam.
(A) roof (B) bottle (C) books (D) road

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Come on, we've finished now. Let's call it a _______.
(A) day (B) spade (C) completion (D) job

1. 空所補充問題
Defined legally, a guardian is a person appointed by a court ----- another person, who is called a ward.
(A) caring for (B) cared for (C) to care for (D) care for

2. 空所補充問題
It was in To Have and Have Not, the first movie Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall starred in together, ----- Bacall uttered her famous line "If you need anything, just whistle."
(A) that (B) where (C) which (D) who

3. 空所補充問題
The League of United Latin American Citizens, ----- in 1929 in Texas, is an organization of Spanish-speaking people in the United States.
(A) found (B) founded (C) to found (D) founding

4. 空所補充問題
If the sun's energy output ----- by as little as five to seven percent, the result would be a global biological catastrophe.
(A) were being to vary (B) been varying (C) would be varying (D) were to vary

5. 空所補充問題
"James" is ----- a common name that it identifies two English kings and five monarchs of Scotland.
(A) so (B) such (C) very (D) much

6. 正誤問題
(A)Ever since the earliest (B)existing texts were set down, writers have always used (C)similes or metaphors to get a point (D)around.

7. 正誤問題
(A)The ceboid monkeys, (B)which include the marmosets and (C)tamarins, are native (D)of South and Central America.

8. 正誤問題
Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are (A)Brazil's largest cities, (B)with populations of (C)over 17 million and 6 million, (D)respectfully.

9. 正誤問題
In (A)the early 19th century, Elizabeth Louise Vigee Le Brun (B)is one of the (C)most popular portrait painters in France (D)before the French Revolution.

10. 正誤問題
The (A)basis of kinship systems (B)is the concept of descent, (C)that begins (D)with the essential mother-child relationship.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Are you sure we ought _______ this on the air later tonight?
(A) to show (B) to be shown (C) have shown (D) show
※正解(A)。ought は後ろにがくるので (C)、(D) は不適切です。(B) は受動態で、「〜されるべきだ」という意味。

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
He asked me to check all _______ major hotels while I was there.
(A) a (B) an (C) the (D) some
※正解(C)。で、その名詞の指すものすべてを表します。したがって、正解は (C) です。all は the の前にくるという語順に注意してください。

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Show me that report when he _______ out of the room.
(A) goes (B) will go (C) is gone (D) went
※正解(A)。彼が「部屋から出ていく」のは未来のことですが、when を使った「時」を表す副詞節の中では、未来のことでも現在形で表します。したがって、正解は (A) になります。I don't know when he will come back.「彼がいつ帰るかわかりません」など、名詞節のときは未来形を使いますから、注意しましょう。

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
These _______ distributed at next week's meeting.
(A) were (B) have been (C) will (D) are being
※正解(D)。「来週の会議で」という未来の内容を表す副詞句がヒントです。(A) の過去形や (B) の現在完了では不適切です。また、(C) の未来を表す助動詞 will の後には distributed はきません。正解は (D) で、受動態の進行形で未来を表しています。

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I'm sorry we were so late. The train was _______.
(A) been delayed (B) delay (C) delayed (D) delaying
※正解(C)。delay は「遅らせる」という意味の他動詞です。ここでは the train が主語なので受動態になります。(A) や (B) では直前の be 動詞の was につながりません。

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
You'd better hit the _______ if you want to pass that exam.
(A) roof (B) bottle (C) books (D) road
※正解(C)。どの選択肢にも hit と結びついたイディオムがあるので、それぞれの意味を知らなければ迷うかもしれません。正解は(C) の hit the books で「(猛烈に)勉強する」です。Hit the roof は「かんしゃくを起こす;(物価などが)うなぎ登りに上がる」、hit the bottle は「大酒を飲む」、hit the road は「(車などで)出かける;旅に出る」という意味です。

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Come on, we've finished now. Let's call it a _______.
(A) day (B) spade (C) completion (D) job
※正解(A)。call it a day は口語で「(その日の仕事などを)終わりにする、切り上げる」という意味です。(B) spade は農具の「すき」という意味で、call a spade a spade「そのものをずばりと言う」というイディオムがあります。(C) は complete「〜を完成する」の名詞形です。

1. 空所補充問題
Defined legally, a guardian is a person appointed by a court ----- another person, who is called a ward.
(A) caring for (B) cared for (C) to care for (D) care for
※正解(C)。【解説】 a person who is appointed by a court to care for... のwho isが略されている。be appointed to... で「……するために任命される」の意味。guardian「後見人」。

2. 空所補充問題
It was in To Have and Have Not, the first movie Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall starred in together, ----- Bacall uttered her famous line "If you need anything, just whistle."
(A) that (B) where (C) which (D) who
※正解(A)。【解説】 空所の前のカンマに惑わされてはいけない。ここは関係代名詞whichではなく接続詞thatを用いる。この文はIt... that〜の強調構文である。

3. 空所補充問題
The League of United Latin American Citizens, ----- in 1929 in Texas, is an organization of Spanish-speaking people in the United States.
(A) found (B) founded (C) to found (D) founding
※正解(B)。【解説】 The League「同盟、連盟」が発見されたのではなく、創設された(founded)のである。空所の前にwhich wasを補って考える。

4. 空所補充問題
If the sun's energy output ----- by as little as five to seven percent, the result would be a global biological catastrophe.
(A) were being to vary (B) been varying (C) would be varying (D) were to vary
※正解(D)。【解説】 were being to varyとbeen varyingが空所に入らないのはすぐに分かるだろう。これは仮定法の文だがwould be varyingとvaryを進行形にする必要はない。were to ... で「もし……するとしたら」の意味になる。catastrophe「大惨事、大災害」。

5. 空所補充問題
"James" is ----- a common name that it identifies two English kings and five monarchs of Scotland.
(A) so (B) such (C) very (D) much
※正解(B)。【解説】 冠詞aの前にveryとmuchは使えない。soも同様である。a common name that...で「とてもよくある名前なので……」の意味なる。

6. 正誤問題
(A)Ever since the earliest (B)existing texts were set down, writers have always used (C)similes or metaphors to get a point (D)around.
※正解(D)。【解説】 around → across。「(人に)分からせる、伝える」の意味にするにはaroundではなくacrossを用いる。simile「直喩」、metaphor「隠喩」。

7. 正誤問題
(A)The ceboid monkeys, (B)which include the marmosets and (C)tamarins, are native (D)of South and Central America.
※正解(D)。【解説】 of → to。冠詞The、関係代名詞whichと動詞includeの用法に問題はない。tamarins(サルの一種)の前に冠詞theは必要ない。be native to... で「……原産の」という意味。

8. 正誤問題
Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are (A)Brazil's largest cities, (B)with populations of (C)over 17 million and 6 million, (D)respectfully.
※正解(D)。【解説】 respectfully → respectively。respectfullyは「うやうやしく」の意味。ここはrespectively「それぞれ」を使わなくては意味が通らない。

9. 正誤問題
In (A)the early 19th century, Elizabeth Louise Vigee Le Brun (B)is one of the (C)most popular portrait painters in France (D)before the French Revolution.
※正解(B)。【解説】 is → was。文頭にIn the early 19th century「19世紀初期において」があるので、isは過去形wasにしなくてはいけない。

10. 正誤問題
The (A)basis of kinship systems (B)is the concept of descent, (C)that begins (D)with the essential mother-child relationship.
※正解(C)。【解説】 that → which。isはこの文の主語basis「基礎(単数)」に呼応している。関係代名詞thatの前にカンマがあるので、ここはwhichを用いる。前置詞withに問題はない。kinship「親戚関係」。

II. 時事英文
2012 Women Of Courage Awards (その5:全5回シリーズ)
All are working tirelessly to improve the lives of women and girls, said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. "These women are ... making a difference in the face of adversity, often under the threat of violence that is sometimes hard for those of us here in Washington or across our great country even to imagine. And while we honor them today, we know that tomorrow their work will and must continue, so that every woman and girl someday will have the opportunity to live up to her own God-given potential."

III - a. 雑知識
  1. shelve(棚に載せる)は、「(使用を)見送る」の意味もある。日産自動車は、かつての「ダットサン」のブランドを新興国向けに復活させると発表した。同ブランド車の復活は30年ぶり。Nissan is bringing back the Datsun three decades after shelving the brand that helped build its U.S. business. は、AP 通信の記事から。
  2. pros and cons は、「賛否(の意見)」の意味。欧州最大級のブックフェア「パリ書籍見本市」で、作家らが原子力の是非をめぐる議論を交わした。Authors and other people have repeatedly held discussions on the pros and cons of nuclear power. は、The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。
  3. derail(<列車を>脱線させる)には、計画を「狂わせる、失敗させる」の意味もある。原油価格高騰が、オバマ米大統領の再選を脅かす最大の要因として浮上している。Rising fuel costs are threatening to derail Obama's hopes of winning re-election in November. は、Reuters 通信の記事から。
  4. one's junior は、「年下の人」の意味。DREAMS COME TRUE のボーカル、吉田美和さんが19歳年下のミュージシャンと3月8日に結婚したと、公式ブログで発表した。One of Japan's best-known pop stars said that she has married a fellow musician nearly 20 years her junior. は、AFP-Jiji 通信の記事から。
  5. hit the streets は、新商品が「発売される」の意味。三菱自動車は、小型の世界戦略車ミラージュの新車をタイで売り出し、日本にも逆輸入して今夏に発売する予定。The car is expected to hit Japanese streets this summer. は、The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。
  6. remains は、「遺体、遺骨」の意味でdead body の遠回し語。Dozens of remains are recovered every year, but about 12,000 Japanese, along with 218 Americans, are still classified as missing in action. は、硫黄島で行われた、日米両軍の戦没者を慰霊する合同追悼顕彰式に関するAP 通信の記事から。依然、数多くの遺骨が眠っている。
  7. heartthrob は、女性の心をときめかすような「アイドル」の意味。人気アイドルグループ・SMAP の木村拓哉さんが昨秋から今年初めにかけ、乗用車を運転中に2回、道交法違反(速度超過)容疑で摘発されていた。The heartthrob has been caught speeding twice in four months. は、AFP-Jiji 通信の記事から。
  8. ticket(切符)には、受け身で「違反切符を切られる」の意味がある。SMAP star Takuya Kimura was ticketed for speeding last fall and early this year. は、人気アイドルグループ・SMAP の木村拓哉さんが昨秋から今年初めにかけ、乗用車を運転中に2回、道交法違反(速度超過)容疑で摘発されていたことを伝えたThe Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。
  9. whopping は、「途方もなく多い」の意味。朝日新聞社の世論調査によると、原発に対する政府の安全対策については「信頼していない」という人が8割に上った。A whopping 80 percent of people in Japan do not trust the government's safety measures for nuclear power plants. は、The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。
  10. take the reins は「統率する、権力を握る」の意味。Takashi Okuda will take the reins as Sharp posts an expected record net loss of 290 billion yen in fiscal 2011. は、シャープの社長交代に関するThe Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。2012年3月期の連結純損益は、過去最大の2900億円の赤字に転落する見通し。
III -b. 英語でどう言う?

問題 1 網棚に荷物を置く
When he got on the train, Mr. Sato hurriedly put his bag on the ( ) band sat down in an empty seat.
a. shelf b. dragnet c. rack d. springboard

問題 2 つり革につかまる
The bus I take to my office sways a lot, so the driver always tells the passengers to hold on to a
( ).
a. string b. strap c. handle d. holder

問題 3 ドアにはさまれる
Yumiko pushed herself into a crowded train, but her handbag got ( ) in the door.
a. caught b. held c. dumped d. squared

問題 4ぬダイヤが乱れる
The train schedule was ( ) because of heavy rain.
a. corrupted b. upset c. disrupted d. destroyed

回答 1-c 2-b 3-a 4-c

III -c. News Glossary
heart bypass surgery
Emperor Akihito is in stable condition after undergoing heart bypass surgery and has been moved from an intensive care unit to a private room.

IV. Jokes
a. A job interviewer asked me where I wanted to be in five years. I said, "Ideally, suspended with pay."

b. I used to work in a bookstore during my freshman year. One of my tasks was to tidy up the store and put things in their right place before we open for our daily operations.
One morning, as I was arranging the gifts and greeting cards section, a brightly colored but misplaced card caught my eye.
Under the "Just Married" section, somebody had placed an electric blue card emblazoned with the words: "Good Luck!"

c. As chairman of his regimental association, my husband was giving a speech at a dinner. The local widows' group had been invited but only around a third of its members had turned up.
"We're delighted to have so many widows," he declared, obviously trying to make the best out of a bad situation. "And we hope to have a lot more next year."

d. The headmaster at my secondary school asked for a moment's silence in the staff room while he addressed the teachers. "Can I ask you all to be more careful when writing comments?" he said.
He held aloft a book that belonged to a pupil called Susan Crabbe. A colleague had written encouragingly, "Susan is beginning to come out of her shell …"

e. Our daughter took the afternoon off from her job at the funeral home to visit her daughter in preschool. When one of the kids asked what she did for a living, my granddaughter answered for her: "She sells underground furniture."
