資料No. : NS120208
(1) TOEIC 1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Your prompt _______ to our proposal would be highly appreciated. (A) respond (B) response (C) to respond (D) responded 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Let them _______ as they like. They'll never listen to us. (A) do (B) to do (C) to be doing (D) to have done 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I was just about to leave home, _______ the phone rang. (A) that (B) why (C) when (D) at that time 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Your children have passed the age _______ they need to worry about such illnesses. (A) why (B) how (C) when (D) which 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The real estate agent has three apartments to show you _______ is very near your workplace. (A) , one of them (B) , one of which (C) none of whom (D) some of which 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 One of my colleagues is moving to the house _______ is opposite ours. (A) who (B) whom (C) which (D) where 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Many of the problems _______ we will face in the next century will be environmental ones. (A) that (B) whom (C) on which (D) that are (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 An ellipse differs from an oval in that it contains ----- straight lines. (A) not (B) nor (C) none (D) no 2. 空所補充問題 ----- they were deciphered in detail for the first time in 1822 by Jean-Francois Champollion, Egyptian hieroglyphics were a total mystery to most scholars. (A) At last (B) Finally (C) In time (D) Until 3. 空所補充問題 In speed chess, each side has five minutes of ----- playing time in order to complete the game. (A) totally (B) total (C) in total (D) totality 4. 空所補充問題 The Precambrian period, -----, includes the time before the Cambrian period. (A) the name implies it (B) it implies the name (C) as the name implies (D) when the name implies 5. 空所補充問題 The mercury and sulfuric acid used in gold mining is considered by environmentalists ----- among the main sources of river pollution. (A) to be (B) what is (C) the (D) of the 6. 正誤問題 T-Bone Walker is known (A)within blues fans (B)as one of the first (C)guitarists in the genre to use (D)an electric guitar. 7. 正誤問題 The insulating properties of down feathers (A)are partly due to (B)its ability (C)to temporarily immobilize tiny pockets of air, (D)which discourages heat conductivity. 8. 正誤問題 There are (A)still no major (B)practically applications for the ability to generate light (C)by directing intense sound waves into (D)an air bubble in water. 9. 正誤問題 (A)If electrical power supplies were (B)seriously disrupted, the effects (C)in advanced industrial nations (D)will be catastrophic. 10. 正誤問題 The eyeball is equipped (A)with an inner lining (B)that reflects the full spectrum of visible light, (C)where results in (D)its white outer appearance. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Your prompt _______ to our proposal would be highly appreciated. (A) respond (B) response (C) to respond (D) responded 訳;当社の提案に早急にお返事願えれば幸いです。 ※正解(B)。ビジネス・レターでよく使用される文です。Your の後ろには名詞があることが予想されますが、prompt の品詞を見極めることがまず大切です。これが「迅速な」の意味の形容詞であることが分かれば、その後ろに名詞がこなければいけないことが明らかになります。 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Let them _______ as they like. They'll never listen to us. (A) do (B) to do (C) to be doing (D) to have done 訳;彼らのしたいようにさせよう。私たちの言うことなんて聞かないだろうから。 ※正解(A)。「…させてあげる」の意味の使役動詞 let は、let +目的語+原形動詞の形をとります。 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I was just about to leave home, _______ the phone rang. (A) that (B) why (C) when (D) at that time 訳;ちょうど家を出ようとしていたそのときに、電話が鳴った。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】選択肢のうちで、接続詞機能を有し、かつコンマを介して2つの節を連結できるのは非制限用法をもつ関係副詞のwhenのみである。なお、この場合のwhenは前の節全体を先行詞とする。be about to 〜 は「まさに[今にも]〜しようとしている」の意。 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Your children have passed the age _______ they need to worry about such illnesses. (A) why (B) how (C) when (D) which 訳;あなたのお子さんたちは、そういった病気を心配する年齢はもう過ぎました。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】選択肢はすべて関係詞だが、先行詞がthe ageという「時」を表す名詞句であるから (A) と (B) は消える。次に、このthe ageを受けてthey need to worry about such illnessesの節にどう結びつけていくかだが、the ageという名詞句のままではどこにも差し込む適当な場所はない。したがって、名詞句だけの代用となる関係代名詞 (which) は不可。whenであれば「その年齢において[その年齢のときに]they need to以下である」が成立するのでうまくつながることになる。 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The real estate agent has three apartments to show you _______ is very near your workplace. (A) , one of them (B) , one of which (C) none of whom (D) some of which 訳;その不動産屋にはあなたに見せるアパートの物件が3つあるが、そのうちの1つはあなたの職場にとても近い。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】whichやwhomがofを介して数[量]詞と結びつく'one [some, any, none, all, both, several, enough, many, few, etc.] of which [whom]'の形は非制限用法なので、コンマのない (C) , (D) は不可。加えて (C) は先行詞 (three apartments) が人でない点、(D) は関係詞節内の動詞が単数 (is) である点でも不可。コンマだけで節を結ぶ (A) も不可。 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 One of my colleagues is moving to the house _______ is opposite ours. (A) who (B) whom (C) which (D) where 訳;同僚の1人が我が家の向かいの家に引越してきます。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】the houseを先行詞にとり、空所の後のisに対する主語として機能できるものを選ぶ。 【選択肢】(D) は関係副詞で主語になれない。 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Many of the problems _______ we will face in the next century will be environmental ones. (A) that (B) whom (C) on which (D) that are 訳;来世紀に我々が直面する問題は、多くが環境問題となるであろう。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】述語動詞が2つ(will face, will be)ある( → faceは法助動詞willがあるから当然動詞)。そこで前者は文中に埋め込まれた関係詞節に属し、後者はその関係詞節を包み込む主節に属すると考えてみる。そして関係詞節を導く関係代名詞を選択肢から選ぶわけだが、空所の左に人はないから (B) は不可。残りについては関係詞節(=空所からwill beの前まで)の内部構造が判断の決め手。we will face in the next centuryにproblemsをどう組み込むか。faceには主語 (we) はあるが目的語がない。したがってface the problems(= that)がはまる。face on the problems(= on which)のface on 〜 は「場所的に〜に面している」の意で用いないとおかしい。(D) は問題外。 are ---> is (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 An ellipse differs from an oval in that it contains ----- straight lines. (A) not (B) nor (C) none (D) no ※正解(D)。【解説】 空所とstraight linesが動詞containsの目的語になる。not、nor、noneは名詞句straight linesの前では使えない。ellipse「楕円」。 2. 空所補充問題 ----- they were deciphered in detail for the first time in 1822 by Jean-Francois Champollion, Egyptian hieroglyphics were a total mystery to most scholars. (A) At last (B) Finally (C) In time (D) Until ※正解(D)。【解説】 この文の主節はEgyptian hieroglyphics were... である。このことから文頭の空所には接続詞が入るのではないかと予想できる。In timeでは意味が通らない。正解は(D) Untilである。decipher「解読する」、hieroglyphics「象形文字」。 3. 空所補充問題 In speed chess, each side has five minutes of ----- playing time in order to complete the game. (A) totally (B) total (C) in total (D) totality ※正解(B)。【解説】 名詞句playing timeの前に来るのは形容詞である。正解は(B)のtotalである。 4. 空所補充問題 The Precambrian period, -----, includes the time before the Cambrian period. (A) the name implies it (B) it implies the name (C) as the name implies (D) when the name implies ※正解(C)。【解説】 この文の主語はThe Precambrian period、動詞はincludesである。the name implies itとit implies the nameを空所に入れると、主語と動詞がダブルことになる。when the name impliesでは意味が通らない。正解は(C) as the name implies「その名が示すように」。Precambrian「先カンブリア時代の」。 5. 空所補充問題 The mercury and sulfuric acid used in gold mining is considered by environmentalists ----- among the main sources of river pollution. (A) to be (B) what is (C) the (D) of the ※正解(A)。【解説】 動詞considerに注目。be considered to be ... で「……とみなされている」の意味になる。sulfuric acid「硫酸」。 6. 正誤問題 T-Bone Walker is known (A)within blues fans (B)as one of the first (C)guitarists in the genre to use (D)an electric guitar. ※正解(A)。【解説】 within → among。be known among... as〜で「……の間では〜として知られている」の意味になる。withinはamongにしなくてはならない。複数形guitaristsと冠詞anに問題はない。 7. 正誤問題 The insulating properties of down feathers (A)are partly due to (B)its ability (C)to temporarily immobilize tiny pockets of air, (D)which discourages heat conductivity. ※正解(B)。【解説】 its → their。areはpropertiesに呼応している。itsは何を指しているか? 複数形のdown feathersである。したがって、itsではなくtheirを使う。不定詞to、関係代名詞whichの用法に誤りはない。 8. 正誤問題 There are (A)still no major (B)practically applications for the ability to generate light (C)by directing intense sound waves into (D)an air bubble in water. ※正解(B)。【解説】 practically → practical。名詞applicationsの前の副詞practicallyに問題がある。ここは形容詞practicalを用いる。副詞still、前置詞by、冠詞anの用法に誤りはない。 9. 正誤問題 (A)If electrical power supplies were (B)seriously disrupted, the effects (C)in advanced industrial nations (D)will be catastrophic. ※正解(D)。【解説】 will → would。If... wereが使われていることに注目。これは仮定法過去の文であるので、willはwouldにしなけらばならない。disrupt「中断させる」。 10. 正誤問題 The eyeball is equipped (A)with an inner lining (B)that reflects the full spectrum of visible light, (C)where results in (D)its white outer appearance. ※正解(C)。【解説】 where → which。be equipped with... で「……が付いている」の意味になる。関係代名詞that、代名詞itsの用法に問題はない。関係副詞whereは関係代名詞whichにしなければ文が繋がらない。 II. 時事英文 To be medical doctors (その9;全11回シリーズ) Dean Herscowitz says the school has become increasingly popular. Over the past two or three years, all of its classes have been filled. Two hundred students pay one hundred dollars each to attend the eight class meetings. Georgetown holds two mini-med schools every year - one in the spring, the other in autumn. The subjects differ from one season to the next, depending on what medical issues are in the news at the time. Dean Herscowitz says some students have been coming to the mini-med school for years. Georgetown University Medical Center Herbert Herscowitz of Georgetown University Medical Center "We've got a number of groupies in this program - people who have come to it for several years, have sat through some of the same lectures over the years, but they keep on coming back. Now I don't know if this is a way for them to spend their Tuesday evenings - they have nothing else to do - or if it's a way for them to be educated about their health." III - a. 雑知識
問題1 コクがある 先週は家族の集まりがあり、お歳暮にオカダさんからもらったワインを開けました。とてもコクがあって大変おいしかったです。 At our family get-together last week, I opened a bottle of wine Mr. Okada sent us as a year-end gift. It had a lot of ( ) and was very pleasing to the taste. a. body b. presence c. tone d. depth 問題2 ビールの泡 昨晩はタロウくんの課長昇進を祝って、1杯おごってあげました。ビールをごくごく飲むと、口についた泡も気にせず、彼は新規プロジェクトについて熱く語り始めました。 I treated Taro to a drink last night to celebrate his promotion to section chief. After taking a swig of beer, he started talking enthusiastically about the new project without wiping the ( ) from his mouth. a. Soap b. bubble c. lather d. foam 問題3 酒を飲んでうさを晴らす 我が社の顧客サービス部門の社員は、多くのクレームに参っている様子。うわさでは、毎晩のようにうさを晴らしに酒を飲みに行っているそうです。 The customer service staff of our company seems to have been overwhelmed by complaints these days. I hear that they go to a bar almost every night to drink their troubles ( ). a. Along b. apart c. away d. around 問題4 付き合い程度に酒を飲む人 僕の伯父は若いころは酒癖が悪かったのですが、体を壊してからというもの、お酒は付き合い程度になったそうです。 My uncle told me that he was a problem drinker when he was young, but after damaging his health he has become a ( ) drinker. a. Diplomatic b. soft c. social d. friendly 回答1 a 2 d 3 c 4 c III -c. News Glossary Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection 連邦破産法11条 The parent company of American Airlines filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, seeking relief from crushing debt caused by high fuel prices and expensive labor contracts. アメリカン航空の親会社は、燃料費高騰と高コストの労使契約によって積み重なった多額の負債からの救済を求め、米連邦破産法11条の適用を申請した。 IV. Jokes a. A nine-year-old boy is spying on his mother and her lover from a bedroom wardrobe. The woman's husband comes home early. She shoves her lover into the wardrobe, not knowing her son is in there, too. "Dark in here," the boy says. "Yes, it is," says the man. "Want to buy a football for $200?" "No way." "My dad's o0utside." "OK, done." The next week, the husband is early again. The lover is back in the wardrobe with the boy. "Dark in here," says the boy. "Yes, it is." "I've got football boots. $500." "Sold." Next day, the father tells the boy, "Get your football gear. Let's go to the paerk for a game." "I sold it for $700." "You conned your friends? You'll have to ask God for forgiveness." The father marches the boy to church, sits him in the confessional booth and closesz the door. "Dark in here, says the little boy. "Don't start that again,"# says the priest. b. I'm not good at sports, but I like parallel parking. Unlike sports, the worsew you are at parallel parking, the more people you have rooting for you. c. A young couple were on their way to the church to get married. On the way there, they were killed in a car accident. The couple soon found themselves standing in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. The young woman asks Peter if they could get married in Heaven. He replies that he'll get back to them on that. A month later, St. Peter finds them and announces that they can in fact get married in Heaven. To his surprise, the woman asks "Just wondering, if things don't work out will we be able to get divorce?" With a stern look in his eye, Peter says, "Look lady, it took me a month to find a preacher up here … you really think I'm gonna find a lawyer?" d. There's very little advice in men's magazines, because men don't think there's a lot they don't know. Women do. Women want to learn. Men think, "I know what I'm doing, just show me somebody naked." |