資料No. : NS120125
(1) TOEIC 1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 My dentist always stresses the importance of getting my teeth _______ regularly. (A) cleaned (B) cleaning (C) to clean (D) to be cleaned 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 We are in receipt of a check _______ by the Bank of Tokyo. (A) having issued (B) to issue (C) issuing (D) issued 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 She was _______ good typist that we hated to see her leave. (A) so (B) such (C) a very (D) such a 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I hope you become leaders in society who will work _______ for your personal happiness but for the happiness of others. (A) not that (B) not only (C) just like (D) merely not 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Even though _______ was very enthusiastic about the plan, it proved to be a great success. (A) both the bank and the company (B) either the bank and the company (C) neither the bank nor the company (D) not only the bank but the company 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Some herbs can cause serious side effects, including severe liver damage, _______ taken in the wrong combinations or in the wrong amounts. (A) if (B) though (C) during (D) they are 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Mr. Brown must have called it a day, _______ I saw him locking his office door. (A) until (B) despite (C) because (D) even although (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 ----- the mass extinction of 65 million years ago never occurred, humans may never have evolved. (A) Having (B) Has (C) Had (D) To have 2. 空所補充問題 Preschool programs are generally designed ----- the need for daycare and to provide opportunities for stimulation of physical, emotional and intellectual growth. (A) to fulfill both (B) fulfilling to both (C) both to fulfill (D) both in fulfillment 3. 空所補充問題 The steam-powered submarines ----- for the British navy in 1915 were never put into military action. (A) building (B) to build (C) build (D) built 4. 空所補充問題 In 1835, Joice Heth was reputed to ----- over 160 years old, and to have served as George Washington's nurse. (A) be (B) grow (C) age (D) live 5. 空所補充問題 Anna Pavlova, ----- lived from 1881 to 1931, is generally recognized as the foremost ballerina of the early 20th century. (A) which (B) where (C) whereby (D) who 6. 正誤問題 (A)As military global positioning systems become (B)available to the civilian sector, anyone (C)who with the right equipment can find (D)their exact location with ease. 7. 正誤問題 Jet fuel is (A)far more (B)high refined (C)than the fuel oil (D)used in diesel engines. 8. 正誤問題 Sympathetic magic often involves (A)attempt (B)to cause events to happen (C)by manipulating symbolic or representational (D)objects. 9. 正誤問題 The social security number is, (A)in effect, a national I.D. number (B)through which all manner of personal (C)informations on U.S. citizens can (D)be accessed. 10. 正誤問題 Many flowering plants, (A)such as the carnation, (B)having been native (C)to areas surrounding (D)the Mediterranean Sea. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V ; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 My dentist always stresses the importance of getting my teeth _______ regularly. (A) cleaned (B) cleaning (C) to clean (D) to be cleaned 訳;私のかかりつけの歯医者は規則正しく歯をみがくことの大切さをいつも強調する。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】'get(ting) +O (my teeth) +_____'の _____ の位置を占める構文上の資格自体は (A), (B), (C) のいずれにもある。そこで、Oが _____ に対して意味上能動主語(cleanする側)か、それとも受動主語(cleanされる側)かを考えると、歯は「みがかれる」のだから (A) のcleanedが正しいとわかる。 【選択肢】getはOの後にto不定詞をとれるが、そのto不定詞が受け身になっている (D) のような形は通例不可。 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 We are in receipt of a check _______ by the Bank of Tokyo. (A) having issued (B) to issue (C) issuing (D) issued 訳;東京銀行発行の小切手を拝受いたしました。 ※正解(D)。【着眼点】checkを正しく修飾するものを選ぶ問題。check(小切手)とissue(発行する)の関係を見定めつつ、by the Bank of Tokyoのbyにも注目する。例えばThe check → issue → by ... ときたらThe check was issued by ... という文を作るのが自然であろう。checkはissueに対して意味上受動主語の関係に立つのであり、したがって (D) を選ぶことになる。 【選択肢】(A) も過去分詞のissuedを含むので一瞬気をとられるかもしれないが、(A) は全体として能動の完了形であり、having been issuedとはなっていない点に注意 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 She was _______ good typist that we hated to see her leave. (A) so (B) such (C) a very (D) such a 訳;彼女はとても優秀なタイピストだったので退職するのをただ黙って見送るのはいやだった。 ※正解(D)。【着眼点】thatと連関するのはsoかsuchだがsoやsuchとthatとの間に何がきてるかが問題。この場合はtypistという単数可算名詞を含むのでso good a typistかsuch a good typistの形がくることになる。なお、「see+人+〜(=原形)」には「人が〜するのを黙って見ている[放っておく、黙認する]」の意がある。 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I hope you become leaders in society who will work _______ for your personal happiness but for the happiness of others. (A) not that (B) not only (C) just like (D) merely not 訳;皆さんには、自分の個人的幸福のみならず、他者の幸福のためにも努めていくような、そういう社会のリーダーになってもらいたい。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】butの後がfor ... という前置詞句になっており、空所の後にも同じ形がきていることから、対等の文法範ちゅうに属する2つの要素を相関的に結びつける組み合わせを考えてみる。but (also) とペアを組むのはnot only [just, merely, simply, etc.] である。 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Even though _______ was very enthusiastic about the plan, it proved to be a great success. (A) both the bank and the company (B) either the bank and the company (C) neither the bank nor the company (D) not only the bank but the company 訳;銀行も会社もあまりその計画には乗り気でなかったが、結果は大満足のいくものとなった。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】相関接続詞はまず形、次に文脈がチェックポイント。形の点では (B) が不可( → either A or [×and] B)。(A) のboth A and Bと (D) のnot only A but Bは形は問題ないが意味が文脈に合致しない。「銀行も会社も両方とも大変乗り気だったにもかかわらず (even though)、その計画は大成功だった」は、例えば「銀行や会社が強い関心を示す計画は皆失敗する」といったような特別な前提が与えられていないと変。選択肢中には「銀行も会社もあまり乗り気でなかったが」(C) というのが用意されているのだから、一番ロジカルなものとしてこれを選ぶ。 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Some herbs can cause serious side effects, including severe liver damage, _______ taken in the wrong combinations or in the wrong amounts. (A) if (B) though (C) during (D) they are 訳;薬草の中には調合の仕方や分量を間違えて飲むと、深刻な肝機能障害を含む重大な副作用を引き起こすものもある。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】ifなどに導かれる副詞節中では「主語(=主節の主語と同一)+be動詞」が省かれる場合があることを思い出す。問題文の場合はif they (= some herbs) are taken ... のthey areが省かれたもの。 【選択肢】(C) は前置詞で問題外。(D) を選ぶとSome herbs ... damageとthey are ... amountsという2つの節を接続詞を介さずただコンマで結んだ形となってしまう。(B) のthoughはifと同様「主語+be動詞」の省略を許すが、文脈に合致しないのでこちらは意味的基準から不可。 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Mr. Brown must have called it a day, _______ I saw him locking his office door. (A) until (B) despite (C) because (D) even although 訳;ブラウンさんはきっと仕事を切り上げたんでしょう。事務所のドアにカギをかけているところを見ましたから。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】「must+have+過去分詞 (called) 」は過去の事柄に関する現在の推量を表し「〜したに違いない」の意。call it a dayは「(その日の仕事などを)切り上げる」の意。「仕事を切り上げたに違いない」と推量することと「事務所のドアにカギをかけているところを見た」ということの関連性を考えると、後者は前者のように推量することの根拠・理由として述べられていることがわかる。 【選択肢】(B) は前置詞。(D) のevenはalthoughと結びつくこと自体ない。 (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 ----- the mass extinction of 65 million years ago never occurred, humans may never have evolved. (A) Having (B) Has (C) Had (D) To have ※正解(C)。【解説】 問題文は、If the mass extinction of 65 million years ago had never occurred... のHadを文頭に移動しifを省略した仮定法過去完了の文である。 2. 空所補充問題 Preschool programs are generally designed ----- the need for daycare and to provide opportunities for stimulation of physical, emotional and intellectual growth. (A) to fulfill both (B) fulfilling to both (C) both to fulfill (D) both in fulfillment ※正解(C)。【解説】 and to provide ... に着目する。(C) both to fulfillを空所に入れればboth to fulfill... and to provide... とboth A and Bの形になる。 3. 空所補充問題 The steam-powered submarines ----- for the British navy in 1915 were never put into military action. (A) building (B) to build (C) build (D) built ※正解(D)。【解説】 空所に過去分詞builtを入れれば、were never putがこの文の動詞になり文が成立する。builtの前にはthat wereが略されている。 4. 空所補充問題 In 1835, Joice Heth was reputed to ----- over 160 years old, and to have served as George Washington's nurse. (A) be (B) grow (C) age (D) live ※正解(A)。【解説】 難しく考えることはない。beを空所に入れればwas reputed to be over 160 years old... 「160歳以上であったと言われていた」の意味になる。 5. 空所補充問題 Anna Pavlova, ----- lived from 1881 to 1931, is generally recognized as the foremost ballerina of the early 20th century. (A) which (B) where (C) whereby (D) who ※正解(D)。【解説】 Anna Pavlovaはロシアの舞踏家であるので、関係代名詞whoを使えば、lived... 以下がAnna Pavlovaを後ろから説明することになる。 6. 正誤問題 (A)As military global positioning systems become (B)available to the civilian sector, anyone (C)who with the right equipment can find (D)their exact location with ease. ※正解(C)。【解説】 who → カットする。anyone以下の文の動詞部はcan find... なので、anyoneの後のwhoは不必要である。 7. 正誤問題 Jet fuel is (A)far more (B)high refined (C)than the fuel oil (D)used in diesel engines. ※正解(B)。【解説】 high → highly。farはmoreを強調する副詞。highは形容詞refinedを修飾しているのでhighlyと副詞形にしなければならない。thanとusedに問題はない。 8. 正誤問題 Sympathetic magic often involves (A)attempt (B)to cause events to happen (C)by manipulating symbolic or representational (D)objects. ※正解(A)。【解説】 attempt → an attempt/attempts。attemptは「試み」の意味の加算名詞なので、an attempt、あるいは、attemptsと複数形にする必要がある。sympathetic magic「共感呪術」。 9. 正誤問題 The social security number is, (A)in effect, a national I.D. number (B)through which all manner of personal (C)informations on U.S. citizens can (D)be accessed. ※正解(C)。【解説】 informations → information。うっかりすると見逃してしまいそうな間違いである。informationは不可算名詞なので複数のsはつかない。 10. 正誤問題 Many flowering plants, (A)such as the carnation, (B)having been native (C)to areas surrounding (D)the Mediterranean Sea. ※正解(B)。【解説】 having been → are。having beenのままでは、この文には動詞がないことになる。areを使えばいいのである。 II. 時事英文 To be medical doctors (その7;全11回シリーズ) Georgetown University School of Medicine Students attend a "mini-med school" class at Georgetown University School of Medicine in Washington, DC About seventy schools, research centers and hospitals in North America and Europe hold mini-med schools. America's National Institutes of Health Office of Science and Education says the information offered in such schools is the same that medical students receive, but less detailed. Mini-med schools offer classes that give students a wider, more general explanation of a disease. Most of these schools are eight weeks long -- two hours a night once a week. Some give students a chance to visit laboratories, see films of operations and give them hands-on demonstrations. III -a. 雑知識
問題1 通知表 成績が上がったら、両親にラジコンの飛行機を買ってもらう約束のコウスケ君。期末試験がうまくいったので、通知表を両親に早く見せたくて仕方がない様子です。 Yosuke's parents have promised to buy him a radio controlled airplane when he gets good grades. Yosuke did very good in the final exam and now he is eager to show his ( ) card to them and ask for the reward. a. result b. point c. report d. merit 問題2 採点する 小学校で教員をしている私は5年生の担任。答案の採点や授業の準備で本当に忙しかった。冬休みはゆっくり休養したいです。 I've been quite busy ( ) papers and making lesson plans for my fifth-graders. I would like to take a good rest during the winter vacation. a. collecting b. ranking c. judging d. grading 問題3 成績不振 私が応援しているサッカーチームは今シーズン、惨敗の連続です。ついに監督が成績不振の責任をとって辞任しました。 My favorite soccer team has been suffering from crushing defeats one after another this season. The coach finally quit to take responsibility for the poor ( ) of the team. a. showing b. movement c. cheering d. running 問題4 ずば抜けてよくできる クラスメートのエリコは、生まれも育ちもカリフォルニア。だから、英語に関しては他の生徒よりずば抜けてよくできます。 Eriko was born and raised in California. When it comes to English, she stands ( ) above her classmates. a. nose and ears b. hands and arms c. head and shoulders d. knees and elbows 回答 1 c 2 d 3 a 4 c III -c. News Glossary Gross National Happiness 国民総幸福量 Bhutan is known for using the concept of Gross National Happiness, or GNH, as an indicator to measure quality of life, rather than the common indicator of Gross National Product. 生活の質を示す指標として、ブータンは一般的な国民総生産ではなく、国民総幸福量という概念を用いることで知られている。 IV. Jokes a. Last June, my friend told me about her plans for our upcoming prom. "I'm renting a stretch limo and spending $1000 on a new dress, and I've reserved a table at the most expensive restaurant in town," she said. Our teacher overheard her and shook her head. "I didn't spend that much on my wedding." My friend answered, "I can have three or four weddings. But a prom you do only once." b. When his drink arrived, my brother-in-law Kieth asked the waitress for a straw. "Sorry, I'm out," she said, sounding irritated. "The customers won't stop asking for them." "Well," joked Keith, "they must all be germaphobes." "No, she said, "they're mostly locals." c. While filling up at a petrol station, I accidentally spilled gasoline on my shirt. When I went inside to pay, I noticed a woman crinkling her nose. Very embarrassed, I tried to put her mind at ease. "If you smell gas," I said, "it's me." d. In the frozen foods section of my local supermarket, I observed a man shopping with his young son. As I walked by, he crossed something off his list at random and whispered conspiratorially to his son, !You know, if we really mess this up we'll never have to do it again." e. Henri, my husband, and I like to go for a walk in the evenings, and often we'd hear an owl hooting. When we did, Henri would hoot back. One day I asked our neighbors, Colleen and Wally, if they had heard the owl. "Yes, we have," Colleen replied, "and Wally hoots back." f. An announcement in our church bulletin: "All singles are invited to join us Friday at 7 pm for the annual Christmas Sing-alone." |