資料No. : NS111019
(1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 That's the store _______ I bought it. (A) that (B) where (C) which (D) there 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 His students _______ that his class was very boring. (A) continued (B) produced (C) complained (D) bothered 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 He carried himself with _______. (A) assured (B) assurance (C) assurances (D) assure 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 She was still wearing the _______ white dress. (A) flowering (B) flower (C) flowery (D) flowers 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The sight was simply _______. (A) with magnificence (B) magnificent (C) magnificently (D) magnificence 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Are you sure that he's pronouncing it _______? (A) proper (B) with properness (C) proper way (D) properly 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 He was _______ than I thought. (A) impression (B) greatly impressive (C) more impressive (D) greater impression (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 The present-day gar is an example of fishes, much more common in Paleozoic and Mesozoic times, whose bodies ----- in an armor of thick enamel-like scales. (A) are encasing (B) do encase (C) encase (D) are encased 2. 空所補充問題 In the manufacture of advanced passenger aircraft, the cockpit and main wing are considered the most complex, difficult and costly -----. (A) to build (B) in building (C) for building (D) of to build 3. 空所補充問題 Pale botany is the branch of botany exclusively concerned ----- fossil plants. (A) at (B) with (C) for (D) on 4. 空所補充問題 Scottish mathematician Colin Maclaurin was considered by some to be an equal of Newton, although many modern students of math are not aware of -----. (A) he was who (B) who he was (C) he who was (D) who was he 5. 空所補充問題 The depletion of whale stocks contributed to the decline of the American whaling industry, ----- the discovery of plentiful crude oil reserves in the state of Pennsylvania. (A) as did (B) like as (C) and so (D) same so 6. 正誤問題 The Australian gold rush that began (A)around 1851 caused a massive shift toward gold production (B)that demanded (C)the more manpower from (D)nearly every other field of labor. 7. 正誤問題 The distribution of soybean cultivation in (A)ancient Japan and China (B)was (C)far greater than (D)the West. 8. 正誤問題 The faun, (A)which is the Italian (B)counterpart of the satyr of ancient Greek mythology, (C)are mythical creatures half man and half beast (D)closely associated with Dionysus. 9. 正誤問題 The history of the game badminton begins in India, (A)where British soldiers (B)developed it in (C)the early 1870s, originally (D)called it "poona". 10. 正誤問題 (A)The most distinctive (B)characteristic of limestone is that it (C)contain (D)at least 50% calcium carbonate. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 That's the store _______ I bought it. (A) that (B) where (C) which (D) there 訳:私がそれを買ったのはその店です。 ※正解(B)。That's the store. と I bought it there. の2文をつなぐ関係詞が入ります。the store を先行詞として接続詞と副詞の働きをする (B) の関係副詞 where が正解です。関係代名詞の (C) which を用いる場合、in which と前置詞が必要です。 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 His students _______ that his class was very boring. (A) continued (B) produced (C) complained (D) bothered 訳:生徒たちは彼の授業はとても退屈だと文句を言った。 ※正解(C)。選択する動詞の目的語となる that 節の「授業がとても退屈だ(boring)」をヒントに、適切な語を選択します。(A) は「続けた」、(B) は 「生み出した」、(D) は 「困らせた」という意味です。(C) のcomplained「不平を言った」が文意に合います。 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 He carried himself with _______. (A) assured (B) assurance (C) assurances (D) assure 訳:彼は堂々と振る舞った。 ※正解(B)。「with+抽象名詞」で副詞の働きをし、with assurance「確信をもって」という意味になります。名詞の複数形の (C) assurances はここでは適切ではありません。過去分詞の (A) assured、動詞 (D) assure は with の後にはきません。 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 She was still wearing the _______ white dress. (A) flowering (B) flower (C) flowery (D) flowers 訳:彼女は花柄の白い服をまだ着ていました。 ※正解(C)。空所には white dress を修飾する形容詞が入りますが。したがって、(B) flower、(D) flowers は不適切です。(A) の flowering も「花の咲く、花を開く」という意味の形容詞でここでは適切ではありません。(C) の flowery「花模様の」が正解になります。 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The sight was simply _______. (A) with magnificence (B) magnificent (C) magnificently (D) magnificence 訳:その眺めは実に見事だった。 ※正解(B)。第2文型の文で、空所に主語の補語となる語が入ることになります。前に副詞の simply があるので (A) with magnificence という副詞句や、副詞の (C) magnificently、(D) の名詞 magnificence「壮大さ」は不適切です。形容詞である (B) の magnificent「見事な」 が正解となります。 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Are you sure that he's pronouncing it _______? (A) proper (B) with properness (C) proper way (D) properly 訳:本当に彼はそれを正しく発音していると思いますか? ※正解(D)。that 以下の従属節の動詞 pronounce を修飾する副詞が入ります。(A) proper には副詞の意味もありますが、「完全に、ひどく」という意味で文意が合いません。正解は (D) の副詞の properly「適切に」です。accurately を用いても同様の意味になります。 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 He was _______ than I thought. (A) impression (B) greatly impressive (C) more impressive (D) greater impression 訳:思っていたより彼には感銘を受けた。 ※正解(C)。比較級の基本的用法は<形容詞・副詞の比較級+than 〜>となります。そうすると、まず最初に (A) や (B) は消去されます。(D) は文型上、He = impression ではないので不適切であることに気づくでしょう。形容詞 impressive に more をつけて比較級を表している (C) が正解となります。 (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 The present-day gar is an example of fishes, much more common in Paleozoic and Mesozoic times, whose bodies ----- in an armor of thick enamel-like scales. (A) are encasing (B) do encase (C) encase (D) are encased ※正解(D)。【解説】 動詞encase「(箱などに)入れる」をどう使えばいいか。受け身にすれば、whose bodies are encased in an armor of thick enamel-like scales.で「身体が厚いエナメルのような鱗の鎧に包まれている」の意味になる。gar「ガー、ガーパイク(魚)」。 2. 空所補充問題 In the manufacture of advanced passenger aircraft, the cockpit and main wing are considered the most complex, difficult and costly -----. (A) to build (B) in building (C) for building (D) of to build ※正解(A)。【解説】 不定詞to buildを使えば、the cockpit and main wingがto buildの目的語になり、「コックピットと主翼は、造り上げるには最も複雑で、難しく、費用がかかる」という意味になる。 3. 空所補充問題 Pale botany is the branch of botany exclusively concerned ----- fossil plants. (A) at (B) with (C) for (D) on ※正解(B)。【解説】 concernedの後に来る前置詞は? be concerned with ... で「……関係する、係わる」の意味になる。botanyの後にthat/which isが省略されている。 4. 空所補充問題 Scottish mathematician Colin Maclaurin was considered by some to be an equal of Newton, although many modern students of math are not aware of -----. (A) he was who (B) who he was (C) he who was (D) who was he ※正解(B)。【解説】 are not aware of .... で「……を知らない」の意味。「誰であったのか知らない」の意味にするには、ofの後に間接疑問文who he wasを続ける。 5. 空所補充問題 The depletion of whale stocks contributed to the decline of the American whaling industry, ----- the discovery of plentiful crude oil reserves in the state of Pennsylvania. (A) as did (B) like as (C) and so (D) same so ※正解(A)。【解説】 空所を挟んで前後の文を並列している。選択肢からして、空所には「... (と同じ)ように」の意味を表す語句が入るはずである。正解はas didである。本来はas the discovery of plentiful crude oil reserves in the state of Pennsylvania didであった語順を、didに比して主語が長いのでas did ... と倒置したのである。ちなみにsameを使うなら、in the same way as ... のように言う。 6. 正誤問題 The Australian gold rush that began (A)around 1851 caused a massive shift toward gold production (B)that demanded (C)the more manpower from (D)nearly every other field of labor. ※正解(C)。【解説】 the more → more。aroundは前置詞で「……頃」の意味。接続詞thatの用法に問題はない。文脈から考えてmoreの前に冠詞theは必要ない。nearly「ほとんど」は副詞。 7. 正誤問題 The distribution of soybean cultivation in (A)ancient Japan and China (B)was (C)far greater than (D)the West. ※正解(D)。【解説】 the West → in the West。ancient Japanの前に冠詞はいらない。wasはこの文の主語The distributionに呼応している。farはgreaterを強調する副詞である。残るはthe Westである。the Westの前にinを入れなければならない。 8. 正誤問題 The faun, (A)which is the Italian (B)counterpart of the satyr of ancient Greek mythology, (C)are mythical creatures half man and half beast (D)closely associated with Dionysus. ※正解(C)。【解説】 are mythical creatures → is a mythical creature。関係代名詞which is、counterpart「似たもの、相当するもの」の用法に問題はない。mythical creaturesはこの文の主語faun「ファウヌス(ローマ神話)」を受けているので、areではなくis a mythical creatureと単数にしなければならない。be closely associated with ... は「深く関連している」の意味。 9. 正誤問題 The history of the game badminton begins in India, (A)where British soldiers (B)developed it in (C)the early 1870s, originally (D)called it "poona". ※正解(D)。【解説】 関係副詞where、動詞developedの用法に問題はない。in the early 1870sで「1870年代初期」の意味になる。過去形developedの後に、また、動詞の過去形calledを続けるのはおかしい。ここでは分詞callingを使う。 10. 正誤問題 (A)The most distinctive (B)characteristic of limestone is that it (C)contain (D)at least 50% calcium carbonate. ※正解(C)。【解説】 最上級の前に来る冠詞Theに問題はない。この場合のcharasteristic「特性、特徴」は名詞である。itの後に来るcontainは、当然、sを付けてcontainsにしなければならない。at leastは「少なくとも」の意味。 II. 時事英文 For Many Americans Summertime is Reading Time(その14:全14回シリーズ) STEVE EMBER: "On China" is by former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. In this book he describes his efforts to restart diplomatic ties with China during the presidency of Richard Nixon in the early nineteen seventies. Mr. Kissinger discusses how China's history has helped shape its foreign policy and its positions toward western countries. Two popular books are autobiographies, books in which the writer tells about his or her life. "Bossypants" is the work of television actress and writer Tina Fey. It is a funny book that tells about how Ms. Fey became famous for her writing and acting. STEVE EMBER: Steven Tyler is the lead singer of the rock band Aerosmith. The book he wrote about his long music career is called "Does the Noise in My Head Bother You?" One critic said the book does not make a lot of sense, but it is filled with spirit and energy. It is about his music, marriages, drug problems, and much more. III - a. 雑知識
押し入る 今朝、新聞で目にした記事によると、覆面をした二人組の男が、我が家の近所のコンビニに押し入って売上金の150万円を奪って逃走したそうです。 The newspaper article said two masked men robbed the convenience store near my house and ran way with 1.5 million yen. 万引きする 先日、書店で雑誌を立ち読みしていたら、少年がマンガ本を万引きするところを目にしてしまった。 While I was browsing through a magazine at the bookstore the other day, I happened to see a boy shoplifting a comic book. だまし取る 高齢者をねらった、いわゆる「振り込め詐欺」が依然としてはびこっています。私の友達のおじいちゃんも、詐欺にあって、なけなしの貯金をだまし取られてしまったそうです。 So-called "money-transfer fraud" is hard to stamp out. I heard that my friend's 75-year-old grandfather was swindled out of what little savings he had. 車上荒らしにあう 私が住む町では最近、車上荒らしが頻発しています。ついに私も被害にあって、2万円相当のCDを盗まれてしまいました。 My car was broken into last week and about 20,000-yen worth of CDs were stolen. III -c. News Glossary verbal warnings to markets 口先介入 Japanese policymakers have continued to issue verbal warnings to markets against pushing the yen up too high, and do not rule out intervening again if they see moves as speculative. 日本の政策担当者(財務省と日銀)は、急激な円高圧力に対して為替市場への口先介入を繰り返し、投機的な動きには再度の介入も辞さない構えだ。 IV. Jokes a. When the patient was wheeled into the delivery room, she told me, "I remember you from the last time I gave birth." I was thrilled, especially since it had been a few years. "Do you really remember me?" I asked, milking it. "Yes. You're the nurse who ate all my candy." b. Wending his way through the office cubicles, my son Mike spotted one of his employee playing a video game on the computer. "Why aren't you working?" Mike asked him. The employee had an excellent excuse: "I didn't see you coming." c. A coworker at our car dealership was juggling 12 different tasks when a customer phoned. "Parts department. Can you hold, please?" he said. The person on the other end obviously couldn't, because the next thing I heard was, "Then could you call back when you can hold?" d. After weighing a woman's letter on our post office scale, I told her the envelope was too heavy and would require another stamp. Confused, she asked, "But won't another stamp make it heavier?" e. My husband worked with identical twins, and the only way to tell them apart was by the goatee one of them sported. The day he shaved it off, his brother studied his face before commenting, "You know, you look better with a goatee." f. A customer walked into our auto-parts store looking for a flat washer. "That'll be 15 cents," I said. "Fifteen cents for a washer? Are you crazy?!" he yelled. "I'll drill a hole in my 20 cents coin and make my own." g. As I retired chemist, I was interested in some unusual chemical towers at a factory. Curious, I asked a guard, "What do they make there?" He replied, "$8.35 an hour." |