資料No. : NS110803
(1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The tables are set a good distance apart so it is possible to _______ an intimate conversation. (A) get (B) have (C) take (D) go 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Mr. White _______ the best out of his salesmen with an incentive plan that offers very generous rewards. (A) gives (B) owns (C) gets (D) pays 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 No matter _______ long it takes to finish the annual report, it must be done. (A) though (B) how (C) however (D) what 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Floods cause _______ amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars every year, as well as the loss of many lives. (A) damaging (B) to damage (C) damaged (D) damage 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 A Hamburg-bound passenger train derailed June 3 in northern Germany, killing over 100 people and seriously _______ 200. (A) injuring (B) injured (C) to injure (D) being injured 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Walking in single file behind their teacher as she crossed the street _______ several elementary school students. (A) is (B) are (C) were (D) has been 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 From the top of the Eiffel Tower _______ the whole city of Paris. (A) can see (B) can be seen (C) can be seeing (D) can have seen (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 After a road construction crew lays down the asphalt, its surface ------ with a sealer that protects the road from wear. (A) is covered (B) are they covered (C) that covers (D) covering 2. 空所補充問題 Semantics is a branch of linguistics concerned with the structure ------ the changes of meaning in language. (A) as well (B) and well (C) and as well (D) as well as 3. 空所補充問題 Not until aircraft were able to carry loads heavy enough to be useful in transportation and war ------. (A) investors took them seriously (B) they were taken seriously by investors (C) did investors take them seriously (D) with investors taking them seriously 4. 空所補充問題 After being nominated for the award five years in a row but never actually receiving it, many believe it's about time Mr. Handy ------ the honor. (A) was received (B) received (C) receives (D) will receive 5. 空所補充問題 Exit-polls show that most people ----- supportive of the opponent of an incumbent president intend to vote against the incumbent, rather than for his opponent. (A) are to be (B) who are (C) who (D) who will be 6. 正誤問題 The invention of writing allowed people (A)to preserve data without (B)committing (C)it to human memory, which it was (D)less reliable than clay tablets. 7. 正誤問題 We finished (A)work on most (B)of the cars, but we didn't (C)have time for (D)the rests. 8. 正誤問題 The president organized (A)a fundraising dinner for his political (B)allies that was (C)attended by 1,000 people, (D)each of which paid $750 for the privilege. 9. 正誤問題 (A)In many parts of India, the cow is (B)regarded as sacred (C)and is not slaughtered (D)by food. 10. 正誤問題 (A)We all wish the jury (B)will realize (C)that a defendant is to be (D)presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The tables are set a good distance apart so it is possible to _______ an intimate conversation. (A) get (B) have (C) take (D) go 訳:テーブルは適当な距離に配置されていて、親密な会話を楽しむことができる。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】an intimate conversation「親密な会話」と結びつく動詞を探す。have [carry on, hold] a conversation with 〜で「〜と会話をする」の意味。 open [start] a conversation with 〜で「〜と会話を始める」の意味。「会話を止める」はbreak off a conversationと言う。 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Mr. White _______ the best out of his salesmen with an incentive plan that offers very generous rewards. (A) gives (B) owns (C) gets (D) pays 訳:ホワイトさんは、かなり割のいい報奨金を出す刺激策で、販売員に最善を尽くさせた。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】the best out of 〜と結びつく動詞は何か。慣用表現の問題ということになるが、答えは(C)のgetsを選ぶ。get the best out of 〜で「〜の最高の状態を引き出す」という意味になる。an incentive planは「刺激策」。 【選択肢】make the best of 〜「〜を最大限に利用する」はよく使われる。 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 No matter _______ long it takes to finish the annual report, it must be done. (A) though (B) how (C) however (D) what 訳:どんなに長くかかっても、年次報告書を仕上げなければならない。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】「No matter how+形容詞[副詞] 〜」(たとえどんなに〜でも)という譲歩の副詞節を作る。なお、これはNo matterを取って、 「However +形容詞[副詞] 〜」とも言い換えることできるが、この両者の形を混同しないように注意したい。 【選択肢】後ろにlongがあるので(D)のwhatを持ってくることは不可。 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Floods cause _______ amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars every year, as well as the loss of many lives. (A) damaging (B) to damage (C) damaged (D) damage 訳:洪水は毎年、多くの人命の損失と同様に、何億ドルにものぼる損害をもたらしている。 ※正解(D)。【着眼点】A as well as B「Bと同様にAも」という相関表現に注意して、形の並行性に努める。Bにあたるのはthe loss of many livesという名詞句。したがって、問題となる箇所も名詞句になる。なお、causeはここでは「〜を招く、〜の原因となる」という動詞で、問題の箇所はその目的語であることにも注意する。 【選択肢】(A) (B)とも名詞の働きはできるが、直後のamountingにも注意して、ここではずばり(D)を選ぶ。 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 A Hamburg-bound passenger train derailed June 3 in northern Germany, killing over 100 people and seriously _______ 200. (A) injuring (B) injured (C) to injure (D) being injured 訳:6月3日、ドイツ北部でハンブルク行きの客車が脱線し、100人以上が死亡して200人が重傷を負った。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】問題となる箇所はkilling over 100 people 「100人以上が死亡し」という分詞構文に並列することに注意。なおkillも他動詞であるが、injureも「〜を傷つける」という意味の他動詞であり、200「200人」が目的語となっている。 【選択肢】200が目的語にあり、(D)のように受け身にするのは誤り。 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Walking in single file behind their teacher as she crossed the street _______ several elementary school students. (A) is (B) are (C) were (D) has been 訳:通りを渡る先生の後から1列に並んで歩いていくのは、何人かの小学生たちだった。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】分詞 (Walking) とその分詞が引き連れる長い要素が前置された倒置構文。まずは空所の後が主語名詞句であり、かつ複数(several ... students)であることを押さえれば (A) のisと (D) のhas beenが消える。(B) と (C) の違いは時制だが、落ち着いて読み返せばas she crossedが目に止まるはず。asは時の接続詞。their(後方照応)はstudentsを指す。 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 From the top of the Eiffel Tower _______ the whole city of Paris. (A) can see (B) can be seen (C) can be seeing (D) can have seen 訳:エッフェル塔の一番上からはパリ全体が眺められる。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】From the top of the Eiffel Towerは場所の副詞句で、空所の後には動詞がなく、かつ選択肢はすべて動詞がらみとなれば当然倒置構文。ただ、この場合はseeが他動詞であるという点がひねりがきいている。「副詞句−他動詞−主語名詞句」がすべての要素で、目的語に当たるものがないのだから動詞は受け身で用いるしかない。the city of Parisは見られる側。 (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 After a road construction crew lays down the asphalt, its surface ------ with a sealer that protects the road from wear. (A) is covered (B) are they covered (C) that covers (D) covering ※正解(A)。【解説】 its surfaceの後に動詞が来るのは明らか。are they coveredでは主語がダブってしまう。また、単数its surfaceをareで受けるはずがない。正解はis coveredである。 2. 空所補充問題 Semantics is a branch of linguistics concerned with the structure ------ the changes of meaning in language. (A) as well (B) and well (C) and as well (D) as well as ※正解(D)。【解説】 the structureとthe changes ... と2つ名詞句が並んでいる。接続詞の andを入れたいところだが、選択肢にはand well、and as wellと余分な語がついている。as well asを空所に入れれば「the changes ... ばかりでなくthe structureも」の意味になる。 3. 空所補充問題 Not until aircraft were able to carry loads heavy enough to be useful in transportation and war ------. (A) investors took them seriously (B) they were taken seriously by investors (C) did investors take them seriously (D) with investors taking them seriously ※正解(C)。【解説】 文頭に否定語Notがあるので、当然、空所には倒置された文が入るはずである。正解はdid investors take them seriouslyである。 4. 空所補充問題 After being nominated for the award five years in a row but never actually receiving it, many believe it's about time Mr. Handy ------ the honor. (A) was received (B) received (C) receives (D) will receive ※正解(B)。【解説】 it's about time ... は仮定法の文であることを忘れてはいけない。この後 に過去形receivedを使うことで、「そろそろ ... してもいいころだ」の意味を表 す。 5. 空所補充問題 Exit-polls show that most people ----- supportive of the opponent of an incumbent president intend to vote against the incumbent, rather than for his opponent. (A) are to be (B) who are (C) who (D) who will be ※正解(B)。【解説】 supportiveは「支える、支持する」という意味の形容詞である。また、 most people ... この文の動詞はintendである。したがって、空所には関係代名詞と be動詞が入るはずである。文脈から判断して、未来形にする必要はないので、正解は who areになる。 6. 正誤問題 The invention of writing allowed people (A)to preserve data without (B)committing (C)it to human memory, which it was (D)less reliable than clay tablets. ※正解(C)。【解説】 it → itを取る。不定詞to、withoutの後の動名詞committingの用法に問題はない。whichの後 のitは何を指しているのかがわからない。実は、このitが余分だったのである。 less ... thanは劣等比較。 7. 正誤問題 We finished (A)work on most (B)of the cars, but we didn't (C)have time for (D)the rests. ※正解(D)。【解説】 the rests → the rest。 この場合のworkは名詞。most of the cars、have timeに問題は見当たらな い。the restで「残り」の意味になる。restsと複数形にする必要はない。 8. 正誤問題 The president organized (A)a fundraising dinner for his political (B)allies that was (C)attended by 1,000 people, (D)each of which paid $750 for the privilege. ※正解(D)。【解説】 each of which → each of whom。 冠詞a、allies「同盟」、受け身was attended by ... の用法に問題はな い。whichは前のpeopleを受けているので、whomを使ってeach of whomにしなければ いけない。 9. 正誤問題 (A)In many parts of India, the cow is (B)regarded as sacred (C)and is not slaughtered (D)by food. ※正解(D)。【解説】 by food → for food。 In many parts、be regarded as ... 「... と見なされる」、接続詞andに 誤りはない。by foodのどこがおかしいのか。このままではfoodにより slaughtered「屠殺される」の意味になってしまう。前置詞をforに換えれば、for foodで「食用として」の意味になる。 10. 正誤問題 (A)We all wish the jury (B)will realize (C)that a defendant is to be (D)presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty. ※正解(B)。【解説】 will realize → would realize。 wishがあるので仮定法の文であるはずだが、will realizeと未来形になって いる。would realizeにすれば仮定法過去の文になる。 II. 時事英文 For Many Americans Summertime is Reading Time(その3:全14回シリーズ) STEVE EMBER: Writer Ann Patchett's latest book is called "State of Wonder." It tells the story of Marina Singh, a medical researcher living in the state of Minnesota. Her co-worker Anders travels to the Amazon River forests of Brazil to examine a research program his company operates there. The program is led by another researcher: Dr. Swenson. She lives with and studies a tribe of natives whose women are able to have babies into their seventies. Dr. Swenson and her team are working on developing a fertility drug from a plant the women eat every day. III - a. 雑知識
カレンダーの日付を丸で囲む 6月12日は私の両親の25回目の結婚記念日。家族みんなで銀婚式のパーティーを開く予定なので、忘れないようにカレンダーの日付を丸で囲んでおきました。 We will celebrate our parents' silver wedding anniversary on July 12. I circled the date on the calendar so that I don't forget. 日程を繰り上げる 今後の販売戦略を話し合う営業会議を水曜日に予定していたのですが、他の会議とかち合ってしまったので月曜日に繰り上げました。 We've moved the date for the sales meeting forward from Wednesday to Monday be4cause of a conflict with another meeting. ○月△日付けで 私と同期入社の鈴木さんはずっと一緒の部署でしたが、もう東京本社にはいません。6月1日付でニューヨーク支店へ転勤になってしまいました。 Mr. Suzuki is no longer with us in the Tokyo head-quarters. He was transferred to our New York branch as of June 1. 日付変更線を越える あなたは飛行機で海外旅行をしています。ひつ*変更線を越えて西へ旅行する人は1日損をし、東へ旅行する人は1日得をします。 A traveler crossing the international date line westward loses a day, a traveler crossing it eastward gains a day. III -c. News Glossary losses caused by harmful rumors 風評被害 A government panel has drafted a plan that would compensate food producers for losses caused by harmful rumors about radioactive fallout from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant. 政府の審査会は、福島第一原発からの放射性物質の流出によって風評被害を受けた食料生産者に、損害賠償する案を作成した。 IV. Jokes a. Harry asks his friend Larry to help him with something. "I think the blinker signal on my car is broken," he says. "Stand behind the car. When I turn it on, tell me if the blinker's working." Larry situated himself behind the car while Harry gets in the driver's seat and hits the blinker. "Is it working?" he yells back. "Yes!" says Larry. "No! Yes! No! Yes! No!" b. The manager of a jewellery store nabs a shoplifter trying to steal a necklace. "Listen," the crook says, "you don't want any trouble, and neither do I. What do you say I just buy the necklace and we forget this ever happened?" The manager agrees and writes up a sales slip. "You know," says the crook, "this is more than I wanted to spend. Got anything less expensive?" c. Ever wondered who the genius is who decided to put fire hydrants in all the good parking spots? d. A tourist wanders into the red-light district and stares at the ladies behind the windows. He taps on one window and asks, "How much?" "Two thousand dollars," the girl replies. "That's expensive," says the tourist. "Yes," says the girl. "But it's double-glazed." e. There's always one teacher you had a crush on. For me, it's my wife's aerobics teacher. |