資料No. : NS110427  

1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
If we don't sell all our stock now, we _______ lose everything.
(A) are (B) did (C) will (D) would

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
We need to find out _______ the new area manager will be.
(A) whom (B) who's (C) whose (D) who

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
In the commotion, the diamond ring _______.
(A) lost (B) is lost (C) was lost (D) won't be lost

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
When you go out for coffee, please _______ a newspaper too.
(A) pick (B) pick up (C) read (D) buy up

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
This sauna's _______ hot; I can hardly stand it.
(A) to (B) too (C) this (D) not

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
If I were going to college, _______ live on campus.
(A) I'd (B) I'll (C) I had (D) I did

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
When do you think _______ boys will be done with the game?
(A) them (B) that (C) those (D) they're

1. 空所補充問題
Runes, the written characters of the earliest alphabet used by the Germanic peoples in Europe, ----- back to the 200's A.D.
(A) date (B) dates (C) dating (D) to date

2. 空所補充問題
The 17th-century Irish scientist Robert Boyle is considered by many ----- the founder of modern chemistry.
(A) is being (B) is (C) to be (D) being

3. 空所補充問題
----- ordinary oxygen molecules have two oxygen atoms, ozone molecules have three.
(A) While (B) When (C) Which (D) Why

4. 空所補充問題
The International Space Station, was originally planned ----- fully operational in 2004.
(A) became (B) to become (C) becomes (D) becoming

5. 空所補充問題
About $145 million ----- spent on oil exploration in Saskatchewan in 1953.
(A) to be (B) been (C) were (D) was

6. 正誤問題
Large (A)amounts of electric power (B)is controlled (C)with a device (D)called a magnetic amplifier.

7. 正誤問題
(A)In order to sustain life, (B)an organism must be able to maintain a stable set of conditions inside (C)their own body -- a condition (D)known as homeostasis.

8. 正誤問題
(A)The third (B)larger city in Panama is Colon, (C)with (D)a population of about 60,000.

9. 正誤問題
In 1908, Glenn H. Curtiss (A)made the first official public flight in the United States of (B)over than 1 kilometer, (C)helping to prove (D)that airplanes could be useful.

10. 正誤問題
(A)Substances that share distinctive characteristics (B)with both liquids and crystals are called liquid crystal, and (C)has a number of important practical (D)applications.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
If we don't sell all our stock now, we _______ lose everything.
(A) are (B) did (C) will (D) would
※正解(C)。lose が原形動詞なので(A)は不可。意味上(B)も無理がある。If に続く節が don't なので、(D)would にする必要はない。

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
We need to find out _______ the new area manager will be.
(A) whom (B) who's (C) whose (D) who
※正解(D)。「誰が…だ」という時の疑問代名詞。あとの will be という(助)動詞に対する主格が必要。

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
In the commotion, the diamond ring _______.
(A) lost (B) is lost (C) was lost (D) won't be lost

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
When you go out for coffee, please _______ a newspaper too.
(A) pick (B) pick up (C) read (D) buy up
※正解(B)。pick up には「拾い上げる」という意味がある。obtain や get と同じ意味で使う。

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
This sauna's _______ hot; I can hardly stand it.
(A) to (B) too (C) this (D) not

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
If I were going to college, _______ live on campus.
(A) I'd (B) I'll (C) I had (D) I did

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
When do you think _______ boys will be done with the game?
(A) them (B) that (C) those (D) they're
※正解(C)。(A)them は文法的につながらない。boys が複数形であるから、(B)that も不可。

1. 空所補充問題
Runes, the written characters of the earliest alphabet used by the Germanic peoples in Europe, ----- back to the 200's A.D.
(A) date (B) dates (C) dating (D) to date
※正解(A)。【解説】 空所にはこの文の動詞が入ることになる。主語がRunes「ルーン文字(複数形)」になっているので、(A) dateが正解。date back to... 「……にさかのぼる」。

2. 空所補充問題
The 17th-century Irish scientist Robert Boyle is considered by many ----- the founder of modern chemistry.
(A) is being (B) is (C) to be (D) being
※正解(C)。【解説】 動詞is consideredの後に来るのは? to be... である。これで「……だとみなされている」の意味になる。founder「創始者」。

3. 空所補充問題
----- ordinary oxygen molecules have two oxygen atoms, ozone molecules have three.
(A) While (B) When (C) Which (D) Why
※正解(A)。【解説】 カンマを挟んで2つ並んでいるのでWhichとWhyを空所に入れると前後の文が繋がらない。Whenでは意味が通らない。While「……する一方で」を使えばいい。molecule「分子」。

4. 空所補充問題
The International Space Station, was originally planned ----- fully operational in 2004.
(A) became (B) to become (C) becomes (D) becoming
※正解(B)。【解説】 was originally planned... 受け身の後に不定詞to becomeを続ければ「もともと……する計画になっていた」の意味になる。operational「使用できる、機能を果たす」。

5. 空所補充問題
About $145 million ----- spent on oil exploration in Saskatchewan in 1953.
(A) to be (B) been (C) were (D) was
※正解(D)。【解説】 to be、beenが使えないのはすぐにわかる。About $145 millionは単数扱いなので正解は(D) wasになる。exploration「調査、探査」。

6. 正誤問題
Large (A)amounts of electric power (B)is controlled (C)with a device (D)called a magnetic amplifier.
※正解(B)。【解説】 is → are。Largeの前に冠詞がないのでamountsは複数形のままでいい。それに呼応してisはareになる。前置詞withに問題はない。calledの前にはthat/which isが略されている。

7. 正誤問題
(A)In order to sustain life, (B)an organism must be able to maintain a stable set of conditions inside (C)their own body -- a condition (D)known as homeostasis.
※正解(C)。【解説】 their → its。目的を表すIn order to... に問題はない。organism「有機体、生物」は加算名詞。theirはorganismを指すのでitsにしなくてはいけない。known as... 「……として知られている」。homeostasis「定常性」。

8. 正誤問題
(A)The third (B)larger city in Panama is Colon, (C)with (D)a population of about 60,000.
※正解(B)。【解説】 larger → largest。「3番目に大きい」はThe third largest... と最上級を用いる。

9. 正誤問題
In 1908, Glenn H. Curtiss (A)made the first official public flight in the United States of (B)over than 1 kilometer, (C)helping to prove (D)that airplanes could be useful.
※正解(B)。【解説】 over than → more than。動詞made、分詞helping、接続詞thatの用法に問題はない。「……以上」はover thanではなくmore thanである。

10. 正誤問題
(A)Substances that share distinctive characteristics (B)with both liquids and crystals are called liquid crystal, and (C)has a number of important practical (D)applications.
※正解(C)。【解説】 has → have。substance「物質」、application「応用」は共に加算名詞。前置詞withに問題はない。hasはSubstancesに呼応してhaveになる。

II. 時事英文
Green Cities (その9:全13回シリーズ)
The United States Green Building Council is changing the way people build in cities. This nonprofit organization has a rating system for making environmentally safe public and private buildings. It is called Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED. Many cities now require that new buildings be built according to LEED environmental requirements.

LEED is not the only rating system for green buildings. For example, the National Association of Homebuilders has its own set of rules. And, the United States Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy joined to create the Energy Star program.

III -a. 雑知識
  1. class(クラス)には「気品、品位」の意味がある。タイガー・ウッズ選手は、ドバイ・デザート・クラシックのラウンド中に何回もつばを吐いたとして罰金を科された。"He needs to have a bit more class about him and think about what he is doing." は、Reuters 通信が伝えた関係者のコメント。
  2. rotten(腐った)には天候が「不快な」の意味もある。The rotten weather in much of the rest of the country has been good news in Hawaii. は、ハワイの観光業に関するヘラルド朝日の記事から。米国では中西部や東海岸の大雪や寒波などの影響で、温暖なハワイへの旅行客が急増しているという。
  3. gig は歌手などによる「生演奏」の意味。北朝鮮の金正日(キム・ジョンイル)総書記の次男、正哲(ジョンチョル)氏が、シンガポールで開かれたエリック・クラプトンの公演会場に現れた。Reuters 通信の記事が、Kim Jong-chol was accompanied by around 20 men and women at the gig. と伝えた。
  4. outweigh は「〜より影響力がある」の意味。米フロリダ州のスコット知事は、州内の高速鉄道建設について、利益よりもリスクの方がずっと大きいと述べ、計画の中止を発表した。"The truth is that this project would be far too costly to taxpayers, and I believe the risk far outweighs the benefits." は、Reuters 通信の記事から。
  5. blanket(毛布)には、火山灰などが「〜を覆う」という動詞用法もある。The volcanic activity has disrupted airline flights and blanketed nearby vegetable farms with ash. は、霧島連山・新燃岳(しんもえだけ)で連日続く噴火の影響について伝えたヘラルド朝日の記事から。空の便が乱れ、野菜畑が灰をかぶった。
  6. mothball(防虫剤)は動詞で「〜を棚上げする」の意味がある。住友林業は2月上旬から予定していた横綱白鵬が登場するテレビCMの放送を、当面中止することを明らかにした。AFP-Jiji 通信の記事が、Sumitomo Forestry said it had mothballed a new commercial starring sumo grand champion Hakuho. と伝えた。
  7. light up は「たばこに火をつける」の意味。オバマ米大統領の妻、ミシェル夫人は大統領の禁煙が1年近く続いていることを記者団に明らかにした。Obama had finally stopped lighting up because he wanted to tell his daughters Malia and Sasha he did not smoke. は、AFP-Jiji 通信の記事から。2人の娘の存在が大きいという。
  8. outrage(激怒)には「侮辱、無礼」の意味もある。「北方領土の日」の2月7日、菅直人首相は、メドベージェフ大統領の北方領土訪問を「許し難い暴挙」と発言した。Naoto Kan called President Dmitry Medvedev's visit last year to the islands an "unforgivable outrage." と伝えた。
  9. waterboarding は、拷問や自白強要のための「水責め」の意味。Rumsfeld wrote that he never authorized waterboarding. は、先日、回顧録を出版したラムズフェルド元米国防長官に関する Reuters 通信の記事から。テロ容疑者の顔面に断続的に放水して自白を迫る「水責め」は決して承認していないと述べた。
  10. weather(天気)には動詞で悪天候などを「切り抜ける」の意味がある。Australia has weathered deadly floods in three states and a massive category 5 cyclone Yasi in recent weeks. は、オーストラリアに関するReuters 通信の記事から。記録的な洪水が続き、2月上旬には大型サイクロンが直撃するなど被害が相次いだ。
III -b. 英語でどう言う?
touch the automatic ticket gate
※The man touched the automatic ticket gate with his train pass, but the gate didn't open.

be delayed due to an accident resulting in an injury or a death
※My train was considerably delayed due to an accident resulting an injury or a death.

rush up the stairs two steps at a time
※I rushed up the stairs two steps at a time to catch the express train.

stay behind the white line
※The train is approaching. Please step back and stay behind the white line.

III - c. News Glossary
The Japan Sumo Association called off its Match tournament of Feb. 6, the first cancellation in 65 years, as the country's ancient sport grabbing with a match-fixing scandal.

IV. Jokes
a. A man was driving down the street in a lather because he had an important meeting and couldn't find a parking space. Looking up to heaven, he said, "Lord, take pity on me. If you find me a parking space, I promise to go to church every Sunday for the rest of my life and give up swearing."
Miraculously, a spot opened right in front of the building.
The man looked up and said, "Never mind. I found one."

b. Three cowboys are about to be strung up for cattle rustling. The lynch mob brings them to a tree at the edge of the Rio Grande.
They put the first cowboy in the noose, but he's so sweaty, he slips out, falls in the river, and swims to freedom. They tie the noose around the second cowboy's neck. He, too, slips out of the rope, drops into the river, and gets away.
It's the third rustler's turn. He looks at the mob and says, "Could y'all do me a favor? Tighten that noose a bit - I can't swim."

c. Just before a boy enters the barbershop, the barber tells his customer, "This is the dumbest kid in the world. Watch." The barber puts a dollar in one open palm an 50 cents in the other and asks the kid, "Which do you want?" The boy takes the 50-cent coin and leaves.
"See?" says the barber, laughing.
Later, the customer passes the boy, who is standing outside a candy store. "Why'd you take the 50 cents and not the dollar?" he said.
"Because," says the boy, "the day I take the dollar, the game's over."
