資料No. : NS110105
I-1 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 _______ are more than thirty people eligible to be on the company's medical insurance plan. (A) They (B) All that (C) As (D) There 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Should the federal government give every American a medical ID number, making _______ possible to track medical records? (A) it (B) him (C) one (D) that 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Pesticides and chemical _______ are becoming some of the worst water pollutants in America. (A) fertile (B) fertility (C) fertilizers (D) fertileness 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 This computer system will best _______ ABC Inc. to meet its expanding production requirements. (A) enter (B) enable (C) enact (D) enforce 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Don't _______ the new car warranty offered by the manufacturer of the vehicle. (A) overlook (B) overhaul (C) overbook (D) overcome 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 It takes a great amount of time and effort to be _______ at any foreign language. (A) prodigal (B) productive (C) proficient (D) professional 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 It appears that the accident was caused by computer _______. (A) defunct (B) malediction (C) malfunction (D) discrimination (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 Michigan is the second ----- U.S. state east of the Mississippi. (A) large (B) more large (C) larger (D) largest 2. 空所補充問題 Many insects have developed markings that make them appear ----- they belong to species that certain predators find undesirable. (A) when (B) where (C) as though (D) however 3. 空所補充問題 Economic theory categorizes the mineral wealth of mines together with rain and sunshine ----- "free goods." (A) for (B) to (C) being (D) at 4. 空所補充問題 If people would drive more slowly on the freeways, the volume of fuel saved ----- enormous. (A) would be (B) will be (C) is (D) are 5. 空所補充問題 If the Russian Revolution hadn't ousted the Romanovs from power in 1917, their dynasty ----- for some years. (A) had continued (B) may continue (C) continued (D) might have continued 6. 正誤問題 Thomas Young is (A)best known for his (B)outstanding contributions to the science of optics, (C)although he was also an important physician, physicist and (D)Egyptology. 7. 正誤問題 The Bar Mitzvah is (A)a Jewish religious ritual (B)and family (C)celebrating (D)commemorating a boy's 13th birthday. 8. 正誤問題 It is (A)considered a diplomatic interpreter's responsibility (B)to avoid turns of phrase that could be construed as (C)hostile or (D)insult when the speaker had no such intent. 9. 正誤問題 A good chef must be able not only to cook (A)with skill and imagination, but also (B)procure the best (C)ingredients and manage (D)a kitchen staff well. 10. 正誤問題 Medical ethics (A)are concerned (B)with the moral problems (C)that (D)arise in the practical application of modern medical science. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 _______ are more than thirty people eligible to be on the company's medical insurance plan. (A) They (B) All that (C) As (D) There 訳:その会社の医療保険プランの適格者は30人以上いる。 ※正解(D)。《解説》主語に何をもってくるのが最適であるかを考える。補充箇所の後には「be動詞+名詞句」が続く。名詞句はmore than thirty people eligible to 〜(〜する資格のある30人以上の人々)であるが、これをbe動詞の補語とするか、主語とするか(There構文)がポイント。medical insurance plan「医療保険プラン」。 《選択肢》 (B) と (C) は構文上あり得ない。 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Should the federal government give every American a medical ID number, making _______ possible to track medical records? (A) it (B) him (C) one (D) that 訳:連邦政府は一人一人のアメリカ人に診療IDナンバーを与えて、診療記録をたどることを可能にするべきだろうか? ※正解(A)。《解説》makingやto不定詞のto track「たどること」などに着目すれば、ここは形式目的語のitを入れるべきところ。形式目的語のitは後にくるto不定詞やthat節の内容を受ける。make it possible to doで「〜することを可能にする」の意味。the federal government「連邦政府」、medical ID number「診療IDナンバー」 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Pesticides and chemical _______ are becoming some of the worst water pollutants in America. (A) fertile (B) fertility (C) fertilizers (D) fertileness 訳:殺虫剤と化学肥料がアメリカでは水の最悪の汚染物の1つになっている。 ※正解(C)。《解説》補充箇所は文の主語を構成するがPesticides「殺虫剤」との形の上での並行性の保持に留意する。基本的には語彙力の問題となるが、(C) のfertilizers「肥料」が-sと複数形名詞でPesticidesと呼応する。pollutant「汚染物」 《選択肢》fertile「肥よくな」, fertility「肥よくさ」, fertileness「肥よく性」 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 This computer system will best _______ ABC Inc. to meet its expanding production requirements. (A) enter (B) enable (C) enact (D) enforce 訳:このコンピュータシステムを使えばABC社は拡大する生産の要求に一番うまく応えることができるだろう。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】「動詞+目的語+to 不定詞」の形に注意して選択肢の動詞を選ぶ。enableは「enable+目的語+to 不定詞」の形で「〜に…することを可能にする」の意味になる。なお、接頭辞のen-は「〜の中に入れる, 〜の上に置く」、「〜にする」、「中に,〜のうちに」の意味。 【選択肢】enter「〜に入る」, enact「〜を制定する」, enforce「〜を実施する」 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Don't _______ the new car warranty offered by the manufacturer of the vehicle. (A) overlook (B) overhaul (C) overbook (D) overcome 訳:自動車メーカーのつける新車の保証書を見落としてはいけない。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】選択肢の語はいずれもover-を接頭辞にもつ動詞。over-は「上(位)の, 上から」,「余分に; 過度に」,「向こうへ, 越えて, 渡って」,「倒して, ひっくり返して」の意味。 【選択肢】overlook「〜を見落とす」, overhaul「〜を分解修理する」, overbook「定員以上の予約をとる」, overcome「〜を克服する」 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 It takes a great amount of time and effort to be _______ at any foreign language. (A) prodigal (B) productive (C) proficient (D) professional 訳:どんな外国語でも堪能になるためには大変な時間と努力を要する。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】選択肢にはいずれもpro-(賛成の、前の、代わりの)を接頭辞にもつ形容詞が並ぶので、文の内容から選ぶことになる。a great amount of time and effortを要するのは外国語にどのようになるためか。 【選択肢】prodigal「放蕩な」, productive「生産力のある」, proficient「堪能な」, professional「専門(職)の」 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 It appears that the accident was caused by computer _______. (A) defunct (B) malediction (C) malfunction (D) discrimination 訳:その事故はコンピュータの誤動作が原因とみられる。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】「事故」→「引き起こされた」→「コンピュータの __ によって」という流れ。コンピュータが正常に働かなかった [調子が悪かった]、と考えるのが自然。mal- は「悪い」の意で function は「機能」。 (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 Michigan is the second ----- U.S. state east of the Mississippi. (A) large (B) more large (C) larger (D) largest ※正解(D)。【解説】 the second largestで「2番目に大きな」という意味になる。 2. 空所補充問題 Many insects have developed markings that make them appear ----- they belong to species that certain predators find undesirable. (A) when (B) where (C) as though (D) however ※正解(C)。【解説】 空所にas thoughを入れると「斑点(模様)をあたかも……のように見せる」の意味になる。predator「補食動物」、undesirable「嫌な」。 3. 空所補充問題 Economic theory categorizes the mineral wealth of mines together with rain and sunshine ----- "free goods." (A) for (B) to (C) being (D) at ※正解(A)。【解説】 前置詞forには「……として」という意味があるのでこれが正解となる。categorize... for〜「……を〜として分類する」。 4. 空所補充問題 If people would drive more slowly on the freeways, the volume of fuel saved ----- enormous. (A) would be (B) will be (C) is (D) are ※正解(A)。【解説】 If people would... を受けて、空所にはwould be(仮定法)が入る。 5. 空所補充問題 If the Russian Revolution hadn't ousted the Romanovs from power in 1917, their dynasty ----- for some years. (A) had continued (B) may continue (C) continued (D) might have continued ※正解(D)。【解説】 If the Russian Revolution hadn't ousted... から仮定法過去完了の文であることがすぐにわかる。これに合わせて空所にはmight have continuedが入る。これで「……だったら、〜が続いていたかも知れない」の意味になる。oust「追放する、失脚させる」。 6. 正誤問題 Thomas Young is (A)best known for his (B)outstanding contributions to the science of optics, (C)although he was also an important physician, physicist and (D)Egyptology. ※正解(D)。【解説】 Egyptology → Egyptologist。best、outstanding「顕著な」、接続詞althoughの用法に問題はない。physician「医者」、physicist「物理学者」に合わせてEgyptology「エジプト学」はEgyptologist「エジプト学者」にしなくてはいけない。 7. 正誤問題 The Bar Mitzvah is (A)a Jewish religious ritual (B)and family (C)celebrating (D)commemorating a boy's 13th birthday. ※正解(C)。【解説】 celebrating → celebration。celebrating、commemorating両方ともing形になっている。ここはfamily celebration commemorating... にすれば「……を記念する家族のお祝」の意味になる。 8. 正誤問題 It is (A)considered a diplomatic interpreter's responsibility (B)to avoid turns of phrase that could be construed as (C)hostile or (D)insult when the speaker had no such intent. ※正解(D)。【解説】 insult → insulting。【解説】hostileは「敵意のある」という意味の形容詞であるが、orの後に名詞insult「侮辱」が来ている。ここでは形容詞形insultingを用いる。construe「解釈する」 9. 正誤問題 A good chef must be able not only to cook (A)with skill and imagination, but also (B)procure the best (C)ingredients and manage (D)a kitchen staff well. ※正解(B)。【解説】 procure → to procure。not onlyの後に不定詞to cookが使われている点に注目。but alsoの後にも、当然、toが来るはずだが、procureのままになっている。 10. 正誤問題 Medical ethics (A)are concerned (B)with the moral problems (C)that (D)arise in the practical application of modern medical science. ※正解(A)。【解説】 are → is。ethics「倫理観」のsにつられて基本的な誤りを見逃してはいけない。ethicsは単数なのでbe動詞はisになる。 II.時事英文 Panama Canal (その14:全14回シリーズ) After Roosevelt's death, the United States signed another agreement with Colombia. The new agreement included the payment of twenty-five million dollars. It did not include the statement of regret. The Senate approved the new agreement. MAURICE JOYCE: The issue of America's involvement in Panama caused much bitterness in other countries of Latin America. Some did not feel safe from American interference. President Roosevelt said the United States would not interfere with any nation that kept order and paid what it owed. Roosevelt was worried because some Latin American countries were having difficulty re-paying loans from European banks. He did not want the issue of non-payment used as an excuse for European countries to seize new territory in the western hemisphere. Roosevelt said the United States was responsible for making sure the debts were paid. His policy led to further United States involvement in Latin America. III - a. 雑知識
III -b. 英語でどう言う? (機械を)分解する take apart ※My five-year-old son took his alarm clock apart. (建物を)取り壊す pull down ※They started to pull down the old school building. (ガラスなどを)割る break ※T&om broke the window of the nearby house with a ball. (紙などを)びりびりに破る tear into pieces ※Yumi tore the love letter into pieces to prevent anybody from reading it. III-c. News Glossary "lame-duck" session 選挙後の新議会招集までの残りの会期 Lawmakers return the week after next for a post-election "lame-duck" session. Until the new Congress convenes in January, Democrats will still be in charge in the House. (米国では)再来週、(落選組を含む現職)議員たちが議会に戻り、残りの任期を務める。来年1月の新議会招集まで、民主党が依然として下院の多数派を占めている。 IV. Jokes a. Lucy was having a lovely time shopping. In the first shop she visited, she found some perfect shoes and, in the second, a beautiful dress. Her mobile rang. It was a female doctor telling her that her husband was in intensive care following a car accident. "Tell him where I am and that I'll be with him as soon as possible," said Lucy. She turned to head for her car, but another bargain caught her eye. Before she knew it, she'd spent the rest of the afternoon in the shops. When she arrived at the hospital, the doctor shouted, You finished your shopping trip, didn't you? Well, I hope you enjoyed it, because it may be your last. Your husband's condition deteriorated while he waited for you and he'll now require your 24-hour care for the rest of his life." Wrecked by guilt, Lucy broke down in tears. The lady doctor chuckled and said, "Only joking- he's dead. Now let's see what you bought!" b. A man stops to get directions. "What's the quickest way from here to the airport?" "Are you walking or driving?" "Driving." "That's definitely the quickest way." c. Two kids are on their way to Sunday school when one says to the other, "What do you think about Satan?" "Well, you remember Santa? This could turn out to be your dad too." d. My grandmother had a plastic hip put in, but I thought she should have it replaced with a Slinky, because if she fell down the stairs again . . . |