資料No. : NS101124
I-1 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Mr. White _______ the best out of his salesmen with an incentive plan that offers very generous rewards. (A) gives (B) owns (C) gets (D) pays 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 No matter _______ long it takes to finish the annual report, it must be done. (A) though (B) how (C) however (D) what 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Floods cause _______ amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars every year, as well as the loss of many lives. (A) damaging (B) to damage (C) damaged (D) damage 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 A Hamburg-bound passenger train derailed June 3 in northern Germany, killing over 100 people and seriously _______ 200. (A) injuring (B) injured (C) to injure (D) being injured 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Walking in single file behind their teacher as she crossed the street _______ several elementary school students. (A) is (B) are (C) were (D) has been 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 From the top of the Eiffel Tower _______ the whole city of Paris. (A) can see (B) can be seen (C) can be seeing (D) can have seen 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 At no time _______ serious about his studies. (A) was John ever (B) was John never (C) when John was not (D) where John was ever (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 A large oak tree may shed ----- 700,000 leaves in a typical autumn season. (A) many (B) as many as (C) many as (D) as many 2. 空所補充問題 Foghorns were developed to replace cannons that were fired ----- at lighthouses during fogs to warn nearby ships. (A) hour on hour (B) on hour (C) hour-on (D) on the hour 3. 空所補充問題 Until -----, the typical household shampoo consisted of harsh lye soap softened with eggs, beer, milk or other common kitchen items. (A) late the 19th century (B) in late 19th century (C) the late 19th century (D) 19th century the late 4. 空所補充問題 Before the invention of the adhesive bandage in the 1920s, cotton cloth ----- to be taped to wounds or tied around body parts to form bandages. (A) have (B) having (C) has (D) had 5. 空所補充問題 The right whale ----- because whalers in the north Atlantic considered it to be the 'right' whale to harvest for oil. (A) so it was named (B) was so named (C) named it so (D) naming so it 6. 正誤問題 (A)The cassava plant (B)yields a nourishing, starchy fruit (C)that can be (D)substituted potatoes or bread. 7. 正誤問題 If a match (A)struck in a (B)weightless environment, the (C)resulting flame would form (D)a spherical shape. 8. 正誤問題 (A)Fertilizer can cut agricultural costs and (B)boosting production when (C)it is used properly, but improper use is (D)a major source of pollution. 9. 正誤問題 One view of economics (A)is that it is the practice of (B)developing theories to explain (C)how goods and services are produced and distributed, (D)generated wealth. 10. 正誤問題 (A)Although the term 'aborigine' is used to identify the native inhabitants of Australia, it can (B)also be used to mean the (C)origin or native inhabitants of (D)any country. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Mr. White _______ the best out of his salesmen with an incentive plan that offers very generous rewards. (A) gives (B) owns (C) gets (D) pays 訳:ホワイトさんは、かなり割のいい報奨金を出す刺激策で、販売員に最善を尽くさせた。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】the best out of 〜と結びつく動詞は何か。慣用表現の問題ということになるが、答えは(C)のgetsを選ぶ。get the best out of 〜で「〜の最高の状態を引き出す」という意味になる。an incentive planは「刺激策」。 【選択肢】make the best of 〜「〜を最大限に利用する」はよく使われる。 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 No matter _______ long it takes to finish the annual report, it must be done. (A) though (B) how (C) however (D) what 訳:どんなに長くかかっても、年次報告書を仕上げなければならない。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】「No matter how+形容詞[副詞] 〜」(たとえどんなに〜でも)という譲歩の副詞節を作る。なお、これはNo matterを取って、 「However +形容詞[副詞] 〜」とも言い換えることできるが、この両者の形を混同しないように注意したい。 【選択肢】後ろにlongがあるので(D)のwhatを持ってくることは不可。 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Floods cause _______ amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars every year, as well as the loss of many lives. (A) damaging (B) to damage (C) damaged (D) damage 訳:洪水は毎年、多くの人命の損失と同様に、何億ドルにものぼる損害をもたらしている。 ※正解(D)。【着眼点】A as well as B「Bと同様にAも」という相関表現に注意して、形の並行性に努める。Bにあたるのはthe loss of many livesという名詞句。したがって、問題となる箇所も名詞句になる。なお、causeはここでは「〜を招く、〜の原因となる」という動詞で、問題の箇所はその目的語であることにも注意する。 【選択肢】(A) (B)とも名詞の働きはできるが、直後のamountingにも注意して、ここではずばり(D)を選ぶ。 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 A Hamburg-bound passenger train derailed June 3 in northern Germany, killing over 100 people and seriously _______ 200. (A) injuring (B) injured (C) to injure (D) being injured 訳:6月3日、ドイツ北部でハンブルク行きの客車が脱線し、100人以上が死亡して200人が重傷を負った。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】問題となる箇所はkilling over 100 people 「100人以上が死亡し」という分詞構文に並列することに注意。なおkillも他動詞であるが、injureも「〜を傷つける」という意味の他動詞であり、200「200人」が目的語となっている。 【選択肢】200が目的語にあり、(D)のように受け身にするのは誤り。 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Walking in single file behind their teacher as she crossed the street _______ several elementary school students. (A) is (B) are (C) were (D) has been 訳:通りを渡る先生の後から1列に並んで歩いていくのは、何人かの小学生たちだった。 ※正解(C)。 【着眼点】分詞 (Walking) とその分詞が引き連れる長い要素が前置された倒置構文。まずは空所の後が主語名詞句であり、かつ複数(several ... students)であることを押さえれば (A) のisと (D) のhas beenが消える。(B) と (C) の違いは時制だが、落ち着いて読み返せばas she crossedが目に止まるはず。asは時の接続詞。their(後方照応)はstudentsを指す。 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 From the top of the Eiffel Tower _______ the whole city of Paris. (A) can see (B) can be seen (C) can be seeing (D) can have seen 訳:エッフェル塔の一番上からはパリ全体が眺められる。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】From the top of the Eiffel Towerは場所の副詞句で、空所の後には動詞がなく、かつ選択肢はすべて動詞がらみとなれば当然倒置構文。ただ、この場合はseeが他動詞であるという点がひねりがきいている。「副詞句−他動詞−主語名詞句」がすべての要素で、目的語に当たるものがないのだから動詞は受け身で用いるしかない。the city of Parisは見られる側。 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 At no time _______ serious about his studies. (A) was John ever (B) was John never (C) when John was not (D) where John was ever 訳:ジョンは1度も勉強に真剣に取り組んだためしがない。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】文頭のAt no timeは「決して〜ない」の意の熟語で、主語と述語動詞の結びつきを否定する。選択肢の中でV (was) −S (John) のように倒置が起こっているのは (A) と (B) だが、(B) のほうはneverに問題がある。否定の表現を二重に用いるのは非標準であり、TOEICでは不可。everは否定文で用いられて「これまでに1度も…ない」の意を表す。 (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 A large oak tree may shed ----- 700,000 leaves in a typical autumn season. (A) many (B) as many as (C) many as (D) as many ※正解(B)。【解説】 manyの後に数字700,000が来るはずがない。また、many as、as manyだけでは文が繋がらない。as many as... で「……もの数の」という意味になる。 2. 空所補充問題 Foghorns were developed to replace cannons that were fired ----- at lighthouses during fogs to warn nearby ships. (A) hour on hour (B) on hour (C) hour-on (D) on the hour ※正解(D)。【解説】 hour on hour、on hour、hour-onという言い方はない。on the hourで「(毎)正時に」の意味になる。foghorn「霧中号笛、霧笛」。 3. 空所補充問題 Until -----, the typical household shampoo consisted of harsh lye soap softened with eggs, beer, milk or other common kitchen items. (A) late the 19th century (B) in late 19th century (C) the late 19th century (D) 19th century the late ※正解(C)。【解説】 untilの後に前置詞inが来ることはないので(B)は不可。lateの位置が問題となる。the late 19th centuryで「19世紀末」の意味になる。lye「アルカリ液」。 4. 空所補充問題 Before the invention of the adhesive bandage in the 1920s, cotton cloth ----- to be taped to wounds or tied around body parts to form bandages. (A) have (B) having (C) has (D) had ※正解(D)。【解説】 1920年代以前のことについて語っているので、過去形hadが正解となる。adhesive bandage「絆創膏」。 5. 空所補充問題 The right whale ----- because whalers in the north Atlantic considered it to be the 'right' whale to harvest for oil. (A) so it was named (B) was so named (C) named it so (D) naming so it ※正解(B)。【解説】 セミクジラ(right whale)の名前の由来に関する説明である。(B) was so namedを空所に入れると、「right whaleという名前が付けられたのは」の意味になり、because以下の文と繋がる。 6. 正誤問題 (A)The cassava plant (B)yields a nourishing, starchy fruit (C)that can be (D)substituted potatoes or bread. ※正解(D)。【解説】 substituted → substituted for。冠詞the、動詞yields「産する、生じる」、関係代名詞thatの用法に問題はない。be substituted for... で「……の代わりになる」の意味になるので、forが必要になる。 7. 正誤問題 If a match (A)struck in a (B)weightless environment, the (C)resulting flame would form (D)a spherical shape. ※正解(A)。【解説】 struck → were struck。strike a match「マッチをする」からわかるように、a matchを主語にした場合には、受け身になりbe動詞が必要。ここは仮定法なので、were struckとなる。 8. 正誤問題 (A)Fertilizer can cut agricultural costs and (B)boosting production when (C)it is used properly, but improper use is (D)a major source of pollution. ※正解(B)。【解説】 boosting → boost。fertilizer「肥料」は不可算名詞。boostingはcutと同様canの後に続く動詞である。したがって、ingを取ってboostとしなければ文が成立しない。itはfertilizerを指す。source「原因」は可算名詞なので、冠詞aに問題はない。 9. 正誤問題 One view of economics (A)is that it is the practice of (B)developing theories to explain (C)how goods and services are produced and distributed, (D)generated wealth. ※正解(D)。【解説】 generate → generating。isはOne viewに呼応している。前置詞ofの後の動名詞developing、how goods... に問題はない。produced、distributedと過去分詞が並んでいるが、generatedをgenerating wealth「富を生み出す(分詞構文)」としなければ文が成り立たない。 10. 正誤問題 (A)Although the term 'aborigine' is used to identify the native inhabitants of Australia, it can (B)also be used to mean the (C)origin or native inhabitants of (D)any country. ※正解(C)。【解説】 origin → original。originはnativeと同様にinhabitantsを修飾する形容詞である。したがって、形容詞形originalを使わなくてはいけない。inhabitant「住民」。 II.時事英文 Panama Canal (その9:全14回シリーズ) The rebel army planned to take over Panama City on November fourth, nineteen-oh-three. Just before that date, five hundred Colombian soldiers landed at Colon, eighty kilometers away. The soldiers could not get to Panama City, however. All but one railroad car had been moved to the capital. MAURICE JOYCE: Manuel Amador gave a signal. The revolution began. There was a little shooting, but no one was hurt. Most of the shots were fired into the air to celebrate the call for Panama's independence. Colombian officials were arrested quickly. Then Amador made a speech. He said: III - a. 雑知識
III -b. 英語でどう言う? なみなみと注ぐ pour to the brim ※My father poured beer to the brim of his glass. ぺろりと平らげる eat very quickly ※Kenji was so hungry that he ate three bowls of rice very quickly. むしゃむしゃ食べる munch ※My sister munched her chicken sandwitches while watching TV. ごくごく飲む gulp down ※After the tennis match, I gulped down a glass of orange juice to quench my thirst. III-c. News Glossary heir apparent of Kim Jong Il 金正日総書記の後継者 Like much to do with North Korea, little is known for certain about Kim Jong Un, the third son and heir apparent of Kim Jong Il. 北朝鮮に関しては多くのことがそうであるように、金正日氏の三男で、その後継者となった金正恩(キム・ジョンウン)氏についても、正確なことはほとんど分かっていない。 IV. Jokes a. Four men go on a hunting. The only hotel in the area is almost full, so they have to bunk two to a room. No-one wants to share with Joe because he snores, so the others decided to take turns. The first man stays with Joe and comes to breakfast the next morning with his hair a mess and his eyes bloodshot. "What happened to you?" ask his friends. "Joe snored so loudly I just sat up and watched him all night," he moans. The following evening, it is the second chap's turn. He also looks awful the next morning. "Oh, man, that Joe shakes the roof," he says. "I sat up and watched him all night too." The third night is Frank's turn, a burly ex-rugby player: a man's man. Next morning he comes down to breakfast looking very fresh. "Good morning," he says brightly. The first two men are incredulous. "Wow, what happened?" "Well," says Frank. "We got ready for bed, I tucked Joe in, wished him sweet dreans and kissed him on the forehead. He sat up and watched me all night." b. The pastor asks his flock, "What would you like people to say when you're in your casket?" One congregant says, "I'd like them to say I was a fine family man." Another says, "I'd like them to say I helped people." The third responds, "I'd like them to say, 'Look! I think he's moving!" c. Bernie was invited to his friend Ken's home for dinner. The host preceded every request to his wife with endearing terms, calling her Honey, Sweetheart, Darloing, etc. "That is nice," said Bernie. "After all these years that you've been married, you keep calling your wife pet names." Ken hung his head and whispered, "To tell you the truece, I forgot her name three years ago." |