資料No. : NS101117
I-1 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I was just about to leave home, _______ the phone rang. (A) that (B) why (C) when (D) at that time 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Your children have passed the age _______ they need to worry about such illnesses. (A) why (B) how (C) when (D) which 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The real estate agent has three apartments to show you _______ is very near your workplace. (A) , one of them (B) , one of which (C) none of whom (D) some of which 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 One of my colleagues is moving to the house _______ is opposite ours. (A) who (B) whom (C) which (D) where 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Many of the problems _______ we will face in the next century will be environmental ones. (A) that (B) whom (C) on which (D) that are 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I doubt that anyone would _______ to work in such a stressful environment. (A) admit (B) choose (C) consider (D) appreciate 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I think you'll _______ here. (A) enjoy working (B) enjoy to work (C) be enjoyed work (D) enjoy quite working (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 Biometrics is the science of ----- the physical characteristics of an organism, such as the facial characteristics of a human being. (A) measured (B) measure (C) measuring (D) to measure 2. 空所補充問題 Physicists ----- the inner workings of the atom for about a century. (A) are trying to uncover (B) have to uncover it to try (C) trying to be uncovering (D) have been trying to uncover 3. 空所補充問題 Art Nouveau was an ornamental style of artistic expression that reached its peak of popularity ----- 1890 and 1910. (A) between (B) beside (C) from (D) through 4. 空所補充問題 French chemists Marie and Pierre Curie were the first scientists to isolate radium in its ----- form. (A) purifies (B) purity (C) purely (D) purest 5. 空所補充問題 Some of the most prominent Impressionist painters of the 19th century were greatly ----- used in Japanese woodblock prints. (A) from the influence of the perspective (B) influenced by the perspective (C) the influence by the perspective (D) influencing for the perspective 6. 正誤問題 The ways (A)in which organisms interact (B)with the environment (C)helps determine how a (D)given ecosystem functions. 7. 正誤問題 In the U.S. Navy, the flag officer is a (A)hierarchical category (B)that includes the (C)high five officer (D)grades. 8. 正誤問題 Precious gems (A)such as diamonds can be marked (B)with microscopic identification labels (C)indicate (D)where they originated. 9. 正誤問題 Kidnapping is defined (A)as taking a person away (B)contrary his (C)or her own will by force, (D)fraud or intimidation. 10. 正誤問題 Several types of fungi (A)are capable (B)to produce (C)the fuzzy growth (D)known as mold. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I was just about to leave home, _______ the phone rang. (A) that (B) why (C) when (D) at that time 訳:ちょうど家を出ようとしていたそのときに、電話が鳴った。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】選択肢のうちで、接続詞機能を有し、かつコンマを介して2つの節を連結できるのは非制限用法をもつ関係副詞のwhenのみである。なお、この場合のwhenは前の節全体を先行詞とする。be about to 〜 は「まさに[今にも]〜しようとしている」の意。 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Your children have passed the age _______ they need to worry about such illnesses. (A) why (B) how (C) when (D) which 訳:あなたのお子さんたちは、そういった病気を心配する年齢はもう過ぎました。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】選択肢はすべて関係詞だが、先行詞がthe ageという「時」を表す名詞句であるから (A) と (B) は消える。次に、このthe ageを受けてthey need to worry about such illnessesの節にどう結びつけていくかだが、the ageという名詞句のままではどこにも差し込む適当な場所はない。したがって、名詞句だけの代用となる関係代名詞 (which) は不可。whenであれば「その年齢において[その年齢のときに]they need to以下である」が成立するのでうまくつながることになる。 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The real estate agent has three apartments to show you _______ is very near your workplace. (A) , one of them (B) , one of which (C) none of whom (D) some of which 訳:その不動産屋にはあなたに見せるアパートの物件が3つあるが、そのうちの1つはあなたの職場にとても近い。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】whichやwhomがofを介して数[量]詞と結びつく'one [some, any, none, all, both, several, enough, many, few, etc.] of which [whom]'の形は非制限用法なので、コンマのない (C) , (D) は不可。加えて (C) は先行詞 (three apartments) が人でない点、(D) は関係詞節内の動詞が単数 (is) である点でも不可。コンマだけで節を結ぶ (A) も不可。 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 One of my colleagues is moving to the house _______ is opposite ours. (A) who (B) whom (C) which (D) where 訳:同僚の1人が我が家の向かいの家に引越してきます。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】the houseを先行詞にとり、空所の後のisに対する主語として機能できるものを選ぶ。 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Many of the problems _______ we will face in the next century will be environmental ones. (A) that (B) whom (C) on which (D) that are 訳:来世紀に我々が直面する問題は、多くが環境問題となるであろう。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】述語動詞が2つ(will face, will be)ある( → faceは法助動詞willがあるから当然動詞)。そこで前者は文中に埋め込まれた関係詞節に属し、後者はその関係詞節を包み込む主節に属すると考えてみる。そして関係詞節を導く関係代名詞を選択肢から選ぶわけだが、空所の左に人はないから (B) は不可。残りについては関係詞節(=空所からwill beの前まで)の内部構造が判断の決め手。we will face in the next centuryにproblemsをどう組み込むか。faceには主語 (we) はあるが目的語がない。したがってface the problems(= that)がはまる。face on the problems(= on which)のface on 〜 は「場所的に〜に面している」の意で用いないとおかしい。(D) は問題外。 are ---> is 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I doubt that anyone would _______ to work in such a stressful environment. (A) admit (B) choose (C) consider (D) appreciate 訳:そのようなストレスの多い環境ではだれも働きたがらないだろう。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】空所の後にto不定詞 (to work) が続いている点に注目。to不定詞を目的語にとれるのは (B) のchooseのみ。choose to 〜は「〜することに決める;〜したいと思う」の意。なお、chooseの場合、目的語に動名詞をとる形も不可能ではないが、まれなので「choose+to不定詞」として覚えておくほうが無難。doubt that ... は「…でないと思う」の意でthat節の内容に対する否定的判断が含意される。したがってanyoneにおけるany- の使用に問題はない。such a 〜にも注意。 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I think you'll _______ here. (A) enjoy working (B) enjoy to work (C) be enjoyed work (D) enjoy quite working 訳:ここで働くのは楽しいと思いますよ。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】enjoyは目的語に動名詞 (working) はとるがto不定詞 (to work) はとらない。 【選択肢】enjoyを副詞のquiteで強調すること自体は可能だが、ただしこれには条件があって、enjoyが未来時制で用いられた場合は不自然とされる。また、enjoyを修飾するquiteは通例enjoyの前に置かれる点にも注意(I quite enjoyed it.)。したがって (D) はだめ。 (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 Biometrics is the science of ----- the physical characteristics of an organism, such as the facial characteristics of a human being. (A) measured (B) measure (C) measuring (D) to measure ※正解(C)。【解説】 空所の前に前置詞ofがあり、後に名詞句the physical characteristicsが来ているいる。したがって、(C)measuring(動名詞)が正解となる。 2. 空所補充問題 Physicists ----- the inner workings of the atom for about a century. (A) are trying to uncover (B) have to uncover it to try (C) trying to be uncovering (D) have been trying to uncover ※正解(D)。【解説】 空所の後には動詞がないので(C)は不可。文の最後に期間を表すfor about a centuryが使われているので、正解は現在完了進行形(ずっと〜してきている)の(D)である。 3. 空所補充問題 Art Nouveau was an ornamental style of artistic expression that reached its peak of popularity ----- 1890 and 1910. (A) between (B) beside (C) from (D) through ※正解(A)。【解説】 空所の後にandがあることから分かるように正解は(A)のbetweenである。 4. 空所補充問題 French chemists Marie and Pierre Curie were the first scientists to isolate radium in its ----- form. (A) purifies (B) purity (C) purely (D) purest ※正解(D)。【解説】 空所の前後には所有代名詞itsと名詞formがあるので、動詞purifies「浄化する」、名詞purity、副詞purelyは使えない。正解は形容詞(最上級)の(D) purestである。 5. 空所補充問題 Some of the most prominent Impressionist painters of the 19th century were greatly ----- used in Japanese woodblock prints. (A) from the influence of the perspective (B) influenced by the perspective (C) the influence by the perspective (D) influencing for the perspective ※正解(B)。【解説】 「〜から影響を受けた」という意味を表すには語順にすればいいか。from the influence of the perspectiveやthe influence by the perspectiveではそのような意味にはならない。influencing ... と進行形では影響を与えたことになる。正解は(B)である。the perspectiveの後にthat/which wasを補って考える。 6. 正誤問題 The ways (A)in which organisms interact (B)with the environment (C)helps determine how a (D)given ecosystem functions. ※正解(C)。【解説】 helps → help。helpsはこの英文の動詞である。主語はThe waysと複数になっているので、helpsのsは必要ない。ecosystem「生態系」。 7. 正誤問題 In the U.S. Navy, the flag officer is a (A)hierarchical category (B)that includes the (C)high five officer (D)grades. ※正解(C)。【解説】 high → top。hierarchical「階級組織の」、関係代名詞thatの用法に問題はない。「上位の、上の(階級)」という場合にはhighではなくtopを用いる。grades「階級」。 8. 正誤問題 Precious gems (A)such as diamonds can be marked (B)with microscopic identification labels (C)indicate (D)where they originated. ※正解(C)。【解説】 indicate → indicating。such asと前置詞withの用法に問題はない。この文の動詞部はcan be marked ... である。したがって、indicateのままでは動詞がダブルことになる。ここは分詞indicatingかthat/which indicatesを用いなくてはいけない。where they originated「どこで取れたのか」。 9. 正誤問題 Kidnapping is defined (A)as taking a person away (B)contrary his (C)or her own will by force, (D)fraud or intimidation. ※正解(B)。【解説】 contrary → contrary to / against。be defined as ... 「 ... として定義される」。contraryの後に前置詞toがなければ「 ... に反して」の意味にはならない。また、contraryの代わりにagainstを用いてもいい。orとfraud「詐欺、不正手段」に問題はない。intimidation「脅迫」。 10. 正誤問題 Several types of fungi (A)are capable (B)to produce (C)the fuzzy growth (D)known as mold. ※正解(B)。【解説】 to produce → of producing。capableの用法に注目。be capable of ... で「 ... することができる、能力がある」の意味になる。したがって、ここでは ... capable of producingとなる。 II.時事英文 Panama Canal (その8:全14回シリーズ) RICHARD RAEL: The local leader of the Panamanian revolt was Manuel Amador. Amador had the support of the French company that still owned the rights to build the Panama Canal. The chief representative of the company was Philippe Bunau-Varilla. He worked closely with an American lawyer, William Cromwell. Bunau-Varilla and Cromwell provided Manuel Amador with a declaration of independence, a constitution, and money. Amador used the money to buy the support of the Colombian military commander in Panama City, the capital. He also got the support of the governor, who agreed to let himself be arrested on the day of the revolt. Amador formed a small army of railroad workers and fire fighters. III - a. 雑知識
III -b. 英語でどう言う? 自慢する boast ※Yoko boasted to everyone of having met the movie star. 見せびらかす show off ※Ken dropped by my house today to show off his new car. けちをつける find fault with ※My colleagues are always finding fault with the food our company cafeteria serves. からかう make fun of ※George's classmates made fun of his unique hairdo. III-c. News Glossary state subsidy program for eco-friendly vehicles エコカー補助金制度 The state subsidy program for eco-friendly vehicle was introduced in April last year as part of economic stimulus measures. エコカー補助金制度は昨年4月に景気刺激策として導入された。 IV. Jokes a. Following my election to the local council, I was delighted to see my picture and a small piece about the poll on the evening TV news. But the glow faded when I heard the station's choice of background music for the item. It was Cher's "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves." b. "Can I purchase frogs for my new pond here?" a customer asked at our garden centre. "You don't buy frogs," I explained. "They just sort of choose where they live, then turn up." "Right . . .," agreed the gentleman. "And is the same true with fish?" c. The plumber fixed a leak in the doctor's house - then bills him for $1000. "This is ridiculous!" says the doctor. "I don't even charge that much." The plumber says, "Neither did I when I was a doctor." d. Carrying two dead raccoons, a buzzard tries to check in at the airport for a flight. "Sorry, sir," says the ticket agent. "We allow only one item of carrion." e. A wife buys an enormous birthday present for her husband. He opens it and looks rather confused. "What am I supposed to do with a rocket?" "You wanted space," she replies. "Now get lost." f. Two friends run into each other while walking their dogs. One suggests lunch. The other says, "They won't let us in a restaurant with pets." Undeterred, the first guy and his German shepherd head into the restaurant. The maitre d' stops them, saying, "Sir, you can't bring your dog in here." "But I'm blind," the man replies, "and this is my guide dog." The maitre d', apologizing profusely, shows both man and dog to a table. His friend waits five minutes, then tries the same routine. "You have a Chihuahua for a guide dog?" the skeptical Maitre d' says. "A Chihuahua?" the man says. "Is that what they gave me?" g. Staring at an empty cage, a zoo visitor asks, "Where are all monkeys?" "It's mating season," the keeper replies. "They're inside." "Do you think they'd come out for peanuts?" "Would you?" |