資料No. : NS101006  

1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
_______, you'll be expected to do much better.
(A) In the future (B) Last year (C) For the previous month (D) By next week

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Unless the weather _______ soon, we'll never complete the project on time.
(A) has improved (B) improves (C) would improve (D) improved

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The brain has two halves and _______ thin layers of membrane.
(A) cover (B) covers (C) are covered by (D) is covered with

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
We were taught at school that the Pilgrim Fathers _______ on Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts.
(A) landed (B) have landed (C) had landed (D) had been landed

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
It was quite likely that the President _______ in to the intense lobbying from pressure groups.
(A) has given (B) had given (C) should give (D) should be giving

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
He must have fooled my secretary into thinking that he _______ my brother-in-law.
(A) be (B) is (C) was (D) been

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
_______ he desired to lead a peaceful and tranquil life, he could certainly have done so.
(A) If (B) Were (C) Has (D) Had

1. 空所補充問題
Artist Winslow Homer is said ----- barred from one of his own exhibitions for trying to touch up his paintings while they were on display.
(A) to been being (B) to have to be (C) having been (D) to have been

2. 空所補充問題
----- that the improvements to general quality of life made possible by the Industrial Revolution were realized.
(A) It was not until the mid-20th century (B) Not until the mid-20th century it was
(C) Until the mid-20th century it was not (D) The mid-20th century wasn't until

3. 空所補充問題
Peoples such as the modern Polynesians, ----- metabolic systems have adapted by becoming very efficient, often develop a high incidence of obesity when a modern diet is introduced.
(A) their (B) that (C) whose (D) which

4. 空所補充問題
Experimental evidence suggests that children learn ----- red before other colors.
(A) distinguish (B) distinguished (C) distinguishing (D) to distinguish

5. 空所補充問題
A certain amount of academic freedom is necessary in order to bring ----- the technological advances a country needs to remain economically powerful.
(A) across (B) through (C) around (D) about

6. 正誤問題
The volume of information (A)published every year is (B)thousand of times (C)greater than (D)it was 100 years ago.

7. 正誤問題
(A)Despite concerted efforts to keep the peace process (B)alive, difficult problems (C)continue and persist in (D)the Middle East.

8. 正誤問題
One unexpected development (A)resulting from the rapid progress of computer technology (B)is the emergence of (C)the industry of restoring and (D)to maintain antique computers.

9. 正誤問題
An increasing (A)numbers of drugs that (B)require a doctor's prescription (C)are being advertised directly to the general public, (D)rather than to doctors.

10. 正誤問題
(A)A mirage is an optical illusion usually (B)generating (C)when light is refracted irregularly in air of differing (D)densities near the ground.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
_______, you'll be expected to do much better.
(A) In the future (B) Last year (C) For the previous month (D) By next week
※正解(A)。you ... 以下が will を使った未来形になっていますから、未来の時を表す表現が文中に使われているはずです。(D)は「来週までには、〜期待されるだろう」で、意味上不可。

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Unless the weather _______ soon, we'll never complete the project on time.
(A) has improved (B) improves (C) would improve (D) improved
※正解(B)。この文は Unless が「もし…でなければ」(If ... not)の意味で条件を表す副詞節を導くことになり、このような節の中では、主節(we'll ... 以下)が未来形であっても、未来の形はとりません。

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The brain has two halves and _______ thin layers of membrane.
(A) cover (B) covers (C) are covered by (D) is covered with
※正解(D)。【文構造】主語はbrainで、andはbrainについて述べている2つの述部(has two halvesと_____ thin layers of membrane)を結んでいる。
【着眼点】and以下の述部を完成させる問題なのでThe brain _____ thin layers of membrane. と単純化して考える。brainが単数名詞であることに着目した時点で (A) と (C) がまず消える。残るは (B) と (D) だがbrainがthin ... membraneをcoverしているのではなくてその逆なので、空所にはis covered withがくる。なお、「be+過去分詞+by以外の前置詞」の組み合わせにも注意。

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
We were taught at school that the Pilgrim Fathers _______ on Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts.
(A) landed (B) have landed (C) had landed (D) had been landed
※正解(A)。【着眼点】that 節の内容が歴史上の事実(と見なされている事柄)に言及している点に注意。このような場合は主節の時制とは無関係に話し手の立場から過去の事柄として直接その内容を把握することになる。したがって、正解は (A)の landed となる。

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
It was quite likely that the President _______ in to the intense lobbying from pressure groups.
(A) has given (B) had given (C) should give (D) should be giving
※正解(B)。【着眼点】主節が It was quite likely と過去時制をとっているので、that 節にも過去系列の動詞 (had given)を配置する。
【選択肢】likely に続く節の中では、話し手の主観的な強い感情を表す should は使えない(×It is likely that Samson should have married Delian in the first place)。

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
He must have fooled my secretary into thinking that he _______ my brother-in-law.
(A) be (B) is (C) was (D) been
※正解(C)。【文構造】「fool +人 (my secretary)+〜ing」は「人をだまして〜させる」の意。
【着眼点】「法助動詞+完了形」(must have fooled) は意味的には過去時に言及するものであり、過去時制と同等であると見なすことができる。問題文は「法助動詞+完了形」の後に直接 that 節が現れているわけではないが、「秘書がだまされて that 以下のこと(=事実ではないこと)を思い込まされたに違いない」という流れだから、that 節には過去時制の動詞をもってくるのがふさわしい。

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
_______ he desired to lead a peaceful and tranquil life, he could certainly have done so.
(A) If (B) Were (C) Has (D) Had
※正解(D)。【着眼点】「望んでいたらできただろう (could have done)」という過去に言及する文脈なので仮定法過去完了の形(=had +過去分詞)を採用。
[*Had he(=If he had)desired ... は if の省略に伴う倒置]

1. 空所補充問題
Artist Winslow Homer is said ----- barred from one of his own exhibitions for trying to touch up his paintings while they were on display.
(A) to been being (B) to have to be (C) having been (D) to have been
※正解(D)。【解説】 空所以降では過去に起きたことについて述べている。したがって、ここではto have beenを使うことになる。touch up「手直しする」。

2. 空所補充問題
----- that the improvements to general quality of life made possible by the Industrial Revolution were realized.
(A) It was not until the mid-20th century (B) Not until the mid-20th century it was
(C) Until the mid-20th century it was not (D) The mid-20th century wasn't until
※正解(A)。【解説】 notとuntilの組み合わせがポイント。It was not until... that 〜で「……になって初めて〜した」の意味になる。Industrial Revolution「産業革命」。

3. 空所補充問題
Peoples such as the modern Polynesians, ----- metabolic systems have adapted by becoming very efficient, often develop a high incidence of obesity when a modern diet is introduced.
(A) their (B) that (C) whose (D) which
※正解(C)。【解説】 空所にtheirを入れては前後の文が繋がらない。空所の前にカンマがあるのでここでは関係代名詞thatは使えない。whichではadaptedの目的語がPolynesiansになり意味が通らない。正解は(C) whoseである。adapt「順応する(自動詞)」。incidence「発生率」、obesity「肥満」。

4. 空所補充問題
Experimental evidence suggests that children learn ----- red before other colors.
(A) distinguish (B) distinguished (C) distinguishing (D) to distinguish
※正解(D)。【解説】 learnの後にto不定詞を続けて「他の色より先に赤を識別するようになる」の意味を笑わす。

5. 空所補充問題
A certain amount of academic freedom is necessary in order to bring ----- the technological advances a country needs to remain economically powerful.
(A) across (B) through (C) around (D) about
※正解(D)。【解説】 空所にaboutを入れれば、bring about...「…… をもたらす」の意味になり、前後の文が繋がる。

6. 正誤問題
The volume of information (A)published every year is (B)thousand of times (C)greater than (D)it was 100 years ago.
※正解(B)。【解説】 thousand → thousands。publishedの前にはthat/which isが略されている。「何千倍」の意味にするには複数形thousandsを用いる。比較級greater thanと代名詞itの用法に誤りはない。

7. 正誤問題
(A)Despite concerted efforts to keep the peace process (B)alive, difficult problems (C)continue and persist in (D)the Middle East.
※正解(C)。【解説】 continue and→ カット。【解説】continue and persistに注目。persist「存続する、尾を引く」の前に、同じような意味のcontinueを使う必要はない。

8. 正誤問題
One unexpected development (A)resulting from the rapid progress of computer technology (B)is the emergence of (C)the industry of restoring and (D)to maintain antique computers.
※正解(D)。【解説】 to maintain → maintaining。to maintainはrestoringと同じようにthe industry of... の後に続いている。したがって、ここではto不定詞ではなく動名詞形maintainingにしなければならない。

9. 正誤問題
An increasing (A)numbers of drugs that (B)require a doctor's prescription (C)are being advertised directly to the general public, (D)rather than to doctors.
※正解(A)。【解説】 numbers → number。a number of「多くの」に形容詞increasing「ますます増える」が付け足されていると考える。したがって、複数形numbersが誤りとなる。prescription「処方箋」。

10. 正誤問題
(A)A mirage is an optical illusion usually (B)generating (C)when light is refracted irregularly in air of differing (D)densities near the ground.
※正解(B)。【解説】 generating → generated。mirage「蜃気楼」は可算名詞である。generate「引き起こす、発生させる」は他動詞なので、ここではgenerated(過去分詞)と受け身にしなくてはならない。接続詞whenとdensities「密度」に誤りはない。

Panama Canal (その2:全14回シリーズ)
This week in our series, Richard Rael and Maurice Joyce tell the story of the Panama Canal.

RICHARD RAEL: For many years, people had dreamed of building a canal across Central America to link the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The most likely place was at the thinnest point of land: Panama. Another possible place was to the north: Nicaragua. President Roosevelt appointed a committee to decide which place would be better.

Engineers said it would cost less to complete a canal that had been started in the eighteen eighties in Panama. But, the United States would have to buy the land and building rights from a French company. The price was high: more than one hundred million dollars.

III - a. 雑知識

uproot(根こそぎ引き抜く)は、from を伴って親しんだ場所から「退去させる」の意味がある。The flood uprooted more than 3 million people from their homes. は、パキスタンを襲った豪雨による洪水被害について伝えたヘラルド朝日の記事から。300万人以上が家屋を失うなどして避難したという。

round(丸い)には動詞で角などを「回る」の意味がある。ヤンキースのアレックス・ロドリゲス内野手が8月4日、大リーグ史上7人目の通算600本塁打を達成した。ベースを回る間のファンの熱狂ぶりをヘラルド朝日の記事が、The crowd at Yankee Stadium rose and roared as he rounded the bases. と伝えた。

floor(床)には動詞でアクセルを「踏み込む」の意味がある。トヨタ車の急加速問題を巡る中間報告で、運転手の操作ミスの可能性が指摘された。ヘラルド朝日の記事が、The report suggested the possibility that the drivers had mistakenly floored the accelerators instead of the brakes. と伝えた。

lift には「気分の高揚」の意味があり、give ... a liftで「〜に元気を与える」の意味。天皇陛下から横綱白鵬に名古屋場所優勝のお祝いの書簡が届いた。Reuters 通信の記事が、Emperor Akihito has given the scandal-hit world of sumo a lift by pledging his support to the ancient sport in a letter to Hakuho. と伝えた。

The clock is ticking.(時計がカチカチ鳴ってる)は、「時間が刻々と過ぎている」の意味で使う慣用表現。The clock is ticking in the nuclear standoff. は、こう着状態にあるイランの核問題に関する Reuters 通信の記事から。米国などが制裁を強化している一方で、イスラエルがイランを攻撃する可能性がある。

hit(打つ)には水準や程度などに「達する」の意味がある。8月11日の外国為替市場で円相場は一時、1ドル84円72銭まで上昇し、1995年7月以来15年1カ月ぶりの高値を付けた。Reuters 通信の記事が、The dollar hit a 15-year low against the yen on Aug. 11. と伝えた。

whereabouts は「ゆくえ、所在」の意味。Japan's health minister on Aug. 3 called for a nationwide check on the whereabouts of elderly residents. は、100歳以上の高齢者の所在不明問題に関するReuters 通信の記事から。長妻昭厚生労働相は、110歳以上の年金受給者を対象に対面調査を実施する方針を決めた。

III -b. 英語でどう言う?
kneel down
※The boy knelt down and patted the dog on the head.

bend down
※Taro bent down to pick up a 100-yen coin from the floor.

stand on tiptoes
※I stood on tiptoes in a huge crowd to catch a glimse of the movie star.

reach for
※The librarian reached for the book on the top shelf.

III-c News Glossary
capital punishment
Justice Minister Keiko Chiba infuriated capital punishment opponents on July 28 by ordering the executions of two convicted murderers and becoming the first justice minister to witness a death penalty being carried out.

IV. Jokes
a. A tour bus stops in Runnymede, England, and the guide says it was here that the Magna Carta was signed.
"When did they sign it?" one passenger asks.
"1215," the guide responds.
"Darn! We missed it by 20 minutes."

b. A man walks into a wine bar with his dog. "Excuse me," says the barman. "No dogs allowed."
"It's OK," the man responds. "This is a super-intelligent, talking dog."
"Oh, yeah?" sneers the barman. "Prove it."
"What grows on trees?" the man asks the animal.
"Bark, bark," replies the dog.
"What do you find on top of a house?"
"Roof, roof," says the mutt.
"What's the opposite of smooth?"
"Rough, rough," growls the hound.
The barman realizes he's being made a fool of and throws the man and his dog out.
"Well, I'm terribly sorry about that, Peter," says the dog to his owner outside on the pavement. "Just out of curiosity, which one did I get wrong?"

c. I went to Alcoholics Anonymous and said, "I can't stop gambling."
The man said, "You want Gamblers Anonymous?"
I said, "You're probably right, I'm so drunk I don't know where I am."

d. A group of guys are in the locker room when a mobile phone rings. One of them picks it up.
Man: "Hello."
Woman: "Honey, it's me. Are you at the club?"
Man: "Yes."
Woman: "Well, I have news. The house we wanted is back on the market. They're asking for $950,000."
Man: "Well then, go ahead and make an offer, but make it $1.2 million so we'll be sure to get it."
Woman: "OK. I'll see you later. I love you!"
Man: "I love you too."
The man hangs up. Then he asks, "Does anyone know whose phone this is?"
