資料No. : NS090415
I-1 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Some of the details need _______ before we submit the report for approval. (A) clarify (B) clarifying (C) be clarified (D) being clarified 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Nancy _______ to look after her neighbor's children for the evening. (A) required (B) ordered (C) was asked (D) was wished 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 After you do your homework, be sure to _______ up your room. (A) have cleaned (B) cleaning (C) be cleaned (D) clean 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I _______ a lot better if you had helped me. (A) do (B) did (C) had done (D) could have done 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 _______, you'll be expected to do much better. (A) In the future (B) Last year (C) For the previous month (D) By next week 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Unless the weather _______ soon, we'll never complete the project on time. (A) has improved (B) improves (C) would improve (D) improved 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The brain has two halves and _______ thin layers of membrane. (A) cover (B) covers (C) are covered by (D) is covered with 8. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The rent is too high, and ---, the building isn't a suitable location. (A) however (B) more (C) if only (D) moreover 9. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 --- friends she has are married and have a happy home. (A) Most of (B) Most the all (C) The most of (D) Most of the 10. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Donald's family --- in Chicago from 1980 to 1989, and then they moved to New York. (A) lived (B) is living (C) have lived (D) has been living 11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 The training program (A)for the new employees will begin (B)promptly (C)at 10:00 a.m. (D)at Monday morning. 12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 My new (A)fan heater (B)heats the room quickly, (C)quietly, and (D)economical. 13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 (A)Despite all of his (B)knowledges, he (C)was unable to answer the interviewers' questions (D)sufficiently. (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 The condor is -----, birds in existence having a wingspan that can reach well over three meters. (A) one of the largest, most graceful (B) of the one most large and graceful (C) the largest, most graceful one of (D) the largest one of most graceful 2. 空所補充問題 The fact ---- stray cats often gouge and bite one another when fighting over territory makes them extremely vulnerable to infectious diseases and parasites. (A) that if (B) that (C) their (D) whose 3. 空所補充問題 ----- speaking, the combined weight of all ants alive at any given time worldwide is equal to the total weight of all living people. (A) About (B) In general (C) Roughly (D) In terms of 4. 空所補充問題 From the dawn of man to the present, migration ----- an essential characteristic of the peoples of the African continent. (A) have been (B) are being (C) has been (D) is being 5. 空所補充問題 A javelin thrower in the Roman Legions typically carried into battle one light javelin for a first assault from a distance, and a heavier weapon for subsequent -----. (A) use (B) using (C) to use (D) used 6. 正誤問題 (A)Toward the middle of the 18th century, the denunciation of slavery (B)by important French writers and philosophers (C)had become impossible for politicians in Paris (D)ignore . 7. 正誤問題 (A)Closed circuit television systems differ (B)by broadcasting (C)in that cameras are directly (D)wired to monitors. 8. 正誤問題 Addiction (A)to nicotine is (B)classifying as a disease by some specialists (C)because it (D)involves the permanent alterations in the biochemistry of the brain. 9. 正誤問題 (A)On (B)a particularly hot, dry day, the body may lose the equivalent of a large glass of water (C)through perspiration in the feet (D)lonely. 10. 正誤問題 (A)The earliest submarines had no (B)engines, (C)required them to be powered by (D)crews of sailors manning crankshaft apparatus. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Some of the details need _______ before we submit the report for approval. (A) clarify (B) clarifying (C) be clarified (D) being clarified 訳:報告書を提出して承認を求める前に、何点か細かいところを明確にしておく必要がある。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】clarify 〜 は「〜を明確にする[理解しやすくする]」の意でsome of the details(主部)はclarifyされる側だが、述部がneedで始まっている点に注意。needが動名詞を目的語にとると、その動名詞は能動形で受動の意味を表すことになる (need clarifying = need to be clarified)。 【選択肢】needは疑問文や否定文、またはそれに準じる文では助動詞としても用いられるが、問題文の主節は肯定文の形をとっている。したがって (A)、(C) はいずれにせよ不可。 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Nancy _______ to look after her neighbor's children for the evening. (A) required (B) ordered (C) was asked (D) was wished 訳:夕方、近所の子の世話をしてほしいとナンシーは頼まれた。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】requireやorderにはto不定詞を目的語にとる構文自体が存在しない cf. I require you to do this job.;You are required to do this job. や He ordered us to follow him.;We were ordered to follow him. は可)。wishには「wish+O+to不定詞」の構文はあるが、これに対応する受動文はない。 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 After you do your homework, be sure to _______ up your room. (A) have cleaned (B) cleaning (C) be cleaned (D) clean 訳:宿題をやったら、必ず部屋を片付けなさい。 ※正解(D)。to 不定詞ですから、動詞は原形でなければなりません。(A)も形のうえでは原形になっていますが、意味上不可。(C)も原形ですが受け身の形になってしまっているので不可です。 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I _______ a lot better if you had helped me. (A) do (B) did (C) had done (D) could have done 訳:もし君が手伝ってくれていれば、もっとうまくできたのに。 ※正解(D)。 ... if 以下が had helped の形をとっていますから、「もしも(あの時)君が…していたなら」という意味を持つ仮定法過去完了です。したがって、正解も「私は(あの時)…できたはずだったのに」という意味を持ちうる形にしなければなりません。 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 _______, you'll be expected to do much better. (A) In the future (B) Last year (C) For the previous month (D) By next week 訳:将来的にはもっとうまくやれるように期待しています。 ※正解(A)。you ... 以下が will を使った未来形になっていますから、未来の時を表す表現が文中に使われているはずです。(D)は「来週までには、〜期待されるだろう」で、意味上不可。 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Unless the weather _______ soon, we'll never complete the project on time. (A) has improved (B) improves (C) would improve (D) improved 訳:すぐに天気がよくならなければ、時間通りにそのプロジェクトを完了させられないだろう。 ※正解(B)。この文は Unless が「もし…でなければ」(If ... not)の意味で条件を表す副詞節を導くことになり、このような節の中では、主節(we'll ... 以下)が未来形であっても、未来の形はとりません。 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The brain has two halves and _______ thin layers of membrane. (A) cover (B) covers (C) are covered by (D) is covered with 訳:脳は右脳と左脳からなり、幾層かの薄膜でおおわれている。 ※正解(D)。【文構造】主語はbrainで、andはbrainについて述べている2つの述部(has two halvesと_____ thin layers of membrane)を結んでいる。 【着眼点】and以下の述部を完成させる問題なのでThe brain _____ thin layers of membrane. と単純化して考える。brainが単数名詞であることに着目した時点で (A) と (C) がまず消える。残るは (B) と (D) だがbrainがthin ... membraneをcoverしているのではなくてその逆なので、空所にはis covered withがくる。なお、「be+過去分詞+by以外の前置詞」の組み合わせにも注意。 8. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The rent is too high, and ---, the building isn't a suitable location. (A) however (B) more (C) if only (D) moreover 訳:賃貸料は高すぎるし、それに立地条件が良くない。 ※正解(D)。suitable「適当な、適切な」(D) moreover「その上、さらに」 9. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 --- friends she has are married and have a happy home. (A) Most of (B) Most the all (C) The most of (D) Most of the 訳:彼女の友人ほとんどが、結婚して幸せな家庭を築いている。 ※正解(D)。(D) friendsはshe hasで限定されているのでtheが必要。most [通例無冠詞]「たいていの、大部分の」 10. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Donald's family --- in Chicago from 1980 to 1989, and then they moved to New York. (A) lived (B) is living (C) have lived (D) has been living 訳:ドナルド家は、1980から1989年までシカゴに住み、その後ニューヨークに移った。 ※正解(A)。(A)過去時制and then they moved …に合わせる。 11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 The training program (A)for the new employees will begin (B)promptly (C)at 10:00 a.m. (D)at Monday morning. 訳:新入社員の研修が、月曜日の朝、きっかり10時に始まります。 ※正解(D)。at → on。(A) employee「被雇用者、従業員」(B) promptly「即座に、時間どおりに」特定の日の朝(午後・夜)などを表すときはonを用いる。 12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 My new (A)fan heater (B)heats the room quickly, (C)quietly, and (D)economical. 訳:新しいファンヒーターは、部屋を早く、静かに、かつ経済的に温めてくれる。 ※正解(D)。economical → economically。(A) fan heater「ファンヒーター」(D) economical「(無駄遣いをしないで)経済的な」economically「節約して、むだなく」 13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 (A)Despite all of his (B)knowledges, he (C)was unable to answer the interviewers' questions (D)sufficiently. 訳:彼の全知識をもってしても、面接官の質問に満足に答えられなかった。 ※正解(B)。knowledges → knowledge。(A) despite「〜にもかかわらず」(B) knowledgeは不可算名詞。 (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 The condor is -----, birds in existence having a wingspan that can reach well over three meters. (A) one of the largest, most graceful (B) of the one most large and graceful (C) the largest, most graceful one of (D) the largest one of most graceful ※正解(A)。【解説】 空所を挟んでisとbirdsがある点に注意。また、最上級est、mostが使われているので、one of the... birdsになることが分かる。正解は(A)である。condor「コンドル」、wingspan「翼長」。 2. 空所補充問題 The fact ---- stray cats often gouge and bite one another when fighting over territory makes them extremely vulnerable to infectious diseases and parasites. (A) that if (B) that (C) their (D) whose ※正解(B)。【解説】 文頭のThe factに注目。The fact that... で「……という事実」の意味になるので、接続詞thatを使えばいい。gouge「ひっかいて傷つける」、be vulnerable to... 「……に弱い、受けやすい」。 3. 空所補充問題 ----- speaking, the combined weight of all ants alive at any given time worldwide is equal to the total weight of all living people. (A) About (B) In general (C) Roughly (D) In terms of ※正解(C)。【解説】 難しく考えることはない。文頭に ...speakingがある。Roughly speakingにすれば「大ざっぱに言えば(独立分詞構文)」の意味になる。 4. 空所補充問題 From the dawn of man to the present, migration ----- an essential characteristic of the peoples of the African continent. (A) have been (B) are being (C) has been (D) is being ※正解(C)。【解説】 From the dawn of man to the present「人間が誕生してから現在に至るまで」から判断して、現在完了を使えばいいことが分かるだろう。主語はmigration「移住」なので、正解は(C) has beenである。 5. 空所補充問題 A javelin thrower in the Roman Legions typically carried into battle one light javelin for a first assault from a distance, and a heavier weapon for subsequent -----. (A) use (B) using (C) to use (D) used ※正解(A)。【解説】 subsequentは「その後の」という意味の形容詞。この後には当然名詞が来るはずである。したがって、正解は(A) useになる。javelin「軽い槍」、assault「攻撃」。 6. 正誤問題 (A)Toward the middle of the 18th century, the denunciation of slavery (B)by important French writers and philosophers (C)had become impossible for politicians in Paris (D)ignore . ※正解(D)。【解説】 ignore → to ignore。前置詞toward、by、過去完了had becomeの用法に誤りはない。ignoreは動詞である。この前に不定詞toがなければ文が成立しない。 7. 正誤問題 (A)Closed circuit television systems differ (B)by broadcasting (C)in that cameras are directly (D)wired to monitors. ※正解(B)。【解説】 by → from。動詞differに注目。differ from... で「……と異なる」の意味。前置詞byが間違っていたのである。in that... 「……という点で」。 8. 正誤問題 Addiction (A)to nicotine is (B)classifying as a disease by some specialists (C)because it (D)involves the permanent alterations in the biochemistry of the brain. ※正解(B)。【解説】 classifying → classified。Addiction to...「……に中毒」。be classified as... で「……として分類される」の意味になる。したがって、classifyingを過去分詞にしなければならない。接続詞because、動詞involves「含む」に問題はない。 9. 正誤問題 (A)On (B)a particularly hot, dry day, the body may lose the equivalent of a large glass of water (C)through perspiration in the feet (D)lonely. ※正解(D)。【解説】 lonely → alone。特定の日には前置詞onを用いる。glassは可算名詞。前置詞throughは「……で、……を通じて」の意味。lonelyではなくalone「だけで」にしなければ意味が通らない。 10. 正誤問題 (A)The earliest submarines had no (B)engines, (C)required them to be powered by (D)crews of sailors manning crankshaft apparatus. ※正解(C)。【解説】 required → requiring / which required。冠詞the、可算名詞enginesに問題はない。requiredのままでは、前にhadがあるので動詞がダブることになる。ここはrequiring(分詞構文)か関係代名詞を用いてwhich requiredにしなければ文が繋がらない。crewsに問題はない。 II.時事英文 Sports Doping (その8:全11回シリーズ) "Doping" is the general term for the use of banned substances or practices to improve athletic performance. The World Anti-Doping Agency says the term probably came from the Dutch word "dop." That was the name for an alcoholic drink used by Zulu fighters in Africa to improve their performance in battle. The agency says the word doping began to be used for athletes in the beginning of the twentieth century. At first, it meant the illegal drugging of racehorses. The agency notes that athletes have used substances for centuries to improve their performance. Ancient Greeks used special foods and drinks. Nineteenth century cyclists and others used alcohol, caffeine, cocaine -- even strychnine, a strong poison. By the nineteen twenties, sports organizations were attempting to stop the use of doping substances. But at the time they lacked scientific ways to test for them. III - a. 雑知識
III-b. 英語のことわざ ◆You can't tell a book by its cover◆ You can't know whether a book is good or bad just by looking at the cover. You have to read it before you can judge it. This proverb does not only refer to books, but to everything. For example, you should not judge a person just by looking at his or her appearance. III -c. 英語でどう言う? 出欠をとる call the roll 【例文】Mr. Jackson always calls the roll before the class begins. 指される be called on 【例文】I was called on by my teacher during English class to read the story aloud. 発表する give a presentation 【例文】Betty gave a presentation on her research findings in front of the whole class. しかられる get told off 【例文】I got told off by the teacher for chatting in class. III-d 今週のイディオム grasp at straws わらにでもすがる、いかなる手段にもすがる (make a desperate effort; try everything you can to succeed even though the things you are doing are not likely to help or work) A drawing man will catch at a straw. (おぼれる者はわらをもつかむ)という、ことわざに由来する表現。実を結ばない可能性が高いことが分かっていても。懸命に努力しているという含みがあります。動詞はgrspの他に、catch, seize, clutchも使われます。 The man was grasping at straws when he took his dying son to another doctor. (その男はわらにもすがる思いで、瀕死の息子を別の医者のところへ連れて行った) Jack thinks she might still be interested because she calls him now and then, but I think he is clutching at straws. (ジャックは彼女が時々電話してくるので、もしかしてまだ気があると思っているようだが、わらにもすがる思いなんだろうな) He is grasping at straws in order to find a decent job. (彼はちゃんとした仕事を探そうと必死になっている) IV. Jokes a. Three women, obviously old friends, had just finished having dinner at the table next to me. When the waiter came with the bill, one said, "Give it to me." "No. You got it the last time," said another. "It's my turn." The waiter stood there, unsure of what to do - until the third woman said, "I'm the biggest tipper." He handed her the check. b. My mother was moaning to me about my father's refusal to replace his very old, very worn bathrobe. Helping at a jumble sale, I unearthed a rather attractive dark-red gentleman's bathrobe. I thought of Dad, bought it and pressed it good as new and proudly presented it to him. He looked embarrassed when he opened it. I asked what was wrong. "Well, this is my bathrobe," he said. "I sent it to the jumble sale." c. While I was relaxing in the lounge of my friend's Florida home, another guest, a fellow Brit, strode in looking peeved. He'd lost his credit card and had to ring the company to report it. Going through some of the details with the customer service reps, we heard him say, "What do you mean what state I'm in? I'm bloody worried someone will use it! You can say I'm distraught!" The rep said something back, then we heard him reply sheepishly, "Oh … Florida." d. I awoke from a dream by shouting greetings to an old friend. Happily, my wife's sleep appeared undisturbed. But as we went to bed the next night she asked, "Can you do me a favor? If you see anyone you know in your dreams tonight, just wave." e. On the first day of rehearsal, my fellow actors and I were sitting around a table reading out loud from our scripts under the watchful eye of a director known for her acid tongue. One of the younger actresses read the line, "I have an Oh-wee-dipus complex … " "It's Eee-dipus!" the director yelled. "Don't you read the classics?" Clearly unfazed, the actress smiled and said, "Not out loud." |