資料No. : NS090401
I-1 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 We _______ afford to take our eyes off the road for an instant while driving at more than 100 miles per hour. (A) can't (B) needn't (C) mustn't (D) shouldn't 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I suspect he has intentionally included figures that _______ in the expense budget. (A) have not should be (B) should have not been (C) should not have been (D) ought to not have been 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Once the train _______ the city, we won't be able to use the telephone. (A) will leave (B) leaves from (C) leaves (D) left from 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Man has been striving to improve rice _______ over 7,000 years, ever since rice cultivation was initiated in Asia. (A) more than (B) from (C) since (D) for 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The officer _______ his men to fight well in the coming battle. (A) hoped (B) expected (C) aimed (D) demanded 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Please _______ him that he is required to get a temporary badge from a receptionist. (A) relate (B) repeat (C) remind (D) recollect 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 In spite of circumstantial evidence pointing to his guilt, the accused _______ that he was innocent. (A) interrogated (B) inquired (C) persuaded (D) maintained 8. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 ----- the oil shock, our company has used solar energy as much as possible. (A) Subsequent (B) Ever since (C) From (D) Previous 9. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I buy, I'd like to have a guaranteed ----- date. (A) deliver (B) delivery (C) deliverance (D) deliverable 10. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 ----- on the weather, we should be able to land by three o'clock. (A) Depend (B) Depends (C) Depending (D) Depended 11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 A)Since she joined B)the firm, she C)rose very quickly D)to become assistant director. 12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 A)I'll have my B)administrative assistant C)to send a fax D)immediately. 13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 My mother (A)enjoyed her (B)trans-Pacific flight immensely due to the (C)kindly treatment that she (D)received from the flight attendants. (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 The English longbow was the primary bow used in Western archery for 6 centuries until engineers began to improve ----- its design in the 1930s. (A) up (B) above (C) over (D) on 2. 空所補充問題 Before plaster could be made rigid enough to hold broken bones in place for healing, wooden splints ----- commonly used. (A) have been (B) had being (C) were (D) been 3. 空所補充問題 Scholarships are usually awarded on the basis of ----- financial need and academic merit. (A) those (B) their (C) all (D) both 4. 空所補充問題 The term 'nuclear winter' refers to a state in which fallout from a nuclear war blocks out the rays of the sun, ----- weather patterns and halting photosynthesis. (A) to be disrupted (B) disrupting (C) disrupted (D) disrupts 5. 空所補充問題 A general acceptance of the Copernican model of the solar system was ----- immediate. (A) far from (B) under for (C) not of (D) at all 6. 正誤問題 The psychoactive drug caffeine is (A)commonly extracted in (B)its natural form from the fruit of the coffee plant, which is (C)picking ripe, dried, roasted, ground (D)to a powder and infused in near-boiling water. 7. 正誤問題 The chemical process (A)which fruit (B)turns brown after (C)being dropped or struck depends on (D)oxidation. 8. 正誤問題 In (A)a diesel engine, the heat (B)caused by compression of fuel and air (C)causes them to ignite (D)not with the presence of a spark. 9. 正誤問題 Velcro is an (A)adhesive technology (B)that is taking advantage of the collective resistance of (C)thousands of tiny nylon loops (D)and hooks. 10. 正誤問題 (!)Intellectual historians attempt the (B)reconstructing the (C)conceptual innovations and philosophical trends of (D)the past. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 We _______ afford to take our eyes off the road for an instant while driving at more than 100 miles per hour. (A) can't (B) needn't (C) mustn't (D) shouldn't 訳:時速100マイルを超すスピ−ドで車を走らせているときには一瞬たりともよそ見などできない [よそ見などしたら大変だ] 。 ※正解(A)。【文構造】while driving ...はwhile we are driving ...の意。 【着眼点】afford to 〜は「〜しても大丈夫である」の意だが、この用法のaffordと結びつくのはcan, could, be able toなどである。したがって正解は (A)。can't afford to 〜は「〜する余裕などない [〜したら大変なことになる] 」の意。 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I suspect he has intentionally included figures that _______ in the expense budget. (A) have not should be (B) should have not been (C) should not have been (D) ought to not have been 訳:経費予算に含めるべきではない数字が入っているのは彼の意図的なしわざではないかと思う。 ※正解(C)。【選択肢】法助動詞 (should) は第1助動詞 (have) に先行し、その逆は成立しないので (A) は不可。否定文ではnotは法助動詞の後に配置されるので (B) は不可。ought toを否定文で用いる場合notはtoの前にくるので (D) は不可。したがって残る (C) が正解となる。figures that should not have been in 〜は「〜にあるべきではなかった(のに実際は入っていた)数字」を指す。 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Once the train _______ the city, we won't be able to use the telephone. (A) will leave (B) leaves from (C) leaves (D) left from 訳:電車が市外に出てしまうと、その時点で電話は使えなくなるだろう。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】接続詞用法のonceは「いったん [一度] …すると」「…するやいなや」の意で、if, when, after, as soon asなどと同様条件や時の副詞節を導く。したがって主節が未来時制(won't be)でも選ぶのはleaves(現在時制)。 【選択肢】leaveは「(今いる所を)発って〜へ向かう」の意でleave for 〜(〜=目的地)の形をとることはあるが、leave from 〜(〜=離れる場所)は不可。 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Man has been striving to improve rice _______ over 7,000 years, ever since rice cultivation was initiated in Asia. (A) more than (B) from (C) since (D) for 訳:アジアで稲作が始まって以来、7000年以上にわたって人類は米の改良を目指して努力を重ねてきた。 ※正解(D)。【着眼点】has been strivingは過去のある時点から現在まで「努力する (strive) 」という行為が反復継続していることを表す現在完了進行形。ever sinceのsince はその努力が始まった時点がいつかを示す時の副詞節を導く接続詞(everは「( ...して以来)ずっと」)。そしてover 7,000 yearsは努力の継続期間であり、「期間」を導入するにはforを用いる。 【選択肢】more thanはoverと意味が重なる。 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The officer _______ his men to fight well in the coming battle. (A) hoped (B) expected (C) aimed (D) demanded 訳:将校は来たるべき戦闘で兵士が立派に戦ってくれるものと期待した。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】「O (his men) +to不定詞 (to fight) 」を従えられるのはexpectのみ。 【選択肢】hope, aim(目指す [努力する] ), demand(要求する)は「hope/aim /demand+to不定詞」の形はある(I demand to know the truth.=ぜひ真実を知りたい)。 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Please _______ him that he is required to get a temporary badge from a receptionist. (A) relate (B) repeat (C) remind (D) recollect 訳:受付で臨時のバッジを交付してもらう必要がある旨を彼に念を押しておいてください。 ※正解(C)。【文構造】「____ (V) +him (IO) +that節 (DO) 」の第4文型。 【着眼点】「人+that節」の形を従えられるのはremind(思い起こさせる、念を押す)だけである。 【選択肢】relate(=(順序立てて)話す)は「relate(to+人)+that節」の形はとるが第4文型は不可。repeat(=繰り返して言う)も同様。recollectは「〜を思い出す」の意でOにthat節をとる形(第3文型)は可能だが「人に物事を思い出させる」の意はない。 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 In spite of circumstantial evidence pointing to his guilt, the accused _______ that he was innocent. (A) interrogated (B) inquired (C) persuaded (D) maintained 訳:状況証拠からすれば有罪であるのだが、被告は無罪を主張した。 ※正解(D)。 【文構造】「the accused (S) ____ (V) that節 (O) 」 の第3文型。accusedはtheがつくと「被告人」の意になる。In spite of 〜は「〜にもかかわらず」の意で副詞句を導く。 【着眼点】that節をOにとって第3文型を作れるのはmaintain(主張する)のみ。 【選択肢】interrogate は「(人)を尋問する」の意。inquire (=問う)はwh節ならOにとれる。persuade(=説得する)は「persuade+人+that節」の第4文型はある。 8. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 ----- the oil shock, our company has used solar energy as much as possible. (A) Subsequent (B) Ever since (C) From (D) Previous 訳:オイルショック以来ずっと、わが社ではできるだけ太陽エネルギーを利用してきた。 ※正解(B)。解説 (A)Subsequent (〜に続いて起こる)と (D)Previous (以前の)は形容詞であるため、 the oil shock の前に置くことはできない。残る選択肢は (B) と (C) だが、 has used と現在完了形であるため、 (B)Ever since (〜して以来ずっと)が正解。 9. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I buy, I'd like to have a guaranteed ----- date. (A) deliver (B) delivery (C) deliverance (D) deliverable 訳:もし買うなら、納期が保証されているものを買いたい。 ※正解(B)。解説 (A) の deliver (〜を配達する)、 (D) の deliverable (引き渡せる)は空所の後の date と結びついて意味を成さない。 (C) の deliverance date は「釈放期日」という意味になり文意に合わない。正解は (B) で delivery date (納期)。 10. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 ----- on the weather, we should be able to land by three o'clock. (A) Depend (B) Depends (C) Depending (D) Depended 訳:天気次第では、3時までに着陸できるであろう。 ※正解(C)。解説 depend on 〜で「〜によって決まる、〜次第である」という意味を表す。空所は文頭にあるので分詞構文だということが分かる。 (C)Depending と (D)Depended が分詞だが、 depend は自動詞なので (D) は不可。正解は (C) 。 11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 A)Since she joined B)the firm, she C)rose very quickly D)to become assistant director. 訳:彼女は会社に入ってすぐ副支配人に昇進した。 ※正解(C)。解説 since 節を伴う主節中では、完了時制が用いられるのが原則なので、 (C) の rose を has risen とする。 12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 A)I'll have my B)administrative assistant C)to send a fax D)immediately. 訳:早速私の秘書にファクスを送らせましょう。 ※正解(C)。解説 「 ( 人 ) に〜させる」は「 have +人+ do[doing] 」となる。よって (C) は send もしくは sending とするべき。 13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 My mother (A)enjoyed her (B)trans-Pacific flight immensely due to the (C)kindly treatment that she (D)received from the flight attendants. 訳:スチュワーデスに親切にしてもらい、母は太平洋横断の旅をたいへん楽しむことができた。 ※正解(C)。kindly → kind。(B) trans-「越えて、横切って」の意。immensely「とても、非常に」(C) the kind treatmentが正しい。 (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 The English longbow was the primary bow used in Western archery for 6 centuries until engineers began to improve ----- its design in the 1930s. (A) up (B) above (C) over (D) on ※正解(D)。【解説】 動詞improveに続く前置詞はonである。improve on ... で「……に改良を加える」の意味になる。longbow「大弓」。 2. 空所補充問題 Before plaster could be made rigid enough to hold broken bones in place for healing, wooden splints ----- commonly used. (A) have been (B) had being (C) were (D) been ※正解(C)。【解説】 Beforeからhealingまでが節になっている。したがって、wooden splintsがこの文の主語。空所には動詞が入ることになる。usedがあるので、受け身の文であることは明らか。have beenかwereのどちらかが正解。couldと過去形になっていることから、空所にはwereが入ることになる。 3. 空所補充問題 Scholarships are usually awarded on the basis of ----- financial need and academic merit. (A) those (B) their (C) all (D) both ※正解(D)。【解説】 thoseとtheirでは意味が通らない。空所の後にfinancial needとacademic meritの2つが並んでいることから、正解は(D)のbothになる。 4. 空所補充問題 The term 'nuclear winter' refers to a state in which fallout from a nuclear war blocks out the rays of the sun, ----- weather patterns and halting photosynthesis. (A) to be disrupted (B) disrupting (C) disrupted (D) disrupts ※正解(B)。【解説】 which以下の文の動詞はblocksである。ここは分詞構文disruptingを使えば、「(その結果) ……を混乱させる」の意味を表す。 5. 空所補充問題 A general acceptance of the Copernican model of the solar system was ----- immediate. (A) far from (B) under for (C) not of (D) at all ※正解(A)。【解説】 immediateは「すぐに」の意味を表す。空所にfar fromは入れれば「(すぐどころか)なかなか認められなかった」の意味になる。 6. 正誤問題 The psychoactive drug caffeine is (A)commonly extracted in (B)its natural form from the fruit of the coffee plant, which is (C)picking ripe, dried, roasted, ground (D)to a powder and infused in near-boiling water. ※正解(C)。【解説】 picking → picked。副詞commonly、caffeineを受けるitsに問題はない。picking ripe以降にはdried、roastedなど過去分詞が並んでいることからpickedとしなければ受け身の文が成立しないことが分かる。grind... to 〜「……をすり砕いて〜にする」。 7. 正誤問題 The chemical process (A)which fruit (B)turns brown after (C)being dropped or struck depends on (D)oxidation. ※正解(A)。【解説】 which → by which。関係代名詞whichだけでは前後の文が繋がらない。ここは前置詞byをつけてby whichにすれば意味が通る。turn brown「茶色くなる」、前置詞afterの後の動名詞beingに問題はない。oxidation「酸化作用」に冠詞は必要ない。 8. 正誤問題 In (A)a diesel engine, the heat (B)caused by compression of fuel and air (C)causes them to ignite (D)not with the presence of a spark. ※正解(D)。【解説】 not with → without。diesel engineは可算名詞である。caused byの前にはthat/which isが省略されている。causesはthe heatに呼応している。not withはwithoutを使う。 9. 正誤問題 Velcro is an (A)adhesive technology (B)that is taking advantage of the collective resistance of (C)thousands of tiny nylon loops (D)and hooks. ※正解(B)。【解説】 that is taking → that takes。Velcro「ベルクロ(マジックテープの商標名)」がどのように付着するのかについて述べているので、that is takingと進行形にする必要はない。that takesと現在形のままでいい。adhesive「粘着性の」、thousands of「多数の、数千の」、接続詞andに誤りはない。 10. 正誤問題 (!)Intellectual historians attempt the (B)reconstructing the (C)conceptual innovations and philosophical trends of (D)the past. ※正解(B)。【解説】 reconstructing → reconstruction of。intellectual「知的な」は形容詞。reconstructには名詞形reconstructionがあるのでここでは動名詞ではなくreconstructionを使う。conceptual「概念の」、the past「過去」。 II.時事英文 Sports Doping (その6:全11回シリーズ) Athletes from around the world gathered in China last year for the Beijing Olympic Games. They competed for the honor of being the fastest, strongest or most skilled performer in a sporting event. But did the athletes compete in fairness and truth? Did those who received medals win because of natural ability? Or did they get help from the use of performance-improving drugs? Recently, the International Olympic Committee announced plans to re-test blood from more than five hundred Olympic competitors. First results are expected in March. Officials are testing for continuous erythropoiesis receptor activator, or CERA. This is a new version of the endurance improving hormone erythropoietin, also known as EPO. CERA has a longer lasting effect in improving the transport of oxygen in the blood. We will tell more about blood doping later in our program. III - a. 雑知識
III-b. 英語のことわざ ◆You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear◆ This proverb sounds obvious. You can't make an expensive silk purse using just the ear of a female pig. This proverb means that you can't turn something that isn't very good into something that's excellent. It can sometimes be used to refer to people, for example, training an idiot to become a highly intelligent person. III -c. 英語でどう言う? 初詣でに行く go to the shrine on New Year's Day 【例文】All of my family members go together to the shrine on New Year's Day. お年玉をあげる give a New Year's present 【例文】My grandmother gave me ¥10,000 as a New Year's present. 福袋を買う buy a grab bag 【例文】I got up early this morning to buy a grab bag at the department store. たこを揚げる fly a kite 【例文】Let's go fly a kite in an open field. III-d 今週のイディオム give someone a taste of one's own medicine (相手に)同じやり方で報復する (treat someone as badly as he / she has treated you) ここで使われているmedicine (薬)は「相手によって味わわされた苦い経験」のことで、同じやり口で仕返しをするという場合に使います。こんなにひどい経験をさせられたのだから、同じ目にあわせてやるといった恨みのこもった表現です。get a taste of one's own medicineで「(自分も)同じ目にあわされる」の意味になります。 Johnny is always making fun of me. I want to give him a taste of his own medicine. (ジョニーはいつも僕のことをからかう。あいつも同じように笑いものにしてやりたい) Mary betrayed her unfaithful husband and gave him a taste of his own medicine. (メアリーは浮気をしている夫への仕返しに、自分も浮気をして同じ思いを味わわせてやった) Selma got a taste of her own medicine when she got fired after she had cut the jobs of many others below her. (セルマは部下の多くを解雇した後、自分も解雇されるというしっぺ返しを受けた) IV. Jokes a. A male and female driver are involved in a horrific collision. Amazingly, they escaped unhurt. As they crawl from the wreckage. The man notices that the woman is attractive. She turns to him and gushes, "We shouldn't have survived that. Maybe it's a sign that we're meant to be together." "And look," she continues. "Though my car was destroyed, this bottle of wine is intact. It's another sign. Let's drink to our sign. Let's drink to our love!" "OK!" says the man, going with the moment. He drinks half the bottle and hands it back, "Your turn." "No, thanks," says the woman. "I think I'll just wait for the police." b. After sitting on the tarmac for over an hour, the captain finally addressed the passengers. He got us to stop thinking about our troubles by focusing our attention on another worry. "Sorry about the delay," he said. "The automatic luggage compactor broke down, so we had to crush the baggage manually." c. Hoping to get some hints on how to draw birds to my garden, I attended a lecture on the subject at the local horticultural society. But for some odd reason, the presentation covered only snakes and toads. "But how do I attract birds?" I finally asked. A man offered the following suggestion: "Park your car under a tree." d. My husband was putting the kids to bed after an evening alone with them. With our boundary-testing 16-month-old toddler safely in bed, Ryan turned to our five-year-old, Kyle, to thank him for being |