資料No. : NS081022
I-1 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Many of the problems _______ we will face in the next century will be environmental ones. (A) that (B) whom (C) on which (D) that are 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I doubt that anyone would _______ to work in such a stressful environment. (A) admit (B) choose (C) consider (D) appreciate 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I think you'll _______ here. (A) enjoy working (B) enjoy to work (C) be enjoyed work (D) enjoy quite working 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 In the modern world, people are still often imprisoned merely for _______ their opinions. (A) speak (B) spoken (C) speaking (D) to speak 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 It suddenly began to rain, causing all the people in the park _______ for cover. (A) run (B) ran (C) to run (D) was running 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I am currently studying French in the hope that my boss will _______ me to transfer to the Paris branch. (A) let (B) give (C) make (D) allow 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I would rather _______ to the party tonight. (A) not to go (B) to not go (C) not going (D) not go 8. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The unexpected protest raised by local citizens ----- the progress of the development. (A) caught (B) halted (C) interfered (D) hesitated 9. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 We'll inform you of your ticket information as soon as we ----- from the airline. (A) hear (B) heard (C) will hear (D) having heard 10. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The device failed not because of faulty wiring, but because ----- happened to the main component. (A) trouble (B) problems (C) defect (D) something 11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 It was too (A)fool of you (B)to believe what he said (C)after he had lied to you (D)so often in the past. 12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 That man is (A)as busy as a (B)fox. He's (C)always (D)doing something. 13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 My father (A)gave me a hand (B)when I (C)started my new business two years (D)before. (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 The oldest trophy in international sports is known as the America's Cup, which is ----- the name of the world's most prestigious sailboat competition. (A) also (B) too (C) addition (D) combining 2. 空所補充問題 The desperate effort to design and build aircraft of ----- kinds during World War II led to a number of advances in aviation technology. (A) their (B) each (C) any (D) all 3. 空所補充問題 ----- led by a more experienced commander, it very well may have succeeded in its mission of conquering England. (A) Had the second Spanish Armada been (B) The second Spanish Armada it had been (C) The second Spanish Armada had been (D) Had were the second Spanish Armada 4. 空所補充問題 Sir Henry Raeburn, who lived from 1756 to 1823, was recognized ----- his lifetime as the leading Scottish portrait artist. (A) during (B) while (C) through (D) when 5. 空所補充問題 Ruthenium is a rare element used mainly in jewelry in alloys with platinum and other relatively soft metals ----- of its silver-white appearance and hardness. (A) due to (B) because (C) therefore (D) since 6. 正誤問題 The archerfish is capable (A)of "hunting" by shooting droplets of water from (B)their mouth (C)with speed and accuracy, striking and toppling insect prey from as far (D)away as three feet. 7. 正誤問題 (A)Comparing with other bats, the (B)approximately 30 species known as big brown bats are (C)relatively slow, heavy fliers and are often (D)found in buildings and hollow trees. 8. 正誤問題 Natural caves are (A)thinking to (B)have provided the shelter (C)that helped many small groups of Neanderthals (D)in what is now central Europe to survive. 9. 正誤問題 Magicians specialize in (A)sleight of hand, the performance of tricks (B)designed to make (C)impossible seem (D)possible. 10. 正誤問題 The anthrax vaccine is generally (A)regarded by the medical community as safe (B)despite of (C)lingering rumor that it (D)has harmful side effects. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Many of the problems _______ we will face in the next century will be environmental ones. (A) that (B) whom (C) on which (D) that are 訳:来世紀に我々が直面する問題は、多くが環境問題となるであろう。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】述語動詞が2つ(will face, will be)ある( → faceは法助動詞willがあるから当然動詞)。そこで前者は文中に埋め込まれた関係詞節に属し、後者はその関係詞節を包み込む主節に属すると考えてみる。そして関係詞節を導く関係代名詞を選択肢から選ぶわけだが、空所の左に人はないから (B) は不可。残りについては関係詞節(=空所からwill beの前まで)の内部構造が判断の決め手。we will face in the next centuryにproblemsをどう組み込むか。faceには主語 (we) はあるが目的語がない。したがってface the problems(= that)がはまる。face on the problems(= on which)のface on 〜 は「場所的に〜に面している」の意で用いないとおかしい。(D) は問題外。 are ---> is 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I doubt that anyone would _______ to work in such a stressful environment. (A) admit (B) choose (C) consider (D) appreciate 訳:そのようなストレスの多い環境ではだれも働きたがらないだろう。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】空所の後にto不定詞 (to work) が続いている点に注目。to不定詞を目的語にとれるのは (B) のchooseのみ。choose to 〜は「〜することに決める;〜したいと思う」の意。なお、chooseの場合、目的語に動名詞をとる形も不可能ではないが、まれなので「choose+to不定詞」として覚えておくほうが無難。doubt that ... は「…でないと思う」の意でthat節の内容に対する否定的判断が含意される。したがってanyoneにおけるany- の使用に問題はない。such a 〜にも注意。 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I think you'll _______ here. (A) enjoy working (B) enjoy to work (C) be enjoyed work (D) enjoy quite working 訳:ここで働くのは楽しいと思いますよ。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】enjoyは目的語に動名詞 (working) はとるがto不定詞 (to work) はとらない。 【選択肢】enjoyを副詞のquiteで強調すること自体は可能だが、ただしこれには条件があって、enjoyが未来時制で用いられた場合は不自然とされる。また、enjoyを修飾するquiteは通例enjoyの前に置かれる点にも注意(I quite enjoyed it.)。したがって (D) はだめ。 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 In the modern world, people are still often imprisoned merely for _______ their opinions. (A) speak (B) spoken (C) speaking (D) to speak 訳:現代の世界にあってもまだ、自らの思うところを口にしたというそれだけのことで投獄されるケースが多々ある。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】空所の前が前置詞 (for) である点に注意。前置詞の目的語になれるのは動名詞 (speaking) のほうであり、to不定詞 (to speak) は不可。be imprisoned for 〜は「〜のかどで投獄される」の意。 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 It suddenly began to rain, causing all the people in the park _______ for cover. (A) run (B) ran (C) to run (D) was running 訳:突然雨が降ってきたものだから、公園にいた人たちはみんな大急ぎで雨宿りできる場所をさがした。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】「cause+O」の後はto不定詞。「S+cause+O+to 〜」は「Sが原因となって結果的にOがto以下することになる」の意で、makeやhaveと違って偶発性・無意図性が含意される。 【文構造】「結果」を表す分詞構文で、「突然の雨で、それが原因でcause以下だった」と頭から訳し下ろしていける。causingの意味上の主語はIt ... rainで述べられた出来事全体。このような構文にも慣れておきたい(→類例:At times the moon comes between the earth and the sun, causing an eclipse [=日食].)。 【選択肢】(B)や (D)だと「cause+ (that)節」で変。 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I am currently studying French in the hope that my boss will _______ me to transfer to the Paris branch. (A) let (B) give (C) make (D) allow 訳:上司からパリ支店への転勤許可が得られることを期待して、現在フランス語の勉強に取り組んでおります。 ※正解(D)。【着眼点】空所の後が「me(目的格=目的語)+to transfer(to不定詞)」の形をとっている点に注意。letやmakeはOの後に原形不定詞を従える。(B)のgiveは問題外。「allow+O+〜」は〜にto不定詞をとり、「Oが〜するのを許可[了解]する」の意。なお、Oの後に -ingをとる形はない(allow him to go [×going] out)こともついでに押さえておこう。 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I would rather _______ to the party tonight. (A) not to go (B) to not go (C) not going (D) not go 訳:今夜はパーティーには行かないことにしたいと思う。 ※正解(D)。【着眼点】would rather 〜は〜に原形不定詞をとる慣用表現であるから (A), (B), (C)は不可。なお、toつきにせよtoなしにせよ、不定詞の否定形は否定語を不定詞の直前に置いてつくる点にも注意。would rather not 〜は「〜しないことを望む」の意になる。 8. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The unexpected protest raised by local citizens ----- the progress of the development. (A) caught (B) halted (C) interfered (D) hesitated 訳:地元住民から持ち上がった予期しない抗議のせいで、開発は中止になった。 ※正解(B)。解説 目的語 the progress of the development (開発の進展)があるので、空所には他動詞が入る。 (C) の interfere 、 (D) の hesitate は自動詞なので不可。文意より、 (B) の halt (〜をやめさせる)が適切。 9. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 We'll inform you of your ticket information as soon as we ----- from the airline. (A) hear (B) heard (C) will hear (D) having heard 訳:航空会社から連絡があったらすぐに、あなたにチケットの情報をお知らせします。 ※正解(A)。解説 as soon as 〜(〜するとすぐに)のように条件や時を表す副詞節では、原則として未来のことも現在形で表す。よって (A) が正しい。 hear from 〜は「〜から連絡をもらう」という意味。 10. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The device failed not because of faulty wiring, but because ----- happened to the main component. (A) trouble (B) problems (C) defect (D) something 訳:配線の欠陥のせいではなく、何かが主要な部品に起こったせいで、機器は故障した。 ※正解(D)。解説 not 〜 but ... (〜ではなく……)という構造になっている。 because of で始まる〜の部分には名詞句、接続詞 because で始まる ... の部分には「文」が入ることに注意。 happened という動詞があるので、空所には主語が入る。正解は (D) 。 11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 It was too (A)fool of you (B)to believe what he said (C)after he had lied to you (D)so often in the past. 訳:前にあんなに何度も嘘をつかれたのに、彼の言葉を信じるなんてきみはばかだよ。 ※正解(A)。fool of → foolish o。f(A) foolの形容詞はfoolish 12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 That man is (A)as busy as a (B)fox. He's (C)always (D)doing something. 訳:あの男はあくせく働いている。いつも何かしらしている。 ※正解(B)。fox → bee。(A) (B) (as) busy as a bee (beaver)「せっせと仕事に精を出して」[cf.] as cunning as a fox「とてもずるい(悪賢い)」 13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 My father (A)gave me a hand (B)when I (C)started my new business two years (D)before. 訳:2年前、新事業を始めたとき、父は手を貸してくれた。 ※正解(D)。before → ago。(A) give a person a hand「人を手伝う」(D) agoは現在からみて「前に」「以前に」の意だが、beforeは過去のある時からみて「前に」「以前に」の意である。beforeが単独で用いられるとき、動詞は現在完了・過去完了・過去のいずれにも用いられるが、the day before, two days beforeなどの副詞句の場合は、動詞は過去完了を用いる。 (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 The oldest trophy in international sports is known as the America's Cup, which is ----- the name of the world's most prestigious sailboat competition. (A) also (B) too (C) addition (D) combining ※正解(A)。【解説】 難しく考えることはない。is also the name of... で「……の名前でもある」の意味になる。prestigious「高名な」。 2. 空所補充問題 The desperate effort to design and build aircraft of ----- kinds during World War II led to a number of advances in aviation technology. (A) their (B) each (C) any (D) all ※正解(D)。【解説】 theirとeachが使えないのはすぐに分かる。all kindsで「あらゆる種類の」という意味になる。 3. 空所補充問題 ----- led by a more experienced commander, it very well may have succeeded in its mission of conquering England. (A) Had the second Spanish Armada been (B) The second Spanish Armada it had been (C) The second Spanish Armada had been (D) Had were the second Spanish Armada ※正解(A)。【解説】 仮定法過去完了の文である。Hadが文頭に倒置されたHad the second Spanish Armada beenはIf the second Spanish Armada had beenと同じ意味を表す。 4. 空所補充問題 Sir Henry Raeburn, who lived from 1756 to 1823, was recognized ----- his lifetime as the leading Scottish portrait artist. (A) during (B) while (C) through (D) when ※正解(A)。【解説】 空所の後にhis lifetimeと名詞句が来ているので、whileとwhenは不可。duringを空所に入れるとduring his lifetimeで「生きている間」の意味になる。 5. 空所補充問題 Ruthenium is a rare element used mainly in jewelry in alloys with platinum and other relatively soft metals ----- of its silver-white appearance and hardness. (A) due to (B) because (C) therefore (D) since ※正解(B)。【解説】 空所の後にある前置詞ofがヒントになる。because of... で「……のために、……のゆえに」の意。ruthenium「ルテニウム」。 6. 正誤問題 The archerfish is capable (A)of "hunting" by shooting droplets of water from (B)their mouth (C)with speed and accuracy, striking and toppling insect prey from as far (D)away as three feet. ※正解(B)。【解説】 their → its。be capable of... ingで「……することが可能である」の意。theirはThe archerfish「テッポウウオ」に呼応させてitsにしなくてはいけない。前置詞withとawayの用法に問題はない。 7. 正誤問題 (A)Comparing with other bats, the (B)approximately 30 species known as big brown bats are (C)relatively slow, heavy fliers and are often (D)found in buildings and hollow trees. ※正解(A)。【解説】 Comparing → Compared。Compared with... で「……と比べると」の意味になる。副詞approximately、relatively、過去分詞foundに誤りはない。 8. 正誤問題 Natural caves are (A)thinking to (B)have provided the shelter (C)that helped many small groups of Neanderthals (D)in what is now central Europe to survive. ※正解(A)。【解説】 thinking → thought。Natural caves「自然にできた洞窟」がthinkするはずがない。thinkingはthoughtにしなければ意味が通らない。 9. 正誤問題 Magicians specialize in (A)sleight of hand, the performance of tricks (B)designed to make (C)impossible seem (D)possible. ※正解(C)。【解説】 impossible → the impossible。sleigh of hand「手先の早業、手品」。designed toの前にはthat/which areが略されている。make the impossible seem possibleで「不可能な事を可能に見せる」の意味になる。 10. 正誤問題 The anthrax vaccine is generally (A)regarded by the medical community as safe (B)despite of (C)lingering rumor that it (D)has harmful side effects. ※正解(B)。【解説】 despite of → despite。うっかり見逃してしまいそうな間違いである。前置詞despite「……にもかかわらず」には前置詞ofは必要ない。 II.時事英文 Archeological Dig Area in the American State of South Carolina (その7:全12回シリーズ) Mister Goodyear first began working near the place that would become the Topper Site in the nineteen eighties. He led a team searching for objects belonging to the Clovis people. Most scientists at the time believed that these people were the first settlers in the Americas. The name "Clovis" came from an area near Clovis, New Mexico. Evidence of the people was found there. Scientists had long believed that human beings first entered North America across a land bridge from what is now Russia and Alaska. They thought these first Americans arrived about eleven or twelve thousand years ago. But in the late twentieth century, some researchers began to question that theory. III - a. 雑知識
III-b. 英語のことわざ ◆The darkest hour is just before dawn◆ Perhaps this is not exactly true, perhaps the darkest moment of the night is not just before it starts getting light, but often it can feel like that. This proverb is used when someone has lost all hope. It means that a situation often improves after it has been terrible, that good things eventually come from a bad situation. III -c. 英語でどう言う? 涙を流す shed tears 【例文】The politician shed tears when he lost the election. 汗をかく sweat 【例文】John was sweating all over after playing tennis. 鼻血が出る have a bloody nose 【例文】The boxer was beaten hard and had a bloody nose. つばを吐く spit 【例文】You shouldn't spit on the street. III-d 今週のイディオム weigh in on/with (議論などで)意見を加える (join in an argument) 名詞のweightには意見などにおける「影響力」の意味があることから、weigh inは、議論に加わって意見を述べ、自分の影響力や立場を示すことを指します。onの後には議論になっている問題が、そしてwithの後には具体的な意見などが来ます。 If you don't mind me weighing in on that, I'd say it's best to go today. (それについて私の意見を言わせてもらえば、今日行くのが一番いいと思うよ) Arthur, would you like to weigh in on this discussion? (アーサー、この議論に関して君の意見を加えてもらえないかな?) The newspaper weighed in with the editorial the government-proposed new pension program. (その新聞は政府が提案する新たな年金制度を批判する社説を掲載した) IV. Jokes a. I returned home from vacation only to discover my phone was dead. So I went to a neighbor's home and called the phone company. They assured me they would be over by the end of the day. The end of the day came and went. So did the following day. On the third day, I borrowed my friend's phone again, this time to complain. "I'm sorry," said the customer service rep. "We tried calling you to make an appointment, but your phone didn't work." b. You can't become a dentist without practising on real teeth. So in dental school, we used actual human skulls. After going through a stock of them, we placed an order for more with our supplier in India. Knowing the urgency, he confirmed the order by replying, "Will execute immediately." c. A famous director goes to heaven. "God has the perfect project for you," St. Peter says. "No," says the director. "I just want to rest." "But you'd have a dream crew. Mozart has signed on to write the score. Michelangelo will design the sets, and Shakespeare is hard at work on the screenplay." "Wow. How can I say no to that? I'm in." "There's just one thing," St. Peter says. "God has this buddy who thinks he can act ..." |