資料No. : NS081015
I-1 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 During my college years, I would often stay up all night _______ political issues with my roommate. (A) discuss (B) debating (C) being debated (D) discussing about 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 My dentist always stresses the importance of getting my teeth _______ regularly. (A) cleaned (B) cleaning (C) to clean (D) to be cleaned 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 We are in receipt of a check _______ by the Bank of Tokyo. (A) having issued (B) to issue (C) issuing (D) issued 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 She was _______ good typist that we hated to see her leave. (A) so (B) such (C) a very (D) such a 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I hope you become leaders in society who will work _______ for your personal happiness but for the happiness of others. (A) not that (B) not only (C) just like (D) merely not 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Even though _______ was very enthusiastic about the plan, it proved to be a great success. (A) both the bank and the company (B) either the bank and the company (C) neither the bank nor the company (D) not only the bank but the company 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Some herbs can cause serious side effects, including severe liver damage, _______ taken in the wrong combinations or in the wrong amounts. (A) if (B) though (C) during (D) they are 8. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 ----- I love baseball, I'd rather not go to the game today. (A) Even (B) As much (C) However (D) Although 9. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 We were planning on ----- to the beach, but at the last moment, it started to rain. (A) go (B) to go (C) going (D) having gone 10. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 For the procedure to work, each step must be carried out -----. (A) consecutive (B) conscious (C) consequently (D) consecutively 11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 I don't (A)think (B)that I can (C)agree on your request (D)at this time. 12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 We (A)spent the (B)whole weekend (C)to relax at our cabin (D)near the lake. 13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 David could not (A)give up (B)smoking cigarettes no (C)matters how hard he (D)tried. (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 In order ----- the momentum of any moving object, one must multiply its mass by its velocity. (A) calculate (B) calculated (C) calculating (D) to calculate 2. 空所補充問題 Seismic surveys are conducted by ----- off manmade explosions in different locations on the surface of the earth and then analyzing the resulting echoes. (A) taking (B) giving (C) telling (D) setting 3. 空所補充問題 Nicaragua's constitution of 1995 prevented future presidents ----- serving consecutive terms. (A) to (B) of (C) from (D) out 4. 空所補充問題 ----- molten lava cools under certain conditions, the result can be obsidian, a natural substance similar to glass. (A) Though (B) When (C) Why (D) Which 5. 空所補充問題 The rocky, hilly island of Aruba in the West Indies ----- part of a colony of the Netherlands since that country took possession of it in 1634. (A) was being (B) has been (C) being (D) to be 6. 正誤問題 The ability to conceive (A)of speech as meaningful usually emerges (B)shortly after an infant's first birthday, and children make (C)amazing rapid progress toward fluent speech during (D)their second year. 7. 正誤問題 Topologists (A)are mathematicians (B)they study the (C)mathematical properties of geometrical (D)figures. 8. 正誤問題 The telephone has been (A)characterized by some philosophers (B)as the earliest example of what has come to (C)called "virtual reality" in the computer (D)age. 9. 正誤問題 The (A)largest cargo ships, referred to (B)by supertankers, often (C)exceed a half a million tons in (D)deadweight. 10. 正誤問題 The australopithecine is (A)a prehuman creature (B)that lived about 3 million years ago, and (C)when existence has been inferred (D)from fossil evidence. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 During my college years, I would often stay up all night _______ political issues with my roommate. (A) discuss (B) debating (C) being debated (D) discussing about 訳:大学生時代はよくルームメイトと政治問題について議論を戦わせながら夜を明かしたものだ。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】「〜しながら」という付帯状況を表す分詞構文の分詞を選ぶ問題。議論するのはだれかという分詞の意味主語は、ここでは文全体の主語であるIと一致する。 【選択肢】Iは議論する側だから (C) は不可。(D) はIとの関係においては問題ないがdiscussが他動詞であることから目的語 (political issue) との関係が不可( → aboutは不要)。 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 My dentist always stresses the importance of getting my teeth _______ regularly. (A) cleaned (B) cleaning (C) to clean (D) to be cleaned 訳:私のかかりつけの歯医者は規則正しく歯をみがくことの大切さをいつも強調する。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】'get(ting) +O (my teeth) +_____'の _____ の位置を占める構文上の資格自体は (A), (B), (C) のいずれにもある。そこで、Oが _____ に対して意味上能動主語(cleanする側)か、それとも受動主語(cleanされる側)かを考えると、歯は「みがかれる」のだから (A) のcleanedが正しいとわかる。 【選択肢】getはOの後にto不定詞をとれるが、そのto不定詞が受け身になっている (D) のような形は通例不可。 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 We are in receipt of a check _______ by the Bank of Tokyo. (A) having issued (B) to issue (C) issuing (D) issued 訳:東京銀行発行の小切手を拝受いたしました。 ※正解(D)。【着眼点】checkを正しく修飾するものを選ぶ問題。check(小切手)とissue(発行する)の関係を見定めつつ、by the Bank of Tokyoのbyにも注目する。例えばThe check → issue → by ... ときたらThe check was issued by ... という文を作るのが自然であろう。checkはissueに対して意味上受動主語の関係に立つのであり、したがって (D) を選ぶことになる。 【選択肢】(A) も過去分詞のissuedを含むので一瞬気をとられるかもしれないが、(A) は全体として能動の完了形であり、having been issuedとはなっていない点に注意。 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 She was _______ good typist that we hated to see her leave. (A) so (B) such (C) a very (D) such a 訳:彼女はとても優秀なタイピストだったので退職するのをただ黙って見送るのはいやだった。 ※正解(D)。【着眼点】thatと連関するのはsoかsuchだがsoやsuchとthatとの間に何がきてるかが問題。この場合はtypistという単数可算名詞を含むのでso good a typistかsuch a good typistの形がくることになる。なお、「see+人+〜(=原形)」には「人が〜するのを黙って見ている[放っておく、黙認する]」の意がある。 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I hope you become leaders in society who will work _______ for your personal happiness but for the happiness of others. (A) not that (B) not only (C) just like (D) merely not 訳:皆さんには、自分の個人的幸福のみならず、他者の幸福のためにも努めていくような、そういう社会のリーダーになってもらいたい。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】butの後がfor ... という前置詞句になっており、空所の後にも同じ形がきていることから、対等の文法範ちゅうに属する2つの要素を相関的に結びつける組み合わせを考えてみる。but (also) とペアを組むのはnot only [just, merely, simply, etc.] である。 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Even though _______ was very enthusiastic about the plan, it proved to be a great success. (A) both the bank and the company (B) either the bank and the company (C) neither the bank nor the company (D) not only the bank but the company 訳:銀行も会社もあまりその計画には乗り気でなかったが、結果は大満足のいくものとなった。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】相関接続詞はまず形、次に文脈がチェックポイント。形の点では (B) が不可( → either A or [×and] B)。(A) のboth A and Bと (D) のnot only A but Bは形は問題ないが意味が文脈に合致しない。「銀行も会社も両方とも大変乗り気だったにもかかわらず (even though)、その計画は大成功だった」は、例えば「銀行や会社が強い関心を示す計画は皆失敗する」といったような特別な前提が与えられていないと変。選択肢中には「銀行も会社もあまり乗り気でなかったが」(C) というのが用意されているのだから、一番ロジカルなものとしてこれを選ぶ。 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Some herbs can cause serious side effects, including severe liver damage, _______ taken in the wrong combinations or in the wrong amounts. (A) if (B) though (C) during (D) they are 訳:薬草の中には調合の仕方や分量を間違えて飲むと、深刻な肝機能障害を含む重大な副作用を引き起こすものもある。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】ifなどに導かれる副詞節中では「主語(=主節の主語と同一)+be動詞」が省かれる場合があることを思い出す。問題文の場合はif they (= some herbs) are taken ... のthey areが省かれたもの。 【選択肢】(C) は前置詞で問題外。(D) を選ぶとSome herbs ... damageとthey are ... amountsという2つの節を接続詞を介さずただコンマで結んだ形となってしまう。(B) のthoughはifと同様「主語+be動詞」の省略を許すが、文脈に合致しないのでこちらは意味的基準から不可。 8. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 ----- I love baseball, I'd rather not go to the game today. (A) Even (B) As much (C) However (D) Although 訳:私は野球が大好きだけれども、今日は試合に行きたくない。 ※正解(D)。解説 would rather not do (〜したくない)より、空所には逆接の接続詞が入ると分かる。 (C)However (しかしながら)は副詞なので、 2 つの文をつなぐ働きはない。正解は (D)Although (〜だが)。 9. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 We were planning on ----- to the beach, but at the last moment, it started to rain. (A) go (B) to go (C) going (D) having gone 訳:私たちは浜辺へ行くつもりだったが、出掛ける間際になって雨が降り始めた。 ※正解(C)。解説 plan on -ing で「〜するつもりである」という意味を表す。よって、正解は (C) 。 plan to do でも同じ意味を表すが、やや硬い感じになる。 10. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 For the procedure to work, each step must be carried out -----. (A) consecutive (B) conscious (C) consequently (D) consecutively 訳:その方法がうまくいくようにするためには、各段階を一定の順序で続けて行わなくてはならない。 ※正解(D)。解説 直前までが完全な分になっているので、空所には副詞が入ると考えられる。よって、形容詞である (A)consecutive (連続した)、 (B)conscious (意識している)は不適。文意より (D)consecutively ([一定の順序で間を置かず]連続して)が適切。 (C)consequently は「その結果」という意味で、文全体を修飾する副詞である。 11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 I don't (A)think (B)that I can (C)agree on your request (D)at this time. 訳:今回はそちら様の要求には応じかねるかと存じます。 ※正解(C)。agree on → agree to。(C) agree<+ to + (代)名>「(申し出などに)応ずる、同意する」 12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 We (A)spent the (B)whole weekend (C)to relax at our cabin (D)near the lake. ※正解(C)。to relax → relaxing。(A) spend<+目(+前) + doing>「(〜することに時を)過ごす」(C) relaxing ...「〜でくつろいで」cabin「(通例木造の)小屋」 13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 David could not (A)give up (B)smoking cigarettes no (C)matters how hard he (D)tried. 訳:どんなに頑張っても、ディビッドはタバコをやめられなかった。 ※正解(C)。matters → matter。(C) no matter how ...「どんなに〜しても」 (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 In order ----- the momentum of any moving object, one must multiply its mass by its velocity. (A) calculate (B) calculated (C) calculating (D) to calculate ※正解(D)。【解説】 基本的な問題である。In order... の後に動詞を続けることになるので、この場合はto不定詞を使う。velocity「速力」。 2. 空所補充問題 Seismic surveys are conducted by ----- off manmade explosions in different locations on the surface of the earth and then analyzing the resulting echoes. (A) taking (B) giving (C) telling (D) setting ※正解(D)。【解説】 offの後にmanmade explosions「人工の(人の手による)爆発」が来ている。setを空所に入れればset offで「(爆発を)引き起こす」という意味になる。seismic「地震の」。 3. 空所補充問題 Nicaragua's constitution of 1995 prevented future presidents ----- serving consecutive terms. (A) to (B) of (C) from (D) out ※正解(C)。【解説】 動詞preventと一緒に使う前置詞は? fromである。prevent... from〜で「……に〜させない、妨げる」という意味になる。 4. 空所補充問題 ----- molten lava cools under certain conditions, the result can be obsidian, a natural substance similar to glass. (A) Though (B) When (C) Why (D) Which ※正解(B)。【解説】 文の前半は「……すると」、後半は「その結果は……」という流れになるはずである。正解は(B) Whenである。 5. 空所補充問題 The rocky, hilly island of Aruba in the West Indies ----- part of a colony of the Netherlands since that country took possession of it in 1634. (A) was being (B) has been (C) being (D) to be ※正解(B)。【解説】 空所にはこの文の動詞が入ることになるので、(C) (D)は不可。was beingでは意味が通らない。したがって、正解は(B)。 6. 正誤問題 The ability to conceive (A)of speech as meaningful usually emerges (B)shortly after an infant's first birthday, and children make (C)amazing rapid progress toward fluent speech during (D)their second year. ※正解(C)。【解説】 amazing → amazingly。conceive of... as 〜で「……を〜だと思う」、shortly after... で「……のすぐ後」の意味。amazingは形容詞rapidを修飾するのでamazinglyと副詞形にする。theirをchildrenのことを指す。 7. 正誤問題 Topologists (A)are mathematicians (B)they study the (C)mathematical properties of geometrical (D)figures. ※正解(B)。【解説】 they → who/that。theyに注目。このままではtheyの前後の文が繋がらない。theyの代わりに関係代名詞who/thatを使えばいい。topologist「位相幾何学者」。 8. 正誤問題 The telephone has been (A)characterized by some philosophers (B)as the earliest example of what has come to (C)called "virtual reality" in the computer (D)age. ※正解(C)。【解説】 called → be called。受け身be characterized by... 、前置詞asの用法に問題はない。「……と呼ばれるようになった」という意味を表すにはhas come to be called... にしなければいけない。the computer age「コンピューター時代」。 9. 正誤問題 The (A)largest cargo ships, referred to (B)by supertankers, often (C)exceed a half a million tons in (D)deadweight. ※正解(B)。【解説】 by → as。最上級largestに問題はない。(which is) referred to as... で「……として呼ばれる」の意味になる。exceed「越える」、deadweight「総重量」。 10. 正誤問題 The australopithecine is (A)a prehuman creature (B)that lived about 3 million years ago, and (C)when existence has been inferred (D)from fossil evidence. ※正解(C)。【解説】 when → whose。冠詞a、関係代名詞thatの用法に問題はない。whenをwhoseにしなければ意味が通らない。be inferred from... 「……から推測される」。australopithecine「アウストラロピテクス属の猿人」。 II.時事英文 Archeological Dig Area in the American State of South Carolina (その6:全12回シリーズ) The Topper Site got its name from a local man. Years ago, David Topper told Mister Goodyear about a place he might find interesting near the Savannah River. A chemical company owns the land. The company lets the scientists work on the huge site each spring. The Topper Site covers an area measuring more than thirty thousand square meters. Digging begins when the local wild-turkey-hunting season ends. Each May, Albert Goodyear leads volunteers for five weeks in uncovering the site's mysteries. The volunteers are scientists, teachers, students, and anyone else who likes to explore the past. They dig by hand. It is hard, painstaking work. But most scientists would say the site is well worth the hard work it requires. III - a. 雑知識
III-b. 英語のことわざ ◆The bigger, the better◆ If something is bigger or larger than something else, then it is better. III -c. 英語でどう言う? 息切れする get out of breath 【例文】I often got out of breath when I run up the stairs. 肩がこる have a stiff neck 【例文】I had a stiff neck from looking at the computer screen all day. 視力が衰え始める one's eyesight is failing 【例文】My grandfather is 88 years old, in excellent health, but his eyesight is failing. 耳が遠くなる one's hearing is failing 【例文】Because my mother's hearing is failing these days, I have to speak louder to her. III-d 今週のイディオム crush and burn 完全にだめになる、おじゃんになる (fail very quickly or suddenly, especially in a dramatic way) 計画や事業などの失敗をヘリコプターや飛行機が墜落(crash)して燃える(burn)様子にたとえた慣用表現。人がとんでもないどじを踏むという場合にも使われます。失敗の規模や困惑の度合いを誇張した表現です。 It's only a matter of time before his business crashes and burns. (彼の事業がおじゃんになるのは時間の問題だ) With her lack of singing talent, no one was surprised when Cathy crashed and burned at the audition. (キャシーには歌の才能がないので、オーディションで失敗してもだれも驚かなかった) When I make a speech in front of a large audience, I'm always worried that I could crash and burn. (大勢の聴衆の前で演説するときは、私はいつもとんでもないへまをしてしまうのではと心配になる) IV. Jokes a. After 26 years and a two-pack a day habit, I finally quit. About a week after my last cigarette, I was waiting at a bus stop when a stranger commented, "I see you've recently stopped smoking." I was amazed. !Yes. How did you know?" "From the way you ground out the gum wrapper with your foot." b. There were two signs outside the mechanic. The first read "12 Minutes Oil Change Anytime." Just beside it "Open 6 Days A Week." c. Surfing the Net, I came across a poster of a man and woman kissing passionately in the pouring rain. I called my husband over. "How come you never kiss me like that?" I demanded. He studied the drenched couple. "Because we haven't had that much rain." d. While on an island holiday, my husband went to a nearby farm to buy milk and butter. He asked the owner what he thought the weather would be like that day. The farmer gazed up at the sky and looked off at the far horizon. "It'll be fine," he replied. "How can you tell?" asked my husband, intrigued by the man's understanding of nature. "It said so on the radio." e. Frantic while getting ready for a party, I asked my husband to run out for a liter of milk. When he returned empty-handed, I asked, "Where's the milk?" "All out," he said. "They only had 500ml bottles." Did I mention he has a PhD? In statistics? |