資料No. : NS081008
I-1 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Mr. Brown must have called it a day, _______ I saw him locking his office door. (A) until (B) despite (C) because (D) even although 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 _______ you work all night, you won't finish by the morning. (A) Even (B) Even if (C) Furthermore (D) Nevertheless 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The man you just asked about is sitting near the window _______ the host and his wife. (A) among (B) besides (C) between (D) closely 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 In that area a lot of people carry concealed weapons _______ being attacked by bandits. (A) in case (B) just in case (C) in any case (D) in case of 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 We regret that _______ the typhoon we were not able to finish the project on time. (A) due for (B) owing from (C) because of (D) because 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I'm getting a little worried about Bill because I haven't heard from him _______. (A) lately (B) on late (C) now a day (D) in these days 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The new phone system will allow us to contact our branches _______. (A) directional (B) directive (C) director (D) directly 8. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 She didn't explain that the work had to be done ----- today. (A) on (B) by (C) at (D) until 9. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The downtown area was leveled by a major earthquake which ----- in 1989. (A) occurred (B) was occurred (C) had occurred (D) had been occurred 10. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I called them up to let them know that the work was ----- completed. (A) still (B) yet (C) now (D) almost 11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 He (A)will never (B)to be accepted as a (C)gentleman (D)with his poor manners. 12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 Michele is (A)on a diet to (B)lose ten kilograms (C)on her (D)twentieth birthday. 13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 My clothes are (A)so old that (B)I've got holes (C)in my pockets and each of (D)my shoe. (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 Dorothea Lange was one of several photographers ----- most important work depicted the despair experienced by the poor during the Great Depression. (A) who (B) whose (C) whom (D) heir 2. 空所補充問題 The Whigs were political parties in England, Scotland and America named ----- the "whiggamores," a Scotch word once used to describe opponents of King Charles I of England. (A) after (B) on (C) to (D) with 3. 空所補充問題 Unlike the simple bellows, the dual-action bellows enables the operator ----- a continuous stream of gas or liquid from the device. (A) emit (B) emitted (C) emitting (D) to emit 4. 空所補充問題 The fuel in the core of a nuclear reactor produces heat that converts water to steam, which, -----, is used to drive electrical generators. (A) as turned (B) turning (C) it turns (D) in turn 5. 空所補充問題 Although mercury is still used in some glass thermometers, it has ----- been replaced by equally reliable non-toxic materials. (A) large (B) largely (C) larger (D) largest 6. 正誤問題 Poison oak, poison ivy, and poison sumac, are three (A)related bushes and vines (B)that they contain sap capable (C)of causing severe irritation (D)to the skin. 7. 正誤問題 (A)Conflict between speakers of the Dutch and French languages (B)have played (C)an important role in (D)the history of the Netherlands. 8. 正誤問題 The need (A)to identify men of diverse ranks and specialties (B)amid the confusion of the battlefield has led to the development of (C)elaborately, ostentatious and decorative (D)regalia. 9. 正誤問題 Magnetic compasses have a (A)built-in error resulting from the fact (B)that the (C)earth's geographical poles are not the same as (D)their magnetic poles. 10. 正誤問題 (A)Whereas each zebra has (B)its own unique pattern of stripes, (C)some experts believe that the (D)animals use the patterns to identify each other. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Mr. Brown must have called it a day, _______ I saw him locking his office door. (A) until (B) despite (C) because (D) even although 訳:ブラウンさんはきっと仕事を切り上げたんでしょう。事務所のドアにカギをかけているところを見ましたから。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】「must+have+過去分詞 (called) 」は過去の事柄に関する現在の推量を表し「〜したに違いない」の意。call it a dayは「(その日の仕事などを)切り上げる」の意。「仕事を切り上げたに違いない」と推量することと「事務所のドアにカギをかけているところを見た」ということの関連性を考えると、後者は前者のように推量することの根拠・理由として述べられていることがわかる。 【選択肢】(B) は前置詞。(D) のevenはalthoughと結びつくこと自体ない。 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 _______ you work all night, you won't finish by the morning. (A) Even (B) Even if (C) Furthermore (D) Nevertheless 訳:たとえ徹夜でやっても、朝までに仕上がることはないだろう。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】文頭にきて後続する2つの節を文法的・意味的に結合できるのは従位接続詞のifを含む (B) のみ。even if 〜 は「たとえ〜でも」の意。 【選択肢】evenだけが独立して従位接続詞機能を果たすことはない。furthermore(さらにその上に)やnevertheless(それにもかかわらず)は、「前に言われたこと」とのつながりを示すもので、後続する2つの節どうしをこれらによって結ぶことはできない。 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The man you just asked about is sitting near the window _______ the host and his wife. (A) among (B) besides (C) between (D) closely 訳:あなたが今し方お尋ねになった方は、窓の近くでホスト夫妻にはさまれて座っているあの方です。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】消去法でいくと、amongは3人以上に用いるから (A) は不可。besidesには位置関係の近さを表す用法はないから (B) も不可。closelyは副詞で問題外。ということで正解は (C) となる。英語では、このようにまずnear the windowと大まかなほうを言って、続くbetween the host and his wifeで絞り込む、という形が好まれる (cf. out in the garden)。 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 In that area a lot of people carry concealed weapons _______ being attacked by bandits. (A) in case (B) just in case (C) in any case (D) in case of 訳:その地域では、追いはぎに遭ったときの用心に多くの人が武器を隠し持って歩いている。 ※正解(D)。【着眼点】空所の後の -ing形(動名詞)とうまくつながるものをさがすと、群前置詞の (D) となる。in case of 〜は「〜に備えて、〜の用心のために」ということで、この意の場合は文の後半に位置するのが通例。もう1つ「〜の場合は、〜が起こったら」の意もあるが、その場合は文頭がふつう。 【選択肢】(A) はifの意の群接続詞または「万一に備えて」の意の副詞句。(B) は副詞句としての (A) にjustがついたもの。(C) は「とにかく、いずれにせよ」の意の副詞句。 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 We regret that _______ the typhoon we were not able to finish the project on time. (A) due for (B) owing from (C) because of (D) because 訳:台風のためにプロジェクトが予定どおり終了できなかったのが残念である。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】「台風のために」の意を伝える正しい群前置詞を選ぶ問題。 【選択肢】dueとowingはいずれもtoと結びついて「〜のために」の意になる。(D) のbecauseは接続詞。 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I'm getting a little worried about Bill because I haven't heard from him _______. (A) lately (B) on late (C) now a day (D) in these days 訳:このところビルから連絡がないので少し心配になってきてるところだ。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】「このところ彼から連絡がない」という文脈。latelyは「最近」の意で通例完了形とともに用いる。 【選択肢】(B) はof late(=lately)なら可。(C) は「今日[当節]の」の意の形容詞。「今日[近頃]では」はthese daysとは言うがinはつけない( → cf. in those days)。 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The new phone system will allow us to contact our branches _______. (A) directional (B) directive (C) director (D) directly 訳:その新しい電話システムは支店と直に連絡をとることを可能にしてくれるだろう。 ※正解(D)。【着眼点】動詞のcontact(〜に連絡する)を修飾する副詞を選ぶ問題。接尾辞から容易に判断できる。 【選択肢】(A), (B) は形容詞語尾をもっている。(C) は副詞のdirectを比較級にしたつもりかもしれないが、副詞の場合この形はない(※最上級のdirectestは時に使われることもある)。なお、形容詞の場合はmore型と -er型両方の比較変化がある。 8. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 She didn't explain that the work had to be done ----- today. (A) on (B) by (C) at (D) until 訳:彼女は、その仕事を今日までにしなくてはならないことを説明しなかった。 ※正解(B)。解説 (D)until は「〜まで(ずっと)」という意味で、ここでは文意に合わない。正解は (B)by (〜まで[には])である。なお、「今日、今日中に」という意味の場合は、 the work had to be done today のように言い、前置詞は不要。 9. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The downtown area was leveled by a major earthquake which ----- in 1989. (A) occurred (B) was occurred (C) had occurred (D) had been occurred 訳:市街地は、1989年に起きた大地震によって破壊された。 ※正解(A)。解説 which 以下は earthquake (地震)に説明を加える関係詞節。「 1989 年に起きた地震が市街地を破壊した」という過去の一時点の話なので、完了形である (C) 、 (D) は不自然。また occur (起こる)は自動詞なので、 (B) のように受動態にはならない。よって正解は (A) 。 10. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I called them up to let them know that the work was ----- completed. (A) still (B) yet (C) now (D) almost 訳:私は作品が完成しそうだということを彼らに知らせるために、電話を掛けた。 ※正解(D)。解説 文意より (D)almost (ほとんど、もう少しで)が適切。 (A)still は「今もなお」、 (B)yet は肯定文では「まだ」という意味で用いられる。 11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 He (A)will never (B)to be accepted as a (C)gentleman (D)with his poor manners. 訳:彼はマナーが悪いので、紳士とは決してみなされないだろう。 ※正解(B)。to be accepted → be accepted。(B) will +動詞原形。accept [+目+ as補]「(説明・学説などを〜だと)認める、みなす」 12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 Michele is (A)on a diet to (B)lose ten kilograms (C)on her (D)twentieth birthday. 訳:ミッシェルは、二十歳の誕生日までに10キロ落とそうとダイエットしている。 ※正解(C)。on → by / before。(A) be on a diet「規定食を取っている、食事(療法減量ダイエット)をしている」(C) by「〜までに」 13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 My clothes are (A)so old that (B)I've got holes (C)in my pockets and each of (D)my shoe. 訳:わたしが身に付けているものは古くて、ポケットにも靴にも穴が開いている。 ※正解(D)。my shoe → my shoes。(D) shoe [通例複数形]「靴」 (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 Dorothea Lange was one of several photographers ----- most important work depicted the despair experienced by the poor during the Great Depression. (A) who (B) whose (C) whom (D) heir ※正解(B)。【解説】 空所以下のの文は「主語+動詞+目的語」が揃っているので、who、whom、theirは使えない。正解は所有格whoseである。depict「描く」。 2. 空所補充問題 The Whigs were political parties in England, Scotland and America named ----- the "whiggamores," a Scotch word once used to describe opponents of King Charles I of England. (A) after (B) on (C) to (D) with ※正解(A)。【解説】 「……の名を取って〜と名付けた」という意味を表すにはnamedの後にどのような前置詞を使えばいいか。正解は(A) afterである。 3. 空所補充問題 Unlike the simple bellows, the dual-action bellows enables the operator ----- a continuous stream of gas or liquid from the device. (A) emit (B) emitted (C) emitting (D) to emit ※正解(D)。【解説】 enable+名詞の後に動詞を続ける場合には、to不定詞を用いる。bellows「ふいご」。 4. 空所補充問題 The fuel in the core of a nuclear reactor produces heat that converts water to steam, which, -----, is used to drive electrical generators. (A) as turned (B) turning (C) it turns (D) in turn ※正解(D)。【解説】 as turnedでは意味が通らない。空所の後にis usedがあるので、turning、it turnsが使えないのは明か。正解は(D) in turn。 5. 空所補充問題 Although mercury is still used in some glass thermometers, it has ----- been replaced by equally reliable non-toxic materials. (A) large (B) largely (C) larger (D) largest ※正解(B)。【解説】 hasとbeenの間に形容詞が入るはずがない。正解は副詞largely「大部分は」である。 6. 正誤問題 Poison oak, poison ivy, and poison sumac, are three (A)related bushes and vines (B)that they contain sap capable (C)of causing severe irritation (D)to the skin. ※正解(B)。【解説】 that they → that。relatedは「同族の、関連のある」という意味の形容詞。関係代名詞thatの後にtheyを続けては前後の文が繋がらない。このtheyは不要である。前置詞of、toの用法に問題はない。 7. 正誤問題 (A)Conflict between speakers of the Dutch and French languages (B)have played (C)an important role in (D)the history of the Netherlands. ※正解(B)。【解説】 have → has。この場合のconflict「戦い、争い」は不可算名詞。haveはconflictに呼応してhasにしなくてはいけない。冠詞an、theに問題はない。 8. 正誤問題 The need (A)to identify men of diverse ranks and specialties (B)amid the confusion of the battlefield has led to the development of (C)elaborately, ostentatious and decorative (D)regalia. ※正解(C)。【解説】 elaborately → elaborate。The needの後のto不定詞、前置詞amid「……の真っ最中に」の用法に問題はない。elaboratelyの後には形容詞ostentatious「人目を引く」、decorative「装飾の」が並んでいるので、それに合わせて副詞elaboratelyは形容詞elaborate「手の込んだ、精巧な」にする。regaliaは「記章、勲章」のこと。 9. 正誤問題 Magnetic compasses have a (A)built-in error resulting from the fact (B)that the (C)earth's geographical poles are not the same as (D)their magnetic poles. ※正解(D)。【解説】 their → its。built-in「(本来)備わった」、接続詞that、所有格earth'sに誤りは見あたらない。theirはearthのことを指すので、この場合はitsを用いる。 10. 正誤問題 (A)Whereas each zebra has (B)its own unique pattern of stripes, (C)some experts believe that the (D)animals use the patterns to identify each other. ※正解(A)。【解説】 Whereas → Since。Whereas「……に反して」では、some experts以下の文と意味的に繋がらない。Whereasの代わりにSince、あるいは、Becauseを使えばいい。 II.時事英文 Archeological Dig Area in the American State of South Carolina (その5:全12回シリーズ) A college student recently found two ancient stone objects in the American state of South Carolina. He made the discovery during an archeological dig in an area known as the Topper Site. The student, Matthew Carey, found the objects just a short distance from each other. They appear to have been buried together. University of South Carolina archeologist Albert Goodyear said the objects could be cutting tools. But he believes they look like the heads of spears or long knives. Mister Goodyear said they seem to be about eleven thousand years old. Earlier archeological work at the Topper Site may have uncovered evidence of a settlement from as early as fifty thousand years ago. III - a. 雑知識
III-b. 英語のことわざ ◆The best things in life are free◆ This proverb suggests that money is not important. You do not have to pay for the best things in life, which are friendship, love, etc. III -c. 英語でどう言う? 徹夜マージャンをする play mah-jongg all night long 【例文】When I was a college student, I used to play mah-jongg all night long. 競馬で大穴を当てる make a big score at the horse races 【例文】My boss is good at making a big score at the horse races. パチンコで大当たりする hit a jackpot in pachinko 【例文】Hideki hit a jackpot in pachinko and won as much as ¥100,000 in a single day. 宝くじで100万円を当てる win ¥1 million in the lottery 【例文】What would you do if you won ¥1 million in the lottery? III-d 今週のイディオム lose it 感情を抑えられなくなる、平静さを失う (become very angry and upset) 怒りや驚きで、それまで抑えていた感情が爆発する様子を表した慣用表現。冷静さが保てる限界を超えて自制心を失った結果、「かっとなる」や「キレる」という場合に使われます。 I know this is emotionally stressful, but I hope you won't lose it in front of all those people. (これは感情面から言えば重圧になるけど、あの人たちの前でかっとならないことを願うよ) The party in my next-door neighbor's house was so noisy that my mother finally lost it. (隣の家のパーティーがあまりに騒がしいので、母はついに怒りを爆発させてしまった) George is going to make you angry, but don't lose it. (ジョージは君を怒らせようとしているけど、冷静さを失うなよ) IV. Jokes a. I'm not keen on taking pills so when doctor gave me a prescription to lower my blood pressure, I asked him if there were any side effects. "Yes," he said. "Longevity." b. While staying at a country resort, my wife and I befriended the handyman, who told us about a great cottage his neighbor had up for sale. We instantly fell in love with it, buying it on the spot. The day we moved in, our new friend dropped by. "You got a good buy," he said, "even if the roof leaks, plumbing's shot and the well runs dry in the summer." "Why didn't you tell us all that before we bought it?" I demanded. He replied, "We weren't neighbors then." c. For the past year my father had been in and out of hospital. Each time, his neighbors had stepped in - taking Mum to the hospital, picking up his meds. "I'd like to thank the neighbors for all they've done," said Mum. "What would be something they'd really appreciate?" My father suggested, "Tell them we're moving." d. An athletic friend was telling a group of us that he and his fiancee had decided to get married at a ski resort. "We'll be on a ski slope at 2000 meters," he enthused, "literally above the clouds." After he left, one listener quipped, "I guess that's one marriage that can only go downhill." |