資料No. : NS080917
I-1 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Nancy _______ to look after her neighbor's children for the evening. (A) required (B) ordered (C) was asked (D) was wished 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 After you do your homework, be sure to _______ up your room. (A) have cleaned (B) cleaning (C) be cleaned (D) clean 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I _______ a lot better if you had helped me. (A) do (B) did (C) had done (D) could have done 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 _______, you'll be expected to do much better. (A) In the future (B) Last year (C) For the previous month (D) By next week 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Unless the weather _______ soon, we'll never complete the project on time. (A) has improved (B) improves (C) would improve (D) improved 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The brain has two halves and _______ thin layers of membrane. (A) cover (B) covers (C) are covered by (D) is covered with 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 We were taught at school that the Pilgrim Fathers _______ on Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts. (A) landed (B) have landed (C) had landed (D) had been landed 8. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I couldn't understand his explanation because I hadn't read the report to which he -----. (A) referred (B) inferred (C) deferred (D) conferred 9. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 At a party convention, it is not unusual for a delegation to nominate ----- own state's governor for President. (A) its (B) it's (C) one's (D) itself 10. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 At low temperatures, it was noted that the composition ----- all fluid properties. (A) was lost (B) loses (C) has lost (D) losing 11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 Bill (A)left home (B)because he and his father (C)couldn't see (D)eyes to eyes. 12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 I (A)was on vacation when the theft (B)occurred, so don't (C)point your finger (D)to me. 13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 That boy (A)wearing a (B)purple shirt (C)with the pink stripe necktie (D)must be a screwball. (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 Joe Louis officially retired ----- world heavyweight boxing champion in March 1949, becoming a promoter. (A) to be (B) from (C) as (D) of 2. 空所補充問題 The yard is a customary unit of measurement used in the United States which is ----- just over nine-tenths of a meter. (A) the equivalent (B) the equal of (C) equivalent (D) equal to 3. 空所補充問題 In a volcanic eruption, carbon dioxide that has dissolved into fluid magma ----- high pressure returns to its gas state. (A) under (B) onto (C) in (D) with 4. 空所補充問題 The freedoms that our nation's constitution guarantees ----- are accompanied by responsibilities. (A) a citizens (B) its citizens (C) our citizen (D) their citizens 5. 空所補充問題 Computers have ----- been used to direct the operations involved in a wide range of manufacturing processes. (A) much (B) soon (C) long (D) ever 6. 正誤問題 Holography, (A)the storage of a (B)three-dimensional image (C)on a flat surface, was (D)inventing in 1947. ※正解(D)。【解説】 inventing → invented。invent「発明する」は他動詞である。was inventingと進行形にするならその 7. 正誤問題 (A)Most of the grammarians of the 7th century India were (B)primarily philosophers (C)when pursued (D)linguistics in search of philosophical insight. 8. 正誤問題 Symphony orchestras (A)generally contain (B)section of (C)wind, string and percussion (D)instruments. 9. 正誤問題 (A)Technical speaking, the term yacht refers (B)to sailboats and motorboats (C)used for recreation, but not to watercraft powered (D)by paddles. 10. 正誤問題 In a walk, a horse moves (A)moderately slowly in a four-beat gait (B)in which each foot (C)strike the ground separately and the horse is supported at all times by (D)either two or three feet. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Nancy _______ to look after her neighbor's children for the evening. (A) required (B) ordered (C) was asked (D) was wished 訳:夕方、近所の子の世話をしてほしいとナンシーは頼まれた。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】requireやorderにはto不定詞を目的語にとる構文自体が存在しない cf. I require you to do this job.;You are required to do this job. や He ordered us to follow him.;We were ordered to follow him. は可)。wishには「wish+O+to不定詞」の構文はあるが、これに対応する受動文はない。 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 After you do your homework, be sure to _______ up your room. (A) have cleaned (B) cleaning (C) be cleaned (D) clean 訳:宿題をやったら、必ず部屋を片付けなさい。 ※正解(D)。to 不定詞ですから、動詞は原形でなければなりません。(A)も形のうえでは原形になっていますが、意味上不可。(C)も原形ですが受け身の形になってしまっているので不可です。 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I _______ a lot better if you had helped me. (A) do (B) did (C) had done (D) could have done 訳:もし君が手伝ってくれていれば、もっとうまくできたのに。 ※正解(D)。... if 以下が had helped の形をとっていますから、「もしも(あの時)君が…していたなら」という意味を持つ仮定法過去完了です。したがって、正解も「私は(あの時)…できたはずだったのに」という意味を持ちうる形にしなければなりません。 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 _______, you'll be expected to do much better. (A) In the future (B) Last year (C) For the previous month (D) By next week 訳:将来的にはもっとうまくやれるように期待しています。 ※正解(A)。you ... 以下が will を使った未来形になっていますから、未来の時を表す表現が文中に使われているはずです。(D)は「来週までには、〜期待されるだろう」で、意味上不可。 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Unless the weather _______ soon, we'll never complete the project on time. (A) has improved (B) improves (C) would improve (D) improved 訳:すぐに天気がよくならなければ、時間通りにそのプロジェクトを完了させられないだろう。 ※正解(B)。この文は Unless が「もし…でなければ」(If ... not)の意味で条件を表す副詞節を導くことになり、このような節の中では、主節(we'll ... 以下)が未来形であっても、未来の形はとりません。 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The brain has two halves and _______ thin layers of membrane. (A) cover (B) covers (C) are covered by (D) is covered with 訳:脳は右脳と左脳からなり、幾層かの薄膜でおおわれている。 ※正解(D)。【文構造】主語はbrainで、andはbrainについて述べている2つの述部(has two halvesと_____ thin layers of membrane)を結んでいる。 【着眼点】and以下の述部を完成させる問題なのでThe brain _____ thin layers of membrane. と単純化して考える。brainが単数名詞であることに着目した時点で (A) と (C) がまず消える。残るは (B) と (D) だがbrainがthin ... membraneをcoverしているのではなくてその逆なので、空所にはis covered withがくる。なお、「be+過去分詞+by以外の前置詞」の組み合わせにも注意。 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 We were taught at school that the Pilgrim Fathers _______ on Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts. (A) landed (B) have landed (C) had landed (D) had been landed 訳:私たちは学校でピルグリムファーザーズが上陸したのはマサチューセッツ州にあるプリマスの岩だと教わった。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】that 節の内容が歴史上の事実(と見なされている事柄)に言及している点に注意。このような場合は主節の時制とは無関係に話し手の立場から過去の事柄として直接その内容を把握することになる。したがって、正解は (A)の landed となる。 8. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I couldn't understand his explanation because I hadn't read the report to which he -----. (A) referred (B) inferred (C) deferred (D) conferred 訳:私は彼の説明が理解できなかった。というのも、私は彼が引用した報告書を読んでいなかったからだ。 ※正解(A)。解説 to which 以下は the report に説明を加える関係詞節で、関係代名詞 which は、空所に結び付く前置詞 to の目的語となっている。 (B)infer ([〜を]推論する)、 (D)confer (相談する)には、どちらも to 〜の形は続かないので不適。動詞の後に to 〜の形が続くのは (A) の refer to 〜(〜を引用する)と (C) の defer to 〜([人・意見]に従う)だが、文脈から考えて正解は (A) 。 9. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 At a party convention, it is not unusual for a delegation to nominate ----- own state's governor for President. (A) its (B) it's (C) one's (D) itself 訳:党大会で、州代表の国会議員が、自分たちの州の知事を大統領に指名するのは珍しいことではない。 ※正解(A)。解説 問題文は it ... for 〜 to do 構文で、〜に当たる a delegation が to 不定詞の意味上の主語である。 to の後は nominate 〜 for ... (〜を……の適任者として指名する)の形。 A に当たるのが ( ) own state's governor で、空所には先行する a delegation を表す所有格が入ると考えられる。よって、正解は a delegation そのものを表す (A) の its 。ちなみに (C) は、 one が先行する人や物と「同種類の」 1 人 (1 つ ) を表すので不適。 10. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 At low temperatures, it was noted that the composition ----- all fluid properties. (A) was lost (B) loses (C) has lost (D) losing 訳:低温では、その混合物がすっかり流動性を失うということが分かった。 ※正解(B)。解説 空所の後に all fluid properties が続いているので、受動態の (A) や -ing の (D) では文として成り立たない。 (C)has lost は過去の出来事を「今」の状況と結び付ける働きをする現在完了形なので、 it was noted という主節の過去時制と合わない。よって正解は現在も変わらない一般的な事実と考えて現在形を使っている (B) 。 11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 Bill (A)left home (B)because he and his father (C)couldn't see (D)eyes to eyes. 訳:父と意見が合わず、ビルは家を出て行った。 ※正解(D)。eyes to eyes → eye to eye。(D) see eye to eye (with ...) [しばしば否定分で]「(人と〜で)見解が全く一致する」 12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 I (A)was on vacation when the theft (B)occurred, so don't (C)point your finger (D)to me. 訳:窃盗事件があったとき、わたしは休暇中だったので責めないでいただきたい。 ※正解(D)。to → at。(A) on vacation「休暇中で、休暇を取って」theft「盗み」(C) (D) point one's (the) finger at「(人を)公然と非難する」 13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 That boy (A)wearing a (B)purple shirt (C)with the pink stripe necktie (D)must be a screwball. 訳:紫のシャツを着て、ピンクのストライプのネクタイをしたあの男の子は、変わっているに違いない。 ※正解(C)。with the pink stripe → with the pink striped。(C) stripe「しま、ストライプ」striped「しま(ストライブ)のある」pink-striped「ピンクじまの」screwball [米口語]「変人、奇人」 (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 Joe Louis officially retired ----- world heavyweight boxing champion in March 1949, becoming a promoter. (A) to be (B) from (C) as (D) of ※正解(C)。【解説】 retire「引退する」の後にworld heavyweight boxing championが来ているので、前置詞as「……として」を空所に入れれば意味が通る。 2. 空所補充問題 The yard is a customary unit of measurement used in the United States which is ----- just over nine-tenths of a meter. (A) the equivalent (B) the equal of (C) equivalent (D) equal to ※正解(D)。【解説】 空所には「 ... に等しい、相当する」という意味の語句が入るはずである。(D) be equal to ... が正解。 3. 空所補充問題 In a volcanic eruption, carbon dioxide that has dissolved into fluid magma ----- high pressure returns to its gas state. (A) under (B) onto (C) in (D) with ※正解(A)。【解説】 空所の後にhigh pressure「高圧」の前に来る前置詞は? underには「……のもとで、……を受けて」の意味がある。volcanic eruption「火山噴火」。 4. 空所補充問題 The freedoms that our nation's constitution guarantees ----- are accompanied by responsibilities. (A) a citizens (B) its citizens (C) our citizen (D) their citizens ※正解(B)。【解説】 citizensの前にはour nationを受ける代名詞が来るはずである。正解は(B)単数形のitsである。constitution「憲法」。 5. 空所補充問題 Computers have ----- been used to direct the operations involved in a wide range of manufacturing processes. (A) much (B) soon (C) long (D) ever ※正解(C)。【解説】 much、soon、everでは意味が成立しない。have long been used to ...で「……するために長い間使われてきた」という意味になる。 6. 正誤問題 Holography, (A)the storage of a (B)three-dimensional image (C)on a flat surface, was (D)inventing in 1947. ※正解(D)。【解説】 inventing → invented。invent「発明する」は他動詞である。was inventingと進行形にするならその後に目的語が必要である。ここはinvented(受け身)にしなければ文が成立しない。holography「ホログラフィー」 7. 正誤問題 (A)Most of the grammarians of the 7th century India were (B)primarily philosophers (C)when pursued (D)linguistics in search of philosophical insight. ※正解(C)。【解説】 when → who / that。Most of ... 「ほとんどの……」、primarily「主に」に問題はない。whenの後に動詞pursuedが来ているので、ここは関係代名詞who、あるいは、thatを使う。linguistics「言語学」。 8. 正誤問題 Symphony orchestras (A)generally contain (B)section of (C)wind, string and percussion (D)instruments. ※正解(B)。【解説】 section → sections。generally「普通は」に問題はない。sectionは可算名詞である。ここでは複数形sectionsを用いる。wind instrumentsとは「管楽器」のことである。 9. 正誤問題 (A)Technical speaking, the term yacht refers (B)to sailboats and motorboats (C)used for recreation, but not to watercraft powered (D)by paddles. ※正解(A)。【解説】 Technical → Technically。文頭のTechnical speakingに注目。「専門的に言えば」の意味を表すにはTechnically speakingと副詞を用いる。 10. 正誤問題 In a walk, a horse moves (A)moderately slowly in a four-beat gait (B)in which each foot (C)strike the ground separately and the horse is supported at all times by (D)either two or three feet. ※正解(C)。【解説】 strike → strikes。each footは単数形であることに着目する。strikeには、当然、三人称単数のsが付く。 II.時事英文 Archeological Dig Area in the American State of South Carolina (その2:全12回シリーズ) Scientists have long known that auroras are caused by a storm of magnetic energy high above the Earth's surface. But scientists have been debating exactly what forces in nature cause these storms to create the colorful lightshows. Recently, researchers working for the American space agency said they found the answer by using five of the agency's satellites. The researchers say the Sun's and Earth's electromagnetic fields normally move past one another in different directions. But when enough energy builds between the two fields, they separate and reconnect themselves in a new shape. This reconnection releases a huge amount of electrical current in the Earth's magnetosphere. The researchers say the reconnection happens about one hundred twenty-nine kilometers away from the planet. That is about one third of the distance to the moon. III - a. 雑知識
III-b. 英語のことわざ ◆Tell the truth and shame the devil.◆ The devil does not like honesty. He does not like the truth. He likes lies and deceit and trickery. So if you tell the truth, you offend the devil. III -c. 英語でどう言う? 化粧を落とす take off one's makeup 【例文】Jane took off her makeup and brushed her long hair. コンタクトレンズをはずす take out one's contact lenses 【例文】Don't forget to take out your contact lenses before going to bed. パジャマに着替える change into one's pajamas 【例文】Change into your pajamas and go to bed right away. ベッドに入る go to bed 【例文】I was so tired last night that I went to bed earlier than usual. III-d 今週のイディオム happy camper 現状に満足している人 (person who's content with present circumstances) 寝袋に入ってテントの中で寝ることは、都会の洗練された生活に慣れた人には必ずしも楽しい経験ではありません。そんな不自由な状況下でも、大自然の中でキャンプができることに満足する人を指して使われるようになりました。今では一般に「満足している人、機嫌のよい人」を指して用いられます。 Ever since we got married last month, I've been one happy camper. (先月結婚してから、私は今の生活にとても満足しています) As manager, I want all of our customers to be happy campers. (私は経営者として、我が社のすべての顧客に満足していただきたいのです) I was not a happy camper when I had to pay a lot of money to repair my car. (車の修理に多額の費用を支払わなければならず不満だった) IV. Jokes a. A couple are getting ready for bed after a long, hard day at work. "I look in the mirror and I see an old lady," the woman says to her husband. "My face is all wrinkled, and I'm sagging and bagging all over. And look at the flab on my arms." Her husband is silent. "Hey!" she says, turning to him. "Tell me something positive to make me feel better." "Well," he says, "your eyesight is syill great." b. I'm proud to say that my wife and I have never exchanged an angry word in our 50 years of marriage. However, there was an occasion recently when she was ticked off at me for not opening the car door for hjer. But I didn't let it bother me too much. I was too busy trying to swim up to the surface at the time. c. Q: What's the difference between an outlaw and an in-law? A: Outlaws are wanted. d. A couple are debating whether computers are male or female. "Definitely female," said the husband. "You spend half of your salary on accessories for them and even the smallest mistakes are stored in their long-term memory for use at a later date." "Nope," retorted his wife. "They're definitely male. To get thier attention you have to turn them on and as soon as you commit to one, you realize you could have got a much better model if only you'd waited just a little while longer." p49 Chris was given a school assignment on childbirth and asked his parents, "How was I born?" "Well honey," his mother said, "the stork brought you to us." "Oh," he said. "So how were you and Dad born?" "The stork brought us." "What about Grandpa and Grandma?" "The stork brought them too!" Mum replied, squirming in her seat. Chris handed in his paper with this opening sentence: "This report has been difficult to write due to the fact that there hasn't been a natural childbirth in my family for three generations." |