資料No. : NS080409
I-1 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 From the top of the Eiffel Tower _______ the whole city of Paris. (A) can see (B) can be seen (C) can be seeing (D) can have seen 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 At no time _______ serious about his studies. (A) was John ever (B) was John never (C) when John was not (D) where John was ever 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 When you have finished the book, _______ put it back on the shelf. (A) don't fail to (B) don't avoid to (C) never miss to (D) please fail not to 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 He _______ speak the language, let alone read or write it. (A) hardly (B) can't hard (C) can hardly (D) can't hardly 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 My wife and I won't _______ forget that day. (A) ever (B) never (C) hardly (D) no more 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I don't suppose he's serious, _______? (A) do I (B) is he (C) has he (D) isn't he 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The sales manager seldom ever visits our branch, _______? (A) did he (B) does he (C) isn't it (D) doesn't it 8. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Mrs. Goto says she --- a lot from the course so far and plans to continue studying until the end of the year. (A) learning (B) learns (C) has learned (D) was learning 9. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant has the capacity to --- 16 million households with electricity. (A) cover (B) enlighten (C) supply (D) condone 10. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 She avoids all soft drinks that are --- sweetened because she doesn't like the taste. (A) artifice (B) artificial (C) artificially (D) artifact 11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 Do you (A)mean to tell me that (B)you've ever been (C)to a (D)foreign country? 12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 I (A)don't have (B)enough money, (C)so will you (D)borrow me some? 13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 If you don't mind me (A)to say so, (B)I think that you look (C)more beautiful tonight than (D)you ever have. (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 Michigan is the second ----- U.S. state east of the Mississippi. (A) large (B) more large (C) larger (D) largest 2. 空所補充問題 Many insects have developed markings that make them appear ----- they belong to species that certain predators find undesirable. (A) when (B) where (C) as though (D) however 3. 空所補充問題 Economic theory categorizes the mineral wealth of mines together with rain and sunshine ----- "free goods." (A) for (B) to (C) being (D) at 4. 空所補充問題 If people would drive more slowly on the freeways, the volume of fuel saved ----- enormous. (A) would be (B) will be (C) is (D) are 5. 空所補充問題 If the Russian Revolution hadn't ousted the Romanovs from power in 1917, their dynasty ----- for some years. (A) had continued (B) may continue (C) continued (D) might have continued 6. 正誤問題 Thomas Young is (A)best known for his (B)outstanding contributions to the science of optics, (C)although he was also an important physician, physicist and (D)Egyptology. 7. 正誤問題 The Bar Mitzvah is (A)a Jewish religious ritual (B)and family (C)celebrating (D)commemorating a boy's 13th birthday. 8. 正誤問題 It is (A)considered a diplomatic interpreter's responsibility (B)to avoid turns of phrase that could be construed as (C)hostile or (D)insult when the speaker had no such intent. 9. 正誤問題 A good chef must be able not only to cook (A)with skill and imagination, but also (B)procure the best (C)ingredients and manage (D)a kitchen staff well. 10. 正誤問題 Medical ethics (A)are concerned (B)with the moral problems (C)that (D)arise in the practical application of modern medical science. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 From the top of the Eiffel Tower _______ the whole city of Paris. (A) can see (B) can be seen (C) can be seeing (D) can have seen 訳:エッフェル塔の一番上からはパリ全体が眺められる。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】From the top of the Eiffel Towerは場所の副詞句で、空所の後には動詞がなく、かつ選択肢はすべて動詞がらみとなれば当然倒置構文。ただ、この場合はseeが他動詞であるという点がひねりがきいている。「副詞句−他動詞−主語名詞句」がすべての要素で、目的語に当たるものがないのだから動詞は受け身で用いるしかない。the city of Parisは見られる側。 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 At no time _______ serious about his studies. (A) was John ever (B) was John never (C) when John was not (D) where John was ever 訳:ジョンは1度も勉強に真剣に取り組んだためしがない。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】文頭のAt no timeは「決して〜ない」の意の熟語で、主語と述語動詞の結びつきを否定する。選択肢の中でV (was) −S (John) のように倒置が起こっているのは (A) と (B) だが、(B) のほうはneverに問題がある。否定の表現を二重に用いるのは非標準であり、TOEICでは不可。everは否定文で用いられて「これまでに1度も…ない」の意を表す。 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 When you have finished the book, _______ put it back on the shelf. (A) don't fail to (B) don't avoid to (C) never miss to (D) please fail not to 訳:その本を読み終えたら、必ず書棚に戻しておいてください。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】否定の意味を表す慣用表現の問題。avoid や miss は to 不定詞を目的語にとることはない(動名詞はとる)ので、形を見た段階で候補からはずれる。問題は (A) と (D) だが、fail to 〜 (不注意などから〜しない)の場合、to 以下を否定の対象にすることはできない点に注意( → × He failed not to come.)。ということで (A) の don't fail to 〜(〜しそこなうな=必ず〜せよ)が正解。要するに、fail to の否定は「〜しないことはない」の意味で、結局「必ず〜する」という肯定的表現となるわけである。 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 He _______ speak the language, let alone read or write it. (A) hardly (B) can't hard (C) can hardly (D) can't hardly 訳:彼は言葉を話すのもままならない。ましてや読んだり書いたりできないのは言うまでもない。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】let alone ... は「ましてや…でないのは言うまでもない」の意で、否定文を受けて用いられる熟語。したがって、He ... language の部分が正しい否定文になるように選択肢を検討すればよい。正解は can hardly (speak) (=ほとんど話せない)となる。 【選択肢】speak の主語は He(3人称・単数)であり、副詞だけの挿入では依然として呼応に問題があるため (A) は不可。(B) の hard(一生懸命に)は意味の面でも、位置の面でも不可( → hard は動詞の後にくる)。(D) は否定語の hardly にさらに can't がついた二重否定で不可。 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 My wife and I won't _______ forget that day. (A) ever (B) never (C) hardly (D) no more 訳:私たち夫婦はあの日のことを決して忘れないでしょう。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】won't とすでに否定語があるから、二重否定をつくる (B) 〜 (D) はすべて不可。「not + ever」で never の意。二重否定は徹底攻略。 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I don't suppose he's serious, _______? (A) do I (B) is he (C) has he (D) isn't he 訳:彼は本気じゃありませんよね。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】I(don't)suppose [think, believe, guess, etc.] (that) ... の構文では、付加疑問は主節のI(don't)thinkからではなくthat節のほうからつくられる。また、この構文では、I don't suppose (that) ... のように形式上は主節が否定されているが、実質上のnotの作用はthat節が受けるものと見なされる。したがって、I don't suppose he's serious. から付加疑問をつくる際は、I suppose he isn't serious. からつくるのと同じ要領で考えることになる。なお、以上述べたことは、主節の主語がIでsupposeなどの動詞が単純現在時制のときにのみ当てはまる。 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The sales manager seldom ever visits our branch, _______? (A) did he (B) does he (C) isn't it (D) doesn't it 訳:販売部長がうちの支店に顔を出すことはまずないよね。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】先行節の主語は単数名詞で人 (sales manager) だから、付加疑問の部分にはheまたはsheが現れていないといけない。また、先行節の述語動詞は助動詞を含まない単純現在時制の一般動詞 (visits) であり、付加疑問の時制は先行節の時制に合わせるから、ここではdoesを用いることになる。seldomは生ずる位置によっては否定の力が弱まり、否定の付加疑問をとることもあるが、問題文のように動詞の前にきた場合は肯定の付加疑問が続いてさしつかえない。 8. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Mrs. Goto says she --- a lot from the course so far and plans to continue studying until the end of the year. (A) learning (B) learns (C) has learned (D) was learning ※正解(C)。時制の問題です。時間を表す語句に注目します。and以降の内容から現在の話をしていると分かります。さらにso farから現在完了が適した形だと判断できます。 9. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant has the capacity to --- 16 million households with electricity. (A) cover (B) enlighten (C) supply (D) condone ※正解(C)。動詞の語法の問題です。空所の後を見ると"X with Y"の形を取っています。このような形を取る動詞の多くは、「XとYを関連付ける」もしくは「XにYを与える」の意味を表します。supply X with Yで「XにYを提供する」の意味。 10. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 She avoids all soft drinks that are --- sweetened because she doesn't like the taste. (A) artifice (B) artificial (C) artificially (D) artifact ※正解(C)。品詞問題と語彙問題の融合形です。空所の前後どちらを修飾するにしても空所には副詞が入ります。artificiallyは「人工的に」の意味。 11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 Do you (A)mean to tell me that (B)you've ever been (C)to a (D)foreign country? 訳:海外一度も行ったことがないって言うつもり? ※正解(B)。you've ever → you've never。「一度も〜ない」はnever 12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 I (A)don't have (B)enough money, (C)so will you (D)borrow me some? 訳:お金が足りないんだけど、少し貸してくれない? ※正解(D)。borrow → lend。(D) borrow「(金・ものなどを)借りる」lend「(人にものを)貸す」loan「(人に金を)貸す、貸し付ける」 13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題 If you don't mind me (A)to say so, (B)I think that you look (C)more beautiful tonight than (D)you ever have. 訳:こんなことを言ってもいいのかな?今夜のきみはいっそうきれいだよ。 ※正解(A)。to say → saying。(A) mind<+目(所有格) + doing>「(人が〜することを)いやがる」 (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 Michigan is the second ----- U.S. state east of the Mississippi. (A) large (B) more large (C) larger (D) largest ※正解(D)。【解説】 the second largestで「2番目に大きな」という意味になる。 2. 空所補充問題 Many insects have developed markings that make them appear ----- they belong to species that certain predators find undesirable. (A) when (B) where (C) as though (D) however ※正解(C)。【解説】 空所にas thoughを入れると「斑点(模様)をあたかも……のように見せる」の意味になる。predator「補食動物」、undesirable「嫌な」。 3. 空所補充問題 Economic theory categorizes the mineral wealth of mines together with rain and sunshine ----- "free goods." (A) for (B) to (C) being (D) at ※正解(A)。【解説】 前置詞forには「……として」という意味があるのでこれが正解となる。categorize... for〜「……を〜として分類する」。 4. 空所補充問題 If people would drive more slowly on the freeways, the volume of fuel saved ----- enormous. (A) would be (B) will be (C) is (D) are ※正解(A)。【解説】 If people would... を受けて、空所にはwould be(仮定法)が入る。 5. 空所補充問題 If the Russian Revolution hadn't ousted the Romanovs from power in 1917, their dynasty ----- for some years. (A) had continued (B) may continue (C) continued (D) might have continued ※正解(D)。【解説】 If the Russian Revolution hadn't ousted... から仮定法過去完了の文であることがすぐにわかる。これに合わせて空所にはmight have continuedが入る。これで「……だったら、〜が続いていたかも知れない」の意味になる。oust「追放する、失脚させる」。 6. 正誤問題 Thomas Young is (A)best known for his (B)outstanding contributions to the science of optics, (C)although he was also an important physician, physicist and (D)Egyptology. ※正解(D)。【解説】 Egyptology → Egyptologist。best、outstanding「顕著な」、接続詞althoughの用法に問題はない。physician「医者」、physicist「物理学者」に合わせてEgyptology「エジプト学」はEgyptologist「エジプト学者」にしなくてはいけない。 7. 正誤問題 The Bar Mitzvah is (A)a Jewish religious ritual (B)and family (C)celebrating (D)commemorating a boy's 13th birthday. ※正解(C)。【解説】 celebrating → celebration。celebrating、commemorating両方ともing形になっている。ここはfamily celebration commemorating... にすれば「……を記念する家族のお祝」の意味になる。 8. 正誤問題 It is (A)considered a diplomatic interpreter's responsibility (B)to avoid turns of phrase that could be construed as (C)hostile or (D)insult when the speaker had no such intent. ※正解(D)。【解説】 insult → insulting。【解説】hostileは「敵意のある」という意味の形容詞であるが、orの後に名詞insult「侮辱」が来ている。ここでは形容詞形insultingを用いる。construe「解釈する」 9. 正誤問題 A good chef must be able not only to cook (A)with skill and imagination, but also (B)procure the best (C)ingredients and manage (D)a kitchen staff well. ※正解(B)。【解説】 procure → to procure 。not onlyの後に不定詞to cookが使われている点に注目。but alsoの後にも、当然、toが来るはずだが、procureのままになっている。 10. 正誤問題 Medical ethics (A)are concerned (B)with the moral problems (C)that (D)arise in the practical application of modern medical science. ※正解(A)。【解説】 are → is。ethics「倫理観」のsにつられて基本的な誤りを見逃してはいけない。ethicsは単数なのでbe動詞はisになる。 II.時事英文 How China Is Reorganizing World Economy (その14:全17回シリーズ) According to Stanley Foundation's Michael Schiffer, China's mounting trade surplus with the United States could benefit America in the end. "If a company that was manufacturing a low cost item for exports to the United States in, say Thailand, shifts its base of manufacturing to China because manufacturing costs are cheaper in China, that doesn't have a down side impact on U.S. markets because the jobs already weren't in the United States. That has beneficial effects for U. S. consumers because goods coming into the United States are now cheaper," says Schiffer. スタンリー財団のマイケルシファーによると、アメリカ合衆国による中国の上っている貿易黒字は、結局はアメリカのためになることができました。 「中でアメリカ合衆国に輸出のために低コストアイテムを製造していた会社ならば、製造経費が仕事がすでにアメリカ合衆国になかったので米国市場に下の横の影響を及ぼさない中国でより安いので、タイが製造のそのベースを中国へ移すと言ってください。 アメリカ合衆国に入っている商品が現在より安いので、それは米国消費者のために有益な影響を持ちます」と、シッファーが言います。 III - a. 雑知識
III-b. 英語のことわざ ◆Jack of all trades, master of none◆ This proverb is a warning, If you try to do too many different things, you will never be very good at one thing. "Jack" used to be a common English name and so it means "a person." "Trade" here means something like "job," and "all" means "many." So, a person who has many different jobs will never be a master at one of them. III-c. 英語の新語 ◆Metrosexual◆ A metrosexual is a man who lives in a city, shows a lot of interest in his appearance and his lifestyle, and is not gay. The "metro-" indicates a sophisticated city life. The "-sexual" comes from "homosexual" and is used because this interest in appearance (i.e. cosmetics, fashion, etc.) is usually associated with certain gay men. Famous metrosexual: David Beckham. III -d. 英語でどう言う? 自動改札を通る go through the automatic ticket gate 【例文】About 10,000 people go through the automatic ticket gates at this station. 満員電車に飛び乗る jump on a crowded train 【例文】Because I was in a hurry this morning, I had to jump on aq crowded train. 網棚の上にバッグを置く put one's bag on the rack 【例文】Could you help me put my bag on the rack? つり革につかまる hang / hold on to the strap 【例文】The train will swaqy ahead. So please hang on the strap. III-e 今週のイディオム get wise to (秘密などに)気がついて、勘づいて (realize that someone is being dishonest) 「賢い」のwiseには「〜を知る、かぎつける」という意味があり、知らないと損をする場合など、ある情報が当人の不利益に直接関係のある場合に使われます。toの後には人のほか、物も目的語として用いられます。 Teachers quickly get wise to students who are cheating. (先生はカンニングをしている生徒にすぐに気がつくものだ) The police got wise to the group's bombing plot and made a raid on their hideout. (警察はその一団による爆破計画に気づいて、彼らの隠れ家へ踏み込んだ) It took a while, but she finally got wise to Fred'd lies. (少し時間を要したが、彼女はついにフレッドのうそに勘づいた) IV. Jokes a. Our ten-year-old niece, Jessica, dreamed of having her own puppy and took every opportunity to try to convince her reluctant parents to buy her one. Finally, they agreed she could have a puppy if she improved her marks at school. Several weeks later, Jessica arrived home from school with her report card. Over supper that night her father asked, "How did you do on your report, Jess?" After a short pause she replied sadly, "Bye-bye, doggie." b. The phone rang. It was a salesman from a mortgage refinance company. "Do you have a second mortgage on your home?" "No," I replied. "Would you like to consolidate all your debts?" "I really don't have any," I said. "How about freeing up cash for home improvements?" he tried. "I don't need any. I just recently had some done and paid cash," I parried. There was a brief silence, and then he asked, "Are you looking foe a husband?" c. After my business conference ended for the day, I headed back to my hotel. The lobby and the elevators were packed. I went up to the front desk clerk. "Can you direct me to the stairs? It'll probably be faster to walk up to my floor." "I'm afraid that's not possible," she said, completely seriously. "Our stairs only go down." d. My mother had a thing for speed, so I was not surprised when a police car pulled us over one day as we were driving. Hoping to get off with a warning, Mum tried to appear shocked when the police officer walked up to the car. "I have never been stopped like this before," she said to the officer. "What do they usually do, ma'am," he asked, "shoot the tires out?" |