資料No. : NS080312
I-1 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 My dentist always stresses the importance of getting my teeth _______ regularly. (A) cleaned (B) cleaning (C) to clean (D) to be cleaned 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 We are in receipt of a check _______ by the Bank of Tokyo. (A) having issued (B) to issue (C) issuing (D) issued 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 She was _______ good typist that we hated to see her leave. (A) so (B) such (C) a very (D) such a 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I hope you become leaders in society who will work _______ for your personal happiness but for the happiness of others. (A) not that (B) not only (C) just like (D) merely not 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Even though _______ was very enthusiastic about the plan, it proved to be a great success. (A) both the bank and the company (B) either the bank and the company (C) neither the bank nor the company (D) not only the bank but the company 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Some herbs can cause serious side effects, including severe liver damage, _______ taken in the wrong combinations or in the wrong amounts. (A) if (B) though (C) during (D) they are 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Mr. Brown must have called it a day, _______ I saw him locking his office door. (A) until (B) despite (C) because (D) even although 8. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The mayor and other prominent members of the ______________ government gathered in the town hall for a meeting. A) federal B) national C) municipal D) prefectural 9. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 In the days ______________ to the disaster, private and governmental organizations coordinated relief efforts in the region. A) afterward B) following C) subsequent D) later 10. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The customer relations representative put on her headset so she could talk to the caller and type ___________________. A) continuously B) perpetually C) specifically D) simultaneously 11. Error Recognition練習問題 (A)Are you feeling any (B)better now that (C)you've been to (D)seeing the doctor? 12. Error Recognition練習問題 Many (A)of the guests put two (B)spoonful of (C)sugar (D)in their tea. 13. Error Recognition練習問題 My parents (A)bought me a new (B)pasocon (C)because it was my (D)birthday. (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 The cotton gin, invented by Eli Whitney, ----- a quick and easy way to separate the seeds from cotton fibers. (A) provided by (B) was provided (C) provided (D) to provide 2. 空所補充問題 In 1621, the government of the Netherlands chartered the Dutch West India Company after ----- by a group of Dutch merchants. (A) it was formed (B) they formed it (C) it formed them (D) it formed 3. 空所補充問題 Laramie, Wyoming, was named after the American fur trapper who explored the southeastern part of the state ----- than 200 years ago. (A) most (B) many (C) much (D) more 4. 空所補充問題 People with supposed psychokinetic powers claim ----- of moving, heating or deforming objects without touching them. (A) how to be capable (B) be capable (C) to be capable (D) being capable 5. 空所補充問題 Gold is a soft metal that has chemical inertness and electrical conductivity among ----- most important attributes. (A) its (B) it (C) that (D) which 6. 正誤問題 Scurvy, gout and other (A)ill common (B)until the mid-19th century are the product of (C)an unbalanced (D)diet. 7. 正誤問題 Signal mirrors can be used (A)in clear daylight conditions to send (B)coded messages (C)using the (D)reflective light of the sun. 8. 正誤問題 (A)Courage is defined (B)as not a lack of fear, (C)but rather an ability to feel fear and remain (D)unintimidated. 9. 正誤問題 As legend has (A)it, Roman Emperor Nero was so (B)unconcerned about the ordinary people that he continued (C)to play music as fires (D)they raged in the capital. 10. 正誤問題 Plants (A)that blossom, produce seeds and (B)dying (C)within a single growing season are known (D)as annuals. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 My dentist always stresses the importance of getting my teeth _______ regularly. (A) cleaned (B) cleaning (C) to clean (D) to be cleaned 訳:私のかかりつけの歯医者は規則正しく歯をみがくことの大切さをいつも強調する。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】'get(ting) +O (my teeth) +_____'の _____ の位置を占める構文上の資格自体は (A), (B), (C) のいずれにもある。そこで、Oが _____ に対して意味上能動主語(cleanする側)か、それとも受動主語(cleanされる側)かを考えると、歯は「みがかれる」のだから (A) のcleanedが正しいとわかる。 【選択肢】getはOの後にto不定詞をとれるが、そのto不定詞が受け身になっている (D) のような形は通例不可。 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 We are in receipt of a check _______ by the Bank of Tokyo. (A) having issued (B) to issue (C) issuing (D) issued 訳:東京銀行発行の小切手を拝受いたしました。 ※正解(D)。{着眼点】checkを正しく修飾するものを選ぶ問題。check(小切手)とissue(発行する)の関係を見定めつつ、by the Bank of Tokyoのbyにも注目する。例えばThe check → issue → by ... ときたらThe check was issued by ... という文を作るのが自然であろう。checkはissueに対して意味上受動主語の関係に立つのであり、したがって (D) を選ぶことになる。 【選択肢】(A) も過去分詞のissuedを含むので一瞬気をとられるかもしれないが、(A) は全体として能動の完了形であり、having been issuedとはなっていない点に注意。 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 She was _______ good typist that we hated to see her leave. (A) so (B) such (C) a very (D) such a 訳:彼女はとても優秀なタイピストだったので退職するのをただ黙って見送るのはいやだった。 ※正解(D)。【着眼点】thatと連関するのはsoかsuchだがsoやsuchとthatとの間に何がきてるかが問題。この場合はtypistという単数可算名詞を含むのでso good a typistかsuch a good typistの形がくることになる。なお、「see+人+〜(=原形)」には「人が〜するのを黙って見ている[放っておく、黙認する]」の意がある。 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I hope you become leaders in society who will work _______ for your personal happiness but for the happiness of others. (A) not that (B) not only (C) just like (D) merely not 訳:皆さんには、自分の個人的幸福のみならず、他者の幸福のためにも努めていくような、そういう社会のリーダーになってもらいたい。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】butの後がfor ... という前置詞句になっており、空所の後にも同じ形がきていることから、対等の文法範ちゅうに属する2つの要素を相関的に結びつける組み合わせを考えてみる。but (also) とペアを組むのはnot only [just, merely, simply, etc.] である。 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Even though _______ was very enthusiastic about the plan, it proved to be a great success. (A) both the bank and the company (B) either the bank and the company (C) neither the bank nor the company (D) not only the bank but the company 訳:銀行も会社もあまりその計画には乗り気でなかったが、結果は大満足のいくものとなった。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】相関接続詞はまず形、次に文脈がチェックポイント。形の点では (B) が不可( → either A or [×and] B)。(A) のboth A and Bと (D) のnot only A but Bは形は問題ないが意味が文脈に合致しない。「銀行も会社も両方とも大変乗り気だったにもかかわらず (even though)、その計画は大成功だった」は、例えば「銀行や会社が強い関心を示す計画は皆失敗する」といったような特別な前提が与えられていないと変。選択肢中には「銀行も会社もあまり乗り気でなかったが」(C) というのが用意されているのだから、一番ロジカルなものとしてこれを選ぶ。 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Some herbs can cause serious side effects, including severe liver damage, _______ taken in the wrong combinations or in the wrong amounts. (A) if (B) though (C) during (D) they are 訳:薬草の中には調合の仕方や分量を間違えて飲むと、深刻な肝機能障害を含む重大な副作用を引き起こすものもある。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】ifなどに導かれる副詞節中では「主語(=主節の主語と同一)+be動詞」が省かれる場合があることを思い出す。問題文の場合はif they (= some herbs) are taken ... のthey areが省かれたもの。 【選択肢】(C) は前置詞で問題外。(D) を選ぶとSome herbs ... damageとthey are ... amountsという2つの節を接続詞を介さずただコンマで結んだ形となってしまう。(B) のthoughはifと同様「主語+be動詞」の省略を許すが、文脈に合致しないのでこちらは意味的基準から不可。 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Mr. Brown must have called it a day, _______ I saw him locking his office door. (A) until (B) despite (C) because (D) even although 訳:ブラウンさんはきっと仕事を切り上げたんでしょう。事務所のドアにカギをかけているところを見ましたから。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】「must+have+過去分詞 (called) 」は過去の事柄に関する現在の推量を表し「〜したに違いない」の意。call it a dayは「(その日の仕事などを)切り上げる」の意。「仕事を切り上げたに違いない」と推量することと「事務所のドアにカギをかけているところを見た」ということの関連性を考えると、後者は前者のように推量することの根拠・理由として述べられていることがわかる。 【選択肢】(B) は前置詞。(D) のevenはalthoughと結びつくこと自体ない。 8. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The mayor and other prominent members of the ______________ government gathered in the town hall for a meeting. A) federal B) national C) municipal D) prefectural 訳:市長と他の市役所の有力メンバーは会議のために市役所に集合した。 ※正解(C)。municipal 「地方自治体の、市の」の意味。other があるため正解がCに決まります。 9. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 In the days ______________ to the disaster, private and governmental organizations coordinated relief efforts in the region. A) afterward B) following C) subsequent D) later 訳:その災害後に、民間団体と政府機関がその地域で共に救助活動を行った。 ※正解(C)。subsequent to 「〜の後で」の意味。 10. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The customer relations representative put on her headset so she could talk to the caller and type ___________________. A) continuously B) perpetually C) specifically D) simultaneously 訳:顧客窓口係は電話で話しながら同時にタイプをできるように、マイク付きのヘッドホンをしている。 ※正解(D)。simultaneously 「同時に」の意味。 11. Error Recognition練習問題 (A)Are you feeling any (B)better now that (C)you've been to (D)seeing the doctor? 訳:医者に行って、少しはよくなりましたか? ※正解(D)。seeing → see。now that ...「今や〜であるからには、〜である以上は」 12. Error Recognition練習問題 Many (A)of the guests put two (B)spoonful of (C)sugar (D)in their tea. 訳:お客の多くは、紅茶に砂糖をスプーン2杯分入れる。 ※正解(B)。spoonful → spoonfuls。(B) spoonful<+ of>「スプーン1杯(分)」複数形はspoonfuls 13. Error Recognition練習問題 My parents (A)bought me a new (B)pasocon (C)because it was my (D)birthday. 訳:誕生日だったので、両親はわたしに新しいパソコンを買ってくれました。 ※正解(B)。pasocon → personal computer。(B)パソコンはpersonal computerの和製英語、略してPCともいう。 (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 The cotton gin, invented by Eli Whitney, ----- a quick and easy way to separate the seeds from cotton fibers. (A) provided by (B) was provided (C) provided (D) to provide ※正解(C)。【解説】 inventedの前にはwhich wasが略されている。空所にはこの文の動詞が入ることになるので、他動詞providedが正解となる。cotton gin「綿繰り機」。 2. 空所補充問題 In 1621, the government of the Netherlands chartered the Dutch West India Company after ----- by a group of Dutch merchants. (A) it was formed (B) they formed it (C) it formed them (D) it formed ※正解(A)。【解説】 空所の後にby... があるので、after以下は受け身の文になると考えるのが妥当である。it was formed by... にすると「……により作られた」の意味になり文が成立する。itはthe Dutch West India Companyのことである。 3. 空所補充問題 Laramie, Wyoming, was named after the American fur trapper who explored the southeastern part of the state ----- than 200 years ago. (A) most (B) many (C) much (D) more ※正解(D)。【解説】 難しく考える必要はない。空所の後にthanがあるので正解は(D) moreになる。trapper「(わなで獲物を捕まえる)猟師」。 4. 空所補充問題 People with supposed psychokinetic powers claim ----- of moving, heating or deforming objects without touching them. (A) how to be capable (B) be capable (C) to be capable (D) being capable ※正解(C)。【解説】 claim how to be capable... では意味が通らない。また、claimの後にbeやbeingは使えない。claim to be... で「……であると言う、主張する」の意味になる。 5. 空所補充問題 Gold is a soft metal that has chemical inertness and electrical conductivity among ----- most important attributes. (A) its (B) it (C) that (D) which ※正解(A)。【解説】 空所にit、whichが入らないのは明らか。ここはthatではなくGoldのことを指すitの所有格itsを使う。inertness「不活性(化学作用を起こさないこと)」、conductivity「伝導性」。 6. 正誤問題 Scurvy, gout and other (A)ill common (B)until the mid-19th century are the product of (C)an unbalanced (D)diet. ※正解(A)。ill → illness。この文の主語に注目。scurvy「壊血病」、gout「痛風」と名詞が並んでいるが、その後に形容詞illが来ている。ここではillnessと名詞形にしなくてはいけない。 7. 正誤問題 Signal mirrors can be used (A)in clear daylight conditions to send (B)coded messages (C)using the (D)reflective light of the sun. ※正解(D)。reflective → reflected。前置詞inに問題はない。coded messageは「信号(コード)化されたメッセージ」の意。using... は分詞構文で「……を使って」の意味を表す。「反射した光」はreflected lightと言う。 8. 正誤問題 (A)Courage is defined (B)as not a lack of fear, (C)but rather an ability to feel fear and remain (D)unintimidated. ※正解(B)。as not → not as。not... but〜 の構文である。asとratherの位置に注目。...is defined not as ... but rather〜とすれば「……としてでなく、むしろ〜と定義される」という意味になる。unintimidated「怖がらない」。 9. 正誤問題 As legend has (A)it, Roman Emperor Nero was so (B)unconcerned about the ordinary people that he continued (C)to play music as fires (D)they raged in the capital. ※正解(D)。they → カット。As legend has itは「伝説にあるように」、be unconcerned about ... は「……に無関心である」の意味。continuedの後のto不定詞に問題はない。as節の主語はfiresである。したがって、theyは不必要。 10. 正誤問題 Plants (A)that blossom, produce seeds and (B)dying (C)within a single growing season are known (D)as annuals. ※正解(B)。dying → die。関係代名詞thatの後にblossom「花が咲く」、produce seeds「種ができる」と動詞が2つ並んでいる点に注目。andの後には、当然、動詞dieを使う。 II.時事英文 How China Is Reorganizing World Economy (その10:全17回シリーズ) Destabilizing Yuan 元を不安定にすること But the United States and Europe are critical of China's policies. しかし、アメリカ合衆国とヨーロッパは、中国の方針に批判的です。 Early this year, the U.S. government filed a complaint to the World Trade Organization against Chinese export subsidies and pirating practices and announced tariffs of 10 to 20 percent on certain Chinese goods. 今年の始め、米国政府は中国の輸出助成金と剽窃している実行に対して世界貿易機関に不満を提出して、特定の中国の商品の上で10〜20パーセントの関税を発表しました。 III - a. 雑知識
III-b. 英語のことわざ ◆He who pays the piper calls the tune◆ Hundreds of years, a piper was a wandering musician, who went from town to town, playing tunes for people. Whoever paid him could choose which tune he would play. So this proverb means that if you pay enough you can control anything. III -c. 英語の新語 ◆Lad mag◆ Lad mags are magazines aimed at young men. They usually focus on sex, sport and semi-naked women. Famous examples include the British magazines like FHM and Loaded, or the Japanese Weekly Playboy. Lad means "young man," usually a very active young man who drinks a lot, loves sport (especially football/soccer), and is always thinking about sex."Mag" is short for magazine. III-d 今週のイディオム excess baggage 不必要な人、物、じゃまな物 (someone / something considered unnecessary or in the way) 飛行機の「(重量制限)超過手荷物」の意味で使われているexcess baggageは、比ゆ的に不必要で足手まといになる「お荷物」を指して用いられます。企業内の「窓際族」という文文脈でも使うことができます。 I'll do my best not to be excess baggage for the team. (チームのお荷物にならないように全力を尽くします) All of their former contracts are simply excess baggage that will be replaced by newer arrangements. (彼らの以前の契約は単なる不要なもので、より新しい取り決めに置き換えられる) As part of streamlining efforts, the company is considering getting rid of excess baggage in the business department. (合理化の一環として、会社は営業部の窓際族を解雇するつもりだ) IV. Jokes a. During our lunch break one day in college, a friend of mine sneezed. "In my culture, if you sneeze once, that means someone is missing you," my Chinese friend Lin told her. "If you sneeze twice, someone's saying nasty things about you behind your back. And if you sneeze three times, someone is speaking kindly about you." "What if you sneeze four times?" asked our friend Jon. "That," said Lin, "means you've caught a cold." b. My e-mail to the Louisiana College library where I work bounced back to me, cautioning that the Weatherby Fine Arts Building was "experiencing problems with e-mail and the Internet due to an electrical outage in Cavanaugh Hall. If you should need help contacting someone in that building, please telephone them. Also, please remember that with the electrical outage, they do not have telephone service." c. After gorging myself on a huge dinner, I did penance by going to the gym across the street from work. The first thing I noticed as I signed in was a bowl of lollies sitting on the counter, calling to me. "That doesn't seem fair," I joked to the trainer. Patting the bowl, she smiled. "Job security." d. I'm a social worker and used to dealing with all sorts. But even so, as I ran up the courthouse steps, late for a meeting with a client, the sight of the scraggly looking man at the top - staring back to me - gave me the willies. He had huge gold hoops in his ears, eyebrows, nose and lip. And from the neck down, he was covered in some nasty-looking tattoos. I tried avoiding him. But with no luck. "Hey!" he yelled, pointing at my high heels. "Don't those hurt your feet?" e. One dentist in my town was sick and tired of people parking their cars in his parking lot. So he took matters into his own hands. The sign he posted read: "Parking Reserved for Patients and Employees. All violators will be given an appointment." |