資料No. : NS071219
I-1 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The non-sectarian Protestant church is impressive from a distance and _____ more majestic from inside. (A) the (B) any (C) no (D) even 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Women are significantly _____ likely to die after heart bypass surgery than men, says a study released Wednesday. (A) much (B) more (C) most (D) mostly 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 If the decision isn't favorable to us, please let me know as soon as possible so I can contact _____ companies. (A) another (B) other (C) others (D) either 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 _____ are more than thirty people eligible to be on the company's medical insurance plan. (A) They (B) All that (C) As (D) There 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 --- that the deadline had been extended, George resolved to work through the weekend to finish the project. (A) Relief (B) Relieved (C) Relieving (D) Relieves 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Several members of the staff were absent on Monday --- illness. (A) in spite of (B) due to (C) regardless of (D) for the sake of 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Mr. Cromwell embodies that companies are always looking for in employees. (A) diligent (B) diligence (C) diligently (D) delinquency 8. Error Recognition練習問題 Helen (A)was a good argument (B)in favor of (C)choosing Mr. Hamilton (D)as chairperson. 9. Error Recognition練習問題 A number of hurricanes (A)hit the district last year and (B)took (C)a great deal of damage to (D)the crops. 10. Error Recognition練習問題 She (A)received a large inheritance (B)from her uncle and (C)gave a generous donation of $100,000 to the (D)orphanage. 11. Error Recognition練習問題 She wants (A)to go to Tokyo (B)to attend university (C)when she (D)graduated from high school. 12. Error Recognition練習問題 (A)Have the police (B)determined out (C)who robbed the bank (D)yet? 13. Error Recognition練習問題 (A)All of my (B)brothers and sisters graduated (C)from university, even though (D)either of my parents did. I-1 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題 (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 An ellipse differs from an oval in that it contains ----- straight lines. (A) not (B) nor (C) none (D) no 2. 空所補充問題 ----- they were deciphered in detail for the first time in 1822 by Jean-Francois Champollion, Egyptian hieroglyphics were a total mystery to most scholars. (A) At last (B) Finally (C) In time (D) Until 3. 空所補充問題 In speed chess, each side has five minutes of ----- playing time in order to complete the game. (A) totally (B) total (C) in total (D) totality 4. 空所補充問題 The Precambrian period, -----, includes the time before the Cambrian period. (A) the name implies it (B) it implies the name (C) as the name implies (D) when the name implies 5. 空所補充問題 The mercury and sulfuric acid used in gold mining is considered by environmentalists ----- among the main sources of river pollution. (A) to be (B) what is (C) the (D) of the 6. 正誤問題 T-Bone Walker is known (A)within blues fans (B)as one of the first (C)guitarists in the genre to use (D)an electric guitar. 7. 正誤問題 The insulating properties of down feathers (A)are partly due to (B)its ability (C)to temporarily immobilize tiny pockets of air, (D)which discourages heat conductivity. 8. 正誤問題 There are (A)still no major (B)practically applications for the ability to generate light (C)by directing intense sound waves into (D)an air bubble in water. 9. 正誤問題 (A)If electrical power supplies were (B)seriously disrupted, the effects (C)in advanced industrial nations (D)will be catastrophic. 10. 正誤問題 The eyeball is equipped (A)with an inner lining (B)that reflects the full spectrum of visible light, (C)where results in (D)its white outer appearance. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The non-sectarian Protestant church is impressive from a distance and _____ more majestic from inside. (A) the (B) any (C) no (D) even 訳:そのプロテスタント無宗派教会は,遠くから見ても印象的であるが,中に入るとさらにずっと荘厳である。 ※正解(D)。《解説》and以下に比較級の文がきている。全体としては,教会を外から見たときの印象と,中に入っての印象とを比較して述べた文。ポイントはmore majesticという比較級があるが,これをさらに強調する副詞は何かということ。even more majesticで「さらにずっと荘厳で」の意味になる。比較級を強調する副詞はevenの他に,much, still, farなどがある。 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Women are significantly _____ likely to die after heart bypass surgery than men, says a study released Wednesday. (A) much (B) more (C) most (D) mostly 訳:水曜日に公表された研究によると,女性は男性よりも心臓のバイパス手術を受けて死亡する確率が相当高い。 ※正解(B)。《解説》全体としては,比較構文であることに注意。be likely to doで「〜しやすい」の意味になるが,この文では女性と男性を比べて,「女性は男性よりも〜で死亡しやすい」という内容。したがって,likelyの比較級を作ることになる。heart bypass surgery「心臓バイパス手術」,release「公表する」。 《選択肢》mostは最上級を作る他「大部分の」の意味で使われる。mostlyは副詞で「大部分は」の意味。 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 If the decision isn't favorable to us, please let me know as soon as possible so I can contact _____ companies. (A) another (B) other (C) others (D) either 訳:だめな場合は他の会社を当たりますので,できるだけ早くお知らせください。 ※正解(B)。《解説》ポイントは不定代名詞another, otherの使い方。anotherは「an + other」で単数の可算名詞につけて,「 もう1つの, もう1人の」の意味。ここでは後ろにくる語はcompaniesと複数名詞であるからanotherはあり得ない。otherは形容詞として使うときは,「他の, 別の」の意味で複数名詞の前につける。 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 _____ are more than thirty people eligible to be on the company's medical insurance plan. (A) They (B) All that (C) As (D) There 訳:その会社の医療保険プランの適格者は30人以上いる。 ※正解(D)。《解説》主語に何をもってくるのが最適であるかを考える。補充箇所の後には「be動詞+名詞句」が続く。名詞句はmore than thirty people eligible to 〜(〜する資格のある30人以上の人々)であるが,これをbe動詞の補語とするか,主語とするか(There構文)がポイント。medical insurance plan「医療保険プラン」。 《選択肢》 (B) と (C) は構文上あり得ない。 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 --- that the deadline had been extended, George resolved to work through the weekend to finish the project. (A) Relief (B) Relieved (C) Relieving (D) Relieves ※分詞構文の問題です。空所の前にGeorgeを補って考えるとGeorge is relievingではなく、George is relievedであることが分かります。従ってBeing relievedとなりますが、受身のBeingは通例省略されます。正解はB。 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Several members of the staff were absent on Monday --- illness. (A) in spite of (B) due to (C) regardless of (D) for the sake of ※接続詞関連の問題です。Aは「〜にも関わらず」、Bは「〜のせいで」、Cは「〜にも関わらず」、Dは「〜のために」(目的)の意味です。正解はB。 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Mr. Cromwell embodies that companies are always looking for in employees. (A) diligent (B) diligence (C) diligently (D) delinquency 品詞の問題です。前置詞の前後、関係代名詞の直前にあるので空所には名詞が入ることが分かります。従ってBかDに絞られます。Dは「職務の怠慢」の意味になるので不適。正解はB。 8. Error Recognition練習問題 Helen (A)was a good argument (B)in favor of (C)choosing Mr. Hamilton (D)as chairperson. 訳:ヘレンにはハミルトン氏の議長選出を支持する十分な論拠があった。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】argumentは名詞であるが,ここでは「論拠」という意味。a good argumentがHelenの補語となることはありえないので,wasは誤り。a good argumentを目的語にとる動詞をさがすことになるが,hadが適当。 【下線部】in favor of 〜「〜を支持の[して],〜に賛成の[して](⇔against)」 9. Error Recognition練習問題 A number of hurricanes (A)hit the district last year and (B)took (C)a great deal of damage to (D)the crops. 訳:昨年たくさんのハリケーンがその地方を襲い,作物に多大な損害を与えた。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】a great deal of damage「多大な損害」を目的語にとる動詞は何か。「〜に損害を与える」はdoないしcauseを用いて,do (cause) damage to 〜のように言う。takeと連結することはない。なお,「損害を被る」はsuffer damageと言う。damageとよく連結する形容詞は great, heavy, much, serious, enormous, slightなど。 【下線部】the crops「作物」 10. Error Recognition練習問題 She (A)received a large inheritance (B)from her uncle and (C)gave a generous donation of $100,000 to the (D)orphanage. 訳:彼女は叔父から多額の遺産をもらい,孤児院へ10万ドルという多額の寄付をした。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】a donation「寄付」と結びつく動詞をチェックする。結論を言えば,giveを使わないで,makeを用いてmake a generous donationのように言う。なお,ask for [invite] donationsは「寄付を募る」の意味。 【下線部】orphanage「孤児院」 11. Error Recognition練習問題 She wants (A)to go to Tokyo (B)to attend university (C)when she (D)graduated from high school. 訳:高校卒業後、大学に行くのに上京した。 (D) → graduates。時勢に注意。 12. Error Recognition練習問題 (A)Have the police (B)determined out (C)who robbed the bank (D)yet? 訳:警察はもうだれが銀行を襲ったのか目星をつけたんですか。 (B) → decided / determined (outは不要)。police [集合的に複数扱い] [しばしばthe〜の形で使われる]「警察」(B) decideは「いろいろ考えた末きっぱりと決断するdetermineは「決めた事柄の性格、範囲をはっきりさせた上で遂行しようとする」 13. Error Recognition練習問題 (A)All of my (B)brothers and sisters graduated (C)from university, even though (D)either of my parents did. 訳:両親はどちらも大学を出ていないけれど、兄弟は皆大卒です。 (D) → neither。(D) either [肯定文に用いて]「(二者の)どちらか一方」[否定文に用いて]「(二者の)どちらもnether<+ of>「(二者の)どちらも〜でない」 (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 An ellipse differs from an oval in that it contains ----- straight lines. (A) not (B) nor (C) none (D) no ※正解(D)。【解説】 空所とstraight linesが動詞containsの目的語になる。not、nor、noneは名詞句straight linesの前では使えない。ellipse「楕円」。 2. 空所補充問題 ----- they were deciphered in detail for the first time in 1822 by Jean-Francois Champollion, Egyptian hieroglyphics were a total mystery to most scholars. (A) At last (B) Finally (C) In time (D) Until ※正解(D)。【解説】この文の主節はEgyptian hieroglyphics were... である。このことから文頭の空所には接続詞が入るのではないかと予想できる。In timeでは意味が通らない。正解は(D) Untilである。decipher「解読する」、hieroglyphics「象形文字」。 3. 空所補充問題 In speed chess, each side has five minutes of ----- playing time in order to complete the game. (A) totally (B) total (C) in total (D) totality ※正解(B)。【解説】 名詞句playing timeの前に来るのは形容詞である。正解は(B)のtotalである。 4. 空所補充問題 The Precambrian period, -----, includes the time before the Cambrian period. (A) the name implies it (B) it implies the name (C) as the name implies (D) when the name implies ※正解(C)。【解説】 この文の主語はThe Precambrian period、動詞はincludesである。the name implies itとit implies the nameを空所に入れると、主語と動詞がダブルことになる。when the name impliesでは意味が通らない。正解は(C) as the name implies「その名が示すように」。Precambrian「先カンブリア時代の」。 5. 空所補充問題 The mercury and sulfuric acid used in gold mining is considered by environmentalists ----- among the main sources of river pollution. (A) to be (B) what is (C) the (D) of the ※正解(A)。【解説】 動詞considerに注目。be considered to be ... で「……とみなされている」の意味になる。sulfuric acid「硫酸」。 6. 正誤問題 T-Bone Walker is known (A)within blues fans (B)as one of the first (C)guitarists in the genre to use (D)an electric guitar. ※正解(A)。within → among。be known among... as〜で「……の間では〜として知られている」の意味になる。withinはamongにしなくてはならない。複数形guitaristsと冠詞anに問題はない。 7. 正誤問題 The insulating properties of down feathers (A)are partly due to (B)its ability (C)to temporarily immobilize tiny pockets of air, (D)which discourages heat conductivity. ※正解(B)。its → their。areはpropertiesに呼応している。itsは何を指しているか? 複数形のdown feathersである。したがって、itsではなくtheirを使う。不定詞to、関係代名詞whichの用法に誤りはない。 8. 正誤問題 There are (A)still no major (B)practically applications for the ability to generate light (C)by directing intense sound waves into (D)an air bubble in water. ※正解(B)。practically → practical。名詞applicationsの前の副詞practicallyに問題がある。ここは形容詞practicalを用いる。副詞still、前置詞by、冠詞anの用法に誤りはない。 9. 正誤問題 (A)If electrical power supplies were (B)seriously disrupted, the effects (C)in advanced industrial nations (D)will be catastrophic. ※正解(D)。will → would。If... wereが使われていることに注目。これは仮定法過去の文であるので、willはwouldにしなけらばならない。disrupt「中断させる」。 10. 正誤問題 The eyeball is equipped (A)with an inner lining (B)that reflects the full spectrum of visible light, (C)where results in (D)its white outer appearance. ※正解(C)。where → which。be equipped with... で「……が付いている」の意味になる。関係代名詞that、代名詞itsの用法に問題はない。関係副詞whereは関係代名詞whichにしなければ文が繋がらない。 II.時事英文 イスラム教徒のスンニ派、シーア派(その15:全16回シリーズ) But Toensing also says that Shi'ites and Sunnis often unite in defending common strategic interests. "An example is the Lebanon war last summer where Hezbollah, a Shi'ite militia, faced off the Israeli Army. Muslims throughout the Islamic world, including the Arab world, which is majority Sunni, were rallying to the defense of Hezbollah, even though in the early stages of the war the three most important Sunni Arab states -- Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia -- were quite openly blaming Hezbollah for the devastation that was wreaked upon Lebanon." しかし、Toensingもシーア派とスンニー派教徒がしばしば、一般の戦略的な興味を擁護することで協力すると言います。「例は、昨年の夏、ヒズボラ(シーア派民兵)が離れてイスラエル軍を前にしたレバノン戦争です。戦争の初期にたとえ3つの最も重要なスンニ派のアラブ国 ― ヨルダン、エジプトとサウジアラビア ― がレバノンに加えられた荒廃でヒズボラを全く公然と非難していたとしても、アラブ世界(それは多数スンニ派です)を含むイスラム世界を通したイスラム教徒はヒズボラの擁護弁論のために集まっていました。」 III - a. 雑知識
III-b. 英語のことわざ ◆Don't look a gift horse in the mouth ◆ This proverb means that you should be grateful when you receive a gift. Otherwise it is rude. The expression comes from the custom of checking a horse's teeth to see how old it is. Checking to see if a horse, which is given to you as a gift, is old or not would not be polite. III -c. 英語の新語 ◆Golden handcuffs◆ Golden handcuffs are special benefits given to an employee to try and persuade that person to stay at a company that he or she does not want to continue working at. They are "golden" because they look attractive, but they are still "handcuffs" because they keep the employee working at a place he or she fundamentally doesn't want to work at. III-d. 英語のフレーズ ◆ The journey to success is as important as achieving success.◆ (成功への道のりは、成功そのものと同じくらい大切である) III-e. 今週のイディオム not know ~ from Adam (人を見ても)さっぱり分からない、まるで知らない (not know someone at all) 旧約聖書の「創世記」に出てくる神が初めて造った人間「アダム」を使った慣用表現。アダムは人類最初の人間ですが、だれも会ったことがないので、見分けのつかない人や赤の他人に言及する際に用いられるようになりました。文字通りには「アダムと〜の区別もつかない」という意味です。 He spoke to her in a friendly way, but she didn'(t know him from Adam. (彼は彼女に親しげに話しかけたが、彼女はまったく彼のことを知らなかった) Why should I lend this man such a big money? I don't know him from Adam. (なぜこの男にそんな大金を貸さなければならないんだ?彼は赤の他人だよ) IV. Jokes a. Sorting mail, a post-office worker came across a postcard from an old lady that broke his heart. It read, "Dear God, I have never had a holiday. I am 86 and would love to go away somewhere special before I die. All I need is $450. Please help." The worker decided to organize a collection among his colleagues and soon raised $400. He sent it off to the old lady. Three weeks later, he found another postcard from the woman. It read, "Dear God. I had the holiday of a lifetime. Thank you so much for the cash. It was $50 short, mind you. I expect it was those thieving rats at the post office." b. I was in New York's Grand Terminal on my way to visit friends in Connecticut. I had never taken the trip before and was wondering if I needed to switch train in Stamford. Walking to the train, I saw a conductor and asked, "Do I need to change?" "No," he replied immediately. "You're fine the way you are. Your bag matches your shoes, and your earrings are the same color as your outfit. Very coordinated." c. "I need to revise the death certificate I just handed you," my fellow doctor said to a nurse I was working with. "What's wrong?" she asked. "It's a little embarrassing," he said. "I was in a hurry when I signed it and, I accidentally wrote my name under 'Cause of Death.'" d. The flight I was piloting was overbooked. So the gate agent came about with an officer. In exchange for leaving the plane, two volunteers would get free hotel rooms, meal vouchers and tickets on the next morning's flight. When nobody volunteered, I decided to try a little levity. "Ladies and gentlemen," I said over the PA, "if it helps you in making your decision, I'm not a very good pilot." A loud voice from the back yelled, "Then YOU get off!" |