資料No. : NS071003
I-1 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I would rather _____ to the party tonight. (A) not to go (B) to not go (C) not going (D) not go 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 During my college years, I would often stay up all night _____ political issues with my roommate. (A) discuss (B) debating (C) being debated (D) discussing about 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 If I had been there I could have _____. (A) been help (B) helped (C) helping (D) helpful 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 _____ do you think about the new model? (A) Which (B) What (C) Who (D) Maybe 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 A mild anesthetic was given so as to --- the patient's discomfort during the operation. (A) minimize (B) minimally (C) minimum (D) minimal 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The product had been completely redesigned and went on to get a very positive --- from customers. (A) sales (B) feedback (C) reception (D) comments 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 A systems analyst was hired to determine the --- cause of the problem with the network. (A) specific (B) exactly (C) ideal (D) basis 8. Error Recognition練習問題 (A)Could you pass me that (B)floppy and one of (C)a discs on (D)the table? 9. Error Recognition練習問題 Thank you (A)so much for the (B)lovely cake --- (C)everyone thought it was (D)deliciousness. 10. Error Recognition練習問題 The manual (A)looks too (B)complication (C)for me to (D)really understand. 11. Error Recognition練習問題 (A)Your speech is (B)not (C)different (D)from the last speaker who appeared at this computer seminar. 12. Error Recognition練習問題 (A)It look the client (B)half hour (C)to arrive (D)at our office. 13. Error Recognition練習問題 Every (A)six (B)hour (C)our server automatically (D)runs a check for viruses. (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 It seems ----- just when the Asian art of paper folding emerged, although it is likely to have developed out of an older tradition of the decorative folding of cloth. (A) not being clear (B) to have been unclear (C) unclear (D) unclearly 2. 空所補充問題 The design of a building requires the architect ----- in a continuous dialogue between theoretical and practical considerations. (A) to engage (B) engaging (C) engage (D) engaged 3. 空所補充問題 The Treaty of Versailles formally ending World War I was harshly criticized not only by the vanquished, -----. (A) and by the victors as well (B) but by the victors as well (C) but by the victors indeed (D) or by the victors too 4. 空所補充問題 Since ancient boats were typically constructed out of perishable materials, archaeologists ----- find them intact and often must rely on contemporary artistic depictions of them. (A) unlikely (B) almost not ever (C) hardly never (D) rarely 5. 空所補充問題 ----- the most valuable and endangered tree species of tropical South America are the hardwoods teak and mahogany. (A) Within (B) Throughout (C) Among (D) Without 6. 正誤問題 It was (A)after German author Thomas Mann received (B)the Nobel Prize for literature in 1929 that he (C)goes on to create his most mature and distinguished (D)works. 7. 正誤問題 (A)Historic linguistics (B)is the study of the (C)changes languages (D)undergo over the centuries. 8. 正誤問題 (A)A controversy is currently (B)being raged in the field of artificial intelligence (C)over whether 'intelligent' computers reproduce human intelligence, or (D)merely mimic it. 9. 正誤問題 Cryogenics (A)is the science, (B)while still in its infancy, of preserving dead animals in a frozen state and (C)attempting to revive (D)them at a later date. 10. 正誤問題 (A)The human vertebral column (B)are also known (C)as the backbone, the spine (D)and the spinal column. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I would rather _____ to the party tonight. (A) not to go (B) to not go (C) not going (D) not go 訳:今夜はパーティーには行かないことにしたいと思う。 ※正解(D)。【着眼点】would rather 〜は〜に原形不定詞をとる慣用表現であるから (A), (B), (C)は不可。なお,toつきにせよtoなしにせよ,不定詞の否定形は否定語を不定詞の直前に置いてつくる点にも注意。would rather not 〜は「〜しないことを望む」の意になる。 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 During my college years, I would often stay up all night _____ political issues with my roommate. (A) discuss (B) debating (C) being debated (D) discussing about 訳:大学生時代はよくルームメイトと政治問題について議論を戦わせながら夜を明かしたものだ。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】「〜しながら」という付帯状況を表す分詞構文の分詞を選ぶ問題。議論するのはだれかという分詞の意味主語は,ここでは文全体の主語であるIと一致する。 【選択肢】Iは議論する側だから (C) は不可。(D) はIとの関係においては問題ないがdiscussが他動詞であることから目的語 (political issue) との関係が不可 ( → aboutは不要)。 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 If I had been there I could have _____. (A) been help (B) helped (C) helping (D) helpful 訳:もし私がそこにいたら,手伝うことができたのに。 ※正解(B)。If I had been という if 節から,主節は過去の事実に反する仮定を表す仮定法過去完了の文になることに注目します。この用法はという形を取ります。正解は,(B) の過去分詞 helped です。 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 _____ do you think about the new model? (A) Which (B) What (C) Who (D) Maybe 訳:新しいモデルについてはどう思いますか? ※正解(B)。What do you think about 〜? で「〜をどう思いますか?」という決まり文句です。(A) の Which は一定の人・事物の「どれか」という選択を尋ねる場合,(C) の Who は「誰?」と尋ねる疑問詞で,この場合不適切です。 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 A mild anesthetic was given so as to --- the patient's discomfort during the operation. (A) minimize (B) minimally (C) minimum (D) minimal ※品詞問題です。to不定詞の直後には動詞の原形が入ります。正解は(A)。 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The product had been completely redesigned and went on to get a very positive --- from customers. (A) sales (B) feedback (C) reception (D) comments ※語彙問題です。文意より顧客からの「反応」の意味を持つ名詞が入ることが分かります。すると正解は(B)か(C)になりますが、Bは不加算名詞のためa feedbackのように用いることができないので正解は(C)。 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 A systems analyst was hired to determine the --- cause of the problem with the network. (A) specific (B) exactly (C) ideal (D) basis ※品詞と語彙の融合問題です。theと名詞causeの間には形容詞が入ることが分かります。すると正解は(A)か(C)に絞られます。(A)は「明確な」の意味、(C)は「理想の」の意味なので、正解は(A)。 8. Error Recognition練習問題 (A)Could you pass me that (B)floppy and one of (C)a discs on (D)the table? 訳:そのフロッピーとテーブルの上にあるディスクの1枚を取ってもらえますか? ※正解(C)。(A) は Could you pass me 〜? は「〜を取ってもらえますか?」という丁寧な依頼表現ですから,この部分は問題ありません。(C) の部分は,の形を取ります。ここでは,a の代わりに the や those などが適切です。 9. Error Recognition練習問題 Thank you (A)so much for the (B)lovely cake --- (C)everyone thought it was (D)deliciousness. 訳:とてもおいしいケーキをありがとう。おいしいとみんなが思ったみたいですよ。 ※正解(D)。(D) の deliciousness は「おいしさ」という名詞ですから,delicious「おいしい」という意味の形容詞を用いなくてはいけません。lovely には,見た目についての美しさを言うだけでなく,「おいしい」という意味を表す口語的な語法もあります。 10. Error Recognition練習問題 The manual (A)looks too (B)complication (C)for me to (D)really understand. 訳:そのマニュアルは私には難しすぎて,あまり理解できそうにもない。 ※正解(B)。lookで,「〜に見える」という表現です。(B) の complication は名詞ですから,正しくは,形容詞の complicated となるべきです。もう1つのポイントは,「非常に〜なのでAが…できない」という否定を表す構文が用いられていることです。この点からも,too の後には名詞ではなく,形容詞が用いられることがわかるでしょう。 11. Error Recognition練習問題 (A)Your speech is (B)not (C)different (D)from the last speaker who appeared at this computer seminar. 訳:あなたの演説はこのコンピュータ・セミナーに出席した前の演説者と変わらない。 ※正解(D)。from the last speaker → from that of the last speaker。比較をする場合には、その要素が同じでなければならない。この文ではyour speechとthe last speakerを比べることになってしまう。比べるべきはyour speechとlast speakerのspeechである。訂正後のfrom that of the last speakerのthatは、the speechを示す。 12. Error Recognition練習問題 (A)It look the client (B)half hour (C)to arrive (D)at our office. 訳:顧客が私たちの事務所に到着するのに30分かかった。 ※正解(B)。half hour → half an hour。Half hourという表現はない。「半時間」を表すには、half an hourかa half hourとしなければならない。 13. Error Recognition練習問題 Every (A)six (B)hour (C)our server automatically (D)runs a check for viruses. 訳:私たちのサーバーは、6時間ごとに自動的にウイルスのチェックをする。 ※正解(B)。hour → hours。Every six hoursはsix hoursを1つの単位として、「毎6時間で」→「6時間ごとに」という意味になる。同様の意味はevery sixth hour (毎6時間目に)でも表せる。 (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 It seems ----- just when the Asian art of paper folding emerged, although it is likely to have developed out of an older tradition of the decorative folding of cloth. (A) not being clear (B) to have been unclear (C) unclear (D) unclearly ※正解(C)。seemsの後に形容詞unclearを続ければ、「アジアの芸術である折り紙(paper folding)がいつ登場した(emerged)のか、その時期ははっきりしていないようである」の意味になる。 2. 空所補充問題 The design of a building requires the architect ----- in a continuous dialogue between theoretical and practical considerations. (A) to engage (B) engaging (C) engage (D) engaged ※正解(A)。require ... to〜で「……に〜することを必要とする」の意味になる。正解は(A) to engageである。 3. 空所補充問題 The Treaty of Versailles formally ending World War I was harshly criticized not only by the vanquished, -----. (A) and by the victors as well (B) but by the victors as well (C) but by the victors indeed (D) or by the victors too ※正解(B)。not only ... の後に来るのはbut alsoだが、alsoは省略されることがあるので、正解は(B) not by the victors as wellである。このas wellがalsoと同じ働きをしている。The Treaty of Versailles「ベルサイユ条約」。 4. 空所補充問題 Since ancient boats were typically constructed out of perishable materials, archaeologists ----- find them intact and often must rely on contemporary artistic depictions of them. (A) unlikely (B) almost not ever (C) hardly never (D) rarely ※正解(D)。「古代の船は腐りやすい(perishable)材質で出来ていたので、そのままのかたちで(intact)見つけることは……」。この後に続く副詞は?rarely「めったにない」を使えば意味が通るようになる。 5. 空所補充問題 ----- the most valuable and endangered tree species of tropical South America are the hardwoods teak and mahogany. (A) Within (B) Throughout (C) Among (D) Without ※正解(C)。amongには「……の仲間である」という意味がある。The hardwoods teak and mahogany are among ... のamong ... が文頭に倒置されていることに注意。 6. 正誤問題 It was (A)after German author Thomas Mann received (B)the Nobel Prize for literature in 1929 that he (C)goes on to create his most mature and distinguished (D)works. ※正解(C)。goes → went。接続詞after、冠詞theに問題はない。この文の時制は過去形なので、goesはwentになる。worksは可算名詞で「作品」の意味。 7. 正誤問題 (A)Historic linguistics (B)is the study of the (C)changes languages (D)undergo over the centuries. ※正解(A)。Historic → Historical。historicは「歴史的に有名な」という意味。歴史言語学はhistorical linguisticsと言う。undergo「受ける、経験する」。 8. 正誤問題 (A)A controversy is currently (B)being raged in the field of artificial intelligence (C)over whether 'intelligent' computers reproduce human intelligence, or (D)merely mimic it. ※正解(B)。being raged → raging。この場合のcontroversy「論争」は可算名詞。rage「激怒する」は自動詞、したがって、being ragedはragingにしなくてはいけない。前置詞over、副詞merelyの用法に誤りはない。 9. 正誤問題 Cryogenics (A)is the science, (B)while still in its infancy, of preserving dead animals in a frozen state and (C)attempting to revive (D)them at a later date. ※正解(B)。while still → still。cryogenics「低温学」は単数なのでisに問題はない。while stillのwhileは余分である。attemptingは前のofに続いている。themはanimalsのことである。 10. 正誤問題 (A)The human vertebral column (B)are also known (C)as the backbone, the spine (D)and the spinal column. ※正解(B)。are → is。冠詞theに問題はない。human vertebral column「人間の脊椎」は単数であるので、areではなくisで受ける。is also known as ... で「……としても知られている」の意味。接続詞andの用法に誤りはない。 II.時事英文 イスラム教徒のスンニ派、シーア派(その4:全16回シリーズ) Religion and the State 宗教と国 Frank Peters, an authority on Medieval Islam at New York University, says Shi'ites believe that religious leaders should rule Muslim societies. The Sunnis reject that, he says, and their spiritual successors of Muhammad, although pious Muslims, are considered as only political figures. フランクピータース(ニューヨーク大学のMedievalイスラム教の権威者)は、シーア派が宗教指導者がイスラム社会を支配しなければならないと思っていると言います。スンニ派はそれを拒絶すると、彼が言います、そして、信心深いイスラム教徒であるけれども、マホメットの彼らの精神的な後継者は政治家だけと思われます。 III - a. 雑知識
III-b. 英語のことわざ ◆A picture is worth a thousand words◆ A photo can give you a lot of information with a single look. It can give you as much information as a description of something that is one thousand words long. III -c. 英語の新語 ◆Face time◆ Face time is the chance to meet someone in person, face to face. That person is usually someone of the opposite sex, but this is not always the case. You can say, for example, "We had some face time with the new manager today." III-d. 英語のフレーズ ◆ Great people do not exist, only great challenges.◆ ( 偉大な人というのは存在しない、あるのは偉大な挑戦だけである) III-e. 今週のイディオム just what the doctor ordered まさしく必要・適当なもの (exactly what is desired or necessary) 「まさに医者が命じたもの」が文字通りの意味で、医者が調合した薬を「必要なもの」「願ったりかなったりのもの」「望み通りのもの」にたとえた表現です。楽しみや喜びを与えてくれるもの・人を指して、常らに肯定的な意味で用いられます。 I was under lots of stress, so this vacation is just what the doctor ordered. (ストレスを多く抱えていたので、この休暇はまさに願ったりかなったりのものだった) After a hard day at work a hot bath at home is just what the doctor ordered. (1日の激しい労働を終えた後は、家で入る熱い風呂に勝るものはない) We were against her candidacy at first, but now we feel she's just what the doctor ordered. (我々は当初彼女の立候補に反対だったが、今となっては最適な人物だと感じている) IV. Jokes a. My husband was late coming home from work one night. Since he'd been working overnight quite a bit, my mind started concocting various scenarios until I reached the point where I imagined the unimaginable. "I think he might be having an affair," I confided to a friend. "You always think the worst," she said, trying to calm my nerves. "So you don't think it's anything serious?" "Of course not. He's probably only had an accident." having an affair 浮気する b. When a customer left his mobile phone behind in my shop, I scrolled through his saved numbers, stopped at "Mum" and pushed "send". His mother answered, and I told her what happened. "Don't worry," she said, "I'll take care of everything." Five minutes later, the mobile phone rang. It was "Mum". "Martin," she said, "you left your mobile phone in the store." c. After he retired with over 30 years on the job as an accountant, I asked my uncle if there was anything he missed about work. "Year," he said wistfully, "my weekends." d. The patient who came to my radiology office for abdominal x-rays was already sedated. But I still had to ask a lot of questions. The last one was, "Where is your pain right now?" Through her medicated fog, she answered, "He's at work." radiology 放射線学 abdominal 腹部の sedated (鎮静剤で)落ち着かせる medicated 投薬治療を受けた |