資料No. : NS070620
I-1 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 New York's Big Apple Bank _____ that 75 scheduled layoffs have been avoided. (A) described (B) spoke (C) told (D) announced 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I couldn't believe how _____ Tom solved the puzzle. (A) haste (B) speedy (C) quickly (D) swift 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Those _____ looking clouds mean a storm is coming. (A) mysterious (B) ominous (C) menace (D) trouble 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Her husband was _____ to her plans for divorce. (A) knowledge (B) scheming (C) oblivious (D) secret 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The founder of the company --- in 1869. (A) has been born (B) is born (C) had been born (D) was born 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I got the project wrong, and the boss was upset. He --- do it right in the first place. (A) must be to (B) must want me to (C) must be wanting to (D) must have wanted me to 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I wonder who took the client's call; it --- the secretary because she was out all day. (A) could have been (B) should have been (C) might have been (D) could not have been 8. Error Recognition練習問題 They announced (A)the assembled guests (B)that they were (C)engaged to (D)be married. 9. Error Recognition練習問題 To (A)say you the truth, I (B)really don't understand what he (C)wants us (D)to do. 10. Error Recognition練習問題 Tom was very (A)tired today, (B)so he (C)laid on the sofa (D)for a while. 11. Error Recognition練習問題 (A)If (B)he will have been early, (C)he would have (D)caught the boss before he left. 12. Error Recognition練習問題 (A)Computer viruses (B)are inevitable, but it is essential that we (C)will identify (D)their causes. 13. Error Recognition練習問題 If you (A)are president of the company, (B)whom (C)would you appoint (D)chairman of the board? (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 The Internet has spread ----- the number of websites in existence already exceeds 2 billion. (A) such rapidly (B) such rapidly as (C) so rapidly than (D) so rapidly that 2. 空所補充問題 After its construction in New York at the height of the Great Depression, the Empire State Building remained the world's ----- building for more than 40 years. (A) tall (B) taller (C) tallest (D) most tall 3. 空所補充問題 Animism is the belief that ordinary objects or natural phenomena are invested with a supernatural essence often ----- to as the "soul". (A) refer (B) referred (C) referring (D) to refer 4. 空所補充問題 It is an economic certainty that the lower the price of a government bond falls, -----. (A) the higher its yield will be (B) its yield will be higher (C) rises higher its yield (D) higher is its yield 5. 空所補充問題 Cast iron -----cast from pig iron by long heating at high temperature and slow cooling is especially strong and malleable. (A) which (B) is (C) that is (D) that will be 6. 正誤問題 The use of a metal spring to (A)storage and release energy made (B)it possible to make watches (C)that were more compact than (D)ever before. 7. 正誤問題 The Persian Empire, (A)ranging from the Indus River (B)to the western borders of Asia Minor and Egypt, reached (C)its peak (D)at more than 400 B.C. 8. 正誤問題 The nuclear family (A)consisting of parents and their children living in (B)a single household, (C)while the extended family may (D)include more than two generations. 9. 正誤問題 Although a (A)perfectly circular orbit is (B)a theoretical possibility, (C)most the planets and moons travel in orbits that are elliptical (D)to some degree. 10. 正誤問題 Shell and flower (A)motifs (B)did an important role (C)in the decorative elements of furniture design (D)during the reign of Louis XV of France. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 New York's Big Apple Bank _____ that 75 scheduled layoffs have been avoided. (A) described (B) spoke (C) told (D) announced 訳:ニューヨークのビッグアップル銀行は、予定されていた 75 人の解雇は回避することができたと発表した。 ※正解(D)。単語力が勝負となる。それぞれ動詞の意味を理解していないと苦しい。(A)の described は「描写する」。 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I couldn't believe how _____ Tom solved the puzzle. (A) haste (B) speedy (C) quickly (D) swift 訳:トムがあんなに速くパズルを解くなんて信じられなかった。 ※正解(C)。「速く」は副詞でなければならない。(B)は speedily、(D)は swiftly であれば考えうる。 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Those _____ looking clouds mean a storm is coming. (A) mysterious (B) ominous (C) menace (D) trouble 訳:あの不吉な雲は嵐が来ることを示している。 ※正解(B)。知っている単語で、意味が不自然なものから除去する。menace は「脅威」。 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Her husband was _____ to her plans for divorce. (A) knowledge (B) scheming (C) oblivious (D) secret 訳:彼女の夫は、彼女の離婚の計画に関心がなかった。 ※正解(C)。「人+ was ... to 〜」のパターンにあてはまる語をさがし出す。be oblivious to ... で、「…に無関心な」の意。 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The founder of the company --- in 1869. (A) has been born (B) is born (C) had been born (D) was born 訳:会社の創始者は1869年に生まれた。 ※正解(D)。文の最後にin 1869とあるので(A)の現在完了では使えないし、(B)の現在形でもない。(C)の過去完了は過去の一時点における完了や継続、経験を述べるものだから、ここでは不可。(D)の過去形が正解となる。 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I got the project wrong, and the boss was upset. He --- do it right in the first place. (A) must be to (B) must want me to (C) must be wanting to (D) must have wanted me to 訳:私はその計画に失敗し、上司は憤慨した。彼は初めから私にそれを成功させてもらいたかったに違いない。 ※正解(D)。現在から過去のことを推量し、「〜したに違いない」という意味を表現する場合には、must have Vppという形を使う。似たような表現にmay have Vpp (〜したかもしれない)がある。 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 I wonder who took the client's call; it --- the secretary because she was out all day. (A) could have been (B) should have been (C) might have been (D) could not have been 訳:だれが顧客からの電話を取ったのだろう。秘書であるはずはない。彼女は1日中外出していたから。 ※正解(D)。because以下が「彼女は1日中外出していたので」という意味だから、「秘書であるはずがない」となる。「〜だったはずがない」はcannot have Vppで表す。couldはcanの婉曲表現。 8. Error Recognition練習問題 They announced (A)the assembled guests (B)that they were (C)engaged to (D)be married. 訳:2人は招待した人たちに婚約の発表を行った。 ※正解(A)。【着眼点】announce (公表する) はOにthat節 (=公表内容) をとることは可能だが、「人(IO) に物事(DO) を」の第4文型はとらない動詞。したがって「公表する相手」を導入するときは前置詞 (to) を介さなければならない。'... announced to the assembled guests that ...' が正しい形。 9. Error Recognition練習問題 To (A)say you the truth, I (B)really don't understand what he (C)wants us (D)to do. 訳:実を言えば、彼が我々に何をしてほしいのかよくわからないのだ。 ※正解(A)。【文構造】To ... truthは独立不定詞 (慣用句になっているものがほとんど)。what ... doはunderstandのOになっている間接疑問の名詞節。want O to 〜は「Oに〜してもらいたい」の意。 【着眼点】Aのsayは「say+ IO (you) +DO (the truth)」 の構文をとらない。tellであれば可。なお、to tell you the truthのyou (IO) は省略も可。 10. Error Recognition練習問題 Tom was very (A)tired today, (B)so he (C)laid on the sofa (D)for a while. 訳:今日トムはとても疲れたので、しばらくソファで横になった。 ※正解(C)。【着眼点】動詞 (lay) に下線 → 自動詞か他動詞かを確認。laidは他動詞lay (横たえる) の過去形でOを必要とするが、後に続いているのは場所と時の副詞句 (on the sofa/for a while) だけである。したがって、ここは自動詞lieの過去形layを用いる。laid himselfも可能だが文語的。lay on ... のほうがふつうの言い方である。 【下線部】tiredはSのTomが疲労の経験者だから-ed形で正しい。 11. Error Recognition練習問題 (A)If (B)he will have been early, (C)he would have (D)caught the boss before he left. 訳:もし彼が早くにいたなら、きっと出発前に上司をつかまえていたでしょう。 ※正解(B)。he will have been → he had been。副詞節となるif節では未来のことは現在形で表すので、(B)の部分が間違っていることがわかる。主節がwould have Vppと仮定法過去完了になっているので、条件節もそれに合わせて仮定法過去完了にすると正しい文になる。 12. Error Recognition練習問題 (A)Computer viruses (B)are inevitable, but it is essential that we (C)will identify (D)their causes. 訳:コンピュータ・ウイルスは避けられないが、その原因を確認することがとても重要だ。 ※正解(C)。will identify → (should) identify。that節を真主語とする形式主語の構文で、「必要」などの意味があるときには、that節ではshouldを使うか仮定法現在を使う。willは省略するか、shouldに変える。 13. Error Recognition練習問題 If you (A)are president of the company, (B)whom (C)would you appoint (D)chairman of the board? 訳:もしあなたがこの会社の社長なら、あなたはだれをこの委員会の議長に指名しますか。 ※正解(A)。are → were。現実には社長ではないのだから、現在のことを仮定する仮定法過去を使わなければならない。仮定法過去はifの中が過去形で、主節ではwould, could, mightなどの助動詞を使う。 (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 The Internet has spread ----- the number of websites in existence already exceeds 2 billion. (A) such rapidly (B) such rapidly as (C) so rapidly than (D) so rapidly that ※正解(D)。suchの後には名詞句が来るはずである。副詞rapidlyをsoで強調し、その後 に接続詞thatを続ければso ... that構文になる。 2. 空所補充問題 After its construction in New York at the height of the Great Depression, the Empire State Building remained the world's ----- building for more than 40 years. (A) tall (B) taller (C) tallest (D) most tall ※正解(C)。難しく考えることはない。the world'sの後に来るのは最上級のtallestである。 3. 空所補充問題 Animism is the belief that ordinary objects or natural phenomena are invested with a supernatural essence often ----- to as the "soul". (A) refer (B) referred (C) referring (D) to refer ※正解(B)。be referred to as ... で「... と呼ばれている」の意味になる。空所に referredを入れればその前にthat/which isが省略されていることになるので、これが正解となる。 4. 空所補充問題 It is an economic certainty that the lower the price of a government bond falls, -----. (A) the higher its yield will be (B) its yield will be higher (C) rises higher its yield (D) higher is its yield ※正解(A)。the lower ... に対応するのは、the higher ...である。これで「... が下 がれば下がるほど、... はますます高くなる」の意味になる。 5. 空所補充問題 Cast iron -----cast from pig iron by long heating at high temperature and slow cooling is especially strong and malleable. (A) which (B) is (C) that is (D) that will be ※正解(C)。空所の後のcastは過去分詞で「... (から)鋳造される」という意味にな る。このことからisを含むthat isが正解となる。事実を述べているのでthat will beと未来形にする必要はない。 6. 正誤問題 The use of a metal spring to (A)storage and release energy made (B)it possible to make watches (C)that were more compact than (D)ever before. ※正解(A)。storage → store。toは前置詞ではなく不定詞である。その後には、当然、名詞storageではな く、動詞store「蓄える」が来ることになる。itはto以下の内容を指す。thatは関係 代名詞。everは強調の副詞である。 7. 正誤問題 The Persian Empire, (A)ranging from the Indus River (B)to the western borders of Asia Minor and Egypt, reached (C)its peak (D)at more than 400 B.C. ※正解(D)。at more than → before。ranging(分詞構文)及びfrom ... toの用法に問題はない。itsはThe Persian Empireを指す。at more thanではなくbeforeを使わなくては意味が通らな い。 8. 正誤問題 The nuclear family (A)consisting of parents and their children living in (B)a single household, (C)while the extended family may (D)include more than two generations. ※正解(A)。consisting → consists。consistingのままではこの文には動詞がないことになる。consistingを consistsにすればその問題が解決する。household「家族」は可算名詞。接続詞 whileと動詞include「含む」の用法に誤りはない。 9. 正誤問題 Although a (A)perfectly circular orbit is (B)a theoretical possibility, (C)most the planets and moons travel in orbits that are elliptical (D)to some degree. ※正解(C)。most → most of。perfectlyは形容詞circularを修飾する副詞。possibility「可能性」は可算 名詞である。most the planetsのままではどうも収まりが悪い。most of the planetsが正しい言い方である。to some degreeで「ある程度」の意味になる。 10. 正誤問題 Shell and flower (A)motifs (B)did an important role (C)in the decorative elements of furniture design (D)during the reign of Louis XV of France. ※正解(B)。did → played。motifs「モチーフ、基調」は可算名詞である。play an important role in ... で「... において重要な役割を果たす」の意味になる。したがって、didではな くplayedを使わなくてはならない。duringは期間を表す前置詞。 II.時事英文 中国語の勉強はいかが?Time to learn Mandarin? (その5:全7回シリーズ) And what about those notorious tones? Ma (mother), ma (hemp), ma (horse), ma (scold), ma (question)? Well, for me, I take the Nike approach: "Just Do It." I figure if you try to intellectualize each tone, it is kind of like watching your feet when you are learning to dance. So I listen to the native speakers on a CD or podcast and repeat without trying to remember the number of the tone for each word. notorious 悪評高い tones 声調 hemp 麻 scold しかる scold しかる Nike ナイキ(米国のスポーツ用品メーカー) Just Do It. とにかくやってみよう(ナイキのキャッチフレーズ) figure 〜 〜と思う intellectualize 〜 〜を知的に分析する is kind of like 〜 〜のようなものだ number of the tone 中国語声調(四声)を示す番号のこと III - a. 雑知識
III-b. 英語のことわざ ◆Adversity makes strange bedfellows◆ When something bad happens, when people face a common danger, it will force people to cooperate to survive or to find a way of making things better. Sometimes it will force together people who would not normally cooperate. "Adversity" means "difficult or dangerous situation." A "bedfellow" is someone who shares a bed with you. III -c. 英語の新語 ◆Sleep camel◆ Camels live in the desert so they have learned to survive a long time without food or water. When they do eat and drink, their bodies stores the food and water, so they can survive another long period without. A sleep camel is a person who does not sleep very much during the week. He or she catches up by sleeping a lot on the weekends. III-d. 英語のフレーズ ◆ The reward of suffering is experience.◆ ( 苦しみによって得られるものは経験である) III-e. 今週のイディオム on board 組織、活動にかかわって (involved with something or working for an organization) 旅客機、船・列車などに「乗り込んで」の意味の副詞が、動詞を就職して仕事や組織に「参加して、かかわって」の意味で使われるようになりました。活動の趣旨に賛同して加わるという含みがあります。 Kim, make a decision. Are you going to get on board this project or not? (キム、早く決めなさいよ。この計画に加わるの、加わらないの?) Supporters of the Kyoto Protocol said that it would be necessary to have the United States on board. (京都議定書の支持者たちは、米国を参加させる必要があると述べた) IV. Jokes a. I'm a pack rat, which means I collect what others consider junk. For years my wife hounded me to do something about the mess, but I just kept putting it off, even after she threatened to take matters into her own hands. One day I was looking through the classifieds and came across a great deal on a state-of-the-art treadmill. I called the number a couple of times, but it was always busy. Finally, it dawned on me - I was dialing my own number. junk くず、がらくた hounded しつこく追いかける classifieds 広告 great deal お買い得品 state-of-the-art 最先端技術を用いた treadmill 踏み車 dawned 真相が分かった b. I took my daughter to lunch one day at the military base near our home. As we approached the gate, I told her they would check our ID, which meant that we must show something with our name on it. "Well," she replied, "Mummy wrote my name in my shoes." c. Guns always scared me. But when my new job required me to transport valuables, I decided I needed one for protection. Since I knew next to nothing about firearms, I joined a pistol club, hoping to pick up some much-needed pointers. After watching and evaluating my technique for a few weeks, the instructor pulled me aside. "Are you open to a suggestion?" he asked. "Absolutely," I replied. "Hire a bodyguard." |