資料No. : NS070606
I-1 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題 (1) TOEIC 1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 When I returned home I discovered that I _____ my wallet at the party. (A) leave (B) did leave (C) left (D) had left 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Do you think Steve _____ be hired for the new vice-president's position? (A) would (B) will (C) must (D) shall 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 When I lived in Italy last July, I _____ a beach-side villa for the whole time. (A) rent (B) rented (C) had been renting (D) had rented 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 If we don't sell all our stock now, we _____ lose everything. (A) are (B) did (C) will (D) would 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 His inheritance had --- him the company president. (A) brought (B) done (C) made (D) got 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The manager has --- ill and cannot attend the meeting. (A) Catch (B) stand (C) fallen (D) remain 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The client went to the president's office to discuss --- with him. (A) The plan (B) over the plan (C) about the plan (D) as to the plan 8. Error Recognition練習問題 Not only the president (A)but the vice-president (B)are from (C)the (D)South. 9. Error Recognition練習問題 (A)The man who lives in the (B)house across the street (C)to be often seen walking (D)his dog. 10. Error Recognition練習問題 The trainee, (A)to our regret, (B)were unable to contribute (C)much to the R & D team (D)due to a lack of experience. 11. Error Recognition練習問題 (A)Have you ever considered (B)what it would cost if someone (C)were paid to do the work (D)your consultant does it? 12. Error Recognition練習問題 The CEO (A)is said to (B)have visited a firm out of town, (C)where he often (D)deals with in his business. 13. Error Recognition練習問題 She wishes that we (A)didn't send (B)her the documents yesterday (C)because she's (D)very busy. (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 After a road construction crew lays down the asphalt, its surface ------ with a sealer that protects the road from wear. (A) is covered (B) are they covered (C) that covers (D) covering 2. 空所補充問題 Semantics is a branch of linguistics concerned with the structure ------ the changes of meaning in language. (A) as well (B) and well (C) and as well (D) as well as 3. 空所補充問題 Not until aircraft were able to carry loads heavy enough to be useful in transportation and war ------. (A) investors took them seriously (B) they were taken seriously by investors (C) did investors take them seriously (D) with investors taking them seriously 4. 空所補充問題 After being nominated for the award five years in a row but never actually receiving it, many believe it's about time Mr. Handy ------ the honor. (A) was received (B) received (C) receives (D) will receive 5. 空所補充問題 Exit-polls show that most people ----- supportive of the opponent of an incumbent president intend to vote against the incumbent, rather than for his opponent. (A) are to be (B) who are (C) who (D) who will be 6. 正誤問題 The invention of writing allowed people (A)to preserve data without (B)committing it to human memory, which (C)it was (D)less reliable than clay tablets. 7. 正誤問題 We finished (A)work on most (B)of the cars, but we didn't (C)have time for (D)the rests. 8. 正誤問題 The president organized (A)a fundraising dinner for his political (B)allies that was (B)attended by 1,000 people, (D)each of which paid $750 for the privilege. 9. 正誤問題 (A)In many parts of India, the cow is (B)regarded as sacred (C)and is not slaughtered (D)by food. 10. 正誤問題 (A)We all wish the jury (B)will realize (C)that a defendant is to be (D)presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty. I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題解答 (1) TOEIC 1. When I returned home I discovered that I _____ my wallet at the party. (A) leave (B) did leave (C) left (D) had left 訳:家に帰った時、財布をパーティーに忘れてきたことが判りました。 ※正解(D)。全体が過去形で統一されているので、(A)は不可。(C)はleaveの過去および過去分詞。 2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 Do you think Steve _____ be hired for the new vice-president's position? (A) would (B) will (C) must (D) shall 訳:スティーブが新副社長の地位に雇われると思いますか。 ※正解(B)。意味上適切なものはひとつ。would は時制が問題。 3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 When I lived in Italy last July, I _____ a beach-side villa for the whole time. (A) rent (B) rented (C) had been renting (D) had rented 訳:去年の 7 月にイタリアで過ごした時は、浜辺の別荘をずっと借りていました。 ※正解(B)。難しく考えないように。普通に時制を一致させる。明確に定まった過去を表す when 節とともに現在完了は用いない。 4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 If we don't sell all our stock now, we _____ lose everything. (A) are (B) did (C) will (D) would 訳:すぐに在庫を全部売らなければ、私たちはすべてを失うでしょう。 ※正解(C)。lose が原形動詞なので(A)は不可。意味上(B)も無理がある。If に続く節が don't なので、(D)would にする必要はない。 5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 His inheritance had --- him the company president. (B) brought (B) done (C) made (D) got 訳:彼は遺産相続で会社社長になった。 ※正解(C)。動詞の後にhimとthe company presidentがあるので、それぞれ目的語と補語と考え、「彼を社長にする」という意味の単語を選ぶことになる。その条件に合うのはmake。他の3つの動詞では<目的語+ 補語>の形を取れない。 6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The manager has --- ill and cannot attend the meeting. (B) Catch (B) stand (C) fallen (D) remain 訳:課長は病気になり、会議に出席できなかった。 ※正解(C)。fall illで「病気になる」ことを意味する。(D)のremainでも意味は通じるが、現在完了形の形に合わないので不適。fall illは「突然病気になる」感じで、be taken illと同じ。 7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題 The client went to the president's office to discuss --- with him. (A) the plan (B) over the plan (C) about the plan (D) as to the plan ※正解(A)。discussは動詞であり、前置詞なしで名詞を続けることができる。(B)のoverや(C)のabout、(D)のas to (〜について)という前置詞(句)はいずれも不要。 8. Error Recognition練習問題 Not only the president (A)but the vice-president (B)are from (C)the (D)South. 訳:大統領だけでなく副大統領も南部の出身である。 ※正解(B)。【着眼点】'Not only A but B'はBに重点を置いた表現構造なので、動詞は B (vice-president=単数名詞) に呼応させるのが原則。「主語=AとB」ではない。TOEIC では原則として [正用法] で解答すること。 【下線部】「AだけでなくBも」にはnot only [just, merely] A but also [even] B などのバリエ−ションがあり、but の後の also [even] は省略も可能。the South はこの形で「南部」の意。B は is とする。 9. Error Recognition練習問題 (A)The man who lives in the (B)house across the street (C)to be often seen walking (D)his dog. 訳:通りの向かいの家に住むその男の人が犬を散歩させているのをよく見かける。 ※正解(C)。【文構造】(The) #man# (#who# #lives# ... street) #to be# (often) #seen# walking ... #S# ( #S# #V# ...) #V のはず# 【着眼点】関係詞節を取り払い単純化して検討 (The man to be often seen walking...) → S (man) に対する V の候補 (本動詞を内包するもの) は to be seen と walking である → walking には下線がない → to be seen (不定詞) には V (述語動詞) の資格がない → これを例えば is に代える。 10 Error Recognition練習問題 The trainee, (A)to our regret, (B)were unable to contribute (C)much to the R & D team (D)due to a lack of experience. 訳:残念ながら、その研修生は経験不足のため研究開発チームにあまり貢献できなかった。 ※正解(B)。【文構造】The trainee (主語の#単数#名詞) , to our regret, were (#複数#動詞) ... 【着眼点】主語の名詞の単数形と複数形 (trainees) に注意/文の長さや挿入表現 (to our regret) に気をとられて S ─ V の呼応を忘れないこと。 11. Error Recognition練習問題 (A)Have you ever considered (B)what it would cost if someone (C)were paid to do the work (D)your consultant does it? 訳:あなたのコンサルタントがする仕事をだれかがやって、その人にお金を支払うとしたら、どれくらいかかるか考えたことがありますか。 ※正解(D)。your consultant does it → your consultant does。関係詞の節の中には先行詞を指すものを入れることはできない。ここではyour consultant does the workという文のthe workが先行詞になっているのだから、その関係詞節では目的語が存在してはいけない。 12. Error Recognition練習問題 The CEO (A)is said to (B)have visited a firm out of town, (C)where he often (D)deals with in his business. 訳:その最高経営責任者は市外の会社を訪ねたと言われているが、それは彼が商売上よく取引をするところだ。 ※正解(C)。where → which。関係代名詞か関係副詞かの選択は、先行詞の関係詞節中での働きから判断する。この文の関係詞節に先行詞を含めて文を作ると、he often deals with a firm in his businessとなって、a firmはdeal withの目的語になっている。したがって、関係副詞ではなく関係代名詞にしなければならない。 13. Error Recognition練習問題 She wishes that we (A)didn't send (B)her the documents yesterday (C)because she's (D)very busy. 訳:彼女はとても多忙なので、私たちが昨日書類を送ってくれなかったらよかったのにと思っている。 ※正解(A)。didn't send → hadn't sent。「昨日〜しなければよかった」とかこのことをwishを使って仮定法で言っているのだから、仮定法過去完了を使わなければならない。 (2) TOEFL 1. 空所補充問題 After a road construction crew lays down the asphalt, its surface ------ with a sealer that protects the road from wear. (A) is covered (B) are they covered (C) that covers (D) covering ※正解(A)。its surfaceの後に動詞が来るのは明らか。are they coveredでは主語がダブってしまう。また、単数its surfaceをareで受けるはずがない。正解はis coveredである。 2. 空所補充問題 Semantics is a branch of linguistics concerned with the structure ------ the changes of meaning in language. (A) as well (B) and well (C) and as well (D) as well as ※正解(D)。the structureとthe changes ... と2つ名詞句が並んでいる。接続詞の andを入れたいところだが、選択肢にはand well、and as wellと余分な語がついている。as well asを空所に入れれば「the changes ... ばかりでなくthe structureも」の意味になる。 3. 空所補充問題 Not until aircraft were able to carry loads heavy enough to be useful in transportation and war ------. (A) investors took them seriously (B) they were taken seriously by investors (C) did investors take them seriously (D) with investors taking them seriously ※正解(C)。文頭に否定語Notがあるので、当然、空所には倒置された文が入るはずである。正解はdid investors take them seriouslyである。 4. 空所補充問題 After being nominated for the award five years in a row but never actually receiving it, many believe it's about time Mr. Handy ------ the honor. (A) was received (B) received (C) receives (D) will receive ※正解(B)。it's about time ... は仮定法の文であることを忘れてはいけない。この後 に過去形receivedを使うことで、「そろそろ ... してもいいころだ」の意味を表す。 5. 空所補充問題 Exit-polls show that most people ----- supportive of the opponent of an incumbent president intend to vote against the incumbent, rather than for his opponent. (A) are to be (B) who are (C) who (D) who will be ※正解(B)。supportiveは「支える、支持する」という意味の形容詞である。また、 most people ... この文の動詞はintendである。したがって、空所には関係代名詞と be動詞が入るはずである。文脈から判断して、未来形にする必要はないので、正解は who areになる。 6. 正誤問題 The invention of writing allowed people (A)to preserve data without (B)committing it to human memory, which (C)it was (D)less reliable than clay tablets. ※正解(C)。it → itを取る。不定詞to、withoutの後の動名詞committingの用法に問題はない。whichの後 のitは何を指しているのかがわからない。実は、このitが余分だったのである。 less ... thanは劣等比較。 7. 正誤問題 We finished (A)work on most (B)of the cars, but we didn't (C)have time for (D)the rests. ※正解(D)。the rests → the rest。この場合のworkは名詞。most of the cars、have timeに問題は見当たらな い。the restで「残り」の意味になる。restsと複数形にする必要はない。 8. 正誤問題 The president organized (A)a fundraising dinner for his political (B)allies that was (B)attended by 1,000 people, (D)each of which paid $750 for the privilege. ※正解(D)。each of which → each of whom。冠詞a、allies「同盟」、受け身was attended by ... の用法に問題はな い。whichは前のpeopleを受けているので、whomを使ってeach of whomにしなければ いけない。 9. 正誤問題 (A)In many parts of India, the cow is (B)regarded as sacred (C)and is not slaughtered (D)by food. ※正解(D)。by food → for food。In many parts、be regarded as ... 「... と見なされる」、接続詞andに 誤りはない。by foodのどこがおかしいのか。このままではfoodにより slaughtered「屠殺される」の意味になってしまう。前置詞をforに換えれば、for foodで「食用として」の意味になる。 10. 正誤問題 (A)We all wish the jury (B)will realize (C)that a defendant is to be (D)presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty. ※正解(B)。will realize → would realize。wishがあるので仮定法の文であるはずだが、will realizeと未来形になって いる。would realizeにすれば仮定法過去の文になる。 II.時事英文 中国語の勉強はいかが?Time to learn Mandarin? (その3:全7回シリーズ) So let's start by looking at the task. First of all we might ask what is meant by the term "Chinese." Isn't it obvious? Not quite. The "Chinese" that I am talking about here is the standard language of the People's Republic of China and Taiwan. It is known as "Putonghua" in Beijing. And while there are various dialects of Chinese including Cantonese, what we call "Mandarin" is what you need to learn. task 課題 Not quite. そうでもない standard language 標準語 People's Republic of China 中華人民共和国 Putonghua プートンファ(北京語を基に作られた中国の標準語) Beijing 北京 dialects 方言 Cantonese 広東語 III - a. 雑知識
III-b. 英語のことわざ ◆A rolling stone gathers no moss◆ Moss is a type of small plant that grows on stones, particularly in places that are wet. In this proverb, the stone represents life, and the moss represents success, particularly money. Obviously, plants cannot grow on a stone that is always moving, and so this proverb says that people who are always changing jobs or moving to different places or moving from hobby to hobby without staying for very long at each one -- these people will never be successful or wealthy. III -c. 英語の新語 ◆Slacktivist◆ Activists are people who take action for a cause. They believe in doing something to make the world better. For example, an environmental activist is someone who strongly believes in protecting nature, and will organize protests and other activities to help protect nature. Slacktivists are the opposite of activists. They will only take action for something that doesn't require much effort at all. "Slacktivist" is a combination of "slack," meaning lazy or without enthusiasm or energy, and activist. III-d. 英語のフレーズ ◆ Making mistakes means learning faster.◆ (間違えば、早く身に付く) III-e. 今週のイディオム take something with a grain of salt 話し半分にとる、物事を疑念を持って聞く (not completely believe what someone tells you) 中世ラテン語の「1粒の塩とともに」という成句に由来する表現。信用できない話は、そのままでなく1粒の塩(何らかの条件)を加えて食べるべきだという発想から生まれました。 Larry talks a lot, but you have to take his stories with a grain of salt. (ラリーはよくしゃべるが、彼の話は額面通りにとる必要はない) She's known to exaggerate, so you'd best take her ideas with a grain of salt. (彼女は物事を大げさに言うので有名だから、話半分にとるのが一番だよ) IV. Jokes a. Stopped for a routine seat-belt check, my wife and I were asked by the police officer if we had our belts on. Then he shone his torch into the back seat and asked our six-year-old son, Riley, "Can you put your hands up?" As we continued on our way, my wife noticed Riley was upset. "What's wrong?" she asked him. "I thought he was going to shoot me!" upset 腹を立てて、憤慨して、おかんむりで、ブスッとして b. Our inquisitive granddaughter Cecilia was about four years old when she asked, "Mummy, where does money come from?" "It comes from the mint," her mother replied. She pondered a moment, then said, "You mean the governmint?" Inquisitive 知識欲のある mint ミント菓子、造幣局、〜を鋳造する c. I'm young guy who hates to cook. She's a beautiful waitress who serves food. Of course I was in love. But even though I frequently ordered takeover from her restaurant, I figured she didn't even know I existed. Then one day, after placing an order, I asked if she needed my name. "No," she said. "I remember you from before." Well, now I was on cloud nine. But I quickly fell back to earth when I got my food. Inside the bag was the sales slip. On it she had written, "Cheeseburger - Fries - Large Coke - for nerdy guy with bad haircut." on cloud nine 至福の状態で nerdy 間抜けな、社会性のない d. One afternoon my mother went shopping and returned a few hours later with ten new dresses. "Ten!" Dad hollered. "What could any woman possibly want with ten new dresses?" Mum replied in a calm voice: "Ten new pairs of shoes." holler 大声を上げる、わめく e. Recently I was unable to open one of the back doors of my car from the inside. It was annoying, but not a huge inconvenience. Then, standing in the driveway one day, my son's six-year-old friend asked me, "Are you still having trouble with your door?" When I said yes, he reached over, opened the door and flicked the childproof safety switch. Next time I buy a car, I'm reading the manual. flick 〜を軽く打つ childproof 子供にとって安全な |