資料No. : NS050713  

1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
My wife and I won't _____ forget that day.
(A) ever (B) never (C) hardly (D) no more

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I don't suppose he's serious, _____?
(A) do I (B) is he (C) has he (D) isn't he

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The sales manager seldom ever visits our branch, _____?
(A) did he (B) does he (C) isn't it (D) doesn't it

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
_____ they can meet the deadline or not is the question.
(A) If (B) When (C) That (D) Whether

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Henry lost his temper and started to ---.
(A) call her names (B) call her a name (C) call the names (D) call for a name

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Larry is --- to think that he is smarter than anybody else in the class.
(A) apt (B) impressed (C) subjected (D) prejudiced

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
We sent you the magazine --- your request.
(A) at (B) from (C) to (D) for

8. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
His (A)reading habits are (B)quite different from (C)any one I (D)know.

9. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
The salesman (A)earns no (B)least than ten (C)thousand dollars (D)a month.

10. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
The more scientists discover about (A)life, (B)more they realize (C)how little they (D)really know about it.

11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
Susan's homesickness subsided rapidly, and (A)by the end of the first week, she (B)found that she (C)had become to prefer being at camp (D)to being at home.

12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
When dinosaurs (A)roamed the earth during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, the earth (B)was generally (C)warmer than it (D)was now.

13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
Peter (A)gave up playing the piano (B)professional years ago but he still tries to (C)keep his hand in by playing a little (D)from time to time.

1. 空所補充問題
During a period of about 50 years ----- began in 450 A.D., three tribes, the Jutes, the Angles and the Saxons, conquered most of England.
(A) it (B) when (C) that (D) whose

2. 空所補充問題
After years of rapid growth, Thailand's economy suffered a series of crises in 1998 that were related to -----.
(A) a wave of Asia-wide currency devaluation
(B) Asia-wide of a wave of currency devaluation
(C) a currency devaluation of the Asia-wide wave
(D) of an Asia-wide wave currency devaluation

3. 空所補充問題
In a commodity exchange, buyers and sellers of contracts related to the production and ----- of goods come together in a central marketplace.
(A) delivering (B) delivered (C) deliver (D) delivery

4. 空所補充問題
The Nobel prizes were suspended ----- 1940 due to the chaotic international situation.
(A) on (B) of (C) in (D) as

5. 空所補充問題
The fictional story of Robinson Crusoe was based on the true story of Alexander Selkirk, a castaway who succeeded ----- himself for years on a deserted island.
(A) in sheltering and feeding (B) to shelter and to feed
(C) at shelter and of feeding (D) of sheltering and feeding

6. 正誤問題
Many (A)philosophy, theologians and other thinkers have said (B)that the most satisfied person is one (C)whose desires are limited (D)to the basic necessities that sustain life.

7. 正誤問題
(A)Sharks attacks are (B)more frequent in the early dawn and (C)at twilight hours, when the light conditions make floating swimmers more conspicuous (D)to the fish.

8. 正誤問題
(A)Due to variations in air pressure, the boiling temperature of water is higher (B)at sea level (C)then (D)it is at greater altitudes.

9. 正誤問題
Esperanto is (A)an artificial language (B)whose grammar is based (C)in Latin and (D)other European languages.

10. 正誤問題
Politicians must (A)constantly risk (B)to lose political capital (C)as a consequence of maintaining high ethical (D)standards.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL練習問題解答
1. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
My wife and I won't _____ forget that day.
(A) ever (B) never (C) hardly (D) no more
※正解(A)。【着眼点】won't とすでに否定語があるから,二重否定をつくる (B) 〜 (D) はすべて不可。「not + ever」で never の意。二重否定は徹底攻略。

2. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
I don't suppose he's serious, _____?
(A) do I (B) is he (C) has he (D) isn't he
※正解(B)。【着眼点】I (don't) suppose [think, believe, guess, etc.] (that) ... の構文では,付加疑問は主節のI (don't) thinkからではなくthat節のほうからつくられる。また,この構文では,I don't suppose (that) ... のように形式上は主節が否定されているが,実質上のnotの作用はthat節が受けるものと見なされる。したがって,I don't suppose he's serious. から付加疑問をつくる際は,I suppose he isn't serious. からつくるのと同じ要領で考えることになる。なお,以上述べたことは,主節の主語がIでsupposeなどの動詞が単純現在時制のときにのみ当てはまる。

3. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
The sales manager seldom ever visits our branch, _____?
(A) did he (B) does he (C) isn't it (D) doesn't it
※正解(B)。【着眼点】先行節の主語は単数名詞で人 (sales manager) だから,付加疑問の部分にはheまたはsheが現れていないといけない。また,先行節の述語動詞は助動詞を含まない単純現在時制の一般動詞 (visits) であり,付加疑問の時制は先行節の時制に合わせるから,ここではdoesを用いることになる。seldomは生ずる位置によっては否定の力が弱まり,否定の付加疑問をとることもあるが,問題文のように動詞の前にきた場合は肯定の付加疑問が続いてさしつかえない。

4. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
_____ they can meet the deadline or not is the question.
(A) If (B) When (C) That (D) Whether
※正解(D)。【着眼点】SV or notの節と結びついて全体として主語節を形成できるのは (D) のWhetherのみ。ifは主語節は導けない。

5. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Henry lost his temper and started to ---.
(B) call her names (B) call her a name (C) call the names (D) call for a name

6. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
Larry is --- to think that he is smarter than anybody else in the class.
(B) apt (B) impressed (C) subjected (D) prejudiced
※正解(A)。be apt to do「(本質的に)〜する傾向がある」「(とかく)〜しがちである」cf. be likely to do「〜しそうである」「たぶん〜するだろう」

7. Part V; Incomplete Sentence練習問題
We sent you the magazine --- your request.
(B) at (B) from (C) to (D) for
※正解(A)。at one's request「(人)の依頼により」

8. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
His (A)reading habits are (B)quite different from (C)any one I (D)know.
※正解(C)。【着眼点】differentという語には「何か別のものと比べてみて」という比較の概念が背後に感じられるので潜在比較級などと呼ばれることがある。いずれにしても,純粋の比較に限らず,何かと何かを比べて同じ[違う,似ている]などと言っている文脈では,比較される2つの要素が論理にかなった形で提示されているかをチェックする必要がある。ここでは「彼の読書習慣 (reading habits) 」と「私が知っている彼以外の人間の読書習慣」を比べているのだから,Cはthose of any oneとなる。

9. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
The salesman (A)earns no (B)least than ten (C)thousand dollars (D)a month.
※正解(B)。【着眼点】Bはthanとあるのにその前が最上級のleastではおかしいからless thanとする。no less than 〜 はここでは「〜もの多額のお金」の意。これに関連した出題では,thanを他の語にしてあったり,またlessの部分をlesserとしてあったりするパターンも多い。lesserは具体的に何かを比較の対象にとって「それよりも」と言う相対比較ではなく絶対比較級として用いられる語なので,thanとくっつくことはない。

10. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
The more scientists discover about (A)life, (B)more they realize (C)how little they (D)really know about it.
※正解(B)。【着眼点】文頭のThe moreは比例比較級のThe moreであるから,後半にもう1つ「the+比較級」がこないとおかしい。したがってBはthe moreとする。「the+比較級, the+比較級」の構文では,どちらのtheも省略できない点に注意。比例比較級関連でねらわれるのはたいてい後のほうの「the+比較級」で,これを最上級や原級にして出すパターンも多い。

11. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
Susan's homesickness subsided rapidly, and (A)by the end of the first week, she (B)found that she (C)had become to prefer being at camp (D)to being at home.
※正解(C)。had become → had come。becomeの後に不定詞は続かない。come to do「〜するようになる」。

12. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
When dinosaurs (A)roamed the earth during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, the earth (B)was generally (C)warmer than it (D)was now.
※正解(D)。was → is。「恐竜が地球を歩き回っていたころ」と「現在」の暖かさを比較している。現在のことは現在時制で表す。

13. Part VI; Error Recognition練習問題
Peter (A)gave up playing the piano (B)professional years ago but he still tries to (C)keep his hand in by playing a little (D)from time to time.
※正解(B)。professional → professionally。professionalは形容詞。動詞playを修飾するのは副詞。

1. 空所補充問題
During a period of about 50 years ----- began in 450 A.D., three tribes, the Jutes, the Angles and the Saxons, conquered most of England.
(A) it (B) when (C) that (D) whose
※正解(C)。three tribes... the Saxonsがこの文の主語、動詞がconqueredである。空所にitを入れると主語と動詞がダブることになる。when、whoseが使えないのは明らか。正解は関係代名詞thatである。

2. 空所補充問題
After years of rapid growth, Thailand's economy suffered a series of crises in 1998 that were related to -----.
(A) a wave of Asia-wide currency devaluation
(B) Asia-wide of a wave of currency devaluation
(C) a currency devaluation of the Asia-wide wave
(D) of an Asia-wide wave currency devaluation
※正解(A)。空所の前のtoは前置詞なので、その後には名詞が来るはずである。このことから形容詞Asia-wideと前置詞ofで始まる(B)と(D)は除外できる。(C)ではAsia-wide wave「アジア全体に渡る波」とcurrency devaluation「通貨切り下げ」がうまく繋がらない。正解は(A)「アジア全体に渡る通貨切り下げの波」である。

3. 空所補充問題
In a commodity exchange, buyers and sellers of contracts related to the production and ----- of goods come together in a central marketplace.
(A) delivering (B) delivered (C) deliver (D) delivery

4. 空所補充問題
The Nobel prizes were suspended ----- 1940 due to the chaotic international situation.
(A) on (B) of (C) in (D) as
※正解(C)。suspend「見合わせる、一時中止する」の意味こだわる必要はない。in 1940で「1940年に」の意味になる。

5. 空所補充問題
The fictional story of Robinson Crusoe was based on the true story of Alexander Selkirk, a castaway who succeeded ----- himself for years on a deserted island.
(A) in sheltering and feeding (B) to shelter and to feed
(C) at shelter and of feeding (D) of sheltering and feeding

6. 正誤問題
Many (A)philosophy, theologians and other thinkers have said (B)that the most satisfied person is one (C)whose desires are limited (D)to the basic necessities that sustain life.
※正解(A)。philosophy → philosophers。philosophyの後にtheologians「神学者」、thinkers「思想家」と人が来ているので、それに合わせてphilosophy「哲学」もphilosophers「哲学者」にしなくてはいけない。sustain「維持する」。

7. 正誤問題
(A)Sharks attacks are (B)more frequent in the early dawn and (C)at twilight hours, when the light conditions make floating swimmers more conspicuous (D)to the fish.
※正解(A)。Sharks → Shark。「鮫の攻撃」と言う場合には、複数形ではなく単数形Sharkを用いる。比較級more frequent、前置詞at、toの用法に問題はない。

8. 正誤問題
(A)Due to variations in air pressure, the boiling temperature of water is higher (B)at sea level (C)then (D)it is at greater altitudes.
※正解(C)。then → than。これは比較級の文である。ならばhigherの後にはthanが来るはずである。altitude「高度、標高」。

9. 正誤問題
Esperanto is (A)an artificial language (B)whose grammar is based (C)in Latin and (D)other European languages.
※正解(C)。in → on。冠詞an、関係代名詞whoseの用法に誤りはない。be based「……に基づく」の後に来る前置詞はinではなくonである。other European languages「他のヨーロッパの言語」。

10. 正誤問題
Politicians must (A)constantly risk (B)to lose political capital (C)as a consequence of maintaining high ethical (D)standards.
※正解(B)。 to lose → losing。
動詞riskはその後に動名詞を続けて「あえて……する」という意味を表すので、to loseをlosingにすればいい。副詞constantly、前置詞as... 「……として」、複数形standardsの用法に問題はない。

II. 時事英文
Boston - The world Series champions can be found here in the intimate confines of Fenway Park, but what right do Americans have to call it the World Series anyway?
The misleading term's origins lie in the 1880s, when promoters were searching for a name to give more cachet to the postseason exhibition games between the leading clubs of the National League and the soon-to-be-defunct American Association.

III - a. 雑知識
01. 「一時保留して」のon holdは出産後に女性が休職する場合、She put her job on hold after she gave birth to her first baby.のように使える。また、電話口で相手が待機している場合、秘書が上司にMr. Sato is on hold. Will you speak to him? (佐藤さんから電話がかかっておりますが、お話になりますか?)のように言う。
人が繰り返し使う「決まり文句」をrefrainと言う。日中関係を象徴する言葉「政冷経熱」(政治関係は冷え込んでいるが、経済関係は熱い)は、The wobbly relations between Japan and China are described by a recent refrain: politics cold, economics hot.といった具合に説明できる。
morphologyは、生物などで用いる「形態学」の意味。morphだけだと動詞で、外観などを「変形する」こと。The regional conflict morphed into an international religious conflict. (その地域の紛争は、国際的な宗教紛争になった)のように使うことができる。通例、intoを伴って用いられる。
muscle (筋肉)には軍・政治などの分野での「影響力」の意味があり、しばしばflex one's muscleの形で「力を誇示する」という文脈で用いられる。かつてシラク大統領のフランスが行った南太平洋での核実験をChirac flexed French muscle with controversial nuclear tests in the Pacific Ocean.のように表現できる。
immortal (不朽の)の動詞形immortalizeは「〜に不朽の名声を与える」の意味がある。New Yorkの有名な高級宝飾店(high-end jewelry store)のTiffany'sについて、The store in New York was immortalized in the 1961 movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's" starring Audrey Hepburn.のように使うことができる。
outliveには、「長生きして〜を失う」の意味がある。定年に達した高齢者が安全なお金の投資方法や、預金を有効に生かす知恵について、As retirees, we are always on the lookout for safe investment strategies as well as tips on how to make sure we don't outlive our savings.のように述べる場合に使える。
水洗式のトイレをflush toiletと言う。flushは動詞で「水で流す」。Newsweek誌が全面撤回した「米兵がイスラム教の聖典コーランをトイレに流した」という記事は、Investigators at Guantanamo Bay had flushed a Qur'an down a toilet in an attempt to rattle detainees.と報道された。rattle=動揺させる。
addの名詞形additionには「追加された者⇒新人」の意味があり、He is a welcome addition to our company.=彼は我が社の期待の新人だ。独保守系最大野党党首で首相候補に名乗りをあげたアンゲラ・メルケメル女史は、Merkel is a welcome addition to Germany's close-knit old-boy network.と報道された。
ガソリンに使用されている化学物質の「オクタン」はoctane [aktein]と発音する。「ハイオク」はhigh-octane。人間について使われると「精力的な、テンションの高い」の意味になり、ドビルバン氏が仏新首相になった際、Dominique de Villepin is a well-born, high-octane career diplomatのように報道された。
dead letterには宛先・差出人不明の「配達不能郵便物」のほか「死文化した法律・協定」の意味がある。EU憲法批准否決について、The French "non" on May 29 and the Dutch "nee" on June 1 have clearly left the European Union's proposed constitution a dead letter for now.のように使える。
patience (忍耐力、根気強さ)をtest one's patienceの形で使うと「人をイライラさせる」の意味になる。John began to test Mary's patience with his negative attitude.=否定的な態度でメアリーを怒らせようとした、His attitude would test anyone's patience.=彼の態度には誰でも腹が立つ。
I have butterflies in my stomach. (胸がドキドキする)のように英語のstomachは日本語の「胸」に相当し、不安・恐怖を感じる胃の深いところはthe pitと言う。「物事がうまく行かずに胃が痛くなる瞬間がある」は、There are the pit-of-the-stomach moments when things go badly wrong.のように表現できる。
中国の全人代(National People's Congress)は、しばしばThe congress is widely viewed as a rubber stamp - legislation is drafted well ahead with the blessing of the Communist Party and approved with near unanimity.のように説明される。rubber stamp=形式的に承認する機関。
水や酒などの液体を注ぎ入れるのに使う、上が広く下が細くすぼまっている「漏斗」(じょうご)をfunnelと言う。動詞では「注ぎ込む」の意味で、イラクで自爆テロを続ける過激派武装組織のザルカウイ氏について、Zarqawi is thought to be key in funneling suicide bombers into Iraq.のように使える。
book (本)に対してbooklet (小冊子)に使う-letはdiminutive suffix (指小辞)と言う。diminutive=「小さい」で人口の少ないIcelandについてNewsweek誌は、Despite its diminutive population - 293,000 - Iceland has been busily shedding its cod-and-Viking image for more than a decade.と表現していた。
buffetは「人を打つ、なぐる」のほか、The aircraft was buffeted by air turbulence. (飛行機は乱気流で激しく揺れた)や、The financial crisis buffeted South Korea in 1997.という用法もある。同じ綴りで発音の異なる「ビュッフェ(食堂車=buffet car)」を意味するbuffetは仏語から。
The burglar broke the window in a blink of an eye.の下線部は「瞬時に」の意味の成句だが、「ほんの少し前」を強調して、The appointment of women to the executive posts in our company was impossible only a blink of an eye ago. (我が社の女性社員の幹部登用は少し前まで不可能だった)という用法もある。
運命や人生を「切り開く」は、carve out ( = become successful and be respected)を使って表現する。しばしばfor oneselfを伴って独力で達成したことを強調する。He carved out a nice job for himself. (自らの力で立派な職を得た)、She carved out a very successful career as a photographer.といった具合。

III-b. 自然な英語表現(その2:全30回シリーズ)
Part 1 動詞+名詞の表現
2 夢を見る have a dream
I didn't sleep well last night because I had an awful dream.
※「夢を見る」はsee a dreamではなく、have a dream。dreamを動詞で使い、dream a dreamということもできるが、これはThe princess dreamed a happy dream that night. (その夜、王女は楽しい夢を見た)のように、おもに物語の中などで使われる。realize one's dream (夢を達成する)、pursue one's dream (夢を追う)などもよく用いられる組み合わせだ。なお、A dream comes true. (夢がかなう)という表現もぜひ覚えておきたい。

III -c. ことわざ・慣用句、四字熟語
(1) ことわざ・慣用句
● It's hard to imagine anyone buying a picture so badly done. To each, his own, I guess.
※ To each, his own. とは「人それぞれ」の意味。There's no accounting for tastes. という言い方もあります。

(2) 四字熟語
● We're looking for a leader who's both courageous and meticulous, but no matter where we look, someone like that is hard to find.

III-d. 今週のイディオム
smell a rat
(guess that something wrong or dishonest is happening)
The policeman smelled a rat when he saw a bloodstain on the man's clothes.
I didn't sign the contract because I smelled a rat when I re-examined their records.

IV. Jokes
a. Police cadets are being trained in the finer points of recognizing suspects. To test their skills, the superior officer holds up a photo of a mean-looking guy, and then hides it.
"This is your suspect," he tells the group of three. "Describe him."
The first cadet says, "He's an ugly-looking, one-eyed guy."
"You only see one eye because the photo is a profile," the superior officer says patiently.
He then flashes the photo at the second cadet.. "Here's the perp. What do you do?"
"I'd round up all the one-eared crooks."
"I told you, it's a photo of his profile!" the superior officer repeats.
The third cadet pipes up, "The suspect wears contact lenses."
"That's true," says the officer, relieved that one of the new recruits is finally on the ball. "How did you conclude that?"
"Easy," says the cadet. "He can't wear glasses because he only has one eye and one ear."

b. A man opens a roadside stall selling chestnuts, and puts up a sign: 50 cents a bag. Every morning, a jogger runs past and puts the correct money on the stall, but he never takes a bag.
One day as the jogger goes by, the chestnut salesman falls in next to him. The runner laughs and says, "Let me guess. You want to know why I always put money on the counter and never take a bag."
"No," the vendor replies. "I want to tell you that the chestnuts are now a dollar."

c. A Dollar Per Point
A professor was giving a big test one day to his students. He handed out all of the tests and went back to his desk to wait. Once the test was over the students all handed the tests back in. The professor noticed that one of the students had attached a $100 bill to his test with a note saying "A dollar per point."
The next class the professor handed the tests back out. This student got back his test and $64 change.

hand out:配る
