資料No. : NS141015 

'1. You can call this number for assistance from the security firm in case of -------.
(A) bankruptcy  (B) depression  (C) emergency  (D) satisfaction

'2. The new government is planning to ban companies ------- selling their products below cost.
(A) for  (B) from  (C) of  (D) over

'3. The Department of Natural Resources is committed to investigating citizen reports of illegal ------- of solid waste.
(A) destroying  (B) dumping  (C) spending  (D) throwing

(2) TOEFL単語
1. attendance
2. grant
3. compulsory
4. college-bound
5. kindergarten
6. diploma

a. 出席、出席者数、出席率
b. 義務的な、強制的な、必修の
c. 幼稚園
d. <学位・資格の>免状、卒業[修了]証書
e. 大学進学志望の
f. 許可する、認める、是認する。許可、助成金

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
'1. You can call this number for assistance from the security firm in case of -------.
(A) bankruptcy  (B) depression  (C) emergency  (D) satisfaction
訳 この番号に電話すれば、緊急時に警備会社の対処を受けられる。
※正解(C)。解説 in case of ...のかたちで「…の場合に」の意味を表します。これに続く語として文意に合致するものを選択します。security firm(警備会社)というフレーズがあることから、emergency(緊急事態)が適当です。

'2. The new government is planning to ban companies ------- selling their products below cost.
(A) for  (B) from  (C) of  (D) over
訳 新政府が禁止しようとしているのは、企業が原価を下回る価格で自社製品を販売することだ。
※正解(B)。解説 他動詞banの語法が問われています。banはban X from Yのかたちを採り、「XがYすることを禁じる」という意味を表します。

'3. The Department of Natural Resources is committed to investigating citizen reports of illegal ------- of solid waste.
(A) destroying  (B) dumping  (C) spending  (D) throwing
訳 自然資源局が力を入れていて調査しているのは、ごみの不法投棄に関する市民からの報告だ。
※正解(B)。解説 直前のillegal(不法な)と直後のof solid waste(固形廃棄物の)の両方に修飾される語として選択肢の中で最もふさわしいのは、dumping(投棄)です。

(2) TOEFL単語
1. attendance
2. grant
3. compulsory
4. college-bound
5. kindergarten
6. diploma

a. 出席、出席者数、出席率
b. 義務的な、強制的な、必修の
c. 幼稚園
d. <学位・資格の>免状、卒業[修了]証書
e. 大学進学志望の
f. 許可する、認める、是認する。許可、助成金

1-a, 2-f, 3-b, 4-e, 5-c, 6-d

II. 時事英文
Monday, October 6, 2014
Mass graves found as Mexico police seek students
IGUALA, Mexico (Reuters) - Authorities have found mass graves with the charred remains of up to 20 people in the restive southern Mexican state of Guerrero, at a time when police are scouring the area for nearly four dozen missing students after rash of violence.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014
H.K. Pla holds key to '1 country, 2 systems'
HONG KONG (Reuters) - Maj. Gen. Tan Benhong, the commander of the People's Liberation Army in Hong Kong, was a picture of uniformed calm as he shared Champagne with Chinese officials on Wednesday at local celebrations marking China's national day.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Akasaki, Amano, Nakamura win Nobel for blue LED
Isamu Akasaki, a professor at Meijo University, Hiroshi Amano, a professor at Nagoya University, and Prof. Shuji Nakamura of the University of California, Santa Barbara, were awarded the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physics, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced Tuesday.
The award honors Akasaki, Amano and Nakamura for their contribution to developing the world's first blue light-emitting diodes (LED).

III - a. 社説見出し
Monday, October 6, 2014
Efforts must be made to extend life of safe, punctual Shinkansen lines

Shore up returnees' lives after Kawauchi evacuation advisory lifting

Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Intl community must stem flow of extremists drawn to Islamic State

Daiei's demise must be followed by next distribution revolution

Wednesday, October, 8, 2014
Japan-China hotline indispensable to avert accidental military clashes

Measures needed to lessen financial burdens of college students in need

Thursday, October 9, 2014
We are proud that Japan's bright blue light has changed the world

Temporary staffing bill debate goes beyond simple 'increase or decrease'

III -b. ABCニュースから
collecting everything Duncan touched, sending it all to an incinerator


hot zoneは「感染者の多い地域」。


It took a crew of 15 people, a full 24 hours to decontaminate the Dallas hospital
where Thomas Eric Duncan died.
Moving methodically through several rooms, sterilizing machines, collecting everything Duncan touched, clothing, gloves, bedding, sending it all to an incinerator.

The CDC recommends anyone in contact with Ebola patients wear a face mask, two layers of gloves, shoe covers, leg covers.
発症者と接触する場合当局の勧告は-マスク 二重の手袋靴と脚のカバーの着用だ

Some hospitals go even further with full-body chemical-resistant hooded Tyvek suits,
taping gloves to sleeves and suits to boots, so not a fraction of skin is exposed.

Five major US airports stepping up screenings starting Saturday, taking temperatures of all passengers arriving from Ebola hot zones.
IV. Jokes
'1. Three boys were in front of a lion in a zoo. The manager of the zoo asked their names and what they were up to. One said, "My name is John, and I'm trying to feed the lion a peanut." Another one said, "My name is Sam, and I'm trying to feed the lion a peanut." And the third boy said, "My name is Peanut."

'2. Little Johnny asked his mother, "Mom, how old are you?" His mother said, "Well, gentlemen do not ask such a question." Then he asked, "How much do you weigh?" "Well, gentlemen don't ask such a question." And he asked, "Why did my daddy leave you?" "Well, gentlemen don't ask such a question!" The next day, little Johnny found his mother's driver's license on the table and told his mother. "Mom, all the answers are here! You're 36 years old, 127 pounds, and my daddy left you because you got an 'F' on your sex!"
 ジョニー君の言っているFは、failのことで、「不合格」の意味。米国ではよく、学校の成績などがA, B, C,もしくはFで表される。もちろん、運転免許証の性別のFは、femaleのF。
