資料No. : NS141008

'1. Though the injury healed more quickly than doctors expected, ------- three months Jim was still walking with a limp.
(A) after  (B) among  (C) in  (D) later

'2. During the presentation, Jason avoided ------- to his notes since he wanted to impress the audience.
(A) refer  (B) reference  (C) referral  (D) referring

'3. The company's new computers were all ------- by highly secure, anti-viral software.
(A) installed  (B) produced  (C) programmed  (D) protected

(2) TOEFL単語
1. common law
2. statutory law
3. accuse
4. administrative law
5. law-abiding
6. constitutional law

a. 法を守る
b. 成文法、制定法
c. 普通法、コモンロー
d. 行政法
e. 憲法
f. 告発[告訴]する、非難する

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
'1. Though the injury healed more quickly than doctors expected, ------- three months Jim was still walking with a limp.
(A) after  (B) among  (C) in  (D) later
訳 けがは医師の予想よりも早く治ったが、3カ月たっても、ジムはまだ足を引きずりながら歩いていた。
※正解(A)。解説 three monthsという一定の期間を導く語として適切で、なおかつ文脈内で意味を成すのは、選択肢の中ではafter(…後に)だけです。[in+期間]も「…後に」の意味ですが、これは通常、「(現在から数えて)…後に」と述べる状況で用いられるもので、この問題文の場合には用いられません。また、laterを用いる場合は、three months later(3カ月後)のように、期間を表す語句のあとに置く必要があります。

'2. During the presentation, Jason avoided ------- to his notes since he wanted to impress the audience.
(A) refer  (B) reference  (C) referral  (D) referring
訳 発表の間、ジェーソンはメモを見るのを避けた。というのも聴衆に良い印象を与えたかったからだ。
※正解(D)。解説 avoidの語法が問われています。avoidは動名詞を従えて、「…するのを避ける」という意味を表すので、(D)のreferringが正答となります。

'3. The company's new computers were all ------- by highly secure, anti-viral software.
(A) installed  (B) produced  (C) programmed  (D) protected
訳 会社の新しいコンピューターはすべて、安全性の高いウイルス対策ソフトによって保護されていた。
※正解(D)。解説 選択肢はどれも動詞の過去・過去分詞です。protect(…を守る)の過去分詞形であるprotectedを選べば、「安全なウイルス対策ソフトによって保護されている」という受動態の文が成立し、文意が通ります。

(2) TOEFL単語
1. common law
2. statutory law
3. accuse
4. administrative law
5. law-abiding
6. constitutional law

a. 法を守る
b. 成文法、制定法
c. 普通法、コモンロー
d. 行政法
e. 憲法
f. 告発[告訴]する、非難する

1-c, 2-b, 3-f, 4-d, 5-a, 6-e

II. 時事英文
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
H.K. leader declares Beijing will not reverse poll decision
The Associated Press
Pro-democracy protesters flood the streets around the government headquarters in Hong Kong on Monday.
The Associated PressHONG KONG (AP) - Hong Kong's leader said China won't back down from its decision to limit voting reforms in the Asian financial hub as pro-democracy protesters set a Wednesday deadline for a response from the government to meet their demands.

Friday, October 2, 2014
Rain halts search for victims on Mt. Ontake
NAGANO (Jiji Press) - The search for climbers on Mt. Ontake, which erupted Saturday leaving at least 47 people dead, was halted Thursday after reports of rain on the volcano.

Saturday, October 4, 2014
'14 Nobel speculation careens from Pope to Snowden
STOCKHOLM (AFP Jiji) - Nobel prize season starts Monday with speculation rife that the peace prize could go to U.S. whistleblower Edward Snowden, Pakistan girls' education campaigner Malala Yousafzai, or perhaps Pope Francis.

Sunday, October 5, 2014
Hong Kong police arrested 19 at protest site
HONG KONG (AP) - Hong Kong police said Saturday that they have arrested 19 people, some of whom are believed to have organized crime ties, after mobs tried to drive prodemocracy protesters from the streets where they have held a weeklong, largely peaceful demonstration.

III - a. Vocabulary
Intl community must stem flow of extremists drawn to Islamic State
危険な現状 highly dangerous state of affairs
テロ目的(で)の for terrorist purposes
勧誘に応じる answer one's recruitment campaign
現行法で through existing laws and regulations
〜を取り締まる clamp down on ...
資金の流れを遮断する cut off the flow of funds
複数の過激派組織 multiple extremist groups
〜を拘束する take ... into custody
社会の不条理 unfairness of society
中長期的に over the mid- and long term

Daiei's demise must be followed by next distribution revolution
先駆け pioneer
変革をもたらす revolutionize
安売り discount sales
〜の波に乗る ride the tide of ...
果敢に挑戦する boldly challenge
〜を背景に on the back of ...
失敗 fiasco
戦略ミス strategic blunder
インターネット販売 online sales
過当競争 cutthroat competition

III -b. ABCニュースから
Keyword 解説
millions in fines for city coffers
キーワードは、city coffers「市の財源」。
blow a red lightで「赤信号を無視する」。

今回のキーワードは、city coffers「市の財源」です。

That camera that says you've blown a red light or the speed limit.
They are popping up in towns all over the country, which means millions in fines
for city coffers.
Just in Washington DC, money from camera tickets jumped 50% in the past couple of years.
The real concern is that some communities are using speed cameras as a way to generate money rather than as a way to improve safety.
Tonight the district's own inspector confirming what many drivers suspect.
They are getting ticketed even if the photo doesn't match the registration of the car,
and sometimes when it's impossible to tell by the photo which car is speeding.
DC's police chief rejects many of the investigative findings and says the cameras are
reducing speeds and plans to continue to use the more than 200 cameras flashing around the district.
IV. Jokes
'1. Active Pursuits
I'm bald-well, balding. I like to say "balding" because it sounds more productive. And I don't like to say I'm losing my hair, because that makes it sound like had I been more responsible, this wouldn't have happened. "Where's your hair?" "I lost it. You know me. Where are my keys?"

'2. Not Getting It
After I bought my mother a compact-disc player and some CDs, she was excited to discover she no longer needed to rewind or fast-forward tapes or move the needle on her record player.
Knowing she was not that technically astute, I called her a few days later to see how she was managing. "Fine. I listened to Shania Twain this morning," she said.
"The whole CD?" I asked.
"No," she replied, "just one side."

'3. Old and Feeling Great
A nurse friend of mine took a 104-year-old patient for a walk in the hospital corridor. When she got him back to his room and sat him down, he took a deep breath and announced, "That was great! I don't feel a day over 100!"
