資料No. : NS140910 

1. In all parts of the airplane, including the lavatories, smoking is strictly -------.
(A) prohibit  (B) prohibited  (C) prohibiting  (D) prohibition

'2. For ------- we know, the president could be planning to merge with TC Corp. before the end of the quarter.
(A) all  (B) ever  (C) that  (D) what
For all we know, the president could be planning to merge with TC Corp. before the end of the quarter.

'3. The author read an ------- from his latest work, then signed customers' books at a table in the back of the store.
(A) excerpt  (B) excess  (C) expert  (D) extent

'1. It seems ----- just when the Asian art of paper folding emerged, although it is likely to have developed out of an older tradition of the decorative folding of cloth.
(A) not being clear (B) to have been unclear (C) unclear (D) unclearly

'2. The design of a building requires the architect ----- in a continuous dialogue between theoretical and practical considerations.
(A) to engage (B) engaging (C) engage (D) engaged

'3. The Treaty of Versailles formally ending World War I was harshly criticized not only by the vanquished, -----.
(A) and by the victors as well (B) but by the victors as well 
(C) but by the victors indeed (D) or by the victors too

'4. Since ancient boats were typically constructed out of perishable materials, archaeologists ----- find them intact and often must rely on contemporary artistic depictions of them.
(A) unlikely (B) almost not ever (C) hardly never (D) rarely

'5. ----- the most valuable and endangered tree species of tropical South America are the hardwoods teak and mahogany.
(A) Within (B) Throughout (C) Among (D) Without

'6. It was after German author Thomas Mann received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1929 that he goes on to create his most mature and distinguished works.
(A) after (B) the (C) goes (D) works

'7. (A)Historic linguistics (B)is the study of the (C)changes languages (D)undergo over the centuries.

'8. (A)A controversy is currently (B)being raged in the field of artificial intelligence (C)over whether 'intelligent' computers reproduce human intelligence, or (D)merely mimic it.

'9. Cryogenics (A)is the science, (B)while still in its infancy, of preserving dead animals in a frozen state and (C)attempting to revive (D)them at a later date.

'10. (A)The human vertebral column (B)are also known (C)as the backbone, the spine (D)and the spinal column.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
'1. In all parts of the airplane, including the lavatories, smoking is strictly -------.
(A) prohibit  (B) prohibited  (C) prohibiting  (D) prohibition
訳 機内では全席、化粧室も含め、喫煙は固く禁じられております。
※正解(B)。解説 be strictly prohibitedで「固く禁止されている」の意味を表します。この句を成立させるprohibitedが正答です。unauthorized use(無断での使用)やreproduction(複製)などを主語にして使われることも多い言い回しです。

'2. For ------- we know, the president could be planning to merge with TC Corp. before the end of the quarter.
(A) all  (B) ever  (C) that  (D) what
For all we know, the president could be planning to merge with TC Corp. before the end of the quarter.
訳 われわれの知る限りでは、社長は今四半期末までにTC社との合併を企んでいる可能性がある。
※正解(A)。解説 熟語の問題。for all we knowで「われわれが知っている範囲では;おそらく」の意味を表します。この表現を成立させるallが正答です。

'3. The author read an ------- from his latest work, then signed customers' books at a table in the back of the store.
(A) excerpt  (B) excess  (C) expert  (D) extent
訳 著者は最新作の一部を読み、その後店舗の奥のテーブルで客の本にサインをした。
※正解(A)。解説 冠詞と前置詞に挟まれているので、空所には名詞が必要です。excerpt(抜粋)を当てはめれば文意が通ります。expert(専門家)やextent(範囲)も名詞ですが、readの目的語になることはありません。

'1. It seems ----- just when the Asian art of paper folding emerged, although it is likely to have developed out of an older tradition of the decorative folding of cloth.
(A) not being clear (B) to have been unclear (C) unclear (D) unclearly
※正解(C)。【解説】 seemsの後に形容詞unclearを続ければ、「アジアの芸術である折り紙(paper folding)がいつ登場した(emerged)のか、その時期ははっきりしていないようである」の意味になる。

'2. The design of a building requires the architect ----- in a continuous dialogue between theoretical and practical considerations.
(A) to engage (B) engaging (C) engage (D) engaged
※正解(A)。【解説】 require ... to〜で「……に〜することを必要とする」の意味になる。正解は(A) to engageである。

'3. The Treaty of Versailles formally ending World War I was harshly criticized not only by the vanquished, -----.
(A) and by the victors as well (B) but by the victors as well 
(C) but by the victors indeed (D) or by the victors too
※正解(B)。【解説】 not only ... の後に来るのはbut alsoだが、alsoは省略されることがあるので、正解は(B) not by the victors as wellである。このas wellがalsoと同じ働きをしている。The Treaty of Versailles「ベルサイユ条約」。

'4. Since ancient boats were typically constructed out of perishable materials, archaeologists ----- find them intact and often must rely on contemporary artistic depictions of them.
(A) unlikely (B) almost not ever (C) hardly never (D) rarely
※正解(D)。【解説】 「古代の船は腐りやすい(perishable)材質で出来ていたので、そのままのかたちで(intact)見つけることは……」。この後に続く副詞は?rarely「めったにない」を使えば意味が通るようになる。

'5. ----- the most valuable and endangered tree species of tropical South America are the hardwoods teak and mahogany.
(A) Within (B) Throughout (C) Among (D) Without
※正解(C)。【解説】 amongには「……の仲間である」という意味がある。The hardwoods teak and mahogany are among ... のamong ... が文頭に倒置されていることに注意。

'6. It was after German author Thomas Mann received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1929 that he goes on to create his most mature and distinguished works.
(A) after (B) the (C) goes (D) works
※正解(C)。【解説】 goes → went。接続詞after、冠詞theに問題はない。この文の時制は過去形なので、goesはwentになる。worksは可算名詞で「作品」の意味。

'7. (A)Historic linguistics (B)is the study of the (C)changes languages (D)undergo over the centuries.
※正解(A)。【解説】 Historic → Historical。historicは「歴史的に有名な」という意味。歴史言語学はhistorical linguisticsと言う。undergo「受ける、経験する」。

'8. (A)A controversy is currently (B)being raged in the field of artificial intelligence (C)over whether 'intelligent' computers reproduce human intelligence, or (D)merely mimic it.
※正解(B)。【解説】 being raged → raging。この場合のcontroversy「論争」は可算名詞。rage「激怒する」は自動詞、したがって、being ragedはragingにしなくてはいけない。前置詞over、副詞merelyの用法に誤りはない。

'9. Cryogenics (A)is the science, (B)while still in its infancy, of preserving dead animals in a frozen state and (C)attempting to revive (D)them at a later date.
※正解(B)。【解説】 while still → still。cryogenics「低温学」は単数なのでisに問題はない。while stillのwhileは余分である。attemptingは前のofに続いている。themはanimalsのことである。

'10. (A)The human vertebral column (B)are also known (C)as the backbone, the spine (D)and the spinal column.
※正解(B)。【解説】 are → is。冠詞theに問題はない。human vertebral column「人間の脊椎」は単数であるので、areではなくisで受ける。is also known as ... で「……としても知られている」の意味。接続詞andの用法に誤りはない。

II. 時事英文
Thursday, September 4, 2014
5 women in new Cabinet
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe revamped his Cabinet on Wednesday, making good on his commitment of promoting women to leadership roles by appointing a record-tying five women to ministerial posts.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Obama to outline strategy to 'deal with' Islamic State
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama will begin laying out a strategy this week to defeat Islamic State militants in the Middle East, meeting with congressional leaders Tuesday and giving a speech to the American people on Wednesday, the eve of the 13th anniversary of the deadliest terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

III - a. Vocabulary
'1. 「ウクライナ停戦」関連
U.S., European nations must stop Russia's intervention in Ukraine
持続的な停戦 sustainable ceasefire
散発的な sporadic
流動的 fluid
〜にかかっている hinge on ...
地方分権 decentralization
主権 sovereignty
触れる mention
軍事的優位 militaristic advantage
勢力圏 sphere of influence
一体性 integrity

'2. 「次世代テレビ」
Spread of next-generation TV services should be encouraged, but not hastily
〜を大幅に前倒しする bring forward ... significantly
需要を喚起する spur demand (for ...)
映像技術 imaging technology
お家芸 (this country's) speciality
50%を超える shoot up to more than 50 percent
強気の予測を示す come out with a bullish projection
実感しにくい not be easily discerned
〜かどうかが問われる it is a moot question whether ...
高画質の映像処理 high resolution image processing
不満を抱く become disgrunted

III -b. ABCニュースから
Keyword 解説
They feel that they are now finally in a confrontation with United States of America.
「イスラム国は、自分たちがいまやアメリカ合衆国と対決していると 感じている」。

For a group that seeks a return to the seventh century, ISIS has become a master of 21st century internet propaganda.
And tonight, the hunt is on for an American who may have helped to create some of the graphic videos
of battles, executions, even child recruits.
現在追跡中の米国人が-戦闘や処刑 少年兵士などの映像を作ったとされている
All rolled out on Twitter, Facebook and other sites like some slick American media campaign.
It has actually energized their base.
They feel that they are now finally in a confrontation with United States of America.
Which is why law enforcement officials now tell ABC News they are focusing on this former
college student from Boston, Ahmad Abousamra, believed to be one of the architects
of the ISIS social media strategy.

IV. Jokes
'1. A lawyer, a used car salesman and a banker were gathered by a coffin containing the body of an old friend. In his grief, one of the three said, "In my family, we have a custom of giving the dead some money, so they will have something to spend over there." They all agreed that this was appropriate. The banker dropped a $100 bill into the casket, and the car salesman did the same. The lawyer took out his wallet and wrote check for $300.

'2. Q: How many lawyers does it take to change a light bulb?
A1: Three; one to do it and two to sue him for malpractice.
A2; You won't find a lawyer who can change a light bulb. Now, if you are looking for a lawyer to screw a light bulb ...
(Q: 電球を替えるのに何人の弁護士が必要でしょうか?
A1: 三人。一人が変えて、あとの二人が過誤で彼を訴える。
A2; 電球を替える弁護士を見つけることはできません。さて、もし電球をねじ込む弁護士をお探しでしたら…。
