資料No. : NS140625 

'1. We reserve the right to raise the prices on all of our products ------- the cost of raw materials goes up.
(A) as if  (B) even though  (C) however  (D) whenever

'2. The contest sponsored by the regional government is open to ------- living in the tri-county area.
(A) anyone  (B) someone  (C) themselves  (D) whoever

'3. Mary was praised by the president for her ------- solution to the problem.
(A) invent  (B) inventing  (C) invention  (D) inventive

'1. Sneezing, a physiological response to irritation of the tissues lining the inside of the nose, usually ----- with the release of chemicals such as histamines.
(A) begins (B) beginning (C) to begin (D) begun

'2. Some anthropologists say the development of the ability to throw stones was a uniquely significant leap in the evolutionary success of early man, ----- others believe there were many similar innovations of equal importance.
(A) so (B) since (C) whereas (D) because

'3. ----- to obtain more plentiful supplies of fossil fuels in the mid-1940s, the Second World War might have raged on for several more years.
(A) The Axis powers had been able (B) Able the Axis powers had been
(C) Had been the Axis powers able (D) Had the Axis powers been able

'4. Before pigments could be chemically synthesized cheaply and in large quantities, artists painted with substances they found at hand, such as corroded lead, egg yolks and animal -----.
(A) bloody (B) bleeding (C) blood (D) bloodily

'5. ----- the body needs, as well as the medical knowledge of this necessity, ship's crews commonly suffered from scurvy.
(A) Lacked citric acid (B) Citric acid it lacked (C) Citric acid lacking (D) Lacking the citric acid
※正解(D)。【解説】 カンマ(,)の後に文が来ていることから、空所には接続詞が入るのではない かと考えられる。しかし、

'6. In (A)certain types of storms, lightning can (B)travel from cloud to cloud as often (C)than it (D)does from cloud to ground.

'7. (A)A number of unresolved disputes continue (B)to exist in the Asia-Pacific region, such as (C)for instance the division of the Korean peninsula, the Taiwan (D)issue, and the conflicting territorial claims in the South China Sea.

'8. (A)Impairment of the frontal lobes of the brain results (B)in loss of reason, caution, (C)inhibitions, sociability, talkativeness and (D)intelligent.

'9. Most types of rock (A)are formed by a mixture of minerals, (B)because limestone and marble are (C)examples of those (D)which are composed of a single mineral.

'10. The development of modern chemistry was the culmination of a (A)four-thousands-year process (B)that began with ancient musing (C)on the nature of matter and (D)the composition of the universe.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
'1. We reserve the right to raise the prices on all of our products ------- the cost of raw materials goes up.
(A) as if  (B) even though  (C) however  (D) whenever
訳 当社は、原料費が上昇したときはいつでも自社の全商品の価格を引き上げる権利を留保している。
※正解(D)。解説 空所を挟む2つの節を結び付けるのにふさわしい接続詞もしくは接続詞句を選ぶ問題です。「原料費が上がる」「商品価格を引き上げる権利がある」という2つの意味上の関係を考えると、whenever(…するときはいつでも;いつであれ…のときは)を選ぶのが妥当です。as ifは「あたかも…かのように」、even thoughは「…にもかかわらず」の意味です。

'2. The contest sponsored by the regional government is open to ------- living in the tri-county area.
(A) anyone  (B) someone  (C) themselves  (D) whoever
訳 地方自治体の後援によるコンテストには、3つの郡から成る地域に住んでいる人ならだれでも自由に参加できる。
※正解(A)。解説 適切な代名詞を選ぶ問題です。open to ...(…が自由に参加できる)に続くことができ、living in the tri-county areaに修飾されて意味を成すのは、選択肢の中ではanyone(だれでも)だけです。someone(だれか)を当てはめると、不特定多数の中からだれかひとりのみを選ぶことになってしまうので不適切です。また、whoever(…するのはだれでも)に動名詞が続くことはありません。

'3. Mary was praised by the president for her ------- solution to the problem.
(A) invent  (B) inventing  (C) invention  (D) inventive
訳 メアリーが社長に褒められたのは、その問題に対する独創的な解決策を打ち出したからだった。
※正解(D)。解説 代名詞herと名詞solution(解決策)に挟まれているので、空所には形容詞が入ります。(D)のinventive(独創的な;考案の才のある)が正答です。inventは「…を発明する」の意味の動詞、inventingは動詞inventの動名詞または現在分詞、inventionは「発明」の意味の名詞です。

'1. Sneezing, a physiological response to irritation of the tissues lining the inside of the nose, usually ----- with the release of chemicals such as histamines.
(A) begins (B) beginning (C) to begin (D) begun
※正解(A)。【解説】 この文の主語はSneezingで、a physiological ... noseまでがそれを補足す る語句である。したがって、空所にはSneezingを受ける動詞beginsが入ることにな る。

'2. Some anthropologists say the development of the ability to throw stones was a uniquely significant leap in the evolutionary success of early man, ----- others believe there were many similar innovations of equal importance.
(A) so (B) since (C) whereas (D) because
※正解(C)。【解説】 Someとothersが使われていることに注意。文の流れは「... と言う人類学者 もいれば、〜だと信じている人類学者もいる」となるはずである。この流れに合うの はwhereas「その一方で」である。

'3. ----- to obtain more plentiful supplies of fossil fuels in the mid-1940s, the Second World War might have raged on for several more years.
(A) The Axis powers had been able (B) Able the Axis powers had been
(C) Had been the Axis powers able (D) Had the Axis powers been able
※正解(D)。【解説】 後半にmight have raged ... があるということは、仮定法の過去完了の文であるはずだが。Had the Axis powers been able ... は、If the Axis had been able ... を倒置してIfを省略した文なので、これが正解となる。

'4. Before pigments could be chemically synthesized cheaply and in large quantities, artists painted with substances they found at hand, such as corroded lead, egg yolks and animal -----.
(A) bloody (B) bleeding (C) blood (D) bloodily
※正解(C)。【解説】 空所の前には、corroded lead「腐食した鉛」、egg yolks「卵の黄身」と名 詞句が使われている。したがって、選択肢の中から名詞を選べばいいことになる。正 解はbloodである。

'5. ----- the body needs, as well as the medical knowledge of this necessity, ship's crews commonly suffered from scurvy.
(A) Lacked citric acid (B) Citric acid it lacked (C) Citric acid lacking (D) Lacking the citric acid
※正解(D)。【解説】 カンマ(,)の後に文が来ていることから、空所には接続詞が入るのではない かと考えられる。しかし、選択肢には接続詞が使われていない。分詞構文Lacking the citric acidを空所に入れれば、Since they lacked the citric acidの意味を表 すので、これが正解となる。

'6. In (A)certain types of storms, lightning can (B)travel from cloud to cloud as often (C)than it (D)does from cloud to ground.
※正解(C)。【解説】 than → as。 certain「ある一定の」、travel「伝わる、進む」に問題はない。as oftenの後にthanが来るのはどう考えてもおかしい。ここはasとしなければ文が成立 しない。doesはtravelを受けている(代動詞)。

'7. (A)A number of unresolved disputes continue (B)to exist in the Asia-Pacific region, such as (C)for instance the division of the Korean peninsula, the Taiwan (D)issue, and the conflicting territorial claims in the South China Sea.
※正解(C)。【解説】 for instance → 取る。 A number of ... で「かなりの」という意味。continueの後に来る不定詞 toに問題はない。such as「例えば」の後に同じような意味を表すfor exampleを続け るのはおかしい。issue「問題」は名詞である。

'8. (A)Impairment of the frontal lobes of the brain results (B)in loss of reason, caution, (C)inhibitions, sociability, talkativeness and (D)intelligent.
※正解(D)。【解説】 intelligent → intelligence。 impairmentは「損傷」の意味。result in ... 「... の結果になる」、 inhibitions「抑制」の使い方には何ら問題はない。intelligentは前に並んでいる名 詞に合わせてintelligenceにしなくてはいけない。

'9. Most types of rock (A)are formed by a mixture of minerals, (B)because limestone and marble are (C)examples of those (D)which are composed of a single mineral.
※正解(B)。【解説】 because → but。 areはMostを受けている。意味を考えてここにbecauseを使うのはおかしい。butにすれば意味が通る。複数形examplesと関係代名詞whichの用法に誤りはない。

'10. The development of modern chemistry was the culmination of a (A)four-thousands-year process (B)that began with ancient musing (C)on the nature of matter and (D)the composition of the universe.
※正解(A)。【解説】 four-thousands-year → four-thousand-year。 頻繁に出題される問題である。ハイフンを使って語を繋ぎ形容詞的に用いる場合にはthousandsのsを取らなくてはいけない。

II. 時事英文
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Sectarian tensions boil over in Baghdad area
BAGHDAD (AP)- Nearly four dozen Sunni detainees were gunned down at a jail north of Baghdad, a car bomb struck a Shiite neighborhood of the capital and emerged Tuesday that open warfare between the two main Muslim sects has returned to Iraq.

Friday, June 20, 2014
Govt to OK use of anonymous personal data
The government plans to allow companies to provide personal data they own to third parties without consent from the individuals the data pertains to if the data is scrubbed of identifying details, The Y0miuri Shimbun has learned.

Saturday, June 21, 2014
N-plant decommissioning research base set
The government has decided to create a research center in Fukushima Prefecture, operated jointly by members of industry, government and academia, to bring experts together from all over the world to develop improved technologies for decommissioning the crippled reactors at Tokyo Electric Power Co.'s Fukushima No. 1 nuclear powe

III - a. Vocabulary
1. 「G7首脳宣言」関連
明確なメッセージ unequivocal message
新生ウクライナ reborn country of Ukraine
〜次第では depending on
両様の姿勢 two-pronged approach
〜は避ける stop short of ...
強引な海洋進出 strong-arm maritime advance
航行・飛行の自由 freedom of navigation and overflight
強権的な外交姿勢 heavy-handed diplomatic posture
G7とロシアの溝 schism between the G-7 and Russia
〜の価値観を共有する hold in common the values

2. 「福島原発汚染水」関連
凍土壁 ice wall
汚染水 radioactive / contaminated water
抑制する curb
損なう impair
被ばく radiation exposure
設置 installation
地下水 groundwater
地盤沈下 subsidence
〜せざるを得ない leave no choice but to ...
整地 land leveling

III -b. ABCニュースから
They will embed with the Iraqi military forces.
military adviserで「軍事顧問」、
Special Forcesで「特殊部隊」。

Tonight we move on to the crisis in Iraq, big developments this evening.
President Obama today revealing military action is on the table. 300 advisers, Special Forces, being
sent into Iraq.
And Martha is with us now from Baghdad.
And Martha, we all heard the President say today that he's prepared to send those additional American military advisers.
We are talking about hundreds of them. Who are they and what would they be doing?
They will actually be Special Forces, David.
The 300 will divide into teams of 12 and they will actually embed with the Iraqi military forces,
first the headquarters then at brigade level, to help train them and advise them.
And the White House has not ruled out that these advisers would actually help the Iraqis find targets for air strikes.

IV. Jokes
'a. The Woes of Aging
The day after visiting a fair, my wife was in agony. "You know you're past your prime," she said, "when you hurt all over and all you rode was the massage chair."

'b On Retirement Time
Retirement is the best thing that has happened to my brother-in-law. "I never know what day of the week it is," he gloated. "All I know is, the day the big paper comes, I have to dress up and go to church."

'c. Changing With the Times
When I was in high school, I wore Birkenstocks. Or as I call them now, the '90s version of a purity ring.
