資料No. : NS140528 

'1. After choosing Michael as team leader, the manager gave him a ------- overview of the project.
(A) comprehend  (B) comprehending  (C) comprehension  (D) comprehensive

'2. The senator has never held a press conference, and has ------- been asked to answer a question.
(A) always  (B) every  (C) seldom  (D) usually

'3. In ------- to your letter dated June 17, we're sorry that we cannot comply with your request.
(A) addition  (B) contrast  (C) order  (D) regard

'1. Duck hunters use shotguns because the spreading of the shot gives them more ------ hitting a target.
(A) opportunities at (B) likelihoods of (C) talents at (D) chance of

'2. Anyone ----- a child to read will understand what a rewarding experience it can be.
(A) having taught (B) is to teach (C) who has taught (D) teach

'3. More highly-motivated foreign students ----- to State Universities this year than in any previous year.
(A) have accepted to (B) have been accepted (C) accepted them (D) to accept them

'4. Baby birds hatch in the nest ------ they must be fed and protected until they can fly and hunt on their own.
(A) what (B) why (C) how (D) where

'5. Mediation provides a way to solve disputes that would ------ take huge amounts of time and money to solve in court.
(A) like to (B) otherwise (C) rather (D) always

'6. Many of us (A)celebrate national and religious holidays (B)because they were personal entitlements, (C)rather than special occasions intended (D)to offer thanks or reverence.

'7. In (A)interviewing prospective employees, government agencies (B)are prohibited from asking (C)about an applicant's (D)politic.

'8. The (A)audiences watching the award ceremony is (B)responding well to (C)our request for electronic voting on (D)who should win the award.

'9. Neither a fixed-wing airplane (A)or a helicopter, the (B)tilt-rotor aircraft combines the (C)functions of (D)both types of design.

'10. A trip (A)that usually takes about an hour (B)by car can take twice (C)as long as when (D)traffic is unusually heavy.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
'1. After choosing Michael as team leader, the manager gave him a ------- overview of the project.
(A) comprehend  (B) comprehending  (C) comprehension  (D) comprehensive
訳 マイケルをチームリーダーに選んでから、部長は彼に計画の包括的な大要を説明した。
※正解(D)。解説 冠詞aと名詞overview(概要;概観)に挟まれていることから、空所には形容詞が入ると判断できるので、(D)のcomprehensive(総合的な)が正答です。comprehensive overview(包括的な概観)のかたちはよく用いられるので覚えておきましょう。

'2. The senator has never held a press conference, and has ------- been asked to answer a question.
(A) always  (B) every  (C) seldom  (D) usually
訳 その上院議員が記者会見を開いたことはなく、質問に答えるよう求められたこともほとんどない。
※正解(C)。解説 前半に「記者会見を開いたことは一度もない」とあり、後半がandで続けられていることから、空所を含む後半を前半と順接の関係の内容にする必要があります。(C)のseldom(めったに…ない)を当てはめて、has seldom been asked to answer a question(質問に答えるよう求められることはほとんどなかった)とすれば文意が通ります。

'3. In ------- to your letter dated June 17, we're sorry that we cannot comply with your request.
(A) addition  (B) contrast  (C) order  (D) regard
訳 6月17日付けのお手紙の件ですが、申し訳ございませんがご要望にお応えすることはできません。
※正解(D)。解説 選択肢の語はどれもinとtoを前後に配したかたちの句になりますが、意味的に適切なのは、in regard to ...(…については)のかたちを成立させるregardです。in addition to ...は「…に加えて」、in contrast to ... は「…とは対照的に」の意味です。toのあとに名詞が続いていることから、in order to do(…するために)と動詞を導く必要のあるorderは不適切です。

'1. Duck hunters use shotguns because the spreading of the shot gives them more ------ hitting a target.
(A) opportunities at (B) likelihoods of (C) talents at (D) chance of
※正解(D)。【解説】 文脈から判断して「見込み、機会」の意味を表すchance、あるいは、 opportunitiesが空所に入ることが分かる。opportunitiesの後に来る前置詞はatでは なくof、forである。したがって、chance ofが正解になる。

'2. Anyone ----- a child to read will understand what a rewarding experience it can be.
(A) having taught (B) is to teach (C) who has taught (D) teach
※正解(C)。【解説】 will understand ... がこの文の動詞部である。したがって、関係代名詞 who ... で文を繋がなければ、動詞がダブってしまう。

'3. More highly-motivated foreign students ----- to State Universities this year than in any previous year.
(A) have accepted to (B) have been accepted (C) accepted them (D) to accept them
※正解(B)。【解説】 accept「受け入れる、認める」は他動詞である。文意からして、当然、受け 身にしなければならない。受け身になっているのはhave been acceptedだけである。

'4. Baby birds hatch in the nest ------ they must be fed and protected until they can fly and hunt on their own.
(A) what (B) why (C) how (D) where
※正解(D)。【解説】 空所にはthe nestを受けてin which(場所)の働きをする関係副詞が入るは ずである。正解はwhere。

'5. Mediation provides a way to solve disputes that would ------ take huge amounts of time and money to solve in court.
(A) like to (B) otherwise (C) rather (D) always
※正解(B)。【解説】 空所には「調停(mediation)がなければ、もしそうでなければ」の意味を表 すことばが入る。正解はotherwiseである。他の語では意味が成立しない。

'6. Many of us (A)celebrate national and religious holidays (B)because they were personal entitlements, (C)rather than special occasions intended (D)to offer thanks or reverence.
※正解(B)。【解説】 becauseでは前後の文が繋がらない。they wereがあることからas though/as if ... 「まるで ... であるかのように」を使えば仮定法の文にる。

'7. In (A)interviewing prospective employees, government agencies (B)are prohibited from asking (C)about an applicant's (D)politic.
※正解(D)。【解説】 名詞applicant「応募者」の後に形容詞politic「政治上の」が来るはずがな い。ここは名詞politics「政治(活動)」を使わなくてはいけない。

'8. The (A)audiences watching the award ceremony is (B)responding well to (C)our request for electronic voting on (D)who should win the award.
※正解(A)。【解説】 audience「聴衆」は集合名詞である。したがって、audiencesと複数形にする必要はない。

'9. Neither a fixed-wing airplane (A)or a helicopter, the (B)tilt-rotor aircraft combines the (C)functions of (D)both types of design.
※正解(A)。【解説】 Neitherがあるのでorではなくnorを使うことになる。文頭にBeing(分詞構 文)を補って考えればNeither ... helicopterの意味が分かるだろう。

'10. A trip (A)that usually takes about an hour (B)by car can take twice (C)as long as when (D)traffic is unusually heavy.
※正解(C)。【解説】 どこにも問題が見当たらない?take twice as longで「二倍は(時間が)か かる」の意味。その後のasがなくても意味が通じるということは、2番目のasが余分 だったのである。

II. 時事英文
Watanabe must give solid, believable account of how ?800 million was used 
Watanabe said he would have the chairman of the party's ethics committee probe any potential illegality in association with the borrowed money. But it is questionable whether suspicions can be eliminated solely through an in-house investigation.

Your Party has faced criticism for some time that its management is not democratic, with the party strongly characterized as a "private shop" that defers to Watanabe for all decisions on party matters.

III - a. Vocabulary
'1. 「ODAリベート」関係
発覚する be brought to light
腐敗を助長する exacerbate corruption
〜を徹底すべきだ must be thorough in
計〜円 (be) worth a total of ¥...
見返り(として) in return for
捜査を始める embark on a probe (of...)
不正の共犯者 accomplice in wrongdoing
成長戦略の柱 major pillar of the growth strategy
厳しい姿勢で臨む take a stringent stand (toward...)
(〜を)肝に銘じる take ... to heart

'2. 「新疆爆発事件」関係
少数民族 minority ethnic group
計画的 premeditated
分裂主義者 separatist
反日感情をあおる fan anti-Japan sentiment
倭寇 Japanese pirates
撃退する repel
漢民族 Han Chinese
政治権力を握る keep a political grip
貧困状態にある live in poverty
対立 antagonism

III -b. ABCニュースから
These are the five Chinese government spies indicted today by the Justice Department.
economic espionageで「経済的なスパイ活動、産業スパイ」。

These are the faces of five Chinese government spies,
indicted today by the Justice Department,
accused of spying on American companies costing them millions of dollars and causing thousands of Americans to lose their jobs.
This is a case alleging economic espionage by members of the Chinese military.
The five alleged military spies, computer hackers from China's shadowy "Unit 61398."
Their alleged target:
the US energy and metals industry.
There's only two kinds of corporations, big corporations in America: those who have been hacked by the Chinese, or those who don't yet know they've been hacked by the Chinese.
米国の大企業には2種類あります 中国に不正侵入された企業と被害に気づいていない企業です
The Chinese government called the charges "bogus,"
but the FBI Director bluntly told me he has the evidence that proves they did it.

IV. Jokes
'a. Bed, Bath, And Way, Way Beyond
In the hardware store, a clerk asked, "Can I help you find anything?"
"How about my misspent youth," joked my husband.
The clerk shot back, "We keep that in the back, between world peace and winning lottery tickets."

'b. A Grandmother's Wisdom
A beggar approaches a grandmother at the beach with his hands out. "Please, Se?ora," the poor man pleads, "I haven't eaten all day."
"Good," says the grandmother. "Now you won't have to worry about cramps when you go for a swim."

'c. Natural Bull Enhancement
A week after John bought a bull, he complained to his friend, "All that bull does is eat grass. Won't even look at a cow."
"Take him to the vet," his friend suggested.
The next week, John is much happier. "The vet gave him some pills, and the bull serviced all of my cows!" he told his pal. "Then he broke through the fence and bred with all my neighbor's cows! He's like a machine!"
"What kind of pills were they?" asked the friend.
"I don't know, but they've got a peppermint taste."
