資料No. : NS140409 

'1. Ms. Schneider asked the kitchen supervisor how many lunches ------- for the students' field trip.
(A) had been made (B) had made (C) were making (D) would make
(A) (B) (C) (D)

'2. In order to smooth the ------- into the new headquarters, a floor plan of the building was distributed to all employees.
(A) transit (B) transiting (C) transition (D) transitional

'3. Flint, Inc. was able to make products that were only ------- popular among domestic customers bestsellers overseas.
(A) moderately (B) privately (C) seriously (D) supremely

'1. The practice of bargaining is common in both barter transactions ----- those in which currency is used.
(A) and (B) and also (C) and with (D) also

'2. Few people think of a man named Walter Camp while watching American football, but he was the most important figure ----- the rules, strategy, and techniques of the game.
(A) in developing (B) to develop (C) as developed (D) who develops

'3. An attitude of boastful, warlike patriotism can ----- jingoism.
(A) as to be referred (B) to be referred as (C) referred to be as (D) be referred to as

'4. Condominiums are multi-family residential buildings that are architecturally similar to apartment buildings, but ----- each unit is an independent piece of real estate.
(A) in it (B) there in (C) in that (D) in which

'5. The first boatloads of convicts and ----- families to be transported from England to Australia were carried on the First Fleet of 1788 in a voyage that took eight months.
(A) they (B) their (C) them (D) those

'6. (A)Author Robert Louis Stevenson (B)settling with his family in Apia (C)on the island of Upolu, (D)one of the Samoan islands in the South Seas.

'7. (A)In Roman mythology, the god of wine and agricultural (B)productivity was (C)named Bacchus, who was virtually (D)identity to the Greek god of wine Dionysus.

'8. (A)When a region of high atmospheric pressure (B)on the black sea moves (C)toward the southwest, it often (D)means sunny weather for much of the eastern Mediterranean.

'9. The dinosaurs were (A)an enormously successful category of animal, (B)as is clear from the fact that (C)it survived for (D)so many millions of years.

'10. In 1970, (A)voters in the Finland brought (B)down one of the most drastic election upsets in the 53 years (C)since the northern European country (D)had become independent.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
'1. Ms. Schneider asked the kitchen supervisor how many lunches ------- for the students' field trip.
(A) had been made (B) had made (C) were making (D) would make
訳; シュナイダーさんが厨房責任者に尋ねたのは、生徒の遠足に用意した弁当の数だった。
※正解(A)。解説 how manyで始まる節の主語がlunches(弁当;昼食)であると分かれば、選択肢の中で唯一の受動態であるhad been madeを正答に選ぶことができます。

'2. In order to smooth the ------- into the new headquarters, a floor plan of the building was distributed to all employees.
(A) transit (B) transiting (C) transition (D) transitional
訳; 新本社への移転を円滑に進めるために、建物内の配置図が全社員に配られた。
※正解(C)。解説 冠詞theと前置詞intoに挟まれていることから、空所には名詞が入ると判断できます。smooth(…を容易にする)という動詞の目的語として適切なのは、「移行;推移」を表すtransitionです。smoothは形容詞としての印象が強いかもしれませんが、動詞としても使われます。

'3. Flint, Inc. was able to make products that were only ------- popular among domestic customers bestsellers overseas.
(A) moderately (B) privately (C) seriously (D) supremely
訳; フリント社は、国内の顧客の間ではほどほどしか人気がない製品を、海外でベストセラーにした。
※正解(A)。解説 核となるのはmake products bestseller(製品をベストセラーにする)というかたちで、thatから空所を含むcustomersまでの部分はproductsを修飾しています。「フリント社は、only ------ popularであった製品を海外でベストセラーにした」とあることから、国内ではそんなに人気はなかったと推測できます。「ほどほどに;控えめに」を意味するmoderatelyが適当です。空欄の前にonlyとあることから、seriously(著しく)やsupremely(最高に)といった語は意味的に適当ではありません。

'1. The practice of bargaining is common in both barter transactions ----- those in which currency is used.
(A) and (B) and also (C) and with (D) also
※正解(A)。【解説】 文中のbothに注目。「両方」の意味を表すには空所にandを入れればいい。bargaining「取り引き、値切ること」。

'2. Few people think of a man named Walter Camp while watching American football, but he was the most important figure ----- the rules, strategy, and techniques of the game.
(A) in developing (B) to develop (C) as developed (D) who develops
※正解(A)。【解説】 to develop、as developedでは前後の文が繋がらない。who developsはdevelopsが現在形になっているので不可。正解は(A) in developingである。このinは「……において、する時に」の意味。

'3. An attitude of boastful, warlike patriotism can ----- jingoism.
(A) as to be referred (B) to be referred as (C) referred to be as (D) be referred to as
※正解(D)。【解説】 動詞referの用法を知っているかどうかが問われているが、空所の前にcanがあるので、(A) (B) (C)が使えないのはすぐにわかるだろう。正解は(D)。be referred to as... 「……と呼ばれている、言われている」。jingoism「好戦的愛国主義」

'4. Condominiums are multi-family residential buildings that are architecturally similar to apartment buildings, but ----- each unit is an independent piece of real estate.
(A) in it (B) there in (C) in that (D) in which
※正解(D)。【解説】 in itではitが何を指すのかが分からない。there inでは前後の文が繋がらない。関係代名詞thatの前に前置詞inは使えない(一部の例外を除く)。正解は(D)in whichである。

'5. The first boatloads of convicts and ----- families to be transported from England to Australia were carried on the First Fleet of 1788 in a voyage that took eight months.
(A) they (B) their (C) them (D) those
※正解(B)。【解説】 名詞familiesの前に使えるのはtheirかthoseのどちらかである。空所にはconvicts「囚人」を受けるtheirが入ることになる。

'6. (A)Author Robert Louis Stevenson (B)settling with his family in Apia (C)on the island of Upolu, (D)one of the Samoan islands in the South Seas.
※正解(B)。【解説】 settling → settled。この文の動詞は? settlingのままではこの文には動詞がないことになる。settledと過去形にすればいい。

'7. (A)In Roman mythology, the god of wine and agricultural (B)productivity was (C)named Bacchus, who was virtually (D)identity to the Greek god of wine Dionysus.
※正解(D)。【解説】 identity → identical。前置詞In、名詞productivity「生産性」、過去分詞namedの用法に問題はない。「……と同一の」という意味を表すにはidentityを形容詞identicalにしなくてはいけない。

'8. (A)When a region of high atmospheric pressure (B)on the black sea moves (C)toward the southwest, it often (D)means sunny weather for much of the eastern Mediterranean.
※正解(B)。【解説】 on → over。前置詞onは接触を表す。「……の上にある、かかっている」はonではなくoverを用いる。

'9. The dinosaurs were (A)an enormously successful category of animal, (B)as is clear from the fact that (C)it survived for (D)so many millions of years.
※正解(C)。【解説】 it → they。代名詞itは何を指すのか? itはこの文の主語であるThe dinosaursを受けているのでtheyにしなければならない。

'10. In 1970, (A)voters in the Finland brought (B)down one of the most drastic election upsets in the 53 years (C)since the northern European country (D)had become independent.
※正解(B)。【解説】 down → about。この場合のvoters「投票者」に冠詞は必要ない。「引き起こした、もたらした」という意味にするにはbroughtの後にdownではなくaboutを用いる。接続詞since、過去完了hadに問題はない。

II. 時事英文
The Necessity Of Cooperation In Space Exploration (その6:全6回シリーズ)
"Space exploration is not just the preoccupation of scientists and astronauts but a vital undertaking for all those who wish to advance the cause of global peace and prosperity," said Deputy Secretary of State Burns.

"Now is the time to come together to make space exploration a shared global priority, to unlock the mysteries of the universe, and to accelerate human progress here on earth.

III -a. 雑知識

III -b. ABCニュースから
Keyword 解説

A handful of billionaires have emerged as the backroom power brokers.

キーワードは、backroom power broker「陰の有力者」。
power brokerは「(政財界の)大物、黒幕」。

ABCニュースは、一般の市民はon the sidelines「脇、傍観者の立場」に追いやられると伝えています。

今回のキーワードは、backroom power broker「陰の有力者」です。

With this week's Supreme Court ruling finding spending limits invalid, rich donors can now give
the maximum amount to every single candidate for Congress, leaving average Americans
on the sidelines.

Indeed, a handful of billionaires from Las Vegas to Wall Street have emerged as the country's
backroom power brokers.

On the Republican side, there's already been a parade of potential presidential candidates to see casino owner Sheldon Adelson, who says he's again prepared to spend about $100 million if he can find the right candidate. But the Democrats have their own big money figures.

California billionaire and environmental activist Tom Steyer has put out the word he too will put up about $100 million for the coming election cycle.

IV. Jokes
Q: What do you call an old snowman?
A: Water!

'b. Wanda
Knock! Knock!
Who's there?
Wanda who?
Wanda hang out with me right now?

'c. Long Tour of Duty
I work in a courthouse, so when I served jury duty, I knew most of the staff. As I sat with other prospective jurors listening to a woman drone on about how long the process was taking, a judge and two lawyers passed by, giving me a big hello. A minute later, a few maintenance workers did the same.
That set off the malcontent: "Just how long have you been serving jury duty?"
