資料No. : NS140319 

'1. When Tom lost his job suddenly, he was worried that his ------- savings would not support him and his family for long.
(A) collapsed (B) enough (C) small (D) stable

'2. The president announced that Ms. Simms ------- the post of vice-president in charge of sales in three weeks.
(A) assumes (B) had assumed (C) has assumed (D) would assume

'3. According to the speaker, there was one reason people fail to achieve their goals, -------, lack of motivation.
(A) hardly (B) likely (C) namely (D) possibly

'1. Joe Louis officially retired ----- world heavyweight boxing champion in March 1949, becoming a promoter.
(A) to be (B) from (C) as (D) of

'2. The yard is a customary unit of measurement used in the United States which is ----- just over nine-tenths of a meter.
(A) the equivalent (B) the equal of (C) equivalent (D) equal to

'3. In a volcanic eruption, carbon dioxide that has dissolved into fluid magma ----- high pressure returns to its gas state.
(A) under (B) onto (C) in (D) with

'4. The freedoms that our nation's constitution guarantees ----- are accompanied by responsibilities.
(A) a citizens (B) its citizens (C) our citizen (D) their citizens

'5. Computers have ----- been used to direct the operations involved in a wide range of manufacturing processes.
(A) much (B) soon (C) long (D) ever

'6. Holography, (A)the storage of a (B)three-dimensional image (C)on a flat surface, was (D)inventing in 1947.

'7. (A)Most of the grammarians of the 7th century India were (B)primarily philosophers (C)when pursued (D)linguistics in search of philosophical insight.

'8. Symphony orchestras (A)generally contain (B)section of (C)wind, string and percussion (D)instruments.

'9. (A)Technical speaking, the term yacht refers (B)to sailboats and motorboats (C)used for recreation, but not to watercraft powered (D)by paddles.

'10. In a walk, a horse moves (A)moderately slowly in a four-beat gait (B)in which each foot (C)strike the ground separately and the horse is supported at all times by (D)either two or three feet.

I-2 TOEIC, TOEFL 練習問題解答
'1. When Tom lost his job suddenly, he was worried that his ------- savings would not support him and his family for long.
(A) collapsed (B) enough (C) small (D) stable
※正解(C)。解説 文脈からhis ------- saving(彼の貯金)は大きな額ではないことが伺えるため、正答は(C)のsmallになります。collapsed(崩壊した)やstable(安定した)では意味を成しません。

'2. The president announced that Ms. Simms ------- the post of vice-president in charge of sales in three weeks.
(A) assumes (B) had assumed (C) has assumed (D) would assume
※正解(D)。解説 空欄を考えるさいにヒントとなるのが、文末のin three weeksです。[in+期間を表す語句]で「あと…〈期間〉したら」という意味を表し、未来を表すときに使われます。過去から見た未来を表すwould assumeが正答です。

'3. According to the speaker, there was one reason people fail to achieve their goals, -------, lack of motivation.
(A) hardly (B) likely (C) namely (D) possibly
※正解(C)。解説 「目標を達成できない理由ひとつ」と「やる気の欠如」は、同じものを指す同格の関係にあることから、2つをつなぐことができるnamely(すなわち)が正答になります。

'1. Joe Louis officially retired ----- world heavyweight boxing champion in March 1949, becoming a promoter.
(A) to be (B) from (C) as (D) of
※正解(C)。【解説】 retire「引退する」の後にworld heavyweight boxing championが来ているので、前置詞as「……として」を空所に入れれば意味が通る。

'2. The yard is a customary unit of measurement used in the United States which is ----- just over nine-tenths of a meter.
(A) the equivalent (B) the equal of (C) equivalent (D) equal to
※正解(D)。【解説】 空所には「 ... に等しい、相当する」という意味の語句が入るはずである。(D) be equal to ... が正解。

'3. In a volcanic eruption, carbon dioxide that has dissolved into fluid magma ----- high pressure returns to its gas state.
(A) under (B) onto (C) in (D) with
※正解(A)。【解説】 空所の後にhigh pressure「高圧」の前に来る前置詞は? underには「……のもとで、……を受けて」の意味がある。volcanic eruption「火山噴火」。

'4. The freedoms that our nation's constitution guarantees ----- are accompanied by responsibilities.
(A) a citizens (B) its citizens (C) our citizen (D) their citizens
※正解(B)。【解説】 citizensの前にはour nationを受ける代名詞が来るはずである。正解は(B)単数形のitsである。constitution「憲法」。

'5. Computers have ----- been used to direct the operations involved in a wide range of manufacturing processes.
(A) much (B) soon (C) long (D) ever
※正解(C)。【解説】 much、soon、everでは意味が成立しない。have long been used to ...で「……するために長い間使われてきた」という意味になる。

'6. Holography, (A)the storage of a (B)three-dimensional image (C)on a flat surface, was (D)inventing in 1947.
※正解(D)。【解説】 inventing → invented。invent「発明する」は他動詞である。was inventingと進行形にするならその後に目的語が必要である。ここはinvented(受け身)にしなければ文が成立しない。holography「ホログラフィー」。

'7. (A)Most of the grammarians of the 7th century India were (B)primarily philosophers (C)when pursued (D)linguistics in search of philosophical insight.
※正解(C)。【解説】 when → who / that。Most of ... 「ほとんどの……」、primarily「主に」に問題はない。whenの後に動詞pursuedが来ているので、ここは関係代名詞who、あるいは、thatを使う。linguistics「言語学」。

'8. Symphony orchestras (A)generally contain (B)section of (C)wind, string and percussion (D)instruments.
※正解(B)。【解説】 section → sections。generally「普通は」に問題はない。sectionは可算名詞である。ここでは複数形sectionsを用いる。wind instrumentsとは「管楽器」のことである。

'9. (A)Technical speaking, the term yacht refers (B)to sailboats and motorboats (C)used for recreation, but not to watercraft powered (D)by paddles.
※正解(A)。【解説】 Technical → Technically。文頭のTechnical speakingに注目。「専門的に言えば」の意味を表すにはTechnically speakingと副詞を用いる。

'10. In a walk, a horse moves (A)moderately slowly in a four-beat gait (B)in which each foot (C)strike the ground separately and the horse is supported at all times by (D)either two or three feet.
※正解(C)。【解説】 strike → strikes。each footは単数形であることに着目する。strikeには、当然、三人称単数のsが付く。

II. 時事英文
The Necessity Of Cooperation In Space Exploration (その3:全6回シリーズ)
Today, ambitious space programs are beyond the reach of most countries, and so cooperation, not competition, is the name of the game. On January 9th, the United States hosted the International Space Exploration Forum, a meeting of some 35 space-faring nations that is dedicated to building political support for global cooperation in space exploration.

III - a. 雑知識
'01. " leave stranded / 立ち往生したままになる "
東日本を襲った記録的な大雪の影響で、中央線の一部区間で運転見合わせが続き、駅の会議室などで約300人が足止め状態となった。Portions of the JR Chuo Line remained out of service, with about 300 passengers left stranded as of Feb. 18. はAJW の記事から。

'02. " irrespective of / 〜に関係なく "
ノルディックスキー・ジャンプ男子団体(ラージヒル)で日本が銅メダルを獲得した際、葛西紀明選手は、「メダルを取れたことが最高にうれしい。メダルの色は関係ない」と語った。"I am just supremely happy with the fact that we were able to win a medal, irrespective of its color." は、AJW の記事から。

'03. " stunned silence / 水を打ったような静けさ "
ソチ五輪フィギュアスケート女子ショートプログラムで、地元ロシアのユリア・ リプニツカヤ選手がトリプルフリップを飛んだ後に着地で転倒した。Lipnitskaya left the crowd in stunned silence as she crashed to the ice on a triple flip. は、Reuters 通信の記事から。

'04. " ill-advised /(人の行為が)無分別な "
米下院のロイス外交委員長ら訪日議員団は、安倍晋三首相の昨年末の靖国参拝について「中国を利することになると心配している」と懸念を伝えた。Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's recent visit to Yasukuni Shrine was ill-advised and will only benefit China. は、The Asahi Shimbun AJW の記事から。

'05. " year-on-year / 対前年比で "
日本マクドナルドホールディングス(HD)の原田泳幸会長兼社長が、経営の一線から退く。既存店の売上高が2年続けて減り、13年はマイナス6.2%と大幅な減少が続いた。McDonald's Holdings Co. saw year-on-year declines in operating profits in 2012 and 2013. は、AJW の記事から。

III -b. ABCニュースから
キーワードは、campaign trail「遊説」。

Former President Bill Clinton blazing
his way back onto the campaign trail.


Political news today, and an old pro making his move again.
.Former President Bill Clinton blazing his way back onto the campaign trail.
Why? And what does it say about former Secretary Hillary Clinton and the White House in 2016?
Bill Clinton is back. Look, I love Kentucky. You've been good to me.
.Plunging into one of the biggest political battles of the year, the effort to knock off the top Republican in the Senate, Mitch McConnell.
Clinton says he's turned gridlock into an art form. It's a dumb way to run a country. In Kentucky today, Clinton was helping McConnell's opponent,

This year, Bill Clinton is his party's biggest draw, fueled by nostalgia for the past and a hope that Hillary Clinton runs for the White House.
懐古の情とヒラリー氏立候補への期待を抱かせ 民主党の人気者になっている

IV. Jokes
'a. Gigs In Space
Lady Gaga is now saying that sometime in 2015 she will actually perform a concert from space. It's always so much fun when artists do a show in their hometown.

'b. A Poor Ex-Spleen Nation
A medical student was told to remove the spleen from a cadaver. After he did, he kept poking around.
"What are you doing?" asked the professor. The student answered, "I'm looking for the other one."

'c. The Oy of Giving
A mother gave her grown son two sweaters for Hanukkah. The next time he visited, he made sure to wear one. As he entered her home, instead of the expected smile, she frowned.
"What's the matter?" she asked. "You didn't like the other one?"
